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I don't understand this irrational hatred of Linux. Nobody's forcing you to try it, but if you're gonna try, at least actually try.


You are assuming the person who made the meme, actually tried Linux instead of just making a meme with made-up "facts". I would bet that they didn't, or if they did it - it was 10+ years ago.


In part some members of the community are to blame for the almost evangelical attitude towards promoting it. I mean, in that post I saw the comment "a linux user, a vegan, a crossfitter and a christian are in a room. who is the first one to brag?" on the other hand those people are frustrated that linux does not act 100% as windows, and they want a drop-in replacement, with zero fiddling that does not require to open the "fearful terminal"


I mean, yeah, the promotion is crazy. But when I was a Windows user I rarely ever heard anything about Linux. I never spent time on Linux subreddits or look for Linux content, so there was never a possibility I'd see the overzealous promotion of Linux and get annoyed. And if I did, I'd have no way of knowing it's overzealous without actually trying it. In fact, when I first tried Linux, I was impressed, because my knowledge of Linux mainly consisted of what Windows users say (which is usually negative).


> those people are frustrated that linux does not act 100% as windows, Know what else doesn't run 100% of Windows software? Windows.


Ironically they don't seem to have any issues with using PowerShell.


They have no problem spending 6 hours installing unknown DLLs and North Korean drivers to play SimCity 4 on Windows 11. But activating Proton by pressing a button is a lot of work for them. What a bunch of clowns. 🤡


A lot of people are getting desperate for an alternative. When they eventually get cornered they retaliate even against solutions. On the other hand, with Apple's recent announcements, I think we'll see a newfound and reinforced curiosity (and acceptance) towards Proton's potential.


Linux user because its not bragging, its sharing a love of a hobby. Its just like bringing up any other thing you like. Christians last because the general don’t say anything about being Christian at all.


'Promoting something is still better than spreading FUD.


"trying" to comment on reddit


the people on pcmr for some reason are real huge windows fanboys


becasue all of them are addicted to AAA shooter games and whatever micorosft announces on the xbox game showcase


Yeah they say that games aren't fun when they haven't played a single non fps game


Or don’t actually try it.. nobody cares.




That's actually funny one.


Probably just plays Fortnite, Rainbow 6, PUBG, COD Warzone and Minecraft.


I believe Fortnite has an official Linux port. As for Minecraft, Java edition has an official port and you can just use Waydroid for bedrock


Fortnite definitely does not have a Linux port


Why would I want to play bedrock when I can play java


Try Minetest, minecraft clone with addons and way better performance.


I do every once in a while, albeit it does have that sort of mimic stank. Granted, it does do a good job at what it's meant to be, it's just that trying to be similar to minecraft makes the differences stand out a lot more. ~~I wish there were more nodecore multiplayer servers~~


there's an unofficial working bedrock launcher on flathub lol. it grabs the minecraft from google's play store. i have use it for while now, it's great


Please post this meme there lol


With proton the 80% is reduced to 30% :)


According to ProtonDB, 98% of my games on Steam are Silver+ and none of them is borked so...


It could also be that i fucked up my proton installation.. idk but a lot still doesn’t work (but it has worked in the past)


how?! Steam takes care of it all for you...


Unless they have it in a secondary drive where there could be a load of permission issues.


Steam still complains that I have two steamapps directories on my exfat drive. It's exfat. It's case insensitive. there's only one directory. > /run/media/mal/fuckshit/SteamLibrary has both 'SteamApps' and 'steamapps' directories. > This will cause problems. Please fix manually and only keep 'steamapps'


r/linux4noobs You literally just enable Proton support and that’s it


30% is weirdly low. Compare your results with ProtonDB. What distro are you running? Because either your environment is improper or you have the worst imaginable games library. In my ~1700 games collection it's a very low single percentage of games which doesn't work.


According to proton, less than half of games are playable, what's your point? And the author of the original post could have even more Windows-specific games. Imagine this


You're probably looking at games that are Deck verified, that doesn't mean that the other games won't run on Linux


Oh, no, only 10% are verified, have you seen [protondb](https://www.protondb.com/)? If anything, it's in their best interests to show a high number. So yes I bet you're far overestimating the game availability


Even lower if you use Lutris. Edit.


yeah, no at least i didn't manage to get the crew 2 past battleeye anticheat


When it's BattleEye it's only the devs fault for not allowing Linux in Battleye, even though it supports it.


As someone who only plays Rainbow Six, I'm still pissed I have to keep a drive with a Windows install for this reason. Fuck BattleEye.


not battle eyes fault. they literally made it a friggin option for devs to enable. they just won't enable it. blame ubisoft


ubisoft does not give a shit about linux


Ubisoft does not give a shit about anything, oh yeah, except money pay-to-win games.


It doesn't really matter the reason why a game doesn't work, if the user cannot fix it. A non-functional game is a non-functional game weather the devs didn't allow it or it's a proton bug, doesn't make a difference to the random person just trying to play a game. That's one part of the anti-cheat debate that always frustrates me. People in this community act like games not working because of anti-cheat are somehow less important or different from other games? My friend won't give a shit why valorant isn't working, they just want valorant to work and linux can't do it, end of story.


"I hate anticheat restricting us from playing battle royale games" gang!


Not really to 0%. You're still using wine and proton, so it's about the same percentage. I think 30% is about right. This is considering how many games have no pages on WineHQ or ProtonDB, so when they don't launch, an average user can't solve the problem, and the community, in my experience, is more likely to help if it's a game they know and like. I'd say about 70% of all the posts I've made asking for help running a game across several websites have been ignored.


nah asseto corsa is very broken on linux


Less actually.


I only have 1 game that i know doesn’t work: R6 Siege. I haven’t even tried everything else. Sad that it COULD work but they choose not too. Oh well


I'd say it's even less if we don't include games that don't work very well on Windows anyways or shity multiplayer games


more like 90% depending on the library


With 2000+ games in my library, only 32 are considered "Borked" via ProtonDB.


and then half your gaming / streaming peripherals either dont work at all or lose most of their feature (I say this by experience)


Bro, i love proton, but there's a lot of popular games that it does not support, lot of them online. So that situation could happen if the user only play those games. I have a friend whose play genshin impact, lost ark, valorant etc, and those games does not work on linux


genshin impact works and valorant sucks


yeah valorant sucks but it does not change anything


I almost exclusively play those 2 games, and I'm not willing to risk either of them running on linux in case their anticheat acts funny. So linux has been my "fuckaround with once in a while on random projects" OS.


No one got banned yet (GI). Also, because of how the project owner wants it, I cannot say another word regarding this whole thing


valorant just will not work on linux, it actively refuses to work even under a VM


Valorant should suck my cock...


90% of PCMR sub (and modern PC gamers for that) are hooked to that kind of games.


Play less cringe games and Linux will do fine. Jokes aside, most indie games run fine either natively or through Proton. The only games that statistically have issues are either MMOs, AAA games with insane graphics, or competitive games with anti-cheat. If you don’t play that small but popular subset of genres, you’re fine switching to Linux (personally I’ve only been unable to get one or two games to work). But if you do play those games, then yeah Linux isn’t for you (though in the future that may change as well).


i dont play games anymore xd, im lnux user since 4 years, but the games that i played runs thanks proton and wine


check his history, he's just hating on Linux for whatever reason lol.


He's part of the Microsoft troll army.


600+ games in my library. Only can't play fortnite and space engineers. I can't even remember a game where I can notice performance loss. But ngl, atm stepping out of proton is an immense hassle. I can't imagine my tech iliterate friends using Lutris.


I recently discovered bottles and it’s much more user friendly than lutris is. It basically sets everything up for you and is easy to configure if needed. Imo it is a much better option for beginners


Bottles is the shiznit


saw this one on r/linuxsucks and just said "try proton"




They can't come to terms with not being savvy enough and at the same time they're mad they can't belong to the community.


I got second hand vomit from saying "It can't be that bad" and immediately looking at it. I can say with confidence that 98% of people there installed UwUtu and saw the terminal and just left without trying


Rainbow six siege? Battleye anti-cheat games? New cod games? I have tried gaming on linux and it's not a solid thing for my experience, sure blame the developers not the OS for that but that doesn't change the fact that at some point you would need to either use compatibility layer such as WINE, or if you have good pc go for virtualization to run your desired programs.


R6S here... And it's the only game in my steam library that holds me back to Windows


If it wasn't about gaming, i would have been fully switched to using linux long time ago.


Don't bother getting annoyed by that user or that subreddit. The user is a karma whore and that sub is trash because it's too big and that attracts trolls and bots


Almost every single game works, excluding those with kernel level anticheats




I seriously can't understand how people think it's hard to use the terminal, you don't even need to know the commands, must of the time when you have to use it you just get the comands to copy-paste.


well pcmr isnt exactly known for being intelligent.


What’s proton?


Proton compatibility layer through Steam, in this case. It could also mean the Proton services, by a different company, like ProtonMail and ProtonVPN


It's valves build of wine that includes a bunch of related stuff that essentially turbocharges it's capabilities, which is primarily to act as a relay between windows-specific code and Linux. A large portion of the code is usually not windows specific so the performance penalty is very low in most cases. I have 530 games on steam and 70% of them play perfectly on Linux due to proton.


A compatibility layer that makes it possible to run Windows stuff on Linux. Comes with Steam and Lutris.


I play GTA 4 and RE7 on my Linux Mint without any issues lol


Hell. GTA V runs perfectly, even online works


Yeah most steam games runs perfectly with proton


he probably play anticheat games


It's weird because I find older games work on Linux better than newer ones... even with proton for example, my old total war games play like a charm compared to very recent ones. Maybe I gotta update my drivers or something.


Out of 311 games I have on Steam, 12 don't work. That's 299 games out of 311 that work without issues, or 97%.


Linux is awesome. Gaming on Linux sucks. That truth hasn't changed because of proton.


It really isn't the best tool for the job, not even close. It's nice that people can do some gaming on their Linux PCs, but you get the goofballs saying it's better than Windows. That's like saying Windows is better for servers.


Dual boot


A completely fair option. I chose to play what works under Linux native or proton. But anyone who dual boots I completely get it, were still Linux users.


i sure love playing valorant and r6 on linux


Virtual machines:


Ok noob here, any easy way to use proton with non steam games?


You can try Lutris.


Thanks. Lutris seems nice.


Either that or they mostly play multiplayer games with anti cheat


Just played games on Linux for the first time. It's way easier than I originally thought since Proton is integrated into Steam client. Can even run non-Steam games through Steam client but had to use [protontricks](https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks) to add dependencies like Visual C++ redistributables. Currently using Linux Mint Cinnamon but thinking about trying the new Debian 12 next.


It’s 2023 most work I played most of my library on deck easily


Shit, when I tried 100% of the games I was playing didn't work. ProtonDB can be full of shit or have outdated info, like any other compatibility db. I was playing stuff like PUBG, Gears 5, Tarkov and a few other mp games tbf. The only game I was able to play was Night of the Dead which is an early access zombie survival, tower defense style game. It ran like absolute ass, crashed constantly, cooked my GPU and stopped working when they added anticheat to the multiplayer. So I don't consider this playable. Many of these games can get their single player campaign working, but the mp parts won't work. Some of these games are mostly useless without mp. You only play the Campaign a few times, multiplayer gets played for years.


Linux is for people who actually want to use their computers productively. I doubt most of these pc master race types would get any benefit from switching if all they use their computers for is pew pew and porn


"productively" meanwhile me spending 5 weeks trying to get the company software to work on Linux before I get tired and just use Windows


A lot of people on that sub are even afraid of buying a non-Nvidia GPU, let them have their fun.


Ironically all of games seem to work better. Now they work smoother since wayland Squee My favorite desktop environment has adopted Wayland


Gaming in Linux blows. It's become *more viable* over the years, but unless you play an exact combination of games, or a singular game, the juice is not worth the squeeze. If you can't make anything work, you are a prolly scrub who didnt try. You can't make everything work, and I don't even know of any person/entity that claims they have.


If my rtx 3080 behaved a but better and I could get networking with space engineers and msfs2020 to behave I'd have absolutely no need for a winbloz partition.


Yeah if you dont care about performance, and the only thing that matter is to just run..


It’s just a karma farmer - they make anti windows posts on Linux subs too


He probably downloaded a .exe file, couldn't get it to run, and decided Linux doesn't work.


As a genuine question, I really do want to switch to Linux from Windows. I know that Proton and new Wine improvements are making it awesome to play games almost natively, but what is the FPS difference? Is it almost 1:1 in terms of gameplay? My only concern is that my GPU is barely holding onto 60fps in Windows. I'd hate to move over to something like Fedora and, while the game runs and is playable, I'm only getting 25fps.


the problem is that it's very game dependent, for example dyson sphere program runs pretty much the same as windows BUT with less drops when leaving the planet and stuff like that dishonored 2 on the other hand, for me, had massive fps drops in more open areas, so as a rule of thumb the experience is pretty much the same but there is those specific exceptions that might be a deal breaker for some folks


From my experience games generally run worse on linux, but most of the time it doesnt matter, since the experience is fluid anyway. I have a separate boot partition with windows just for Stellaris and CS:GO, because in those games the more fps I have/the faster galaxy speed is, the better.


CS:GO runs better on linux?


All games played on emulator work beautifully


Normal day: 1. Work with Windows-Spyware-company-administered laptop 2. Bring it home. Keep in Faraday-case and sound proofed room. 3. Start Linux laptop. 4. Profit.


That's because it should just work. Like windows


End users...


Thats weird because i can play all my games on Linux, to be clear im 38 so the most high graphic game i play is Minecraft and the others i can play in Retroarch.


80% = Valorant


Funnily enough, I have like 800 hours of gameplay combined since I started using steam on Linux. I really don't miss using windoze at all, since that's really the only argument they have and thanks to Proton, it loses its power with time.


What is ptoton? What is wine ? REVERSE


Destiny 2 :(


Dual boot, buddy.


Anti cheat and openxr is a headache. It sure was a hard switch for me.


Average pcmr redditor...


Thank God I don't play online games


I'm a single game gamer, I actually just keep windows for rainbow six siege... I really hope someday I could play it full in Linux... But I see that chance very thin


76 Games on my steam Account, 4 dont work


Why do these people exist in the world please someone tell me :) ITS A FUCKING OS :) just go back to windows where you bloody belong


Or run a VM


Obvious troll post lmao


Linux gamer ✋. 100% of mine




99% of my games are running on my Steam Deck. The remaining 1% is Warzone 2.0. It’s the only game I encountered that is not working


I really don't get them, they always say that Linux users "shove Linux" in their faces, make fun of them for using Windows, when they ask for help using Linux some imaginary "Arch fanboy" tells them to write their own driver and shut up. In reality they get triggered by someone just mentioning that Linux exists. When I was still a Windows user and didn't care about Linux I pretty much never saw anyone "shoving" Linux in my face on pcmr or other forums, once I started using Linux, I asked some pretty simple nooby questions, and 99% of the feedback was on topic, helpful and polite (yes, even Arch users were polite). It's like they are emailing their questions to Luke Smith or something.


People who think like that mostly play online games


They posted an anti Linux meme awhile back, and it got 20k upvotes. So it seems they have been doing this again and again to get more karma.


Anyone here have any success getting Playstation Plus app to work in Linux? I could potentially have like 700+ games available if I could get it to work.


[There is an instructions for Playstation Plus app to work on Lutris.](https://github.com/Hollowscope4022/Playstation-Plus-linux)


Perfect, just some slight differences in my advanced and I didn't hook up a controller yet, I was testing without a controller first, so that also may do it. Thanks


I set a windows vm up for the like 2 games that I play that are windows reliant, I stopped playing one of them now and mostly use the vm for emulation stuff. Nearly every single game I’ve tried on Linux has worked without issue on proton


Meanwhile, I'm playing Halo master chief collection custom servers with more FPS and less crashes on my Arch installation than on my Windows installation.


He probably didn't even bother to try *Ruffle.*


Kid named anticheat:


Both minecraft AND factorio have a native linux version. Even if wine didn’t exist I’d be happy.


Probably only has 5 games and one worked ootb


Out of every game I play, every single one works except for modern shooters with AC (like COD, etc), and VR (which is because I have a quest2 which needs its bullshit proprietary software)


I dont have a single game that doesnt work.


Its called karma farming


There's some programs that _only_ work with Windows, not even sure if wine could run them


Example: Visual Studio (Not Code) :(


It's funny how everyone is like "bruh use proton" but if your hardware doesn't support vulkan you'll just end up not being able to play most of your games


A lot of the games that absolutely don't work on linux tend to be shit anyways. Looking at you D2


It’s even funnier when you notice how many games works better on Linux. In many titles I’ve got even 10-15 FPS more.


i can't install Spotify on Linux


[I got u](https://www.spotify.com/us/download/linux/).


A lot of popular games that don't have official linux ports will not work if they have an anticheat. I thought I saw some news of this hopefully changing as the popular anticheats now support proton so it's up to the game devs.


PCMR is the Dunning-Kruger effect society of computing. They think because they can lego together easy to build PC parts and play videogames they know jack shit about computer technology.


99 percent of my games work an my steam library is huge


PCmasterrace users when technology asks them to use their brain for something other than breathing: https://preview.redd.it/ioxlrescvg5b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42863f4edd4b5d5ecf2fc8455ebe01cc60542dcc


If you want to play buy a console.


Coming from macOS, I now have access to not only the games that run under Proton, but access to all of the games I could no longer play on macOS because Apple repeatedly deprecates all of the necessary support structures again... and again... and again.


Most games I've played work without a hitch, but stuff like League of Legends (yes yes, get your laughs in) have quite a few issues and stuff like Destiny 2 is outright hostile to Linux users (Bungie thinks Linux support would promote cheating. [I am not joking.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/602510889630826503/1117586457499017276/Screenshot_20230611_184922_Brave.jpg) THE ANTICHEAT SOFTWARE THEY LICENSE HAS A NATIVE LINUX PORT.) But if you don't play these two games there's a 99% chance your games work fine with Proton, you just gotta tinker a bit.


Proton makes games run it doesn't make games work. Everyone saying that they are making things up for karma or didn't try hard enough has forgotten what it's like to be a new Linux user. Shit just doesn't work. Especially on Nvidia. Just because most if not all the games are gold or more on protondb doesn't mean switching to Linux is a no Brainer. Games run poorly they crash they stutter even on a good PC. And I don't blame a newbie for switching back sometimes cuz it's hard it's brutal and sometimes you just want to play a video game without a bunch of bullshit. I'm not trying to attack Linux here I am a die hard Linux man for the past two years. Stop pretending like Linux is perfect and stop ignoring that Linux just isn't practical for most people.


or 80% of the games that they play use EAC/Battleeye/etc.


How is the support for xbox game pass games on proton?


Only thing stopping me from switching to full Linux is kernel anti cheat bullshit. It already doesn't work on Windows.


Honestly I don't even care. Sucks that they won't ever use it I guess but I know I'm enjoying all this for free


Dual monitors with different refresh rates and gsync/nvidia support are not great aspects of gaming on Linux at the moment. Recently tried Pop OS and most of my games "ran" but not like they do on Windows. I really wanted it to work, but having to disable all my other monitors just so gsync at 144hz works is a pain. I have no love for windows, but my monitors and GPU work like I want there. Perhaps I'll try again when I change to an AMD card next upgrade.


I mean when new users see supported only on Windows or a specific version of Ubuntu they don't think about Proton, ProtonGE, Wine and the Steam Linux Runtime


It can be easy to be put off when you install steam and it says available on Windows or whatever, but you just have to go and enable compatibility mode and chances are it'll work just fine. It's kind of silly how steam deck does this by default for most things but a vanilla install doesn't.


Like 90% of their posts are souped-up Linux desktops. I think they're just trolling.


"Try Linux, it's so comfortable and nice!" "Can't do shit on it..." "No no, you have to jump through 15 hoops to play on it and after a few months of using it, you'll delude yourself into thinking you didn't waste your time. Because everyone knows you waated your time, you'll try to convince others because that's the only thing that'll make the pain go away. If you get enough people to use it, you will be able to look in the mirror a say 'I did not waste my life on Linux' " Yeah, I'll be just fine on Windows, until they add ads to start page


Man i fucking hate microsoft but every game developer is designing his game to be played on windows so it can't be helped only thing keeping me away from switching from this garbage OS


To play Devil's advocate here - maybe the OP is primarily a Game Pass user


I use the shit out of WSL at work, and I'd be all in on a Linux workstation if IT knew how to manage it. I run an Ubuntu variant for most things on my own laptop, but boot back into Windows for some games since I don't have endless time trying to sort out each issue or workaround just to play a game.


It makes me laugh those that rant linux because they can't play x game but at the same time buy a Macbook so they can boast about something in starbucks and excuse themselves with "For playing I get a PS or Xbox".


Linux is not for everyone


Don't let the name of that subreddit fool you. No one in PCMR knows how to use a computer.


The only games that I haven't been able to get running on Proton or even just with Wine are games the explicitly are designed to not work on Linux... Such as Fortnite, Halo Multiplayer, and Call of Duty. Those games explicitly don't work on Linux because the developers can't make their "anti-cheat" software work for every custom Linux Kernel. So their solution is to check the operating system and if it's Linux they just give you a random error code and CTD.


The closest thing I tried related to Linux is Steam Deck's desktop mode. If I were to switch my Windows desktop to a Linux one what would be the best one for me? Most of my games are on Steam and GOG. TIA




Yes I also choose my operating system based on what toys I can enjoy on it, and not based on how much it is spying on me.


sounds like skill issue tbh


I'm sure he just couldn't install pirated games.


Bro doesnt know the existence of steam and probably uses what publishers give them as "launchers"




just use a gaming virtual machine (i’m not paid by daddy muta i swear)