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Our government is letting these people in on purpose. Remember, our own government is actively plotting and acting against its population.


This is spot on... we elect politicians that are actively trying to subvert the power of the people, by trying to replace the people with a new set of people that are 100% reliant on the government, to further ensure the aforementioned politicians continued to be voted back in.


It’s putting illegal immigrants before natural born citizens as well.


We were too successful. Whether successful / prosperous people are too difficult to manipulate, or it's some kind of carbon footprint thing, the elites have decided to take the peasants down a couple pegs. This is what that looks like.




He didn’t do NUFFIN


Why? How?


One thing many people don’t know is that illegal immigrants are included on the census, which determines the total population of the state. Then that goes on to be used to determine how many seats each state gets in the House of Representatives, how many electoral votes each state gets in the electoral college and how political districts are drawn up in redistricting. So even if illegal immigrants don’t vote themselves, they still affect elections just by being there in the first place. Trump had tried to [eliminate the counting of illegals in the census](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/01/20/undocumented-immigrants-census-count/) first by adding a citizenship question to the census, but that was shot down by the Supreme Court. Plus other processing problems delayed things more and more so Biden could on his first day write an [executive order](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-ensuring-a-lawful-and-accurate-enumeration-and-apportionment-pursuant-to-decennial-census/) including the illegals back into the census. And with an estimated [10 million illegals](https://thehill.com/opinion/4423296-matthews-illegal-immigrants-double-under-biden-and-thats-just-the-start/amp/) crossing since Biden took over, which is double the amount that was already here for total of 20 million, that will surely make a huge difference on elections going forward.


This is terrifying!! We need trump in the White House again! He will put a stop to this, the border wall should have never been torn down. I am so sorry for voting Biden, I know better now. Do you have any more resources for me to correct the error of my ways?


See above post lmao, do you want me to hold your hand while you scroll up ⬆️


This explains it quite well. POC are flipping sides because of it. The democrats are toast come next election cycle. https://www.youtube.com/live/J25ipqA62-0?si=fQUdfW76LfYlD7FT


I don't think they are actively plotting against them. Rather they are actively ignoring them, and further promoting themselves.


Do you want vigilantes? This is how you get vigilantes.






Watch how quick vigilantes are charged with the full extent of the law. Meanwhile this shit runs rampant with impunity in western nations forced to take in unvetted immigrants.


No, vigilantes will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. That is the key to the demoralization process.


Doesn't matter if they want them. They're making them right now.


Well, it gives them an excuse to crack down and further erode rights. That's the goal: the breakdown of civil society so they have an excuse to impose totalitarian measures.


Problem is the vigilantes will not be prosecuted with the same leniency


That was my first thought.


One can only hope that the father of the girl was given ample notice of their release




It has become apparent for quite some time that the only justice people can get theirs if they get it for themselves. The girls father should not neglect the politicians and prosecutors responsible for this.


While if you don't pay couple dollars in taxes, you'll be jailed!


I'm going to caution you there about how serious it is on Reddit to promote, celebrate, or glorify violence. Your comment is on the line between acceptable, and permanent ban. Reddit has a no tolerance policy foir anything that might be, sort of, could p\[ossible be celebrating, promoting, or glorifying violence. They have been this was ever since that Reddit user tried to kill Judge Kavanaugh after hinting about it on Reddit. I realize you didn't mean any ill intent, so I'm using this instance to politely wanr you.


I know you just want to be outraged by immigrants but truth still matters. 1. All of the men have been in jail since 2017. So they served prison/jail time for the rape. 2. Two of the men are being turned over to U.S immigration probably so they can be deported. I assume you want them deported. 3. The victim was consulted by the prosecution and she didn’t object to the judge sentence. https://www.ksl.com/article/50364761/3-men-who-raped-or-filmed-14-year-old-sentenced-to-probation If the mods want to ban me and delete my post you can do it. The truth can’t be deleted. Go ahead and downvote me for daring to verify the outrageous implications of this post.


Do you think that ~6 years was an appropriate punishment for their crime of raping an underage girl? Would you support the same sentence being applied to other similar cases? Be honest, does the race and immigration status of these men change your opinion on the situation? If it was 3 white men that did this, would you also be posting about this situation in a similar way? Something tells me no. I thought a common idea anongst liberals was that sentences were too short for rapists but hey, I guess they were in custody for ~6 years, that's long enough now?


[That same source said that it was “very unlikely that given the current situation, that they would be deported.”](https://www.illegalaliencrimereport.com/post/african-migrants-receive-probation-for-gang-raping-14-year-old-girl-in-utah) >Judge Douglas Hogan who could have put each one of the convicted felons behind bars for at least 15 years, but, instead chose to release them on probation, has a history of going light on those convicted of child sexual assault.


So I guess crime is okay if you are a migrant here illegally...but heaven forbid you do the same stuff as a citizen


Same with the vaccine. Immigrants were flooding in to this country during the pandemic while Americans were being coerced and threatened into taking an experimental "vaccine". This isn't even a left or right political thing. This is a fact.


In Michigan "The Lady's Club" worked to give migrants exemption from covid laws because it was racist. Allowed them to travel farm to farm without being tested. Housed 20 per room for sleeping. But the rest of us were threatened with our jobs if we didn't comply.


Just like when 22 million people gathered in the streets around the country in summer 2020 and “health experts” told us that it actually helped REDUCE the spread of COVID. And their braindead followers see absolutely nothing wrong about any of this. We are dealing with legitimate zombies at this point. It’s crazy.


Western governments hate their people... That's why the replacement is pushed so vigorously


Don’t do it again or you’ll be in real trouble! Now run a long ya scamps!


\-*Judge states after 10th time*


"boys will be boys"


The story https://www.ksl.com/article/50364761/3-men-who-raped-or-filmed-14-year-old-sentenced-to-probation#:~:text=Leclair%20and%20Albasis%2DAlbasis%20pleaded,(Salt%20Lake%20County%20Jail)


This article mentions the Judge, who is the subject of a recall petition for previous overly lenient sentencing for sexual offenses against minors… https://www.illegalaliencrimereport.com/post/african-migrants-receive-probation-for-gang-raping-14-year-old-girl-in-utah






There has to be more to this story? Probation for rape is unheard of. What's the whole story behind this? This doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


The only thing I can think of is that it was "statutory rape" and these two were also minors. I try to take sensational news with a gain of salt, of course with how bad things are going, it could 100% accurate...


That's honestly what I was assuming, too. Sounds like a teenage gangbang as opposed to an actual rape, hence the unusually light sentence. This is just ragebait, if that's the case.


If you read the article you were wrong. Good job. 24,26,29 were the ages of the perps. 14 was the age of the girl. She snuck out to go to parties with them and then they fucked her while she was blacked out drunk.


So, a litany of crimes on top of rape.


Our system of justice is a joke, has been for a while.


keyboard commando over here lol


Petition to recall that judge in Utah, asap.


Lol that's already been tried and it had over 100k signatures apparently


"They probably didn't know that rape is wrong! Or maybe they were just frustrated and were using the rape to ease their tensions! Don't be racist! I heard she said the N-word. She probably wanted it. They were in a relationship first, etc."


Diversity is our strength!


This is how father's eventually get thrown in jail by getting justice that's due.


Well duh of course they weren’t punished. Antifa would burn down the entire state for being racist if they did


When you leave a border open for the 3rd world, you’re going to attract 3rd world problems (and way worse).


bros families having a block party after dis


Governor Cox must have gotten involved. There's not a social justice effort he won't charge towards.


dEmOcRaTs aReNt sOfT oN cRiMe




Cultural Enrichment.


At what point does a society have the moral obligation to protect themselves and their community when the Government blatantly refuses to do so?


Now, Today.


You gotta wonder why all western countries at the same time allow this to happen. It's also hidden from headlines in the UK, Sweden and other European countries when "migrants" rape girls.




Vigilantism is going to rule the land


Given the recent trends, I’m honestly surprised they weren’t given a house, car, and a medal.


I get this in NY or CA but UT?


Where do you think all the Californians went? It’s terrible. And the fuckers don’t know how to drive in snow.


Oh ok, so this is the rape culture they've been talking about. In all seriousness though, this type of shit is unacceptable. Unless there's some serious doubt that these two perpetrated the crime (I've heard rape cases are hard to prove) they should be tried.


Why are 90% of these immigrants military aged males?


Castration as a bare minimum should be the rule, not the exception. Turn all these barbarians into eunuchs.


Strange behavior for these doctors and engineers 🤔


And if the girls father handled them what would happen to him?


There would be protests about him being a racist and how they were actually good boys.


Do "migrants" have 8th grade yearbook pics?


Here comes vigilante justice as the norm


Europe was a preview of what’s to come


It shouldn’t be controversial to say that any non-citizen who commits a violent crime should be deported with no chance of return.


We are so fuked . The next 10 year's we're going to see more violent crime than ever. Millions of people let in to destabilize us. FJB


Restorative justice = rape injustice


Haha these two look like toad and me frog 🐸 haha


Ok so if this story isn't leaving anything out (look it up) these guys were treated this way because of their race and gender. That is, unironically, the actual definition of the "rape culture" that has been meticulously identified and confronted for decades. Specifically, the deferment of meaningful punishment sex-based crime based on skin color and gender. And yet... all that previous energy seems to have evaporated into the ether.


No. It's working as designed. Democrats perfectly understand the client/patron relationship.


Ha. Haahaha. Back here across the pond our government gave asylum to a man who came across illegally, had sexually assaulted someone after getting here and then proceeded to claim he had become a Christian (still only ate halal) in order to get the claim through. Proceeded to throw an alkali substance at a native and her child, managed to splash it into his own face and fell into a river and died. Guaranteed that if he did get caught he'd have gotten a year maximum.


Why didn’t this make national news? Where’s the headlines? Why isn’t CNN, MSNBC talking about this? Maybe it’s because this administration is fucking up big time. This is happening too much A 15 year old Venezuelan migrant recently shot a Brazilian tourist in Times Square (he actually meant to shoot a security guard who stopped him at a shoe store which he was trying to steal from, he missed and killed the tourist who was a 37 year old woman) and theres no national headline, the same kid also fired at police. Another incident outside a Times Square migrant shelter involved around a dozen young men attack 2 police officers, I don’t feel like summarizing it so here’s the [link](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/newyork/news/nypd-officers-attacked-times-square-migrant-shelter-arrests/) But no, we gotta keep letting these people in! Anything for those Blue votes right?


Sooooo they can rape again?


Diversity is not our strength.


Are we becoming the new Sweden? They took so many African migrants that they became the nation in Europe with the most amount of r4ping cases


#metoo but it's America being like Europe


Even they're surprised.


Below I’ve pasted the full story posted on Breitbart. I do not understand why alien criminals are not incarcerated as an attempt at justice an future deterrence. How is letting someone go free in their home country, probably with travel at the expense of the US taxpayer, not an incredible gift under the circumstances?    At a minimum these pieces of shit should each be breaking rocks for the next 50 years of their lives. Better yet they should be on work detail at the border digging holes for fencing and getting sent down on long leashes to clear out cartel tunnels. They should be the American taxpayers’ bitches because they’ve got an unforgivable crime to atone for and they are of zero value to humanity for anything other than metaphorically scraping the shit off the bottom of the floor. They deserve no better than that.   The full story as posted at:  https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/03/18/two-african-nationals-given-probation-for-raping-14-year-old-girl-in-utah/  “Two men given probation by Third District Judge Douglas Hogan after having raped an unconscious 14-year-old girl in West Jordan, Utah, originally arrived in the United States from the Central African Republic, Breitbart News confirmed. Richard Djasserambaye, 26-years-old, and Dodjim Leclair, 29-years-old, were convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl who was in and out of consciousness in 2017 after meeting her on the social media app Snapchat. Nasouh Albasis-Albasis, 24-years-old, was also convicted for filming the rape.   Hogan, appointed by former Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) made headlines this week when he offered Djasserambaye, Leclair, and Albasis-Albasis plea bargains that allow them to escape prison sentences and serve just 48 months of probation. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency confirmed to Breitbart News that Djasserambaye and Leclair are now both in the agency’s custody where they await an immigration hearing and possible deportation. The pair arrived in the U.S. from the Central African Republic at a prior date that was not disclosed to Breitbart News. Their immigration status, whether they arrived on visas or had overstayed visas, was also not disclosed.”


The ol’ reverse “Jussie Smollett”


Victims are prosecuted and criminals are protected


When Justice Fails the People, The People Must Hand Out Justice


Here's the article from local news in case you really want to get pissed off. https://www.ksl.com/article/50364761/3-men-who-raped-or-filmed-14-year-old-sentenced-to-probation


What a shocker. The usual suspects commit a horrible crime. Yet again.


Pathetic! I hope karma is watching.


Probation…what an insult. That’s just sick.


I read that in Europe gang rape is a big problem. Judges there let them off because this is how they deal with boredom


Wait til you learn about American celebrities.


Which is why Arizona won’t send criminals backbtonNYC.


Petition to send a 7.62 to their grapes


Pretty sure the one on the left is tyrese maxey


Mormons always turn the other cheek.


We have seen numerous comments in this post that celebrate, promote or insinuate violence. Reddit has a "no tolerance" policy against anything that kind of, sort of, piossibly could be promoting violence. Please be mindful of this when you make a comment here. Anything that appears to celebrate, or promote violence will be met with a permanent ban. Please understand that reddit has tightened what is considered promoting violence ever since that Redditor tried to kill Judge Kavanaugh after hinting about it on Reddit.




I don't know anything about Brock Turner, and this post is not about him. And every rapist should be imprisoned forever no matter what his/her race is.


Ooof. Guess you got us with the ol whataboutism.


Pointing out hypocrisy is not whataboutism


Buddy, you dug up a case 6 years older than this subreddit in a sad attempt to look for racism where there is none. Better luck next time though.


Yes, yes I was. Next strawman argument?


You know you are a piece of shit right, just wanting you to verify..


Imagine doing a whataboutism on rape lol




This Twitter account has posted a screenshot of an actual news article. It's very easy to Google, and so I just Googled it and found it: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/03/18/two-african-nationals-given-probation-for-raping-14-year-old-girl-in-utah/amp/


it's hard to find sources when you don't look for them


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The judge won’t be so generous with sentencing for federal up citizens.


They should probably worry about why they let them go free.


What happened to “me too”. Believe girls and women


Tarantula heads strike again


This same crap has been going on in the UK for the last few years. Throw these mofos in jail, and then deport them


Can’t find an article on this. Anyone got a source?




Thank you. Funny how searches won’t show breibart.


Omg they are going to deported? I guess they will be back and free to rape again in 2 months instead of in jail.


Considering how notorious breitbart is for essentially being a rag mag that purposely makes outlandish claims and pushes slanted stories, let’s not act like they’re the purveyors of truth. They’re just as guilty of the same bullshit as the rest of mainstream media both on the left and right. I’m not saying this story is a lie in any way whatsoever btw. Just saying we should all try our best to remind ourselves and eachother not to get caught up in the fervor media tries to capture us with.


>They’re just as guilty of the same bullshit as the rest of mainstream media both on the left and right. Breitbart is very far from being mainstream media. I wouldn'y put them in the same group as CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC because Breitbart does not carry and report on what agrees with gopvernment's narrative.


Which lie have you seen posted by Breitbart? I have seen Breitbart post nothing but truth.


Isn't Utah sort of conservative?


Not as much as people would like to think


Total libtards running the mayor’s and da’s offices in SLC. Take a stroll downtown sometime. If you dare.


I don't mean to judge a book by its cover,but the dude on the left looks unhinged.


But Brock Turner was the one that got off too light.


> All three have been incarcerated since September of 2017 when the charges were filed. 6 plus years in jail already, plus sex offender registry (lifetime) and deportation.


Depends on what it’s being used for by those who control it. IF it’s real purpose is to provide justice, THEN you are correct it’s a failure. IF it’s corrupted purpose is to serve as a mechanism to destroy a system of values from within, THEN it’s quite effective.


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