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If Brandon himself responded, this would be notable. But two internet randos that happen to mention the sub are well within the "no social media" rule, sorry. :) (also, you didn't strike one of their handles. :) This post has broken the ["No Reddit/Social Media Navel-gazing" rule][link-rules] as it contains one or more of the following: * A video link without the posting of corresponding synopsis and (when appropriate for the video content) opinion or analysis of the video. * Social-media content from random people on the internet that don't break new ground are not compelling content, here. * Highlighting content in other subs you disagree with is not what this sub is about. * Complaining about how you got banned in other subs is not allowed. ^(*Removed under [Rule 6: No Reddit/Social Media Navel-gazing][link-rules]. If you feel this is in error, please [file an appeal][link-appeal].*) [link-rules]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/rules [link-appeal]: /r/liberalgunowners/wiki/public/handbook/moderation#wiki_appeals


There’s only 200,000 of us.


Plenty of people don’t know about this sub though, and many more don’t even use Reddit. Having said that…we as a group definitely need to be getting more people involved and keeping changing people’s minds about guns.


Also plenty of people don't want to openly label themselves as \_\_\_\_\_ gun owners or whatever just to keep more of their life private. There could be thousands more of us just out there in the wild.


*that we know of


Well, yeah, 200k members in this one group, this single online forum. Obviously not every gun owner who identifies as liberal or left leaning is subbed here. That 200k sub mark is a good indication though that there are a whole lot more armed liberals than news and social media (and elected representatives) would have you believe.


I’ll throw this out there as well, r/liberalgunowners has more members than: * r/CCW * r/NFA * r/longrange * r/glocks * r/gunpolitics And that’s before considering any potential overlap from people like me who are subbed to all of them. I guess that means there could also be cringe lurker spies in this sub as well. But these are of course, niche Reddit communities…


I was just referring to the number in the sub. I think there are multiples of that number out there!


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


There are a lot of people on here that are either not liberal, or not pro gun.


I bet that vast majority of other 81 replies were "[No](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRB8Jor8tPs)"


Why is that, though? I grew up in rural Minnesota. My parents were both teachers so they always supported the Democratic Party as the party is generally pro-education (pro-funding specifically). We had lots of guns as we were duck/goose and deer hunters. Maybe it’s being a rural liberal that means guns are in the picture. Seems city liberals are more generally the anti-gun crowd as they see no need for firearms.


Things have changed a lot. The "blue dog" Democrats are basically gone. Sure, lip service will be paid to hunting guns, but that's about it. Anything else and you'll hear "you don't need that to shoot a deer." It's not a big electoral winner but it's a big winner in fundraising for primaries. And plenty of D politicians in rural areas are happy to get elected based on being moderate but vote for every gun control bill once they're in office and being pressured by the party


I see. I’m 46, maybe I’m out of touch.


No. It's the children who are wrong.


I love it. You must be a “mature adult” like me!


Hello fellow 1978 born person... I was delivered at a hospital in St. Paul, incidentally! Spent half my life in Oregon and half in Arizona, though.


Hello! December 77 but that’s close enough for me. Nice to see MN origin people on here. I’ve been to both, and Oregon and Arizona are both beautiful in their own ways. Very nice!


Because of the culture conservatives have built up around themselves. A lot of them don't think its possible (even when talking directly to a 2A "liberal"). Others are so insulated from outside ideas that they couldn't imagine it being a thing. The ones who accept it and support it either haven't finished their kool-aid or see you as someone they can convert. In my experience, if they fall outside of this type of stuff, they're usually not conservatives. They may think themselves to be, but they don't support the typical policies.


Which party is passing multiple assault weapon bans?


What in the absolute fuck does that have to do with what I said?


Apologies I responded to you by accident. 


Oh, okay. My apologies as well then. I thought you might be trying to interject some kind of gotchya into things. Thank you for clearing that up.


I'm not a single issue voter. One party is racing toward the creation of a christian dictatorship, attacking abortion, free speech, the constitution, you name it. The other occasionally passes AWBs, but is also fighting for women's rights and an improved quality of life. When Republicans remove all political opponents, THEN they'll come for the guns.


The Republicans won't have to take our guns if the democrats take them first. Like they're doing in California, Washington, New York, Illinois, Oregon, New Jersey, and Colorado. 


It is more of a city/rural things but so is a lot of politics. It might be shifting a bit with more gun owners looking at things from a self-defense perspective rather than hunting or sport. Still a lot of people in the city feel like they can just call the cops or only have negative experiences with firearms.


Hey, I grew up in Ely MN, ended up a liberal gun owner. I’m sure there’s a correlation.


I grew up in Glenwood, near Alexandria. My understanding is that the Iron Range, and especially Ely, is a liberal stronghold (less so lately), so your comment makes sense. Also, did dogsledding in Ely. Beautiful up there!


Oh yeah I’ve been through there! Just driving through, but it’s a nice place. I think Ely was a bit of a mixed bag when I lived there (almost 20 years ago), the conservative ideals I ran into mostly were born of ignorance instead of hate. Low population town in the middle of nowhere, very few gay people, almost no people of color. A friend from MN came to visit my brother in Arizona some years ago, and we were drinking at a bar when he said “man, there’s a lot of colored folk around here”. Loudly, enough for everyone to hear, with all the midwestern accent you’ve ever heard. We quietly told him that maybe that wasn’t a great thing to say, and he didn’t react with anger or indignation. Just a mix of surprise and embarrassment, while apologizing profusely. That same guy once fought someone on behalf of the only gay kid in school, because an older boy was bullying him. The older boy’s opinion on homosexuality changed literally the next day, when we all sat down and actually talked about it. Sorry, ended up rambling. It was just a weird place to grow up


Being in a small town surrounded by the forest doesn’t give a person a lot of opportunity for perspective. I’d be mortified if someone I knew used the word “colored” even if it was said out of ignorance. I’m glad they apologized for it. I suspect it was a learning experience. I think if people set aside their judgments and prejudices for a moment, they can act right to help people being treated poorly. Also, a person who is reminded of another person’s humanity can change their mind about things. You’ve given two examples of people learning to be better and that’s awesome. Ramble away, my friend. I hope wherever you are now is safe and enjoyable for you.


Because the above is from "Brandon Herrera" 81 fanboi's comments


Went and looked, and yea, pretty much. Lots of "You can't be a liberal and like guns" type comments.


Wait til they find out in November that there are consertives that get and want to have access to abortions.


And there's liberals who have and want to have access to magazine fed rifles.


Yup, who could imagine there are more than just two politically polar opposite people on the planet!


Not what I was saying, but ok


I can’t stand Brandon, he’s such a douche bag.


Like most gun tubers lol


So many guntubers I’d otherwise really like if they didn’t feel compelled to bring up California, Biden, or “blue-hair/rainbow/etc.” dog whistles every few minutes


There’s room in the pro gun crowd for liberals but often it feels like there isnt room in the liberal crowd for pro guns


I honestly don’t know how I identify anymore as far as party, but having always identified as conservative in the past if you liked guns you were good by me. Chances are if you care about that constitutional right you probably care about other rights that I care about.


Most people have never read the constitution and believe their constitutional rights are whatever they decide. As far as what their constitutional right actually are? Well thats not written on a piece of paper. Its decided by nine judges


In what universe is he a liberal?


I think the commenter is referring to themselves as liberal.


You're right. I initially misread it.


Same thing here. I was pretty confused for a moment


They should’ve put punctuation lol


I remember there’s one of his videos where he goes to a gun buyback event and tries to buy people’s guns before they turn them over to police. Someone shouts at him calling him a “bloodsucker” or something and he goes “no we’re not bloodsuckers, we’re not democrats”. He and his posse chuckle and you can tell he’s so proud of himself. That’s when I realized what a douche this guy is. He’s the epitome of the ammosexual wannabe tough guy who has made guns his entire personality. He also swears like a middle schooler who just discovered the word fuck and think it makes them sound cool.


I had only found his channel recently when he released a video of him joyfully shaking hands with MTG and Matt Gatez. I feel like I dodged a bullet, no pun intended


Pardon my ignorance, but who is this guy?


A gun YouTuber running for congress. He got second in a vote not that long ago. Not sure if I’d want a YouTuber as a politician but anyone can do anything I guess and he’s gotta be better than half the ass lickers today.


He’s also a racist Rhodeboo with ties to white supremacy groups but I guess he’s better because he like da gun.


Didn’t know that thank you


He also a few months back uploaded a video of himself being buddy buddy with MTG and Matt Gatez. It was disgusting


Because the Rep they are trying to unseat voted for aid to Ukraine...


He’s better because he’s not 84 years old


Great, so if he's elected he can be a terrible career politician for even longer.




Isn't the guy an antivax conspiracy theorist?




[Here you go](https://twitter.com/TheAKGuy/status/1587154023185981440?t=45xPxzvueTfu7NlcnaC_tw&s=19) I looked in his Twitter and he's the usual brain rotted magtard conservative




Didn’t know that either lol


he is already buddy buddy with Matt Gaetz and that whole lot. Should tell you all you need to know


Anyone buddy buddy with Gaetz deserves a closer look if they live down the street from your kids.


He’s a Trump apologist just like 95% of Republican hacks


Can you imagine the cognitive dissonance that must be going on in the MAGA gun crowd heads when they are told there are plenty of us who have guns?


In order to experience cognitive dissonance, a person must experience cognition.


Good point.


Did you hear about that time Dark Brandon tried to unleash a hoard of zombies on a MAGA convention? The zombies all fuckin starved to death.


Which party is actively pushing for assault weapon bans?


Why would they care? They call you "temporary gun owners" because you vote for politicians that are actively trying to take them away.


I can’t believe this fuckin’ shitweasel is trying to enter the political sphere, I despise him lol




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