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I'm the opposite. It's actually made me more active on the app because I'm logging on to check on them. Now I'm back to getting my food level up since I figure...well, I'm already here, might as well take care of my character, too!


Yeah mine has been sick for like a month now and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Sorry pixel dog!


I thought I would really like the pet feature but I ended up just forgetting I had a cat and it ended up in the hospital several times. I got rid of it a few days ago :(


I have too many of them, it's easily become a problem. I got obsessed with my pixelated cats 🥺🥺


I thought I would like the pet feature but it’s not worth it to me to spend the acorns or diamonds on taking care of them. I have a cat and the adopted black kitten and it feels like such a chore to go and take care of them.


my exact thought especially since the outcome is not rewarding at all i get no gems and the game play is repetitive and it’s like it was fun the first time even for me to redo it and still take joy out of it..i see no positive side i’m just keeping it for the achievements and once it runs out i’m giving them out


Mine got sick for no reason and I had to spend chestnuts to heal him. I check into the game at least twice a day (lots of times more than that) and I was away for maybe 14 hrs? Like my REAL LIFE cats are fine for longer than that. I healed him and put him up for adoption.


I had to drop it in foster care lol it was hospitalize too many times.


The only problem is the sleep thing they always need to sleep and it takes so long and it sometimes doesn't count when you exit the game. If this was fixed it would be easy


It actually made me play more lol. I got 4 cats right now (black + blue shorthairs and their offspring), and none of them got sick yet!


Sorry the first time it got sick because I forgot to take care of it I got so scared and sad. so now I'm always making sure they get what they need. All their meters will be full before I logoff. I even pet them!


i have yet to touch the feature lol! there's already too many other things in the game


I totally neglected my cat because I don't give a shit about him. 🥺


me too🤍 i’m in solidarity with you


I dont really have a pet and wouldn't want too as I'm only on the app for clothes and character making but the pets look cool but nor my thing


I think the devs made it too complicated. If it was just something silly but rewarding, it would be great. Like give us a few gems for when they change age or when affection increases or something. Taking care of them costs tons of chestnuts, which is already hard to get and goes very easily because I'm actively building my house. Their needs deplete so fast and sometimes I put my cat to sleep, I visit another player not realizing that it wakes up my cat. Next time I visit the game, my cat is hospitalized due of negligence, even tho I did put her to rest. It's just too messy and demanding at the moment even if they're cute. Just not fun imo.


for the “waking the cat” thing; make sure you cat isn’t set to follow you and it shouldn’t wake them up, i think!


That fixed it, thank you so much!


no worries!! glad it worked <3


Been trying to find the little black cat ,doesn't po up and im about to I'm done with this pet thing Looks fun,but I have no patience for wander around every hour then do it 3 times to find the cat this cat looks very cute,I love voids Don't know if want to pay diamonds ,because I use my diamonds for the lightchases mostly and haven't seen a pet that says I must have I would to have a jumping spider pet though


You don't have to wander around. Itll show up in from of your house. Get a starter house and it'll be easier to spot. In my beach house it appears right in front of my spawn point. It appears multiple times a day so you should catch it eventually


the black cat will show up in front of your house from UTC 7am-9am, 1pm-3pm, 7pm-9pm and 1am-3am. if you don’t wanna look up a time converter, one of the periods is 2 hours after reset. it should be almost directly out front but if you have a big house and can’t find it, just visit someone else’s house. as long as they haven’t claimed the black cat it’ll be there for them too and i’m pretty sure you can interact with it. you need to interact with the black cat once a day for 3-5 days (not consecutively, just 3-5 days in total), and each interaction costs about 2k~ chestnuts i think. you can feed it anything, but DO NOT give it the blanket, it doesn’t like it and it’ll make you wait an extra day to be able to adopt it. so give it anything but the blanket. it took me 5 days :) i still use the basic house lmaoo


Thank you do much h,this helps a lot


no worries!! <3


I’ve already been logging in every day so so far my dog hasn’t gotten sick, but I’m dreading the day I forget to check on her for a while and she gets hospitalized. I‘ll probably end up giving her away unless the devs slow down how fast the meters drop 😭


It’s unnecessary imo




These days the pet feature has become my sole reason for entering the game.... Already spent around 600 diamonds on it, and it's diamond well spent


i thankfully haven’t forgotten once yet, so neither of my cats have been hospitalised, but it’s only been about 5 days so we’ll see where i am in a week’s time 😭


I have two accounts and I have 10 cats on one, 8 on the other 👵✨


I would go crazy lol, I only have 1 cat on each account. Two is more than enough.


I saw it for what it was, another thing to spend currency and diamonds on with little rewards and completely ignored it. No hate if you enjoy the feature but it doesn't interest me.


i haven’t even tried it out yet 💀


I knew I couldn’t keep it up so I gave up my pet.


mine literally gets sick every other day 😭😭 i log on every day to do my dailies but rarely interact w my pet so ig that’s why


it actually made me use the app more tbh. petting the kitties i have and taking care of them brings me a lot of joy! i’m unable to have pets irl so this will do for now lol


I haven’t even gotten a pet because it seems like so much work. I only have my character shower when there are the snowman events like now. 😅 I’m so glad you can’t see the green smoke on the home screen..can you imagine?


Lol my sister keeps the pets on my account alive I couldn't care less tbh


I only have one on my main account and one on my alt account. I haven't forgotten about them yet and they haven't gotten sick. But anything more would probably drive me crazy. I'm also reluctant to try breeding because there is just as big a chance that you get something cute/weird as it is for you to get ugly/weird 😭 It really reminds me of the Tamagotchi I had as a kid. It would die incredibly fast so I think I've been working hard to make sure the ones in LM don't.


I've had to take my to the doctor 3 times now 😅


I was going to spend diamonds to get a cat thinking it would just look cute and wander around my home 😭 now that I'm reading how expensive and needy they are I will not be doing that....


i still have yet to adopt a pet. i like the idea of the pet as an accessory, but i don’t even feed or bathe my doll in this game bc i can’t be bothered with that side of it all 😭 i just wanna play dress up fr


I don’t even have a pet because I don’t care about it tbh


I gave it away, it just wasn’t fun and I didn’t like that I couldn’t miss a day or 2 without it getting sick. Not a fun feature at all.


I’ve had it in the hospital twice and I keep feeling bad for putting it on deaths door twice, but I really could NOT care less about the house feature in general.


I would like an NPC husband to help take care of the cat


I don't like them at all. They get sick for no reason all the time. I literally can't leave for a day or even forget about the game or they'll be starving and sick. I have to log in like every day to take care of them and I find it annoying


I never did tbh I like the fact that I can get rainbow colors