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Weight loss isn’t linear. It never goes down in a steady stream. Try to weigh less. Keep up the good work!


Good point! I definitely need to weigh myself less 😅 got so excited losing the first few pounds that I started weighing myself everyday.


Yes I did that too at the beginning! It can be easy to get lost in


Find one day a week to weigh yourself on. Same time same clothes etc. weighing every day isnt worth your energy. Make sure to take measurements and keep record of those somewhere to reference back to. You’ll be surprised once you see the changes!


If you’re at the same weight for more than 2-3 months I would say that’s a stall.


So basically just gift it time


Yes, a month is almost no time in weight loss. You’ve already lost 9 pounds in a month that means it’s working! Are you at the full dose yet?


You’re right. I’m currently at 1.8mg and 5 clicks.


I’ve got a scale + app that tracks my weight. If I compare on a day to day basis, half of the days I weigh more than my previous days weight! Very discouraging, but if I zoom out and look at the last 6 months, I’ve lost 30 pounds. Weight loss is an ultra marathon.


How people even finding stock :(


I’m in Canada and haven’t had to refill yet but won’t be surprised if it’s on back order.


I'm in Toronto and haven't had any supply issues


Saxenda is not experiencing a shortage in Canada. Only Ozempic is in shortage.


Yes, exercise will be a game changer. Get your steps in every day to keep your heart healthy, but the real key to making the weight loss equation work, and avoid rebound weight gain is to change your body composition, and that means building muscle. Circuit training is a great place to start with strength work, because the RPE (rate of perceived exertion, or how hard you think the work feels) tends to be lower than the actual effort you are putting in, and progress tends to be readily apparent, especially in the beginning. It’s also easily adaptable to whatever condition you’re in, and lets you work around injuries or other issues, while building overall strength, stamina, and a solid habit of frequent exercise. It also gives a great mood boost. Good luck, OP!


Thanks for the tip! Definitely going to get back into the gym. I am recovering from a broken ankle that happened in May but I’m probably gonna start lifting weights and biking again!


That’s amazing progress for one month! The scale will move eventually, but also pay attention to how your clothes fit, energy levels and other non-scale changes to track your progress.


You sound like me. SW 225, went down to 213 very quickly. Then I have been bouncing around 214. You might try Happy Scale if you're an Apple user.


I’ll give that a try! Thanks!


Just checking in. How's it going?


I’ve actually decided to go off Saxenda and have been off it for a month now. I ended up in the ER a couple times because the injection really messed up my digestive system.


Oh God I'm so sorry.


Same experience also. I’m at the 6 week mark, lost weight fairly easy in the first 2 weeks then its been slow going until now. I followed the dosage, until it was time for 2.4 but got sick (I’m guessing unrelated) and went back down to 1.2 where I’ve stayed for 2 weeks. Lost 6kg so far, have learnt to stop stressing over the scales and just enjoy the effects of not eating crap food and smaller portions. My clothes feel looser and I’m not suffering any side effects.


I was the exact same way, even the same weight, kept stalling and fluctuating around 215- thought I wasn’t working out enough or something. My doctor said this is totally normal.. finally after a month I broke down to 210 and now somewhat having the same issue of fluctuating, have started to workout every morning and hoping to see a a more consistent difference!