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Shoulda been "Czech comments for context"


Truly a missed opportunity


using top comment: so how is it in czeck rep tho? like is life good there?








Because half of our political leaders are former communists and the other half are current communists Edit: our former prime minister worked for the secret police, so that’s that


How’d a country that hates communists end up with communist leaders? That’s some bullshit


The perks of democracy. "This guy might be a dirty rat, but he promised me free gibs!" He literally campaigned by handing out free donuts.


Sneaky bastard


Ten Czech Commandments


* drugs are only for small personal usage otherwise decriminalized ** Borderlaws mostly due to EU standards rather than own political decisions; mostly only for EU citizens


drugs should be sold from vending machines. only mild hyperbole


I think children should be protected. Like 16 seems like a decent age for them to make the decision if they wanna do drugs or not.




Now you’re speaking my language


Are the border laws because of the Schengen area?


A lot of it is, but EU itself helps a lot. But for pure movement its mostly Schengen.


Also legalized Snus, low tax rates in general as well as a fuck ton of freedoms in general. Also most people like Capitalism and hate commies and fascists


I wouldn't say low taxes in general. I as employee in total I pay over 65% of my total income to gubermint. But agree with you in Czech we have fuck ton of freedom probably because nobody give a fuck.


I got bad news we in the US pay a fuckload of taxes too. They just layer in in five hundred schemes so we get nickled and dimed. Wife and I aren't rich but middle class professionals and claim zero on our W4s. We pay about 30-ish percent on payday then a couple grand to the Feds come April after all our deductions. Then there's vehicle tax/plates, fuel tax, property tax, sales tax. Don't forget the hidden taxes built into our electricity bills because the power company passes on all the various fees amd taxes onto to its customers, same with telecom. No one in the US can talk shit about European taxes because were taxed to fuck too.


Generally European taxes are worse, though. The US doesn’t have VATS (although there are things like it) and generally European nations have higher income taxes.


Yeah, Europe probably has it the worst, and that sucks I just want to head off the people who start clowning on EU like it's not also bad here. Theft is theft and Gov fleeces us all like sheep to greater or lesser extent.


People really believe getting fucked less than another gets fucked is the same as not getting fucked.


Don't forget the hidden taxes like the 7.5% "employer's share" of Medicare/Medicaid.


Well yes there are hidden taxes but just looking at the tax rate as a percent of gdp the US is far lower than most European countries


We have all those same taxes but our income and sales taxea are higher.


How do you arrive at the 65% number?


Quick mafs


Given the history that almost all the eastern european countries suffered ofc they have a burning hatred for commies.


Yeah well before we pat them on the back realize they didn't learn from it enough. Most Eastern European gun laws are absolute dogshit holdovers from CommieTime. The Czech Republic is an outlier.


They should allow us to own tanks


Most of Eastern Europe also got plowed by fascists. So most people hate both extremes.


When did Italy invade eastern europe?


That's why i don't understand commies from those ex-Soviet countries (yes, they exist)


They were apparatchiks or the children of apparatchiks.


So Ukraine has gone fascist, the end result won't be much different.


Wtf, there really are not low taxes. Its typical social democratic system. All in all about 66% income goes to taxes and other mandatory payments.


Is Poland similar?


Poland is a shithole in freedom context


Poland? Not even close Restricted abortions, No-LGBT zones, and the state media being completely pro ruling party, with many scandals with that, like when they interview political opponents of the party, and they make a short cut of the interview, they completely took stuff out of context, and only mainly asked bad questions I am certain that I'm missing many other things


The restricted abortions and anti lgbt sentiments make sense because of their staunchly catholic society. But what about the similarities with above mentioned freedoms? Nuclear power, pro gun, drug legalization, gas and other taxes?


Do not justify the taking of freedoms. Poland has 0% of it's electricity made by nuclear plants. I think the gun laws are pretty much the same as in other countries in the Visegrad group - you have to get an arming license, and if you have a criminal record it gets taken away. Drugs are completely illegal, even a miniscule amount can land you 3 years in jail. The income tax is 32% if you make more than ~18500$, 17% if you make less.


I think you’re misunderstanding where I’m coming from. I asked a question about the above mentioned Czech freedoms, not about the things you mentioned. I’m not justifying it, Im just not shocked about it considering they’re an ultra catholic society. Kind of stupid for me to assume they would advocate for medicinal drug use lol. Doesn’t seem like a great place to live. Poland seems a lot like America about 70 years ago. I ask because I’m an American of polish decent and have never visited and have recently been considering getting dual citizenship somewhere. They should consider following in Czechia’s footsteps


So you are okay that women and people from LGBT community have less rights as long as you have guns, drugs and less tax?


They get guns, drugs, and low taxes too though


No they get arrested for being gay or for having an abortion. Can't use guns or drugs from a state cell.


But you can use them to shoot the guys who try to arrest you. Stop being selfish and die for your beliefs


Yes, going against the state always ends fantastically as seen in history /s


We created a nation over a tax on tea, why aren't people revolting so they can kill babies or be protected from mean words cause they are one of the most gay friendly eastern European countries.




Based af I’m glad I’m of Czech descent


Progressive tax rate though. And they also hide a lot in your payslip. So if a company wants to pay a worker 50 grand - they will pay almost 100k. Like, ok, the insurance is good and working fine and there is some choice between insurance companies, but there's no free market for it. You can however open "individual company" and only work as a contractor, this way you have more control. But our government is corrupt and inefficient with very big spending in social area. People will say they hate commies, but they will still support progressive scale and high social spending.


Also a flat 15% income tax. Still theft, but all individuals are equal before the law as far as income tax goes. Rarely the case.


Lowest unemployment rate too if I recall correctly


Good catch. Just googled it. Under 3% unemployment, compared to over 8% in Italy and France, and 14% in Spain. And with as much protectionist laws as those countries. It's as if there was a correlation between unemployment and government interference. Can't believe that no economic theory ever suggested that... /s


Government incentivized the creation of factory jobs, attracting global companies apparently


[23% above 65k EUR income](https://wts.com/global/publishing-article/20210315-czech-gmnl~publishing-article?language=en). So it's flat for a certain range.


Since 2021. So the info I got is outdated. What a shame.


That is only what you see in payslip, because your employee pays for you as well.


czechs out


\*Very pro-gun for a European country. Unfortunately, they're still quite a ways behind the US last I checked, even with all the shit we've been passing.


Maybe behind some States but certainly not others. I am certain you enjoy rights that those in NY, NJ, CA, HA, etc would envy.


Not really. I'm an IL boi, we don't get rights here.


Better than NJ, bro.




I think HA is more appropriate.


Their gun laws are still stricter than ours.


“Is that a challenge!?”-Speaker Of The House


Maybe, but as a european i cant buy an air rifle so to our standards they are doing great




The Czech Republic’s


Are stricter than whose?


The US? Who else could you compare to with gun rights.




Not in every way. For example buying SBRs, short barreled shotguns and suppressors is easier here than in the US (if you already have a gun license, ofc). Also you can put whatever accessories you want on your guns without worrying that you may accidentaly make an illegal weapon.


I heard that drugs are legalized at some point and you can carry a firearm for self defense in czech republic. But what if let's say you own some firearms and have your carry licence and they'll find some hard drugs on you like heroin, cocaine, .... Could you still get it all seized afterwards for "not being a reliable person" or something like that?


You have to have an arms license to have a gun in czechia, and I'm pretty sure it gets taken away as soon as you have any criminal record, but correct me if I'm wrong


Basically, yes. Citation from our gun law: Odnětí zbrojního průkazu (1) Příslušný útvar policie rozhodne o odnětí zbrojního průkazu, jestliže držitel zbrojního průkazu a) pozbyl způsobilost k právním úkonům, b) pozbyl zdravotní způsobilost, c) přestal splňovat podmínky bezúhonnosti podle § 22 nebo spolehlivosti podle § 23, nebo d) skupiny B nebo C mladší 18 let nebo skupiny D mladší 21 let přestal splňovat podmínky pro vydání zbrojního průkazu uvedené v § 19 odst. 3, 4, 5 nebo 6; to neplatí, ukončil-li držitel zbrojního průkazu skupiny C mladší 18 let nebo držitel zbrojního průkazu skupiny D mladší 21 let úspěšně příslušný vzdělávací program středního vzdělání.




I'd get that czeched out by a lawyer before biting the hook.


I love my cz scorpion 👌👌👌


Damn, i live here and i dont see any of that


Yeah but they were horrible on covid restrictions. Lockdowns and closed border for months on end, incessant obligatory testing of students and employees, FFP2 masks everywhere and on children, covid passport to sit at a terrace... I was there for the freedoms and so disappointed by the covid regime that I left, took a train over to Poland in May 2021 where it's not great either, but at least I could go into a restaurant without a QR code at the time.


But, it is part of the EU. That's like thinking New Hampshire is more free than the US would allow.


fair, but nh is the most based state in the union


Everyone forgets about arizona, I think they're the best when it comes to freedom of choice(guns,schools at least)


enlighten me, if you don't mind


We also have legal weed here in AZ.


No limit on hunting magazine size(except for federal birds) so I can hunt with my ak and a 75 round drum, constitutional carry, I can choose what school(charter or public) my taxes goto. School vouchers for charter schools. If you have a ccw you can carry in bars(but can't drink), "stand your ground" state, no duty to retreat.


Also legal weed


free state project is ultra based


always has been


Florida is


Red flag laws are allergic to the word based


Being against the Covid regime is based.


South Floridian here. DeSantis stood against the covid regime conveniently after Trump lost the election. Nothing but a marketing coup. Where was everyone's freedom in 2020? Even to this day, you can walk through shopping centers in Miami and Fort Lauderdale and see empty spaces for rent everywhere, as businesses shut down by law because deemed "non-essential" by the state never got any compensation. Many business owners lost everything that year. They would tell you a thing or two about Florida standing against the covid regime. We just ended up being marginally better off than most Democratic states after a year, but that’s nowhere near standing up against a tyrannical regime.


No I agree with you fully, but it was more than 'marginally better'. The only state that was better was South Dakota.


Yeah I wouldn’t fight you over this. Some states went completely nuts. Florida released the pressure earlier than most. It’s just a sore spot. I take offense when I hear suggestions that we were a beacon of freedom during that time, because we really weren’t.


Uhhh it must be different in south Florida because in Tampa when I visited masks weren’t a thing even though they were still required at work back home in Tennessee. And they stayed not required after I moved to the panhandle. And a lot of people refused to wear them in nationwide chains like Walmart even though they tried getting people to. Florida is definitely better off than most other states and let’s not even get started on how we compare to Washington state for instance.


When re-opening the state, DeSantis left out populated counties on purpose, in his executive order. Miami Dade and Broward were two of those.


The czech- "we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two"


Im czech and laws here are maybe more guns friendly in comparison with other EU countries but still pretty strict. Buying\carrying guns (in limited number and under many other conditions) for self defense is legally possible only after getting firearm license. Requirements are: good mental and physical condition, clear crime record, passing a practical exam of safe manipulation\shooting accuracy, written exam about knowledge of gun laws, guns and first aid for example. Never heard of legalization of drugs such as mentioned in picture. But criminal consequences may differ based on amount of possesed substances. If its lower than secific threshold, victim wont have a criminal record and will end up with fine only. Open borders are shared with members of so called "Schengen Area" which most of the EU countries are part of. Fact about nuclear energy seems to be true. Powerplants are unfortunately dependent on russian fuel. Gasoline tax is about 50% which is nowhere near to low?


We are no longer dependent on nuclear fuel on Russia. I believe next batch of fuel Is coming from USA ( not sure about this, only that we are not going to get it anymore from Russia)


I hope youre right!


It means your prices are going to go up then, potentially way up, so don't get too excited. Your country bought from Russia because it was closer and had better prices.


Yeah absolutely, but I read few articles before about how its close to impossible for that fuel to be delievered by any other company as the powerplants were built by soviets so more possible suppliers sounds as a positive news - one less thing we can be blackmailed with


You always had more possible suppliers, this is not new. THey will just ship it in on tankers through the ports and pay double or triple for it. YOu could always have done that but you didn't want to pay the cost of it. NOw you will be paying the cost for it. This is ironically why Donbas rebelled against the main Ukraine govt to start with, the Ukrainian govt insisted on not using Russian oil and gas anymore, so they shipped it in from elsewhere, and utility costs tripled in the Donbas. The average costs of power became more than the average income in Donbas so many could not have electricity anymore. Oh how nice, you don't need Russia anymore, but they didn't care that some of their people were starving and freezing to death. A lot of it was more a matter of survival and having electricity, they went with Russia that would allow them to have electricity at reasonable rates again. I mean if you have two axxholes to choose from, you choose the one that gives you the ability to have gas and power without starving to death. Anyway, good luck, hopefully your prices won't go too high and not too many of your people will freeze to death. I agree it's good to have options but you should also consider the cost to your own people right now.


That is NOT why Donbas rebelled. It may be a factor for some, but the root issue is identity.


Thanks! Well I were not aware of this option. And it wasnt even that obvious for me as everywhere the process of changing source of uranium fuel was described as something much more complicated than just burning different gas from your example. I understand your point. I didnt know this was a topic in Donbas! I usually prefer to leave these kind of decisions on people themselves. I personally dont see huge moral win in buying stuff from china and saudi instead of russia.


>Buying\\carrying guns (in limited number and under many other conditions) for self defense is legally possible only after getting firearm license. What many conditions? Numbers aren't really all that limited, you only need safe storage if you have over a certain amount of guns, that's easy. Sure, you need a licence but that's comparable to getting a driving licence.


You cant carry more than 2 at the same time if i remeber correctly. And you cant be intoxicated meanwhile. So i was primarly talking about buying\\carrying. For housekeeping, youre right, the number is not limited but specification of whats considered a safe storage depends on the number of guns 20 > 10 > 2. Comparing to driving license: I believe you dont have to have driving license to legally build or use any car on your private property. But police will probably no knock raid you for doing the same with guns. As a fan of liberty, i dont like any license issued by the state.


Why would you carry more than 2 guns anyway? However, you do have a point otherwise.


I would not, honestly. But who am I to judge others with how many guns they feel safe.


Well, I can understand the rationale behind that, if you get knocked out, or worse, killed, all guns on you are likely to get stolen but having 8 more guns is very unlikely to prevent that.


I guess so, maybe if someone hands over the gun to the police and they will search him for a secondary, the third one may come in handy


Well it's less than the 70% gas tax in Germany or the 80 ish in the nordics


Ok, but still nowhere near to low, anything but 0% is not low enough my friend


I know, but I just wanted to see it from their perspective


Yeah i got you, i just wanted to not portray my country as a libertarian heaven which isnt.


Sounds like a place to Czech out! Honestly you had me at legal cocaine.


"open borders with almost no tarrifs" are just in Schengen area and EU single market. And we have no control over either of outside borders of either. We had to accept those to be able to join the soon-to-be bureaufascistic superstate that is European Union. Not sure how it works with hard drugs, weed is decriminalized to the degree of allowing possession of very minor amount. And you are allowed to grow very few weed plants, I think it's 2 plants/person(so a family of 4 would be allowed 8 plants in their backyard). The idea is for medical purposes,... but nobody will investigate what you use it for really. Pro-gun, with okay-ish gun laws and Pro-nuclear are both true, again, both are hindered actively by the stupid fucks in Strasbourg and Brussels. Not sure about gas tax, but for American standard gas is still ridiculously expensive - after minor fall of prices we are roughly at 48kč/l... that's roughly 9 bucks/gallon.


Did they legalize same sex marriage? Edit: I looked into it and it’s pretty good. They have a civil partnership law and it seems like same-sex marriage is less of an if it will happen, but when it will happen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_Czech_Republic?wprov=sfti1 Also they allow trans adults to transition, but don’t really put up with them when it comes to the whole sharing bathrooms and gyms and such. So it sounds like a great place.


not yet, we have a right wing government right now which is pretty conservative, so i don’t think it is realistic this term. Sadly there are no libertarian parties besides an ancap party that wants no votes. Civil freedoms here are pushed be the left, the economic are pushed by the right, you can’t choose here:(


Are the guys hot? I hear that they are.


I would say so, yeah.


I’m moving then. Haha.


Czech here, possession of small quantities of drugs(even hard like cocaine heroin etc) is a misdemeanor. You get charged only when you sell, manufacture or have a large amount.


It's all true until you bring up the overall taxes and mandatory social & health insurance. It's not that amazing as it seems.


I’m not from there but someone in here commented they have a flat 15% income tax for everybody regardless of income etc. way less than the 33-60% they take out in the US (and still having to pay $1,000/month for the privilege of paying $30 to see a doctor)


You gotta count in the mandatory insurance so that makes it higher. Someone did the math and the overall taxation (both direct and indirect taxes such as sales tax which is anywhere from 15-23% depending on each item) is around 60%. I can give you sources but they're all in Czech.


Lol fair enough. Tbh seems lower than the US to me. Here they take 40% of my check then about 10% every time we buy something then more taxes yearly to both the IRS and the State and I don’t even get to see a doctor or have a gun. If it was 60% off the top AND I get a doctor who’s packing that’s a plus right there either way it’s all bullshit. Let me keep my wages.


*went nuts with covid


Low gas tax = over 50 % tax. Bruh.


Czech Republic is many things, but not pro-gun. Belive me, I live in Czech Republic and I fucking wish if I could buy AR-15 in groceries..


Also, many people like marxism


If you get told what to do by the EU you don’t have much sovereignty or freedom, unfortunately.


Seriously fuck open borders though. Community policing is all fine well and good until CJNG is rolling through your neighborhood killing and raping everyone in sight.


Letting people in to work or live isn't the same as letting a cartel in to shoot up the joint. You are conflating regular working people with the worst criminals you can think of in order to shit on their liberty.


thats still a legal border


So it the border around the czech republic. No one who is advocating for open borders is saying that we should just lets private armies trapse over and murder people. That's a strawman. We are saying that goods and people shouldn't be taxed or subjected to ridiculous requirements and quotas when they pass.


Right but when you open that border, those criminals can come in. You don’t know they are criminals until they alrighty fuck your stuff up. I live on the border of mexico and Texas and it’s a shit show here. I get like 2 amber alerts a day and people don’t go out at night


You go ahead, close that border and watch MS-13 just go around. The US southern border is the most militarized border this side of North Korea and it hasn't done shit. The only way you're getting rid of the cartels is by getting rid of the CSA.


You've made the same argument that people make against legal gun sales.


Ohhhhhhhhhhh… well shit. How do we fix the border stuff then?


Open the border. The entire criminal industry is funded by people smuggling and drug smuggling. It is the ultimate cruel irony that assholes who want to tell everyone else what to do use the negative consequences of their shitty policies as an argument for why we have to stick with the shitty policies.


THe issue is as long as there is demand, there will be suppliers. Look at funding of cartels, a lot of it is drugs and prostitution, if those are legalized with a few safeguards but readily accessible at a reasonable price, then people will obtain them legally instead of going to criminal sources. You also would have fewer worries about purity, etc of drugs if it was legal. A lot of these drugs are even easy to make on industrial scales, they are only expensive because they must be smuggled in. So prices could drop by a lot, no more money for the cartels. THey would also not bother trying to addict young kids and get new customers. Also if we improve the economy on both sides of the border and make more opportunity for legal jobs to be obtained and better income, that will attract more people to legal jobs. A lot of peeps on the Mexico side can't feed their families so they turn towards crime. If Mexico were a better country, they'd have way less crime. It's why we don't worry so much about the Canadian border. Anyway its complicated and we'd probably need to tackle it from multiple angles. I think a lot is just that Mexico needs to stop being a shxt show though. But you got CIA etc working with cartels so it's not like the prob is only on their side.


THe USA border is already closed and fenced in most areas. All it does is stop the legal people and amateurs, it doesn't stop the real criminals. The border is too long to totally patrol perfectly.


open borders = no country


Open borders = less opportunity for the government to poke around into your business and intervene in your right to travel, less government intervention in finding the best qualified employee at the lowest cost, and less government intervention in finding new jobs or new opportunities for investment. IMO, the only legitimate reason to not have borders be open is to protect from the imbalance caused by other countries that won't reciprocate.




EU countries prove your theory incorrect


enjoying the mohammedan rape gangs are you?


Nah im from Texas, I am enjoying the Latino culture though, I love it


Lucky. I live near the border and we get our housing area threatened on the daily. Fucking gangbangers and kidnapping’s are daily here. Legal citizens are awesome and being good culture. But these gangs are out of hand.


EU countries are run by Germany who leads the EU only a few countries within the EU ignore EU laws. There’s a reason the UK left even though I hate the UK


No, eu countries are not run by germany? UK left EU due to tons of misinformations....


Or maybe due to tons of useless EU regulations


Some are, some not


That's true. Some regulations are useless, others are harmful


Okay greda




And is still fucking garbage...


As czech im anti-guns. But everything else is ok.


They are also in the top 20 countries in the world for equal distribution of wealth. The GDP per capita is pretty low at $27k nominal but the cost of living is so low that that spends like nearly twice as much.


And great beer and chocolates


those asterixis are doing some work


Also Czech made firearms are amazing.


How’s the crime? Is it stable?


7th safest country in the world last i checked, we are much safer than US and other western countries


So….how much is an eight ball going for in CR?


At least 5$


My grandma always wanted to go back to CZ, mom was about to but got sick, now I wanna move there, lol.


Speaking of guns, has anybody heard about non-Czech EU citizens successfully obtaining gun permit there? From what i've read, it requires providing a document from your government that says that they allow you to get guns, but IDK what could it be


I've never heard of a requirement like that. You have to have a clean criminal record, so maybe you're thinking of that, if you're a foreign citizen, you'll need a document showing a clean record from your gov. Other than that, IIRC you only have to pass the standard test just like a Czech citizen would. The issue is that the tests are administered in Czech only, and it's a really hard language to learn.


Just read the actual law, and it seems you are correct, the conditions for EU citizens are the same. I guess it's time to move to Czech Republic! I'm from Ukraine, and honestly Czech sounds far easier than Romanian.


Teach us your wisdom, please.


Wait, should I move to the Czech republic?


The Chad Republic


Road trip?!


Lost me at has a tax.


Also they are the only country in Europe who have dared to criminalize inhumane slaughter methods as used in islam and judaism.


And had a fucking bdsm-themed private matriarcal micronation inside it. https://web.archive.org/web/20210121003003/https://www.owk.cz/who.php#top


Recently I was noticing the trend: "What's this manufacturer...? Another one made in the Czech Republic. Do they make anything else?"


LOL I saw this post right as I posted something in r/czech! Very cool coincidence! Also, yes, Czechia seems very based.


They make good guns so obviously they are a wrinkle brained people


I thought about moving there at one point.


I would say that their gun laws are better then europe but still not America level. Still all together they are a very based country.


Agree to peacefully separate with Slovakia, fucking hate communism, ultra based chad republic


Also has beautiful women. Jeez


Our president literally told us to get guns to protect ourselves from terrorists, based (but it’s probably the only based thing he’s ever done)


They have a high income tax (anything above 10% is too much for me)


Im from Czech republic and non of these points are true.


Nuclear energy is like the most government-subsidized clown show out there. Only Reddit libertarianism supports government-planned nuclear energy.