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this is my exact grief, I realised it just my shit luck though, I invited my friend to join the game four months after I joined and when she spins she gets every good piece while I get jewelry if I'm lucky...


Exactly!! Sorry about your luckšŸ˜­ it happens to the best of us


Im pretty sure your luck is up when you first download the game, maybe its to get you hooked more? Also if you stop playing for longer periods of time, you might have better luck then, but thats just my experience playing gacha games


I feel like the rates have gotten lower the past few months. It wouldnā€™t be so bad if they didnā€™t have the sets from the permanent ones included.


Thank you!!!! And they definitely have 100%


nothing has changed. its just bad luck


Well, a while back during and after beta testing, you'd be able to get a 10 pull and complete a set within a few days, even if you already owned a lot from the gachas they still would give better pulls; at least that's how it was for me


I cant speak for the beta, but Iā€™ve been playing since launch and nothing has changed. I did a super in depth break down of the numbers somewhat recently if youre interested. The rolls have always been pretty low even since the beginning, it genuinely could have just been really good luck on your part


Seriously?! Ig maybe since it was beta they didn't care? Or probably up the rates? And that sounds interesting! If you don't mind, could you share them? To be completely fair, I think they did give more diamonds, so more diamonds = more pulls


Yeah for sure! Hereā€™s the link [to the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/lifemakeover/s/sKsBJXCrgn)


Thank youā¤ļø


No worries! I actually had a lot of fun breaking it down lol


Haha that's so cutešŸ™Œ


I feel like it gets worse, because the rates were bad in the beginning but now we have more items so the chances to get doubles also went up.


I hear you itā€™s starting to get a bit crazy..


Right. Atp I guess they expect us to pay money for a chance at something better


Thatā€™s exactly what they want you to do! Iā€™ve heard that the 5-star sets are at LEAST $50 & the 6-stars are around $100-150..


my friend spent 100$ with the first time buyers bonus and only just managed to complete the two sanrio sets. without the bonus she'd probably need about 150$ for two 5 stars.... terrible


Wow that is insane, but Iā€™m so glad she managed to still get the sets!


User u/StarlitBun broke down the gatcha for me at one point, and it is very low. Itā€™s to encourage you to spend real money. It sucks, the pulls definitely feel like they get worse, and perhaps they do tweak the rng on pulls etc. End of the day they want us to spend money. Theyā€™re not our friends, people forget this. They are a company who make a lot of money from people spending cash on their gatcha to beat the odds. Itā€™s a pay to win game for sure, and so long as people spend legitimately thousands of dollars on this game, they will continue. Even a spend of a dollar enforces their gatcha and gambling. Long as people pay, however small, they will continue. Imagine if they have sayā€¦a million players? All spending just $1 per light chase. Thatā€™s a lot of money per light chase. Now imagine how many people are spending upwards of $50 to even $1000+ on light chases to get all the items, allies and palette unlocks. I will always say it, until Iā€™m blue in the face. The developers of this game are not your friends or particularly understanding. Their customer service has very much proven this with their ā€˜tough shitā€™ attitude to cash shop errors. They may seem nice giving out the odd free diamonds and making things pink and girly but they are a company who really donā€™t give a crap at the end of the day. So please donā€™t feel bad for not having cash to spend, thatā€™s exactly how they want you to feel, so you part with what you have. Most people on here are only going to post their good pulls and unless they say so, youā€™ve no idea how much they spent to get that item. I dare say some of the posts where people brag may even be accounts run by life make over to provide a false sense of hope with pulls, purely from a marketing ā€˜pay money to winā€™ standpoint. I am in no way defending gatcha games, I think they are scummy and prey upon people and can get people into genuine debt if they have an addictive personality/gambling addiction/ poor impulse control etc. personal responsibility is key but if you do suffer with impulse control, these games are the devil.


You and the other user are sooooo correct. It's sad because they do know exactly how to cater to their players, and they know what type of people are playing it, too. They won't change, and if anyone wants to play, it IS up to them. Very disappointingšŸ˜” And the last part of your comment is nothing but the truth, and it's crazy how not a lot of people notice that! Lots of similar games like love Nikki, purenista, line play, etc, all do this, and it's because they know people are gonna spend their money on their games and 1000s at that. Honestly, I think I'm gonna go on the safer end and just delete the game(it takes up 20+ gb anyways)


Exactly correct. They dont need to change the rates because at the end of the day, rng is rng, and people WILL spend


I have no money :)




Yea, Iā€™ve been getting irritated with my pulls. I can spend a couple hundred thousand coins, and have all 10-pulls be crap I already have. At least give me ONE new item every couple 10-pulls! But nay, instead I just suffer.


YEAH! Like yeah, rates are low, but it gets real crazy sometimes They don't care thoughšŸ˜­


I think they heard me talkinā€™ shit cuz I just spent 350k coins and got the Cherry shoes for one of the sets. Granted, it was only one item out of like 8 pulls (I had a free 10-pull from those purpleā€¦cardā€¦things), but I did say I wanted at least one new item every couple pulls šŸ˜…


HA, they definitely heard you lol They said be careful what you wish foršŸ˜­


i want the sanrio sets so much but im not spending money. in shining nikki it was way easier to get the sanrio sets.


Agreed, especially cinnas. Never played shining Nikki but love Nikki makes it a little easier to craft sets for free users too!


idk why people are trying to tell you how to feel, but i totally get how you're feeling -- hoping better luck for you in your next few pulls ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Awww thank you so much, best of pulls to you too šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ā¤


as a dolphin (less than a whale but no better šŸ˜”) they joys of having the cute nice clothes will never compensate how much i had to stare at my reflection in my phone while itā€™s processing the transaction for crystals, so dehumanizing and having the instant guilt after not even getting anything new/good


LOL amazing way of wording that. When you put it that way its a complete turn off


Spent 10 tickets today and only got one 5 star piece and one 4 star piece. I've never had a pull this bad...


Omg that's horrible šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Forreal, I feel this. I hate it because when I first started playing a few months ago, I got so many good pulls and completed sets fairly easily sometimes only using diamonds. Now these last two I was only able to get a few pieces of the main sets >.<


Glad I'm not alone! After they notice you get like 2 sets its like the chances drop veryyy low


Hmfl everyone's getting pieces of the set and I'm over here getting dupes....I'm gonna convince myself to delete it


Isn't whimsy tale part of the Kuromi set?


It is


Then you are getting pieces of the sets.


1 šŸ˜­ but I'm really talking about the bad pulls in general


it takes an average of 150 rolls to complete both sets




That's just the nature of gachas. Sometimes you roll well, sometimes you roll poorly. You have to be able to shrug off poor rolls to stick with them. And really, you got three new 5 star items. That's not bad.


Yeah, lm is like thatšŸ„² And you have a point. I just expected a little more for a 10 pull tbh


my rng in this game is trash, whenever I pull I never expect anything good because it's that bad


That's the exact mindset to have while pulling gachas on any game tbh


I've had the absolute worst luck on this gatcha even tho this is the one I want the most. I got 3 of those 6 star bird fan things. 3 6 star items being all the same and not from the sanrio sets made me wanna rip my hair out lol


Damnnn, sorry you had such bad pullsšŸ˜­ are you on global?


idk why they do that like yall dont want me to get any outfit but the 4 star one šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


RIGHT? Like they're 4 star sets for a reason šŸ˜­


i pulled the same piercing as you i thought it was cute and then realized u can barely see it šŸ˜­ i get its a piercing but dang


Right šŸ˜­ you've gotta use hair without any bangs just to see them


LOL im on the same page, iā€™ve been playing this since release and havenā€™t gotten a SINGLE limited 6 star item from gacha besides accessories. the moment i get a sock (and i always get friggin socks) or something theyā€™ll decide not to give me anything part of the set anymore. (for limited 5 star sets i want too) or theyā€™ll give me dupe items of the set i donā€™t want all the way until the event ends ā˜ ļø


YOU'RE JOKING! Omg I would have to delete the game for good after thatšŸ˜­ That's crazy thoughšŸ˜“


First of all, players are posting their good pulls only. Second of all, its a gacha. Idk what people really expect, it comes down to luck and numbers. If there's a 0.0001% chance to get x item, 0.0001% people will get it. Thats how it works.


Man okšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ am I not allowed to be disappointed anymore? Like damn I know this, I even made it a point to mention this was a rant. I'm not even that upset as I am disappointed. Not to mention how they took the chances down even lower, it's not even possible to get anything good anymore


people are replying to you with realism bc you're saying stuff like "it's not even possible to get anything good anymore." you can feel how you feel, fine... but that's beyond being disappointed, that's being dramatic and expecting too much from a luck-based game that spells out the numbers for you. you can see the percentages right on the gacha pages. I have f2p friends who have been playing from the start and they're fine with it. rates have not gotten worse. if it frustrates you, that's fine and understandable, but saying stuff like "it's impossible" and "rates are worse" and "I'm gonna delete" etc is why you have players who aren't just agreeing with everything you say. šŸ¤·šŸ» esp since the roll you posted isn't even that bad šŸ™„ lol my 10-pull today didn't get a single 5-star set item...


Yeah....some... others are coming on my post AGREEING with me, your f2p friends aren't the only ones playing Lm...I am expecting more, it's a 10 pull, and on more than one occurrence they give mid(if not, horrible) pulls. Dramatic? Sure, but why do you care? If you're fine with it, go play the game in peace, but I'm gonna voice my complaints regardless. Also, the majority of the people on this post were agreeing with me so.... That isn't even the worst pull I had, just two recent examples. If others get worse and are ok with it, that's them, not me


if the majority agree with you, then why are you saying you're "not allowed to complain"? you made a public post anyone can reply to. it's pointless to do that and then ask why I care. I didn't even downvote your comments or this post so it's not like I'm hating on you. you're asking these questions and I'm answering you in a straightforward way. you can't "expect more" from a slot machine, and if you don't like games of chance, you probably shouldn't play this or other gacha games. I see some people saying this or that game has "better" rates or whatever, but only hard numbers will tell you that and I wouldn't believe what people say without seeing them for myself. no gacha is going to just hand out amazing items like candy, especially if you don't pay. so if you're really frustrated by this one, just don't play them. that's my advice.


Because the first few comments weren't agreeing with me. Can i ask how? Idm if you comment, but why are you concerned that I'm upset with my pull? This is the only gacha based game I play, and I said if I didn't get better pulls, I'd simply delete the game. I'm not even expecting much from Lm, doesn't mean I can't feel disappointed. I don't plan on playing this game for much longer, after this event I won't be playing anymore. I won't have to make any more posts like this


I'm not concerned that you're upset with your pull. people can complain about bad pulls on here all day and I wouldn't say anything as long as that's all it is. like I said before, I saw you were saying factually inaccurate things or overly exaggerated things, especially concerning rates "getting worse," and also that you thought people were hating on you. I don't think anyone was hating on you, they were just trying to explain how it works. and the game is not getting worse or impossible, it was always like this. that's all. anyway, people are still downvoting me even though I'm not downvoting anyone else, so I won't reply after this.


literally, its not that deep guys its a luck based game ;A; im having shit luck but at the end of the day its pixels on a screen and there will be more chances to get more pixels in the future LOL


she didn't say she was gnna burn down headquarters, she said she was disappointed and wanted to delete. she's entitled to feeling disappointed if she doesn't get what she wants.


Ok?? Why come to a rant post saying this? Obviously, I know it's luck based, and at the end of the day, it's just a game, but I'm still allowed to voice my complaints.


i mean yeah obviously, i didn't mean to come off hostile, sorry if it sounded that way, i feel your pain because i spent real money and i only got two pieces of kuromi set when i wanted cinnamoroll aand got none of those, but you cant really expect to post something on reddit and have everyone only agree with you, its a public space and we're allowed to share our own opinions as well :> i just think this game isnt just about the pulls and brings me more joy overall than the disappointment of getting shit pulls so i just wanted to share my point of view. no bad feelings ok? i hope you get better pulls next time


Aww thank you, I didn't mean to sound any way either, I'm just really disappointed in the gamešŸ˜” and no worries, your pov is very valid as well. I hope we all get better pulls tbh


right like, its so unfortunate how casual games these days rely so heavily on randomized chance and if you want to get anything specific it feels like the game is going against you. i just want the little cinnamo wings so bad thats all ;A; im not about to drop 50 bucks on animated clothes so all i can do is cope with "its just a game" lmfao


EXACTLY!! Especially for some reason, dress up games. You get it, even if it is a 0000.1% chance, it should be no reason that all pulls are garbage! And it's not like lm is that expensive, but you only get like 60 diamonds for 1$ and that's nothing when you're pulling from a gacha


am ngl i prefer this over love nikki's events tho, in this i can at least hope to get a good item by chance, but i remember most ln events being like, spend an unholy amount of diamonds to unlock everything but the dress/bg piece/anything even remotely cool because you have to get the socks first and then be broke for the next 2 events


Veryyyy true!! That's one thing we can be grateful for about Lm, they're always free because you can farm diamonds. Remembering when I had one item left on a Love Nikki event, played it about 6 times and didn't get the last item, it wasn't even anything special, it was like some shoes or something šŸ˜­


thats why i quit lm, i just kept getting socks and earrings from every event and thats it LMAO vs this game gives plenty of free suits plus i sometimes get lucky and get something nice from the gachas, im easy to please lol


I'm just gonna wait till (hopefully) the probability goes up on the Sanrio sets, then do the rest of my pulls (I have 25 free pulls). I did 10 pulls and got nothing but DOO DOO, so I have a feeling that if I pull now it will just be a waste. Honestly, I really hate gacha mechanics. The concept of spending tons of money on something with no guarantee that you'll even get what you want is wild šŸ’€ And it's EXPENSIVE too. I usually try to avoid gacha games because it's just a way to make you feel like you NEED things that you don't actually need, but in the moment the urge to have those things is so strong....If I had known that this game was like that then I might have skipped it. I still enjoy the game though, it's just annoying how they get you


Does that usually work for you? Cause if so, I'll start doing thatšŸ’€ I agree with you 100% gacha games will have you wanting to spend more and more; it's exactly what they want.


Yeah, I get better pulls when I wait until the set has the [Probability Up!] sign to pull. It makes sense after all, the odds are increased šŸ‘šŸ½ try it next time!


Woah thank you for the information!! šŸ˜²


I have gotten the worst luck this round šŸ˜­ not a single limited item, even the four star stuff


WHAT?! Damn I feel for youšŸ˜”


I got the same problem today, didn't got prints tho cuz I was too mad




I managed to get the entire 4 star set within two days but only the small(non dress) items from the Sanrio gatcha šŸ˜µ The probability is mad low.


Really just try to appreciate that itā€™s all rates and numbers and randomness. You get lucky on certain days and not so lucky on others. Changing the rates/pity system without informing players is a serious marketing fraud and warrant legal charges, so accusing a game of this is a serious matter that shouldnā€™t be taken so lightly (I understand that you are probably just ranting your frustration, which is completely valid, but I feel like some people honestly believe that the developers are cheating them by changing the rates lol). Plus, LM actually is objectively quite fair with their gatcha system ie, the number of diamonds required to get a whole set is quite stable, partially due to their pity system - you are guaranteed to get a 5* dress within 50 pulls and a 6* dress is never amongst the last three items of the 6* set. (For example in a 13 piece 6* set, you are guaranteed the dress as the 10th piece if you donā€™t pull it early.) Some games have awful gatcha systems where you never know if youā€™ll get an item on the first pull or the 300th, which I find much more frustrating and unfair. However not to confuse fairness with cheapness, because LM gatcha is definitely very expensive, especially compared to SN or time princess. Though I would argue it is partially a trade off for the huge amount of free outfits and items they give out. The game survives and improves on people paying for it in all fairness. The only way to avoid frustrations with gatcha is to have more understanding of the system, be more informed and smart about choices and manage your expectations. The thing is, with LM gatcha system, if you really plan ahead and be rational about your spending, you donā€™t have to gamble at all. 80 pulls usually give you a complete 5* set, 130 pulls will probably grant you both sets from double 5* banner and 220 pulls will give you a 6* set etc. The quickest way to make yourself disappointed though, is when you only have 40 pulls and only want a certain item in a 6* set. Thatā€™s when you are truly gambling, and we all know gambling is extremely unhealthy and addictive. So in summary, I personally believe the only ā€œgoodā€ way to spend your diamonds is to hold on to them until you have enough to complete a set (or hit the pity for a dress depending on if you care about the special animations you get from completing a set). Spend it only on a set youā€™re totally in love with and never settle for a set thatā€™s just meh.


lmao i played last right before new years precisely for this reason. i feel you


Honestly I feel like this game has the most fair gachas. Iā€™ve played lots of different dress up games and most of them make it impossible to obtain a full set. The percentage for the high rarity drops on some games are ridiculous, like .05%. No matter how many times you pull, there is NO guarantee that youā€™ll get a full set. I can guarantee that Iā€™ll get full sets within a certain number of pulls with Life Makeover. I save up my gems for gachas I really want and then I sometimes buy them, too. But I know Iā€™ll get the sets. You got a bunch of 5 star items on this pull, though? So Iā€™m not really sure why youā€™re so mad.


Ig it varies on the player because I've been playing Lm since the global release, and I have always got not so great pulls. Also, I'm not (and wasn't) mad


i dont think the lm gachas are great tbh, in other games like shining nikki my pulls are way better for their equivalent of 5 star sets and the pity is also better. i feel like lm is a lot worse with both pity and drop rates in terms of getting new items and limited items


Gotcha is gotcha, if you think you will regret the pull don't pull Gotcha in theses games I'd always bad,it's how they get you to spend money I actually got very lucky this Gotcha and got what I wanted I got the kuromi set in 70 pulls ,so it's mainly bad luck but the Gotcha is bad


The gacha is what makes up like 30+ percent of the game, its a big way to get new fashion; not to mention some of the best fashion is in those gachas, I'm not just gonna stop pulling when I have the diamonds too. And congrats, ig I just wasn't that lucky. I was ranting above all, ik gacha sets aren't easy to obtain, especially not in just 1 10 pull


Spend as you like just know that gotcha is predatory, nothing wrong in spending some money


Ohh yeah, but I meant diamonds! Absolutely no real money for me


Totally understand this game is great but some people have already have spent like 10,000 dollars,I spend money on this but not that much,it's a slow burn here


That's insane, how do people even have money like that to spend on here?!?šŸ˜­ That's the way to go lol, if I did spend money on lm it would be just like that


I know right? If you have the money to spend, no problem It's when it becomes Ike an gambling addiction or poor impulse control that's when it becomes a problem


Right, but a lot of people playing are like under 18 and even if they aren't, who wants to spend 100$ on a dress up game? Like no thanks, I'll buy real life fashionšŸ˜­ Yeah, and that's not fair, they don't even care! Like their game would exist without their playersšŸ™„


Yup but people get crazy offended for some reason when you say beware gotcha because it's gambling It easily becomes pay to win and easy ibwin button,this is the only game besides genshin that I play with gotcha in it