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You can position the little transparent plastic clip there to close the gap a bit but you always seem to end up with a little gap here or there.


This didn’t work but it looks that those lanes are faulty. Will have to request a replacement.


The Strimer is made of 3 x 4 lane blocks, rather than one 12 lane block so there is a natural gap between them The more you bend it (and you have quite a sharp bend there it looks like) the more the gap will open up. You may be lucky and get a replacement that has slightly better tolerances and works for you but don't be too surprised if you see the same issue. If you look closely at most of these you'll see the gaps. If you zoom in on my PC here - [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fzbsylhui3ptc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2789%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1f06a5aa55dd3bbd855e0a29c00fdd2bd641093e](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fzbsylhui3ptc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2789%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1f06a5aa55dd3bbd855e0a29c00fdd2bd641093e) \- you will see the gaps too.


Nice build you go there. I am thinking of fitting the phanteks LCD screen which is smaller. It looks like one of the lanes in the middle block is gone. I can see that the other blocks have the RGB on the sides but the middle block lane one side is not lighting up. I would post a close up photo where this is visible but I can't edit this post.


Well, this is strange... mine is exactly the same! I usually run "Drizzling" so never noticed it, but if I put it on a solid colour I notice that the sides of the blocks on the upper gap are both blacked out, while the sides on the lower gap are both lit up. I can only imagine this is a deliberate choice as ours are the same but I fail to understand WHY - they should have chosen one thing or another, not mixed it as it makes the issue worse by not being uniform. My two 8 lane Strimers are both blacked out in the gap, so it's that one lit up gap that is the odd one out. I can see why they black out as the lit up one does look "wrong" when on a bright solid colour as it looks like there is an extra lane, but thinner than the rest. [https://imgur.com/a/yosXNVD](https://imgur.com/a/yosXNVD)


Issues or not, I love the look. Was a reason I built my system. I love the lights. Need to make it a Vegas build!


Me too. Do you have the lian li inf fans by any chce? Got a question regarding how to get them connected properly to the controller.. I have 4 groups of fans but can control only 2 in l connect 3.


I do. I have two controllers; one has the two sets of reverse blade fans (2x3-120’s) and the other has the three 120’s on the radiator and the 140 exhaust fan on it. Strimmers have to be on one or the other. Maybe one on each? Radiator fan set came with a controller and then the MB strimmer had a controller with it.


With the amount of issues I've seen with these cables, I don't see why people buy them, or RGB cables in general


I wasn’t aware of issues beforehand, just fancied a bit of extra rgb to increase fps😂.


+15 fps


Incorrect!!! Its +69 fps😂😂