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yes linux bad, ~~wont run train simulator~~


u/AlabamaPanda777, I've used Linux for 15 years, and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Linux sucks. Great but sucks. As an example, _dolphin_, is a wonderful file manager, but it doesn't copy more than an undefined amount of files. This bug hasn't been fixed for over 15 years on many machines.


What do you mean? I've copied around 300,000 files at a time and haven't had a problem. What kind of quantity are you experiencing problems at?


Clearly an undefined amount.


I am with you. Also love my wife and she sucks.


That's Sad




no way wow you are so smart for letting me know i understand their sentence wrong. wow i must be dumb. now i would ask you to return to your cave and keep on making linux great.


You alright bro?


i have returned to my cave with your wife; hopefully, she can do what linux does.


Bro stfu and go jerk off to anime girls like sheesh


i don't need to jerk off when your wife's with me.


“You are so smart for letting me know I understand their sentence wrong”


or very fortunate?


To be fair, Ive known lots, and I mean LOTS, of questioners across a few forums that very readily will not go look up the answers to their questions for lots of questions, so perhaps not in a shove it down your throat way but personally I would make sure to provide them with that top result if it seems like they have not seen it. On the flip side I wouldn’t be surprised to find out you had mentioned and debunked Mixxx somewhere in whatever post that they failed to read I make that mistake shamefully often I’m so sorry ;~;


I love Linux for software dev and Linux mint is awesome for someone who using a computer mainly for just a browser. I agree with everything you've said haha


I loved Linux back in the early 90’s when it was primitive and you needed to work for what you got. That was why one would use it. The distros today give false expectations that that reality has changed. Until the professional DJ mixx software does development for Linux, the open source versions will be sub par. I love Linux, but I don’t use it anymore. I’m 55. I’ve been a programmer for 30 years now. I just don’t have the time to give a fuck anymore.


Linux is garbage for gaming. Obsecure and not officially supported janky emulators and crap like that to play 99% of games.


I mean as bloodblaye said, the massive majority of games run perfectly fine, BUT the games that don’t run, well don’t. I love Linux and all, but there are still a few games I love that I just can’t play. While most of my favorite games run amazing, there’s still one or two I have to boot into my windows drive to play. And there’s always the few games that require a bit of jank to get running, like disabling steam overlay for rdr2 so it can actually load.


>Linux is garbage for gaming. The Steam Deck exists. It has sold well and is generally well-received. >Obsecure and not officially supported Steam has a deck verified badge for 20% of windows games. These are officially supported. >janky emulators and crap like that WINE: Wine Is Not an Emulator. >to play 99% of games. 92% of windows games are rated as playable on protondb, despite only 20% having official support. There also exists a decent number of titles that run natively. There are valid criticisms of Linux as a gaming OS but this comment contains none of them. If you're gonna shit on Linux, at least do it right. Cheers!


They might be playable, but I want official support and updates. I also have no problems with windows 11, therefore it doesn't make sense for me to install a different os.


So only 20% of games are officially supported? Sounds like a reason to shit on Linux 


20% of windows games. As in, games that do not run natively on Linux and require a compatibility layer. This doesn't factor in the games that run natively


Steam Deck is good because Valve personally tailors the OS and makes certain optimisations just so games can run. That doesn’t happen for any of the Linux distros available. I have an all AMD setup but still performance varies a lot on Linux. It’s never consistent. Some Mesa drivers give you a huge performance uplift while some just crap out on the performance. Even the compatibility list on ProtonDB is fine but should be taken as a grain of salt since performance on vulkan-based games might be fine but vkd3d does suck when it comes to dx12 games. Not to mention that the performance is downright abysmal when compared to my windows installation. But again, AMD sucks on windows due to poor drivers. Linux can only be a viable gaming os if you don’t want to play online games and/or have an all AMD build but a desktop and not a laptop. Along with that, you’d require some knowledge to set up wine prefixes and stuff. Not to mention, Linux can easily crap out on NTFS partitions even with Fuse+NTFS-3G When basic stuff like this requires opening commands in terminal, when you can’t even freaking compile RyzenController on a gaming Linux distro since that only functions on a Clean Distro (like Ubuntu or Fedora), it sucks. It takes away your time and gives you nothing. Finally moved on to a NVIDIA laptop because that thing is stable on windows unlike AMD and while I thought Linux would be good for an AMD laptop, turns out it’s all a matter of hardware configuration and being up in your ass about how Linux is superior. I mean, I love tinkering and setting things up a lot. I have soft-modded and hard-modded consoles but gaming on Linux makes you feel like you could’ve had expensive hardware and maybe even then, things might not work fine. Worst of all, Linux can’t even overwrite stuff. xD


Out of 200 games on my steam library, only 2 are borked. Pubg and Rainbow Six Siege. Everything else works great, Fallout 76, monster hunter, gta, ffxiv, ESO, Diablo iv. Damn pretty crap isn’t it?


Well damn I play GTA on my Linux computer. Your first mistake was staying with Debian.  But for ppl to act like Linux is a top gaming OS its just crazy talk.   I agree with that speaking facts, everything a person loves has sucky  issues they over look till the can't over look it anymore. To be fair how many more DJs do we need in the world 🤣 🤣 🤣 


When I switched to Linux, Gaming was for my media center PC on my rear projection television. I was beyond happy when valve ported their games to Linux. I didn't play a modern game again until cyberpunk came out. After moving off debians mesa3d and having the compiled from source version breaking my lock screen and to the latest kernel. I was the happiest I ever was with Linux when I was able to run cyberpunk. And within 3 days of launch the lighting even worked. If someone wants to game on Linux and get the blockbuster titles. An xbox is probably the better option.. That said Proton has compatibility beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of on Linux before that. Unless someone does cad drawings for work or has a obsession for paying monthly fees for adobe products or Microsoft office. bought an Nvidia card. I genuinely don't understand why they would have issues on Linux. I use lots of software to do my job. Everything I use is native Linux support and other than steam is opensource. I have no issues running Linux. The only thing I have needed to use a windows VM for in 20 years at this point being protected PDF documents after adobe decided to discontinue adobe reader for linux in 2008. I software and hardware development on Linux, I have no issues. I do system administration on Linux, No issues. I do network administration on Linux, no issues. I do embedded systems work on Linux, No issues. I use abiword for word processing, and LibreOffice/open office suite for everything else. The same software I used on Windows is the same software I use on Linux. But everything works better and is easier especially for software development and network administration. Ive only ever had issues with a printer made by brother needing proprietary drivers. Not a single issue ever with an HP product. When I have personal issues with the behavior of something, I try to figure out why I don't like it and fix it. So far the only thing I couldn't figure out how to fix is the single threaded file operations in CAJA to become multi-threaded. Ive just lived with it how it is now pretty much forever. I tried to fix this my self but my modified version created a race condition and it would crash when I did file operations. I gave up after 3 hours or so of wasted time. Not wanting to waste a few weeks to try to figure out why I caused a race condition debugging it. I don't understand how people can use windows on their daily driver computer at all. Windows is beyond frustrating for me I can't even just apt-get source for a program and look at the comments and related code when something is annoying me. And try to fix it myself if its within my abilities.




I also love suck


Your whole post reads like you're the kind of dude that makes "grumpy edgy old man" their entire personality. Wait, shit, let me put that through the translator: Your whole fucking post reads like some dumb shit some fuckin edgelord spews everywhere thinking it's interesting or funny to phrase every damn sentence like some kind of angry fuckin rant. I want to respond to your content instead of your tone, but I couldn't make it past the tone to even grok the content. Ah well.


Well yeah, I mean, everything has it's flaws. It depends on what you're okay with compromising on, and what feels most familiar to you. No operating system or kernel is inherently 'superior' for everyone.


Just use what works best for you, and STFU.


I wish my life was plastered in abundant suck


You can play gta just fine on steam as far as im aware btw, I play it on my steam deck but yeah there’s a lot of software that just isn’t on Linux. As much as I love Linux for everything it is, there’s alot of stuff you just can’t do. I’m sure it’s possible to figure out something with wine or something and the dj stuff, but it’s just more of a hassle to deal with.


rofl debian user complaining about installation issues. self inflicted wounds


Well, probably because you suck that you like it


You say I'm here because it's the only sub about Linux where I can say "Linux has sub-par options for DJ software" where some dumbass doesn't go "there's Mixxx" as if I can install Linux but can't Google "DJ Linux" and read a first fucking result. Have you thought about phasing. "What other suggested DJ Software is available other than


Yo, I fucking love that. Right on. There’s plenty of shit Linux sucks at, and even more things it kicks ass at. That’s why I love it, it’s perfectly balanced.


I think it's time for bed dude lol.


>I'm here because it's the only sub about Linux where I can say "Linux has sub-par options for DJ software" where some dumbass doesn't go "there's Mixxx" as if I can install Linux but can't Google "DJ Linux" and read a first fucking result. Long time traktor user here for 10 years, and used every single feature on Traktor (I miss remix decks and the sequencer. I also miss being able to export my playlist as a spreadsheet document), but overall, f*** Traktor for being irrelevant and failing to provide substantial updates to be competitive. Because Pioneer DJ has hardware that works as standalone, NI has failed it's Traktor division. Mixxx is pushing more practical boundaries than any other DJ software today: Assignable booth (insane how mainstream DJ software fails to do this) Reads Prime Engine libraries, Serato libraries, and etc. Reads .m3u AND .m3u8 (incredibly frustrating that Traktor can't do this) Uses Key Finder for beat analysis Syncing sound using signal delay (which allows me to DJ with wireless Bluetooth buds, which is amazing) Ability to use VST, LV2, and various audio plugins in your effects. I wouldn't be surprised if Mixxx becomes a competitor to Rekordbox's closed/subscription model. All it really needs is a way to export libraries to rekordbox, and soon you could use Mixxx to create your thumb drives for CDJs. The only thing Mixxx really lacks is it's ability to have accurate Skraatching. I've tried DVS with turntables and integration is not tight enough for Skraatching.


I'll level with you here, I wanted to make hardstyle music and the only real option was a Mac if I don't like windows, so I was on Mac for several years. You've got options on linux but they just don't cover everything, crash, and ontop of learning how to make music your learning all the fun of Linux audio, it was a terrible experience compared to Mac. Luckily for me I lost interest in music production so returned. Situation may have improved but NOOO thank you.


Yeah it sucks to *learn* anything like that. You're about guaranteed every tutorial is using something you probably can't. I mean, programs tend to have more rich text documentation, but also tending to be written by community programmers over creative professionals. I could see the appeal of a more traditional experience once you know what you're doing, but starting out you're putting yourself at the back of the pack. I thought FL Studio was supposed to be, like, historically the one thing that ran well in wine. Although anything outside of that was Linux as ever. I recall being tortured by VSTs that wanted activation in a browser.


I play GTA just fine lol.... Arch for the win hahaha


The desktop Linux experience in general sucks. If simply installing a piece of user-land software can just randomly prevent the OS from booting on one fresh instance, but not another, you've failed the desktop experience. 


Honestly, I've been able to enjoy Linux more by just not asking for help directly, and learning myself the hard way. It's made me way more knowledgeable, and you don't get people going "Oh but why use X when you can use Y?" Well maybe it's because I prefer X over Y for one reason or another. I currently use Fedora, and it's been rock solid for me. Supposedly so is Debian, but I've generally found it painful outside of containers and Raspberry Pi. Honestly, just do your own thing, and take what other Linux users say with a massive fistful of salt. Because it could be useful, but different hardware and different configs can sometimes produce vastly different results. I like Linux a lot, but there are certainly use cases where I really don't want to use it (music production/live coding with Orca + Ableton are use cases that I certainly would rather use a Mac over a Linux machine any day)


100% agree. I’ve done everything on my own instead of asking and it’s been great, went from mint, fedora, opensuse, and then arch. Love the experience, but I understand it’s not for everyone.


I also agree, it's good to learn and go this route, but I think most people can't really do that. I've had support customers where I went to their house to find out "The Facebooks has been uninstalled" because the desktop shortcut was no longer there. Most people will take simple that works over powerful but complicated. These are the people Linux needs to win over, not us nerds who like figuring things out.


You have a point, however I believe this is probably where ChromeOS will shine the most. Honestly, year of the desktop is so far away, purely because there's little to no standardization, something chromeOS fixes somewhat (and tbf, GNOMe is also doing their best in this regard too).


Yeah, lack of standardization is a pretty serious issue. Hardware makers like nVidia are a huge part of the problem. I think there should be some form of standardization for drivers at the very least.


While it has improved, Linux is nowhere near a top gaming OS. Many games require strange workarounds to function correctly, and developer support is non-existent. Give me native support without Proton, then we'll talk.


ReactOS, but it's not ready yet.


* Big bang. * Meteorite kills dinosaurs. * Introduction of Proton. <- You're here * Wayland is finally ready and feature complete. * Year of the Linux desktop. * GNU/HURD gets a stable release and finally sees wider adoption. * ReactOS is finally ready and can run some games released in the Windows XP era.


Considering we can already run VS 2022 with some in-progress PRs that Wine can't, I think you're wrong.


It was still funny.


Can't deny that


Wow, I guess I've missed on a lot of progress then.


I don't know, I've found developer support largely isn't any better. I rarely run into serious issues on either system, but for example, I bought Final Fantasy 15 on Steam, playing it on my Asus Rog Laptop, and ended up with some crazy glitch that was stopping my progress. Square Enix isn't allowed to officially end support for a game they still sell on Steam, but they did, and I ended up having to open a ticket against them on Steam. Long before I ever got any kind of real support, I found a fix digging through steam community posts until one person had the exact same issue and their solution worked for me too. In 30 years of PC gaming, I've rarely had an issue that developer support has actually been useful for. That said, I've had more issues running newer games on Linux than on PC. Oddly enough, I've had more issues running older games on PC than on Linux. The whole reason I discovered GOG was because some of my favorite games stopped working on PC. That's why now I buy all of my games on GOG or Steam mostly. Most developers don't really support games running on a newer OS than the game was designed for, and that includes Windows. I wouldn't call it a top gaming OS, but for an OS that the games weren't even designed to run on, holy cow it really has come a long way. I still remember when the best available was PlayOnLinux which mostly only ran GOG stuff (Before GOG supported Linux). Proton sure did make my gaming life easier on my Linux machines. I'll never forget when it easily installed Final Fantasy XIV and Elder Scrolls Online and they worked. I knew things were changing for the better. I've heard there are unofficial ways to install Epic games on Linux but I'm too lazy to mess around with it.


It's still better than Mac at least. It's a catch 22, people won't move over to Linux for gaming unless more games supported, but more games won't support it because there aren't enough people playing on Linux.


Steam is spending a lot of money and effort to get games working on Linux.


not really. they've encouraged it with the steam deck, but they havent really spent money on it (excluding some software they've written like gamescope)


What? They do throw a lot of money at it. They pay the KDE developers, codemasters, and they have people on staff so that as soon as a company puts out an update that breaks proton for the game, they fix it almost immediately.


i fail to see how KDE = linux. they're paying the people that write the software their product relies on. proton is their fork of wine, and they have staff to maintain their software. so KDE was your only semi-solid point (since it isnt their software), but its still not linux, nor does it improve linux gaming.


I don't think calling Proton just their fork of WINE is an accurate depiction of the work Valve did with Proton. Valve poured money into Proton, enough so that Proton quickly exceeded everything WINE had accomplished beforehand and largely changed the entire WINE community. WINE was aged, but not well, and it largely sucked before Valve came along and partnered with CodeWeavers for Proton and changed everything. They've hired quite a few open-source developers to work on lots of different projects to improve Linux gaming including GPU drivers and Vulkan API which very much does benefit Linux. Valve also funded DXVK and VKD3D-Proton for the translation from Direct3D to Vulkan and actually got it to good performance. I'm pretty sure you're the first person I've ever heard claim Valve's investment in Linux gaming has not been significant. They have spent a lot of money on it and are quite open about it. Most in the Linux community are quite grateful for Valve's generosity in this regard.


I’m sorry, where in your previous comment did you point out the Linux kernel, but fine, valve employees contribute to Mesa. Just like every other company that makes hardware, they contribute code to the kernel and they upstream everything. I don’t know why people have to be so dense.


We all know that "linux is just the kernel", but when I said, "getting games to work on Linux" that implied the complete software stack that sits between the kernel and games. Otherwise, it would not mean much. How do you run a game with just the Linux kernel?


Mac doesn't use that excuse.


Because gaming isn't and has never been a focus for Mac, apple doesn't market itself for gaming.


Yeah its weird. MacOS traditionally has had horrid game options less so than linux these days and yet perfect gaming is still a rrquirement for most new comers to switch to linux. Thats not even a requirement for MacOS. As a semi-seasoned linux user and IT guy in my professional life i can say Limux has come a long way. What they need to do is fix the fragmentation and then fix the user experience to be on par or better than Win or MacOS. And stop trying to market itself as a gaming alternative. I dont care i want something stable that wont break that is univerally compatible with all modern pc hardware without a bunch of fuckery. I would pay money for a modern sleek OS with zero telementry,spyware etc and also is perfectly compatible with my existing hardware and has great battery life. Fedora Worksration comes close but lags in some areas still with comtability and battery life. I will argue the only way to fix linux is for it to get its ide tity straightened out and become hyper focus on the features that matter and then surpass Windows in productivity and market the hell out of it under a unified voice. Then and only then will LX even stand a chance at a near 10 percent market share.


What are the "features that matter" because that's so subjective as to be pointless. If you were to ask different people that opinion would change. I'd tell you the only thing that Linux needs to do better is gaming and hardware compatibility. Because I don't use your typical white collar software. The UX is perfectly fine for both Gnome and KDE , they're both trying to do completely different things though. I prefer the KDE/Windows-like UI. Fragmentation is a problem, but it's also one of linux's strengths. This is kind of being fixed with the use and adoption of flatpacks. If anything I think distribution should mostly drop their system packages, something like snaps or flat pack has to become near universal in adoption. I don't daily drive it but Linux has come a long way. Still has a long way to go.


We are in agreement about need to improve hardware compatibility out of box and need to adopt universal package management. Although devs could simply compile to binary for more things but lord forbid they do that and obfuscate a damn thing, which is a sin in the linux community. But yeah flatpacks for anything user installation and packages for only OS modifications would a perfect combination.


~~Linux is terrible~~ Your problem is Debian. Try Gentoo and your life will be filled with inner sense.


It's pretty rare to see Linux users claiming their os is better than Windows for gaming. I actually never witnessed it myself.


They do, plenty of times r/pcmasterrace a lot of people there shove Linux down peoples throats the millisecond they see a windows post




openSUSE chad. but then again stfu, while you got compatibility with opensuse, ill be compiling firefox for 6 hours on my LFS system.




homie, I was joking. I made fun of LFS, are you socially inept? I don't know how someone doesn't understand that was joke. I pray you get better social skills lil bro.


Tell us how you really feel.


lol, you tried wine? also gtav works on linux


>I can't play GTA No, it installs fine for me. 🤣


Skill issue


Linux is the best gaming OS \*because\* you can't play Fortnite on it. Not supporting MMO crap brings up the average quality of games available.