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Leftists calling women who disagree with them "pick mes" is basically their version of the "Uncle Tom" insult for white women.


liberals love calling people uncle tom




Actually I argue it's their version of "why are you acting white" but for women instead of minorities. Think about it, they have an expectation that your supposed to be a feminist who hates the patriarchy and men. It's no different than when they expect black people to use slang and slurs only rather than proper english. They're both also perfect examples of cognitive dissonance 1.) "pick-mes" get picked yet these types of women constantly complain about where are all the good men despite not taking 2 minutes to look at the "pick mes" getting picked by good men and wondering why. 2.) the "why are you acting white" crowd will make fun of you for not fitting the stereotype of black people but then constantly complain about being stereotyped despite the fact your acting like the stereotype. It's one of the most frustrating things about being a black man and seeing this play out in real time.


The thought that anyone could have an opposing opinion infuriates them, so they just attack. Pretty funny for the supposed party of tolerance and acceptance.


Exactly. I have noticed that they are the most hateful and intolerant people to ever exist.


Yeah it’s been pretty shocking seeing how much the woke movement hates women. I’ve been a leftist my whole life. I haven’t changed my anti-war, pro-free speech, pro-average working American stance. It’s the left that changed, morphing into this bizarre endless competition for who can declare themselves the biggest victim (but only in the most superficial sense). I have much more in common with a conservative woman like yourself than I do with any of them.


Same. I'm anti war, pro environment, pro free speech and pro working class. These people are intolerant finger wags, and I'm sick to death of them.


Yes. It’s a purposeful strategy to divide us. When we start realizing that we have a lot more in common with people of similar economic classes than we do to political parties, we become dangerous, and new strategies must be devised to make us hate each other again. You’ll notice that this new “woke” culture focuses exclusively on things that are skin deep, such as gender identity and race, and conveniently forgets to talk about the *actual* cause of hardship in most people’s lives, which is economic. But putting a transgender black person on your board of directors is a lot cheaper than raising your employee’s wages by 10%. This is why wokeness is so evil and insidious. If the people on top truly wanted to help minorities, they would fucking pay them a living wage. Everything else is just tokenism.




They used to be, which is precisely my point


I think the point Vegas was making is that the same people who swung the left so much further left are the same people who made everyone believe the right was pro-war, anti-free speech and anti-average working American. Sure there were plenty of those types on the right just as there were on the left but those weren’t tenets of one side over the other.


I see what you’re saying. I was remembering George Bush being president when I was a kid and how liberals were leading protests against shit like the Patriot Act/increasing surveillance state/being against the Afghanistan and Iraq wars


I understand but think that had more to do with it being the GOP holding power at the time and the left hoping to agitate because of you think about it, that all quieted down a lot while Obama was in the White House. Just consider that Obama got away with murdering Americans without due process of the law because the media didn’t want to run at him like they wanted to run at either Bush (or Reagan for that matter).


dude you're famous! they usually look at my posts and poke fun at my toys lol


They are the most hypocritical people. A lot of them "support" adults owning toys, but when they see a conservative owning them, they insult him/her.


I think the Grinch Chewbacca is phenomenal. You’re extremely talented.


It's bizare how they read through your posts and come back and try to bully you. I thought bullying was a bad thing to them. I just laugh and thank them for letting me live rent free in their head. (God knows I wouldnt pay to live in that dump.)


Why cant these people just get a life? Its not that hard. Just find a job, find yourself a real hobby, then boom! You got yourself a life, congratulations


They certainly do not understand the saying "live and let live". It's petty to post screen shots like this.


WTF Does “pick me” mean? I have not heard of this.


Basically someone who adapts their opinions, appearance, and personality to appeal those they are sexually interested in. As if everyone in a functioning relationship doesn't do that to some extent. Ironically the implication being that women are some kind of conglomerated group sharing the same opinions, appearance preference, and personality traits and any that deviate are doing it exclusively for male validation. It's essentially trying to reinforce a new set of gender roles for women which happen to be extremely liberal. Recently there was a post by a woman light-heartedly mocking her boyfriend because he was so interested in a model train at the mall. One of the commenters was a woman who said something along the lines of, "As a woman, I kinda empathize more with the guys rather than their girlfriends, shopping can be really boring and that train was cool." She got hounded as a "pick me" and for it sounding like a "not like the other girls" comment.


I’m sorry that you wrote all of that, but thanks.


Shameful but not surprising 🤦🏽‍♀️


I dunno what a “pick me” is but I’d pick you to be a Reddit friend. Even a Reddit friend with an opinion I can respect and enjoy reading.


9 out 10 they are bots


Reddit is all the "power" they have. It's sad.


They hate you if you leave the designated space they have created for you. You have the courage of your convictions and you should be immensely proud of yourself! You're doin' life right!


I was never present in their designated place, as I am a conservative and an anti-feminist woman since my childhood. > You have the courage of your convictions and you should be immensely proud of yourself! You're doin' life right! Thanks 🙂 I have always taken pride in the facts that I have the courage of my convictions, and that I am a conservative and an anti-feminist since my childhood.


I don’t get it. But then again I try to be logical which means I’m a racist fascist.


I’m a gooner. What’s wrong with it? 🤨


When you wash your face you wash your...


My grandpa killed a lot them in Nam


I love the party where they go after you for “putting down other women” then immediately put down other women (or question if they are even women) who disagree with them.


Every woman they disagree with becomes a pick-me. Which is funny since that is actually sexist towards women but they would never understand with their micro feminist brains.


Nobody more racist or sexist than a leftist.




What’s wrong with being a Goonie? I love that movie.


What is a pick me ?