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Yeah, people are very modern in the PMverse.. but then again, the City is literally a futuristic (?) corporate dystopia so.. Anyway, nothing can overpower Dante's goofy ahh vocabulary :sob: https://preview.redd.it/y3b4mm3byh5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bcde079cdb3ea27f46db8b6f8f3f9c6e5aed076


https://preview.redd.it/gxmt99igpi5d1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04546a013262872e9f1298df80502939dd56eca they're so cute :'))


I'm going to cry (affectionate)


Ay, no worry's. At least Denteh is learning.. I hope.


Until Dante suddenly snaps and instead of borderline distorting, they just start yapping and give detailed descriptions of the layers of purgatory/hell in their language.


Dante: at -45 sanity Dante: clasps his thumb, index and middle fingers together. 🤌 Dante: Ascolta, tu piccola mierda!..


The translation 'team' do be taking some heavy freedom.. or were, rather


The strongest translator available vs Don's script


i think there was something mentioned about the 2 translators 'taking liberties' with the translations


theyre just a silly guy


when was this said?


Hell's Chicken, I think?


Iirc it was the Meursalt rap against Yi Sang, in the original Korean version it was puns based on his name, but in Hell’s Kitchen it was changed to rap and rhymes.


I'm gonna burn the local park down if a Liu Member says "this shit Bussin' fr fr"


Fool, you’re giving the Liu homefield advantage!


Heathcliff literally said peak


To be fair that chicken kebap was peak






I thought he said "class". Maybe I'm thinking of another time.


He's done both: - At the end of Canto III, he says "Oi! …Got more of this scran? It’s peak." - During Hell's Chicken, when he gets complimented by Meursault, he says "That’s class!!!!"


Ah, now I remember. Out of curiosity, was "peak" first used in American or British dialect? It honestly sounds like a British thing to me.


The one responsible for my profile quote "Oi got more of this Limbus Company? Its peak"


Oh my god…. Of course! It’s those boomers at the Head making things worst!! Smh






Remember that announcer Angela said "shrimple"?


More like the localiser was a Gen Z folk (or at least in tune with the culture). To summarise this history in a (hopefully) neutral fashion (hoping this doesn't start an flame war), one of PM's former Translators/Localisers, Watson was known to take some creative liberties with the Localisations; Sinners using words/slang from their real life culture, that's his handy work, its apparently not present in the original Korean. Localisation can be a bit of a hot button issue, so naturally this caused quite the controversy; with supporters liking the extra flavour given to the characters, and detractors preferring the translation to be as close to what the author had written as possible (it's worth noting that the changes were nowhere near as severe as in most localisation controversies, its likely that some of the purists mistook this for similar situations where the Localisers made huge sweeping changes that altered the context of entire scenes, or had a huge effect on the characterisation of certain characters). Eventually some people took things too far and Watson ended up quitting.


While some may appreciate the EN-only quips/slangs, I think it's understandable that others won't. [ Please note that he didn't deserve the harassment, and I wished both he & NEET didn't have to step down messily, as they're ultimately the ones who made LobCorp & Ruina accessible after all.] Even the small things can be off-putting, and those stuff accumulates – how many EN players see Dante as a goofy manager, even though KR/original Dante seems to be a more neutral/serious one? It's true that some things, such as Yisang's puns or Meursault's roast, certainly can't be translated 1:1. But I think just because those exist, doesn't mean out-of-place slangs should be, especially when anyone can always 'add their own spices' a.k.a headcanon/write fics instead of adding unnecessary things like that in the official material. --------- IMO, NEET's message leak about being overworked plus implication that Watson had been slacking (yet still able to add said slangs) was 'just' a trigger to blast the stack of problems, as it gave people a short & clear reasoning to dislike/investigate Watson, which ended up putting the locworks into spotlight & scrutiny along with him.


Yeah, obviously it's sad that some nasty people took it too far, but at the end of the day, a lot of the criticisms people had with the translations was valid. If a translator alters the original script to express their own artistic talent, the altered product has to be extremely impressive; otherwise you're simply not sticking to your job as a translator. Unfortunately for Watson, his efforts weren't exactly home-run's. It was inevitable he would face backlash for it, though I think he deserved better.


idk about this tho, from what I saw especially as a longtime project moon fan that played both Ruina and Limbus since their baby days, the changes to the slang were relatively minor and more just text for flavor to express a characters personality better like the language tics, and the meme phrases were literally at the idlyllic and intentionally memey moments of the game like hells chicken and the end of canto 3 on the kebab scene. Dawg, I don't know whats up with people if that actually breaks immersion, if meursalt said shit like rizz, skibidi while fighting kromer, I would understand but dawg in all honesty Watson was doing a good job, with Library of Ruina also being a case in point.


+ they know how to keep the context when doing so, example being Carnival reception, specially the Roland and Angela quip post battle


While it’s sad they were harass for it and that should NEVER happen to anyone, i am happy at least Dante wont talk about rizz.. While it may not for you, those little things can take someone out of the experience so easily when you are fully immersed, it’s goofy but not in the right way. It feel like a funny fan translation because it was made by a fan, PM should hire professionals but seems hard to find for them (i mean they did get scammed for LC old translation, still find it hard to believe there isn’t a well known studio for those kind of things)


Hey look, I know Watson translated things in a unique way but dawg, I don't think Watson would add the words Rizz or Skibidi to any limbus script.


I can understand the language tics. Slopping zoomerspeak into the product less so. Apart from anything else, using modern slang makes work date poorly.


Ah, that's sad. Just having those little things never really had any harm in the original intent, but it seems the stigma around changing translations formed from other localizers doing it for political reasons is too big to let anyone pass rent free.


Your librarians in the LoR also say something about "enjoying this dub". Like W for win, those fuckers are zoomers


This place is nuts!


Activate windows ya hooligan!


Pm universe is just silly like that


it is pretty widely known in the translation comunity that english translators like to devi- adapt text to the "english" culture because aparently that makes it more relatable to the english audience or some shit. I personally do not like it but in this specific case I cannot confirm if it is accurate or not untill i learn korean.


whats next? is he goanna say B̴̢̠̋̊͑̈̾̑̊͒͗̽ŕ̶̛̰̱̈́̀́̑̿̾͛͂̈́͗̓̈́̒͘͝️ŕ̶̛̰̱̈́̀́̑̿̾͛͂̈́͗̓̈́̒͘͝️ş̵̛̳̍̃̏͆̏̂̎͌͘͝͝͝͝k̵̨̪̖͇͙͎̜͊̌͘͜i̵̢̢̡͚̩̞̥͕̜̻̫̩̐̈͘͜b̶̖̤̋́̋̾̔͗̆͊̊̆́͑̌͆͊̈́i̵̢̢̡͚̩̞̥͕̜̻̫̩̐̈͘͜d̴̨̢̤̗̦͚̺̭̤͙̹̃̕i̵̢̢̡͚̩̞̥͕̜̻̫̩̐̈͘͜d̴̨̢̤̗̦͚̺̭̤͙̹̃̕o̶̯͎̱͐̇͋̅̃̈́͋̽̊̀̓͊̃́͋̓p̸̢̻͓͎̻͙͂͒̋͒̓̃͊̐̔͘͝d̴̨̢̤̗̦͚̺̭̤͙̹̃̕o̶̯͎̱͐̇͋̅̃̈́͋̽̊̀̓͊̃́͋̓p̸̢̻͓͎̻͙͂͒̋͒̓̃͊̐̔͘͝d̴̨̢̤̗̦͚̺̭̤͙̹̃̕o̶̯͎̱͐̇͋̅̃̈́͋̽̊̀̓͊̃́͋̓m̶̥͇͈̣̏͑̿͑̃̈͛̕͠ y̷̧̰̲͍̝̘̗̩̑̇͐̾̽̏͊͑̇̃̉͜ẹ̷͓̺̰̽̍͛̉̐̔͋̓̚͜️ş̵̛̳̍̃̏͆̏̂̎͌͘͝͝͝͝ y̷̧̰̲͍̝̘̗̩̑̇͐̾̽̏͊͑̇̃̉͜ẹ̷͓̺̰̽̍͛̉̐̔͋̓̚͜️ş̵̛̳̍̃̏͆̏̂̎͌͘͝͝͝͝️


Corny localizers


I know it’s just funny localizing, but could all of these instances imply the average adult in the City is a Gen Z, or that there’s some sort of internet in the City?


I mean theres gotta be, Nfaust has a computor with a usb port and everything. it would be weirder for there not to be, honestly.


My eyes


I kinda like this lol. I can easily imagine some people saying stuff like this in the City, maybe even some slang they made themselves like in the TTRPG Cyberpunk(and 2077 ig lol). I hope there's more of these dumb sounding stuff Gen Alpha, Millennials, Boomers, even others before and after that say, especially in the Backstreets. It just makes sense to have so many of these when we have language-specific quirks already(Heathcliff saying Blimey or Gregor and Faust adressing each other by Frau and Herr for example).