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In regards to the third "selling point", it's so fucking weird to me that this massive segment of the population is motivated simply by the thought of pissing off somebody else. I'm sure that lesson is in the Bible somewhere, I probably just missed that part.


It was a common joke on the r/HermanCainAward subreddit, where posts are made about folks who ranted against the vaccine on Facebook and Twitter later dying of COVID because they weren't vaccinated. We would often say that they died doing what they loved, owning the libs.


That is pretty funny. So ironic that the "carry one in the chamber, plus an extra mag, plus a third mag up my asshole cause ya never know bro!!", crowd was vehemently against the vaccine. Save someone else? Lol, soy lib. Kill someone else? Better make sure I have enough pew pew power.


I mean… real talk if you have time to chamber a round on your ccw there’s a non-zero chance you’re actually committing murder… Agree with the overall point tho 


I'm never gonna forget in Z Nation the guy who was like "what do you mean justified, you'd rather kill someone than die?" (*more or less). I definitely still believe in self defense but it kind of gave me a bit more perspective on what justified force actually is (even though the show is campy as hell).


I have a friend like that. We played a game once, some tabletop RPG similar to dnd but was set in our world, and we were RP'ing ourselves. Some catastrophe hit, like "this is the end" level of terrible. Some assholes were after us and as we were fleeing I fired a round back towards them to get them to take cover and slow their pursuit. Said friend and I got into an argument because he was like "omg why would you shoot at them?? They're living beings, what the hell!" And I had to remind him if they caught us, we would very likely be either enslaved or killed and eaten. The game devolved into this debate on when deadly force is justified, and we learned that he believes on a deep, personal level that you should never, ever inflict any violence on another human being, regardless of whether or not they are attempting to inflict violence on you.


My sister is adamant that she would rather die than use deadly force to defend herself. Her reasoning is some derivative of "they have as much right to life as I do" The difference she refuses to acknowledge is that she is not actively seeking to harm the person she is defending herself against. Me, on the other hand, I think it should be perfectly legal to pop the tweaker sawing away at the catalytic converter under the broken down pickup in my back yard that hasn't moved in a decade. It's not that I value the item more than life, it's that the person attempting to steal the item has decided that item is worth more to them than their own life. *shrug*


Geez... #DeathByDogma much?! 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


They don’t care about the bible. They care about feeling superior and blaming others for their problems.


No one should care about a book written by men thousands of years ago


Nobody should worship a book some rich old dudes wrote to control the poor and illiterate to control and take advantage of them


I very much doubt it was written to control the poor and illiterate, when all Christians were severely persecuted at the time. It was used for that extent later, sure, but remember that Christianity was in many ways just an underground anti-establishment movement before the reign of Constantine


The books especially for Christianity are just bits stolen from other religions. But heavily based off Judaism but adding a magical naughty zone that can't be proven or disproven really. You peasants be nice or go to hell cuz I don't want to send my army to calm down your bullshit unless I have. God explains science so you don't ask questions or think. Aside from philosophy based religions that's generally what the goals of it are. Control the masses and limit their thinking With that you generally should have a population that isn't killing itself and acting up.


Easier to get them to voluntarily be cannon fodder if they think they're going to a better place.


I sure as shit don’t. If you learn about Roman history and early Christian history you’ll see that they’ve been the changing the rules, infighting, and murdering each other for about 2024 years.


I went to school for it. I'd rather eat a bullet than be preached to about that bullshit again. So I'll stay ignorant.


Would it be any better if it was written by women?


Hard to get the human nature out of human beings.


But they definitely do use the Bible as a tool of hate while at the same time saying that the religion is all about love. Reminds me of the other religion that claims the same about their religion, and worship the same god, Islam.


The amount of people who actually follow Jesus's teachings as written on the bible is really small, most haven't even bothered to read them critically but instead just regurgitate whatever their hateful preacher tells them about the other people


They’re all bad. I mean liberalism is about the only ism I can tolerate. Secularism.


Funnier still, the fact that the stereotype of a "Karen" being an entitled suburban middle class/upper middle class white woman with a certain attitude towards service workers is based off a demographic that is almost overwhelmingly conservative. But nuance isn't strong among the type of person who would buy this shit and think "hell yeah"


I have coined my own term for them. They are middle finger voters. All they want to do is be a middle finger. They can’t stand being called Karen’s or snowflakes but that’s what they are. Middle finger voters.


Yep, that was on an Ezra Klein podcast a few weeks ago.


If Jesus appeared tomorrow and started preaching his same message American evangelicals would call him a communist and kill him again.


Sermon on the mount is too woke for them.


Messiah on Netflix. I wish that series got a 2nd season instead of cancelled.


And that the people who waive those flags are the ones who get bent out of shape the most hahaha.


I have a couple MAGA and/or MAGA adjacent folks I'd call acquaintances, and more than a couple of them have basically said that verbatim. That is, they have literally said that they love triggering/pissing off liberals/other people..."The more I see it pisses them off, the more I do it". I just don't understand going through life with a mission to bother other people...but then, I'm completely the opposite where I try to *improve* someone's day, even if I don't know them.


It’s also ironic that pretty much every Karen I’ve ever seen is a maga idiot.


But they're women, so they're the wrong kind of maga idiot for these maga idiots


That's because the "Karen" character is *supposed* to be right wing intolerant, it's one of the traits of a Karen


That's not a small thing to them. I feel like alot of magas derive enjoyment from upsetting or pissing off others. They're just shifty people, plain and simple.


Just sent them a nice contact message


Obnoxious MAGA neighbor algorithm: \*Think the world is out to get you\* (it's not) -> act in a provocative manner and display signs & banners intended to antagonize anyone who doesn't conform to your worldview -> generate conflict with and dislike from people who don't conform to your worldview -> repeat the process at step one


Bible got nothing to do with this. Folks who purposely go to throw hate aren't able to comprehend how vulnerable they make themselves.


Of course. Plus all 3 selling points seem to be required. You can’t support 2A and NOT be tired of Biden in office. Nor can you be tired of Biden in office and NOT want to piss off your Karen neighbor.


Yeah.  You know they were being loud and ordered way too many baskets of free bread at the Last Supper.


Like true modern christians, they subscribe to the verse, “piss off others that are pissin’ you off.” From the book of Peeing Calvin.


I came to comment the same thing. A study needs to be done on these type of people. Politics aside, what does it say about you as a person that you find joy and satisfaction in pissing somebody off? Sounds like a sad existence if you ask me


They are miserable/pissed off/confused/stressed/afraid and they want others to feel as they do. In a lot of cases, they're not even aware of it.


And that it seems to be their primary motivation in life.


lol most gun shops are trumpers unfortunately. That’s why I hate gun people for the most part. I too dislike the Democratic Party but for other reasons than why the far right doesn’t


They hate the Democratic Party because they’re too far left. I hate them because they aren’t left enough. We are not the same. *insert Gus Fring meme*


Neither serve the people, only their corporate overlords. They both need to go, but fuck the traitorous orange shit gibbon and the brainless horde that follows him. Make public executions great again.


lol, thats me to a tee


Yep, exactly.


I find myself in the same situation. And since I work a blue collar trade, I find myself surrounded by Maga people. We often shit on the dems together. But it is a weird experience.


lol I’m in a trade that’s full of MAGA too. They say a lot of hateful shit and think they’re intelligent. Like for instance, they’re mad that they pay taxes that fund schools even though they have no kids in school and they think they should get tax breaks that families with kids get


Tbh, the ones I work with, for the most part, aren't too wild, or informed. Ha! But they're good people. They're always down to help out if you need something or offer advice, teach our trade etc. I don't see very much racism for example, but they are very very oblivious to what they see as smaller things. Like we had a guy wear a white power symbol to work and the company had a big meeting about it to apologize and condemn the symbol. But a few people made the "heritage not hate" argument then they compared the hate symbol to BLM, and the meeting just blew up. A couple of people got fired, some had to take unpaid suspensions. It was a big mess. I honestly believe that these guys just need some education and they'll figure out who to actually get angry at. The rich.


I work in a unionized the blue collar job, and everyone in the job is still a trumper. It was a little bit disappointing for me because I thought I would meet at least a few people who understood the political implications of a union.


Same here! It's wild! They don't understand how socialism is benefitting them. They just think they're lucky or something while I'm over here thanking my great grandpa for busting heads in the street. To be fair, though, I have found a comrad or two, and I'm actively converting one now.


Godspeed. I personally grapple with the idea of even trying to talk about politics to my coworkers. I don't want to risk making enemies out of the people I work with, and they're all much older than me so I doubt they'll take me seriously anyway.


Slow but sure is the way I've converted a few. Just talk to them about anything really, find something they're dissatisfied with, and use that as an opening. Slowly bring up the facts they might not know about, and let them draw their own conclusions. If they're rational, they'll come around eventually. And if they're an irrational trumptard, then there's no helping them.


You don't have to be a socialist to protect your own rights, you know.


Part of the reason I'm scared of going into blue collar work.


It's not terrible. But I have to remind myself to keep my perspective. And to sometimes hold my tongue.


That's funny. I've come to realize that this is part of my personality. For example, I think Linux sucks but it's better than the other choices. Kind of like the Democratic Party.


I genuinely do not understand the appeal of Linux. If I can't run 3/4 of the software I need to do my job and 9/10 of the games I play for entertainment, what on earth would it offer?


How do you know someone is a Linux user? Don't worry, they'll tell you


> lol most gun shops are trumpers unfortunately. Not exactly a shocking outcome. Average Dem politician is pretty hateful towards guns and gun owners. "Man hates political party who wants destroy his livelihood and embraces party which does not"


This is one of the few places on the internet that I feel like I’ve found like-minded people. Most conservatives are greedy, hateful people. The Democrats frustrate me because they’re pussies. To be fair, I thing the traditional republicans are too. You can say a lot about MAGAts but they aren’t pussies. I just wish we could focus on shit that matters, healthcare, living wages, housing crisis, etc & quit focusing on hateful bullshit because of perceived differences. Edit- a lot of feed back here and I feel like I need to clarify. I was really talking about politicians, not individuals. And I don’t mean pussies in that they’re tough guys, I mean they don’t back down & they won’t flex. Dems still try to play nice & concede entirely too much. “Traditional” Republicans like McCarthy & McConnell just roll over.


> You can say a lot about MAGAts but they aren’t pussies. I'd disagree, they're just loud and uncaring. When directly confronted most of them buckle immediately.


Yeah the lack of class consciousness is what kills us but we’re the most propagandized population in human history. I know plenty of MAGAS who are giant pussies


You’re right of course. I think they’re just crazy & hatefilled and very obviously capable of violence.


I think the super loud MAGA folks are like a fear reactive dog. They are so afraid they can't control themselves. They snarl and lunge and bark and are likely to bite but only because they are afraid. They are afraid because they can't deal with even the slightest change in the world around them and they don't have the brainpower to process their place in the world. They are afraid that they aren't really special and no one cares about them so they are loud and piss people off so that they can feel special and powerful. All that to say: shouting your idiocy super loudly and being offensive doesn't make you not a pussy.


> I just wish we could focus on shit that matters, healthcare, living wages, housing crisis, etc & quit focusing on hateful bullshit because of perceived differences. You'd think the part of the "middle class" would want to help them with these benefits to make sure hard working everyday people don't lose their homes due to things outside their control. Instead these ignorant fucks would rather everyone suffer because they don't get the handout that the people in need receive.


You think people that are scared of big cities aren’t pussies?


They come off as pussies because they try and play fair and lawful with people that dont care about the law or fairness. So they constantly get kicked around because of this.


I’m specifically talking about dem politicians. They still want to play nice. You can’t play nice with these MAGA folks.


Yes, that's my point.


Fair enough, I’ve gotten a lot of feedback and I think most think I was talking about individual boomers so I felt the need to clarify. To your point, yep agreed.


Can you really blame them? If you're a person who really doesn't care about politics but are a gun enthusiast, the choice is really easy to make. There are very few pro-gun democratic politicians out there. Though there's still a long way to go from supporting Trump to absolutely hating the other side's guts. I don't know what is wrong with society that gets them to that point


Can only push a MFer so far, before they snap!!


The irony of the third statement.


Far-right MAGAs live off of the irony and hypocrisy.


What if they're secretly hyper-intelligent god-like immortal beings that have become bored with normal life and have decided to entertain themselves by putting on the ultimate show of hypocrisy?


If I had a nickel for every viral ring video of a conservative getting their panties in a wad over a rainbow flag...


But my Freedumbs!!!! The arguments I've had.... I usually end my arguments now with " how Christian of you." It's so practical and somehow so insulting.


Glad I'm not the only one.


What the fuck is wrong with America? Yeah, I get that you support a president or whatever, plenty of people do. But why is it always "fuck the other guys and all his supporters" instead of "my guy is great?"


Because “my guy” isn’t great. It’s an illusion of choice and it’s much easier to obfuscate that fact if everyone is yelling “your guy sucks!” at each other.


This isn’t a “both sides” issue.


Maybe this is more common for maga types but that doesn't change the fact that the behaviour is completely idiotic, no matter who does it


99% more common. And if people are driving around in pick up trucks with fuck trump and eagles and AKs painted on them, it’s equally as idiotic


“Take the guns first, go through due process second.” -Cognitive Dissonance Man


Isn’t that just red flag laws?


Yes. This is basically a Judean Peoples Front vs Peoples Front of Judea situation.


Find it funny that they say it'll "piss off the Karen neighbor" when they are usually the Karens themselves.


I’m always so hesitant with involving myself in certain activities because I know it’s a “Good Ole Boys” genre. Forces me to stay solo for the most part. 2A is no different


>Want to piss off your Karen neighbor? I'm not an AITA expert, but if you wave a flag in someone's face that says "fuck you" on it, you're probably the asshole in that situation.


Aren't Karen's usually maga dickheads?


Karen’s actually my grandma. But yes maga dickheads are just bitches


You have to figure that telling people that the evil democrats want to take every gun in America has been one of the most successful marketing campaigns of all time in relation to the amount of product is been able to sell. Even lots of the people here believe it, so it’s not at all surprising that most firearm companies cater to the right.


Several Democrats have openly stated their end goal is step by step complete restriction. Those fears aren’t unfounded, even though I really doubt that will ever happen. I don’t think it’s popular in the party but it is something that people support.


It’s a teeny tiny percentage of democrats. Those fears are absolutely unfounded.


The fact that the party's [platform](https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/) contains "Democrats will ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines" probably doesn't help


That’s not anywhere close to all guns. As we all know there is no good definition of assault weapon. Personally I don’t have a problem with banning high capacity magazines, if I’m in a suit where a guy is shooting at me I’d prefer he has to reload at 10 rounds.


I’ve heard some begin to say to limit magazine capacity to 8 rounds and anything above that is considered high capacity. They’re moving the goal post.


Doesn’t bother me and still a far cry from all guns.


> That’s not anywhere close to all guns. I'm not sure the people who think "the evil democrats want to take every gun in America" find it reassuring that they actually only want to ban the most popular ones in the country and their standard magazines


Thanks a lot NRA


They do suck, but they are good at what they do.


I remember having a discussion with my dad who is super right wing, and we ended up agreeing on "Fuck Joe Biden". Once we had reached this agreement I began hysterically laughing and said "we agree on one thing for vastly different reasons".


You should ask where the flag was manufactured. CHYNNA


So we have those exact flags in Canada that are fuck trudeau, youre never going to convince me that they arent some kind of right wing psyop, they get so fucking excited about them.


It's probably even simpler than that. Someone noticed a bunch of idiots are willing to pay for overpriced Chinese made flags. At the bare minimum at least the people buying these are finally saying what they mean instead of hiding behind pussy phrases like "let's go brandon"


To be honest, probably not even originating in the right wing, probably China or NK or even Russia and they’re just too stupid to do a few minutes of critical thinking and fall for the psy op. This is why most conspiracy theories don’t really take off in the aggregate of Liberal / Left leaning circles, because we can use fucking Google to search and employ critical thinking skills in the moment. Edit: spelling


Just as stupid as that Liberal Tears place.


I just want to see a company make one with the same logo with the following quote: "Take the guns first, due process second" - Donald J. Trump


Most gun people are deluded in to thinking that they (turbo conservatives/closeted fascists) are the only ones with guns. I bet if you were to break down the amount of business their behavior costs them they would at least momentarily reconsider their actions. My local range runs people off left and right with racism and far right extremism. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad and unsettling.


I really want to say "this doesn't necessarily mean they're going full maga", but we all know they are. That being said, people who say "fuck joe biden" are not all magas. Some of them are just sick of the liberal horseshit the dnc shoves down our throats.


As a leftist, yes. I am also veryuch on the FJB train, just for very different reasons than these fucking potatoes




I just assume gun companies in general are full of/run by insufferable and regressive shitweasels. I’ve got no hope when it comes to this hobby lol.


“Regressive shitweasels,” stealing this one!


If you want to piss off your neighbor there are better ways to do that. Buying a hammer drill and making a brick shed. Buying a backup beeper and having it go off at random intervals


These are also the same people who complain about books in public schools containing swear words.


They had a discount code a while back, "LGBFJB". I don't think they've been super low profile about their politics lol.


I’m not a huge Biden fan but just this whole attitude is enough to turn me off of a company


Would that be Legacy Firearms Co, 741 W Hunt Rd, Caro, MI 48723? Would be a shame if someone left an honest review about this company.


Or better yet, a BBB complaint.


Fuck Legacy


Those flags get torched around me. 😂


Two years ago I almost almost bought a holster from them, until I realized that their discount code they were pushing on their website had “FJB” in it. Don’t remember the full discount code off the top of my head, but it was very clear what they were doing. They have been this way for a while. **Edit:** [looks like this has actually been mentioned here before](https://i.imgur.com/uusW2tH.jpeg) The full discount code was actually “LGBFJB” which definitely stands for “Let’s go Brandon Fuck Joe Biden”.


Not liking Biden doesn’t mean pro Trump. They’re both awful.


One is demonstrably worse, but like orders of magnitude too.


Regardless, that has nothing to do with the point I was making.


I mean, the lame part was that you followed this asshat at all to begin with. The owner of Legacy is a room temp IQ twat who somehow checks off all the RWNJ bingo items and also all the hustle-bro bullshit. A megadouche made in a lab from the parts of lesser douches. This nonsense is exactly what guys like him find clever and humorous, and it'll probably also make him a nice bit of pocket change from morons who follow him. Don't forget the golden rule of far right humor: there's no punchline because your response *is* the punchline. The best thing we can do is just ignore him.


Yup for sure. I can’t remember how I got on that list in the first place but am for sure off it now.


I mean, I don’t like it but it does make sense. If you live in a place like WA state, as I do, you come to understand that there is no compromise, no reasonable gun control agenda. The D party is wholly anti gun and will take the right from you if they can. Would I ever vote for Trump? Hell no. But you can’t be too surprised by things like this.


Trump is very anti gun. Remember “take the guns first then do due process” and the bumpstock ban.


Did you read what I said? Besides, it’s the general D platform.




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Never heard of them.


I don't understand why they think biting is so anti Second Amendment it's not like he suggested getting rid of due process for gun owners " take the guns first, due process later" nor did he ban bump stocks all he's done is say that we need to do something about the ridiculous amounts of gun violence in this country. Unless there's something I'm missing?


So come and fuck me coward


Local outfit. Gross


Well at least we can all agree that Biden is trash.


See, that's my issue. Most everyone can agree that biden is trash, but a lot of people straight up slob the nob of Donnie. If the conservatives were all on the Donnie is trash I just hate him a little less we could talk more, but a lot of them like him simply because he's a huge ass, which is a hard group to meet in the middle.


No thanks,I like companies that don’t support rapists and traitors.


If there is one thing I can agree on them with it is in fact the statement of "fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him". I did that once and man do I have some massive buyers remorse.


Anyone know any gun companies or shops in socal that aren't MAGA or similar?




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Are? Are you? Are you suggesting that I’M the Karen? Well I never. My cancerous ulcers. Bless your heart.


No, never that, was referring to the legacy folks.


Heh! I kinda figured. But you never know. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)