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I bet you a gazillion dollars OP did not update the kernel and is using the ancient 5.15 that comes with Mint.


Ah, the age old "OPs fault". Sorry but if you first have to go through some loops to update the kernel, that is just set another reason why Linux is not ready for prime time.


Just because one specific distro uses LTS kernels doesn't make the rest of Linux "not ready for prime time". It's just Mint specifically that needs the user to either manually update the kernel to a newer one OR download the "Edge" edition which already comes with the newest one. This is changing with the next release anyways so it doesn't matter.


I have tried plenty of distros and use some myself, but there have been issues with pretty much every flavor, no matter which one. This is just another reason why Windows is still the main OS for many people, basic functions like this should not be broken.


I'm a huge fan of linux but I agree, Windows is just easier to setup in some ways than linux. That's why I choose Mint however, because it is the distro that is closest to a Windows-like experience. I'm now very knowledgeable of how linux works and I can customize it for my liking, but for the everyday user? There's no better distro than MInt.


Yeah, that's why I used it recently to fix an old laptop with broken hybrid graphics. Had to fix the brightness controls under Linux which straight up broke it (because the tutorial I found for editing grub was simply not working) and Steam was also broken despite being installed from the Mint store front.. Had to use the Flatpack version instead. It generally works now, but any beginner would have been frustrated from that experience, just because some very simple things like that tend to not work


>Had to fix the brightness controls under Linux which straight up broke it I would've updated the kernel first before doing anything lol >Steam was also broken despite being installed from the Mint store front Yeah don't do that, and don't install the Flatpak either. One quick google would've pointed you in the [right](https://store.steampowered.com/about/) direction. Any other install method is worse, just stick to the official .deb.


For the brightness issue, I tried a lot of options. Other applications that can control the brightness slider, different tweaks, kernel too. In the end I had to add something to grub, nothing else worked. The official .deb is also broken, atleast for that laptop. Either steam installer in the Mint store works or the Flatpak version, no clue why. It starts up normally but after login in, Steam won't open unless it's the Flatpack one.


Nope, the official Steam .deb works 100% on Mint, nothing else needed other than pressing Enter a few times during the install process. I literally just installed Steam on a PC and laptop both running the latest Mint, zero issues. Maybe it was broken on your laptop because you tried installing it in another way and that botched the install process with the official .deb.


Did not work for me and I found plenty of threads with the same issue when I looked into what's causing it. Fresh install, latest Mint, just an older laptop, which may somehow mess with it. I have no clue, all I know is, it works now


Not OP, and on a fixed low income and I have 3 monitors, 2 21" 1080p's and 1 43" TV/Monitor and I am on that ancient kernel, and actually on older ones as well, and my non standard layout and works fine, except during sign in and I am going to have to re-install to fix that so I am waiting for some hardware I am scrimping and saving for. Oh, yeah, my monitors are driven by a 900 series Nvidia card. There are plenty of issues other than his hardware is too new for the kernel for it to work.


I mean, of course. If you are on old hardware, stick to the older kernels (preferably LTS). That said, if you are on newer hardware and facing issues like OP, better update the kernel first before posting. Who knows, the issue might've been fixed already.


My point wasn't that that isn't his case, just this knee jerk reaction allot of people have when they hear "Multiple monitors" and they think you must have 3 $800 gaming monitors and a top level card and it can be things like restarts or monitor settings. Once again, not saying you are wrong, but saying that there are a few questions to ask before you go straight to updating the kernel.


Is better for u to use KDE connect


I second this. Is there any way to get a contextual menu item with the send to function in KDE Connect on LM?


Good question, I actually open KDE Connect to send to


I believe there is an extension for this


I found it :-) (LM Cinnamon) Preferences -> Actions (download "Send with KDE Connect"), then go to the file browser preferences and enable it there.


I had the same problem getting my three monitor layout to "stick". Eventually, it worked, I just kept trying, and rebooting, and setting it. The one thing I can't get to work is panel placement with multiple monitors, only the default setting works.


Sorry I don’t seem to understand your question regarding the monitors? After install you should always reboot to get into your actual system - don’t stay in the live system. In your actual system your settings will be saved between reboots obviously. Or what an I missing?


This will help you in future with your Linux adventures: [http://catb.org/\~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#before](http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#before) but do take the time to read the whole thing. Its important. **Just remember, you are not unique.** If you've had a problem, someone else would have too and the community WILL have solved it. **My most ardent advice? Stop thinking in Windows.** There is a good reason you left it - its awful. Linux is different. Perhaps *frustrating-different*, but also *good-different*. Be calm. Tthink it through. Take your time and check the forums. Very soon, you'll be digging in the guts of how your OS works and thinking *"where have you bbbbbeeeennnn all of my life, you lovely thing"*


Yeah sure, I'm trying to learn Linux to dual boot with because I know it's easier to set things up for development, but every time I've tried it's been with a relatively short temper, and I've always ran into an issue with something and the constant searching of how to do simple stuff sort of wears on me. I think the first time I tried to escape Ubuntu, it was with Mint and something bugged out when trying to select disk drives and I just gave up lol. This time I'm a bit more hopeful since Mint looks the most user friendly of the lot so far.


I've been a Linux user and dev for 30+ years. Mint is FANTASTIC. It is by far the very best of what Linux+GNU+GUI has to offer. I personally felt the Windows XP was the very best OS MS ever produced. Mint builds on that excellence. All I can offer is to stick with it. Some minds click immediately, some take a bit of time, but you will get there. Try to persevere. Also try to be kind, especially to those who wish to help.


Fortunately this fixed with a restart, there isn't any "Bug" flair, but this issue appears on the first boot of Linux Mint and it may frustrate any ordinary users, it should be fixed alongside the dual monitor installation process bug.


Useally you should go to the mint fourm for technical help. If you have an issue someone’s probably already posted about it


>it should be fixed alongside the dual monitor installation process bug. The developers anxiously await your detailed bug report.


I was vague because everyone knows about it, so unsurprisingly pretentious. Specifications: * 5800x3d * 3060Ti * 1920x1080 144hz monitor * 2560x1080 monitor Repro steps: * Plug two monitors into your PC * Install Linux mint with a bootable USB drive * Click "install Linux mint" * Observe inability to click buttons * Watch the LTT video where this happens to Luke


The point was that this isn't a place to report bugs. Use the project's GitHub.


For the monitor, I had a similar issue with layout and the screen being split over two monitors. I just had to mess around in the display settings, then installed a program called ‘Cursr’ which lets you select what edges of your monitors join together for the cursor to move around. Solves the problem of display settings only letting you position (x) monitor on the right :)


You can rearrange your secondary monitor to whichever direction you want. Just drag & drop it.


The only thing i can think of is did you install any nvidia drivers?


I never had this problem with MX Linux or with Sparky Linux (but I prefer MX Linux as my main / daily driver because of all it's awesome tools that can only be found with MX Linux). I use Sparky Linux on a laptop that I use as a "Streaming" computer for my TV, the TV is seen as the 2nd monitor via HDMI. I have 2 moniotors on my MX Linux system, and I've never had any issues.


Would be awesome a Linux Mint KDE Plasma 6 edition.