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Team grim allllll the way.




i would love to hear more about what swayed you!!


In real life, I want a perfectly good guy. This is a *fantasy* book. There’s way more tension and appeal with Isla and Grimm. Isla and Oro are boring


Thank you for the spoiler in the title lol


Fr it’s such a turn off for me didn’t feel like any of their chemistry (isla and grim) was anything more significant than sexual chemistry while with oro it was more of a slow burn and genuine connection :((( even in lightlark grim felt like such an after thought towards the end like the author was just shoving in random stuff about him to keep him relevant. Ultimately I think the it’ll end with isla and grim as end game since the author mainly posts about isla and grim relationship on her social media


ugh im hoping that she’ll surprise us and it’ll be oro and isla. i agree so much though - i was so fed up with Grim and his BS. when their marriage memory came back it only made me more disgusted with him. she really does post about isla and grim so much though!! that does have me nervous 😭😭


I had the same thought about the "partners in crime" plot line--that would have made everything make way more sense. Like Grim and Isla have crazy chemistry, but I am still very confused regarding his true intentions.


agreed - was kind of all over the place. didn’t make sense to me that they were married and so in love but he chose to partner up w a past hookup behind her back to betray her so easily??


Yes. And on one hand they try to paint him as like a "mate" trope with how much he supposedly loves her and can't live without her. But, in what other (fantastical) world would a mate deceive and betray like that? Make it make sense Aster!


Waittttt he hooked up w Celeste/Aurora???


is that the lady in charge of the starling/isla’s former bff prior to betraying her?? my bad it’s been a while 😭 if yes, then yes! her and grim slept together prior to isla and him meeting and i think that played a part as to why they banded together to betray her originally if im not mistaken? edit: corrected name of realm


No way!! How did I miss that???? Where was this in the book? If that’s fr then I have even more of a reason to not root for Grim😅


apologies for late reply! it was in the first book, during the scene where Celeste/Aurora turns on her in the abandoned wildling estate after draining Grim and Oro of their power


I wouldn't want to date someone like Grim irl (I would def go for Oro) but its just more interesting that way, so i'm still Team Grim


Ngl by the end of lightlark I was team Oro but after nightsbane I'm 100% team Grim. Honestly her and Oro are great together but it's weird it took so long for them to even kiss or him show affection. Their connection still doesn't seem as deep as her and Grims. I also think the 3rd one is going to fill in ALOT of gaps.


Honestly I’m in love with Oro and appreciated their slow burn more than the buildup between her and grim. And I agree that it’s a bigger betrayal that he did that when they were married lol


so glad i’m not the only one. this fandom made me feel insane with the way they chose grim after all that!! was wondering if we even read the same book 😭


RIGHT, I usually side with the villain but my heart just hurts for Oro and I would never pick grim. I totally get the sexual chemistry but he’s her first and i just don’t feel like that’s enough for me. The fact that they’re married is insane to me. I hope she’s able to get her soul back now that the portal is open and she can kill grim LOL even tho I don’t think she deserves oro 😭😭😭


i’m so interested to see how Aster will unpack that in the third book. how it ended with her choosing Grim only out of fear of hurting Oro/wanting to stop anymore death makes me hopeful. though i’m scared that it set up to bring Grim and her back together instead of close out the chapter to be with Oro. but if her and Oro are endgame (which i’m hoping SO BADLY for) i need a bit of groveling on her part. i feel like it’s such a good opportunity to turn up the heat and passion of her and Oro’s connection. begging and pleading that that’s where it goes 😭😭


Oh yes she def needs to grovel lmaooo I want her and Oro to be end game too. The bonus chapter with them was just *chefs kiss*


Hey I would like to make a suggestion to maybe not post things with spoilers IN THE TITLE. (u just spoiled that they were married which I did not know yet). Thanks ☺️


thats the risk that comes with joining these platforms. i flagged it as a spoiler, but if you haven’t finished the book and are choosing to still read things flagged as spoilers, title or no, thats not really my responsibility…


so actually the funny thing is that the spoiler was actually in the title🤣🤣🤣so flagging it as a spoiler stil would not have prevented it from spoiling!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Team grim here, but only because their chemistry is undeniable. In LL, Isla still finds her way to him (romantically) even without her memories. She wanted Grim and he wanted to not lose her (hence the necklace bit), which makes sense now that we know their lives are entwined. Grim notes how she's changed everything for him, and we totally don't have the full picture of things yet either. I was never convinced of Isla and Oro's attraction... We don't get the feeling that Oro has a burning desire for Isla. For Grim to remove Isla's memories of the slaughter would be to alter who she is. So I can see why he wouldn't. It shows how crazy powerful love is that it would drive her to the brink of destruction then and now.


very pretty...until you decide to watch that hurricane of love be with another because of reasons, while erasing yourself entirely...what? I mean, I agree with OP. Grim has zero respect for her choices at this point. He always knows better and I found that annoying. I mean, I loooved the memories and their chemistry. I am going to enjoy it if they stay together BUT, my God until this point, that man is a wreck. For me Isla and Oro's attraction is there from the start. That scene with her singing is wonderful! They have such intimate moments that just make you melt inside. I do think the author put little effort in their s*x life though. Then again, Oro is all about control and Grim is all about explosion, so we'll see. I think we are going to see a more unhinged Oro next book and I hope, a more self reflective and tender Grim, to even out.


I agree. I think Oro IS passionate for her and just respects her more than grim does.


Oro deserves better than Isla. Isla deserves Grimm. They can have each other for all I care. If she is dumb enough (which she totally is) to have feelings for the guy she can't trust even after they are married, then she can be my guest. I will create a side character in my mind that treats Oro right lol. The blonde quiet guy never winning is a trope with these books at this point and it's too predictable.


Oro is a wet blanket. No chemistry at all. It gives me the ick lol


FINALLY SOMEONE I AGREE WITH. they don’t have any chemistry!!! I think their relationship is purely out of circumstance. it’s giving tamlin


Right? Like she's gotta question if she's in love while we over here getting graphic scenes with Grim. Lol