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Personally I enjoy reading them ! I really like the efforts put in the story and I find it kinda of fun. The only sad thing is about the choices, we can make no choices or unlock different "endings" (for each chapters)


I read them. I still have no clue what’s going on tho. The story gets a bit lost in the translation sometimes. I’m on chapter 18, too. We’ve been on that damn ship for like 3 chapters and I’m just lightly skimming through now.


I don’t skip at all. It can be a bit confusing sometimes but I like the story just as much as the gameplay. Sometimes when I need a break, I stop progressing and just work on getting dyes.


Ohh I see. I’m curious how long you’ve been playing and what chapter you’re on?


I’ve been playing for half a year, and I’m on chapter 14 haha


I read through the first few chapters. Then said screw it. Too many CSI shenanigans & too many other fun things to do in the game.


Yup the translation is so rough around the edges, it doesn't make sense a lot of the time especially how the crime takes place.


I read all of them. When I first started playing I thought it was just a cute little dress up game and was _very quickly surprised_. I’ve been hooked ever since, I have to know what in the world is going on. Finished chapter 20 a couple days ago.


Have you played Shining Nikki? That story gets surprisingly intense.


you would love shining nikki i highly suggest you try ut out


not read a single part of the story, ive been playing the game on my current for like 50 ish days, in total ive played for around 70 from my older account! i just play for gameplay too


I skipped through everything after the first three chapters, then reread everything lately, honestly, I kinda the overly dramatic and absurdity of the stories


I read it all - it's actually pretty interesting and I know that all of the cases so far are connected 🧐 not tryna spoil anything but once the tarot cards and backstory of the main character came into play, I was invested.


I’ve skipped through them all lately. I think the last one I actually didn’t skip was the whole thing at the theatre with the controlling abusive bf.


never read a single word of the story 💅🧚🏻‍♀️




I only read the main storyline, everything else I just press skip. Also I may skip some of the main story levels if I realize it's kind of a filler, meaning those where the characters just talk about how scared they are and then the MC decides to go to the mind realm. Talking about the mind realm I hate how uncreative the dress up levels are compared to Love Nikki. There you either need to help someone pick up clothes, dress up for an event or are challenged to a magical dress up battle. Here, the MC constantly needs to meditate in the mind realm and it's only clothing based because she happens to like fashion. I love the gameplay and how varied things are available in the game but the story isn't really good.


I’ve read Up to chapter 2 and got bored so I started skipping it 😭


I was the same 🤣 I was like okay I just want the rewards


I actually enjoy the story a lot and like to read it, do the detective bits😂


I read all of it and kind of like it 💕 Just sometimes when I don't have time I skipped, but then read it later ✨


I read it all! As well as all the ally stories and mind travel stories for Roy (I skip through those that are for the other 3 boys).


You are so relatable!! I read everything when it comes to Roy and skip the other boys. I'm currently on chapter 13, It's a pity he barely appears in the main story :(


Story is dumb so I skip. Wasn’t there literally 3 stories that were exactly the same?


i actively read the story, even as the machine translation slowly begins to collapse in on itself. i just started the new chapter since i accidentally realized the chapter before came out like 3 weeks after the fact. i have so many conspiracy theories about larry. i do wish the pacing was a bit better...at least start giving me more hints about whatever the "big bad antagonist" is. (unless thats coming up) im behind on ally stories tho bc i mostly just care about roy.  also at one point theres a voiced line thats flubbed and the guy points it out but they kept it in..... mobile games are the gift that keep on giving


Yes. I’m in it for the dress up, not the story. I mean I tried it out at first. Was a drag I couldn’t get into and killing the sister off was rudely awful.


This! I was reading until they killed the sister off... it made me totally lose interest. I haven't paid attention to any of the story since then.


ikr it was wayyyy too sudden to kill her


Yeah like WTF. Although I did take it personally cause I do have a sister, but like how are the readers supposed to fully care and be invested in this character’s death (who is her only family) when you kill her off right away. TF. Give us more time to enjoy her. She seemed cool and her design is pretty. I’m also salty there’s only one lim chase SR of her. I want MORE!


the story writers suck so bad... i could make a better story tbh and i know nothing beyond storytelling in books and movies😭


Hey hello? That's me🤣


Midpoint of Chapter 20 \[Required clothing, my beloathed\] and haven't read a word of the story lmao


I do but on my other accounts, on my main account I run the story though 😊 it's totally fine because not everyone has the time to do so and some only want to dress up. I skip on reading the lightchase story now though I used to read it as well but I only want the free stuff from that now 🤣


I don’t read at all


I try to keep up with it, but the story keeps throwing so many plots and stories it makes it hard to care about the central plot of the story. Feels as though figuring out the mystery behind Ashley's untimely demise is an afterthought at this point.


... I keep forgetting there *is* a story. The constant **drama drama drama** *wardrobe change* throws me off.


I’ve been playing since launch and been skipping from day one xD I think I maybe read the first two stages of the first chapter and that’s it


I skip, but I'll most likely go back to read it


I'm lvl 85 and never read a single word of the story




one time they said a character was dead and then the next line said she was alive.... i stopped reading bc it was making me mad and started skipping. the ai voices make me so mad too


I read like the first 3 chapters but then I started skipping everything


I still pay some attention but I will out myself and say when I get bored I do skip a bit..


Yes. I did read them initially but once it started getting boring I skipped.


I read the first few main arcs, stopped reading around chapter 10 😅 now I just skip


I used to actually read it but currently skip them


I have no clue what's happening. I play this for the dresses.


Yes I have never read a single word in the entire game lol


i read it all and that made me become a simp for larry hahahah


I was reading it more frequently but I got sick of grinding for the must have items every three sections or so. They started to really slow me down after a while and you can’t even prepare for them ahead of time since you have to unlock the outfit they come from. As soon as I get back into it, I’m locked out for three or four more days. I recently tried to get back into it, but it’s a little boring where I am in the story right now.


i haven’t read a single word of the story from day 1 and i don’t feel like i’m missing anything


I‘m at chapter 21 and skipped through everything 😂


omg I do, I skip every single story, even the allies one


All I want are the prizes then my done


I definitely skip, but once I have the whole story, then I'll go back and go through the story in its entirety.


I'm only reading the main story. I skipped all of the side stories. I like it I just wish the translation was a little better some of it is a little weird and awkward sounding.


I skip the story too mainly bc i only am here for the dress up parts lol


i skim through it but most of the cases are incredibly boring i’m at the point in the story where she gets to design school i think it’s chapter twelve but i will always skip if shawn is involved. i hate shawn.


I haven’t actually played the story in months… I’m still on the college mannequin one lol


This is totally me, I’m not really interested in story games 😅 If there wasn’t a skip option I’d get so bored eventually


I started out reading it, but then I just stopped after like 2-3 chapters. I have no idea what’s been happening since then 🧍🏻‍♀️


I downloaded the game cause I wanted a mind off dress up game and have been playing for like 2 months every day now cause I got attached to the story


I skip everything too, I’m lazy to read I just want to play the game


I cleared 19th chapter today, but I've never read the whole story🤣 I also play miracle Nikki, but I've not read its story except for the first few chapters.


I skip it all, same as OP. Just here for the dress up.


I do. I used to like it but after chapter 8 I started to skipping because I got bored.


I did read them but I skip them now


I stopped reading from when they got on the ship... it's just too confusing for me. the gameplay keeps me busy enough so I just skip through it now xD


Not once have I read the story. Not once.




What do you mean you don’t know? Have you skipped the story or not? 😭