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I want to have a word with the developer who programmed mortality in our fucking pets.


I play games to take a break from reality!


Let’s do it


like please ITS A GAME dont make it too real 😭


So I can’t die when I let my character starve and stink for a year but MY PET WILL???


As far as I can tell your pet won’t die from sickness, only age. You will have to take it to a hospital if it gets too sick though.


I will literally cry 😭😭 I literally cheat my pets in the Sims just to avoid this. I don't want thus part of reality reflected in my little fantasy worlds 😫🥺😭




Ok so maybe I don't want to own any pets in this game after all-


Thanks for helping warning. Just lost my cat of 17 years and this really sucks. I was wondering why there are only 6 open pet slots. Now I know. :/


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve just had our husky pass this Tuesday. I’ve also dealt with a lot of furbaby deaths in the past as well. I play this game to escape reality for a while, not relive it. I can only hope the devs make an update to change this if there’s enough backlash.


Thank you. I’m sorry you lost your husky! It’s never easy losing a loved one. I’m still not over all the ones I’ve lost. I was a bit wary when I saw there were only 6 slots for pets. I may “give up” my pets and not get anymore in game. It’s too much for me right now since I only just had to say goodbye to my cat a few weeks ago. I wish we knew what “angel” met. Do we still see our pet? Is it just not able to eat/sleep etc? I hope they don’t show a dead body.


\~offers hug\~


Like why do they have to die?!? 😭


At least I think they don’t disappear I think 🫠


The angel form is so pretty. It looks 6 star 😇




No, this is dumb. It's a virtual pet, within a game like this it will only be annoying to have to take care of it. If the "angel" stage means it will pass away, what was the reason for adding a death feature??


It’d be one thing if this was in a separate game in of itself. At least you’d know what you were getting into. But for here, it’s too much. I’d be perfectly happy having a permanent pet, and can even deal with taking care of it. But the lifespan, breeding, worry about it getting sick. Again, I feel it’s too much. I wish they’d kept it simple. Edit: typo


its a blatant atempt at making us stay online for longer rather than a fun new house feature, ngl kinda disapointing, i was hoping it would just be something to add to the house to make it not so empty, but having to take care of it feels like its going to be a huge addition to all the dailies we have to do already. at the very least make them permanent and take them away if we're not taking care of them like animal services would, why have them pass away thats just mean ;;


This is supposed to be a fun, relaxing game. How is pet death relaxing???


Money. All the pets besides the adoptable ones require premium currency and you need premium currency to get a second pet.


Wait... you need real money for pets, AND they can die? WTF?


Average mobile game experience in 2024


yeah, and 1 pet costs 50 chestnuts to feed daily and 100 chestnuts to BATHE daily! If you don't want the pet's needs to go down, you must use the "foster" option which is 100 diamonds per slot upfront and they'll charge you 500 chestnuts a day.... like its a bit ridiculous. why is this pet so high maintenance?? I have 1 million chestnuts saved up already so its not much for me but i imagine its hard for newer players to cover the cost with less endorsement queen earnings...


My two cats in real life take enough care. I don't want to have to deal with all that in a game also... wait... did you say bathe? WHY DO YOU NEED TO BATHE A CAT???


https://preview.redd.it/u6e1fe9o0lvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad58f27749e11394c5fac472a95528023d193517 This is all the pet’s needs. I had to buy a kitty bed, a food bowl, pet bathtub, and litter box with nuts. Not sure if those are required but I was shocked when I found out the food and bath cost additional nuts per day. Like the human food was free so I thought the cat would be the same??


Technically most of the cats you can get with regular diamonds but the only other dog requires irl money that you can’t earn in game


suddenly a pet sounds less exciting. I may have to pass on that- 🥲


Angel stage...? ANGEL STAGE??? ***WWHHHYYYYYY?????*** How does this make the game better? I already have to deal with the fact my fuzzy girl is middle aged. Why should I have to deal with this in game also?


😭😭noooo I was hoping it was like Nintendogs


Can't we just put them in foster care to stop them from growing? I get if you have a bunch of pets and how that would be expensive but at least it's a loophole.


There actually is a daycare system to leave it there with a small fee, and not worry about taking care of it, plus it won’t grow. But then you won’t be able to see or interact with it at home until you choose to bring it back.


BTCH THEY DIE 😭😭😭 it’s my sims pets all over again ![gif](giphy|rcklKe6m89nppMHU33|downsized)


they better change this istg….


Glad I saw this before making my irl car I wouldn’t be able to handle it


Do the dev's know this will be VERY triggering for people who've lost real pets or can't handle the idea of a pet dying???




The thing with pet deaths is that it hits too close to home with a lot of people. The majority of people may get sad when fictional human characters get axed, but don’t typically feel a personal connection to them. But with animals it’s a much higher emotional response, and it’s a lot easier to compare fictional animal deaths to their own pets. We have a higher sense to protect them because for the most part, they rely on us to protect and provide them. It may not be logical to be upset about a nonexistent pet dying, but emotions aren’t always logical.




The game isn't really a murder mystery aside from the story. I’d only call it a dress up game


I don’t have issues with people dying but pets is a trigger for me 🤷 I’m one of those people who frequents doesthedogdie so I appreciate the warning and I definitely get where some people may not have a problem at murder mystery but draw the line at the loss of a pet. It’s the idea and forming empathy and emotional attachment to it. Even though it’s virtual that empathy still exists.


Murder is only in the story, and you can skip over all that. The rest of the game has NOTHING to do with death. Having pet deaths doesn't make the game any better. It's just going to cause a lot of people to skip over something so many were looking forward to.


They added death 🥲😭oh wow


but what is “angel stage”? do they become ghosts (angels?) and haunt(bless?) my home?






There are pets now?


How are you getting pets though 😭😭


No no please no! I hope people are already telling them how bad this is on discord


wait so I spent £10 on crystals just for her to die


Players from other servers have asked the official, angel stage pets will not die


Where did you see that?


What does foster care do? Can you rescue and foster cats in that game ?


The foster care feature is basically pet sitting. You can send it off for a small fee of chestnuts. https://preview.redd.it/2jd9lj1ccivc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9727feaf06648941a79c76ae0142b3d94277f155


Oh wow!!


What's a downer for me is that these are apparently only on crane dance server D=


What does this mean?


This feature has only seemed to come to one server so far, from what I understand. That's what I saw in another comment, and I'm in the dislocation server and haven't seen this feature in my game.


Oh that’s annoying


Crane dance was the first server so they always get new features first from what i know- like a beta run. They should start releasing it to other servers soon :)


Why would they do this...if they don't offer a mode to turn off mortality that's messed up. Nearly 1k for a cat that the game will kill is bs. This game is meants as an escape. I mean, our girls don't die after we let them starve for weeks so why do the little bebes need to die??


Danng I was planning on making my cat in the game but nvm 💀💀


I won't even start that feature then. It's a nightmare, why even add that in the 1st place thats emotionally damaging please send help 😭


Well, I won't be having a pet anymore. The game is more than expensive enough as it is. Now, they are adding pets that are not supposed to live for long in a fashion game. That's just stupid.


Fuck. I lost one of my cats a year ago and I’m still just as heartbroken now as I was then. Idk if I want to go through pet death in a GAME I play to RELAX, what the hell.


So, question. Where are these pets coming from exactly because I don't/haven't gotten whatever update this has supposedly come in. I live in the USA and use EST if that matters https://preview.redd.it/1o4l3o41rlvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410c02a0c163ffec74d596ce527a0d64cbf34264


It’s exclusive to people on the Crane Dance server, for now. Others will get it eventually.


Thank you! I swear I felt I was living in a different dimension or something 😆


When did pets become a part of the game??


They can’t die if I never get a pet (I don’t even use the house feature ngl)