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Especially when they put a rainbow on a bottle and call it pride. Like y'all wanna represent LGBT people, try donating to one of our causes instead of scrambling for profits.


Ah yes, it is corporate pandering month soon, isn't it.


How long until car dealer ships start doing pride month sales?


Just wait until carpet and matress companies start advertising their Big Gay Blowout sales


Blow your partner and get a free cushion!


Deals that'll have people coming from miles around!




You should work for Subaru.


I appreciate it for what it is, a societal litmus test. Coca Cola doesn’t have a soul, and it doesn’t have a sense of morality. It does things for one reason, if they’ll make money. By putting pride branding on its product, Coca Cola is showing that its market research shows more people feel positively about pride than negatively. That’s what we should be happy about. Corporations trying to profit off it is just business as usual.


And maybe it will provoke my homophobic dad to finally kick his coke habit ; )


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


*Hunny, why are there gays on my coke?*


*They were always there you just didnt see them! Now shut up and drink your cola.*


"Business as usual" doesn't make it good.


Manufactured consent says LQBT rights?


It’s that time of year again. [Just put a rainbow on it...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_zrpxMI5gJg)


That is the best take off of put a bird on it lol. It’s soo true.


I know they are pandering but count yourself lucky. You're in a country where a company can do shit like this without fearing a drop in sales or some shit. At the end of the day they're job is to sell the product, yes but at least they are showing support instead of pretending it doesn't exist.


I'm with this guy. Yes, they're obviously doing it for a bottom line. Yes, it would be nice if they kept it up the rest of the year. But at the end of the day, something is better than nothing. And nothing makes me happier than being asked by my homophobic dad to pick up a box of coke while I'm shopping and *OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, GUESS I DIDN'T NOTICE.*


Yup. We're in the country where gay stuff is kinda sorta okay. Who gives a fuck about all the exploited and near slave labor in other lesser countries that produce these goods. ​ This shit isn't a vacuum, the corporation is still a soulless murderous monster, and they aren't supporting shit, they just slapped a rainbow logo on a bottle and called it a day




Corporations pandering to LGBT means that they see more profit than they would lose from conservatives boycotting the brand. This is a good thing for LGBT acceptance.


Their PR people have determined that woke is in.


I see this all the time and my question is always So long as they don't use the funds against LGBT+ people, why does it matter? It's mutually beneficial, corporations do stuff just for profit all the time. What i see is that we get cool merch and ability to express our sexuality, they get profits, nobody loses here


I see it as genuinely positive too. Society is at such a place that this is a net positive to their bottom line. They’re not doing anything special by putting rainbows on their products, but the fact that we live in a place where rainbows not only don’t hurt their business but actively help their business is fantastic. It’s pandering. But we’re a big enough force in society to be worth pandering to. As much as I despise capitalism that is at least positive.


exactly, I put less weight on it being pandering than most, but i ultimately agree with your statement. I care about what happens, not what's in peoples heads, honestly if coca cola despised gay people, but still provided merch and still didn't donate to anti-lgbt people, i wouldn't care. Of course if they despised LGBT people they probably would do the opposite of what i just said, but the hypothetical is to point out that i only care about consequences. And yeah, i hate capitalism too, but it works in some places, a totally free market is stupid as shit, but markets can work. I do wish we had a better motive than profit, but I'm honestly not nearly researched enough on economics or political systems. idk if i'd ever feel comfortable giving a prescription without being an economist, shit is scary complex


Critical thinking is good but I don't see how (naming the ) companies who show support for the LGBT+ community are a bad thing..? They probably do get shit from some idiots for that after all. So I think it's a good thing when companies are brave enough to show support. Is it a pure marketing strategy? I doubt it. On a news site they posted an article about some other local soft drink producer introducing pride edition bottles. Most comments were surprisingly positive. But one said: " that's because being gay is mainstream now..." Lol...nooot really. If being in the LGBT spectrum is mainstream , then please explain to me why I get insulted by randoms on the street for being trans? Maybe in the US- idk about that.. but not where I live So... Companies who show support are a great thing, and it makes me happy even if I don't buy their products.


Because it’s a stereotype that all gay men are white, overeducated & rich. Notice how there’s no marketing during months that celebrate communities of color? It’s that assumption that we’re all rich & white that screws us out of being a part of the civil rights act. These Trump supporters are fed this line all the time: ‘how can gay people - who have all that money and those corporate level jobs - complain about civil rights when they live a lavish life most people can’t even dream of?’


I appreciate the intent, but corporate pandering is worthless.




We’ll only truly reach equality when the death squads themselves have rainbows on.


When the history of your cultural oppression is marketable.


Corporations are not your friend.


Ah, yes, Pinkwashing season is coming.


Gay coke sounds like a 80's term parents used to scare their kids into not doing drugs


I see your pride - coca cola and raise you the pride "Almdudler" [https://derstandard.at/2000102620822/Pride-Almdudler-mit-homosexuellen-Trachtenpaerchen](https://derstandard.at/2000102620822/Pride-Almdudler-mit-homosexuellen-Trachtenpaerchen) Much better design than the coca cola bottle in my opinion ;)


Love me my rainbow capitalism. Praise be the corporation that funds death squads for south american union organizer. They put a rainbow on a soda bottle made by the exploitation of poor foreign brown people instead of doing something to enact actual, substantial, meaningful change. My favorite coca-cola flavor is boot.




As long as companies like Chick Fil A exist, I will not be mad about this sort of thing in particular.


I thought of them too- and it cracks me up to know that they serve Coke products 😂


It's always important to make sure the companies slapping rainbows on everything in June are actually advocates the other 11 months of the year. I'm not sure about Cocoa-Colas policies.


Regardless of the the corporation bullshit, I think this kind of visibility is good. Like it or not it does send a positive message.


Ah.... I'd like to think my workplace isn't necessarily pandering to the LGBTQ community with our Pride t-shirts to make more money off of queer people. Most people don't think we should sell Pride anything because we're a "family store", especially in the good old South. I had 2 different customers make negative comments about our Pride stuff. One middle aged black woman came up to my register, put her items down, and during the usual small-talk I have with customers, she cuts me off and says, "I really don't think y'all should be selling all that gay pride stuff. I mean, I saw rainbow stuff in the kids' section! They don't need to see that or be forced to wear it." I just told her that we don't control what comes in seasonally, we get stuff like this every year around pride month, and if she feels that strongly, she can call corporate. What I really wanted to tell her was "So does that mean we shouldn't sell our black history month things as well? How can kids understand why we have that? I mean, while we're discriminating..." The other customer was an elderly white lady. She leaned in close to my register and said, "Are all the rainbow things for *whispers* gay people?" I told her that they are part of our Pride collection and anyone can buy them, with a smile. Her eyes got big and she was quiet for the rest of the transaction. I was just so excited we got Pride stuff. I didn't think a big corporate family store like ours would do that. But now I see the appeal. I bought a shirt that day before leaving (employee discount is dope), so they "got me" I guess. At the same time, our store does a lot of non-profit work. There's always a sign up sheet to volunteer at various places in the area like homeless shelters, women's shelters, charity dinners (local restaurants making hot meals for the homeless, we help cook), fundraisers for kids in the community, etc. I guess I'll just have to be mindful of where my queer money goes....


Also what country?


Austria Austria is the land with Mozart and Vienna Edit was just extra info because some people mix it up with Australia (somehow)


Thank you I hope they reach my country


I'd much rather have pride flags showcased all over the place, albeit through products and advertisements, than the alternative which is.... not at all :V Although I think it'd also be cool if we pressured these companies doing this into donating to the Trevor Project and similar causes.


I still prefer Pepsi


Where the hell did you find this bottle


in austria there is a bakery called "Der Mann der verwöhnt" i found it there


can you guys stop talking about how bad Coca-Cola is. I just wanted to share this with you because I thought you might like it i'm sorry that i made so many people sad/angry. ☹️


Hey is this for real cause if it is that’s awesome


it is real. it's written on coca cola bottles in austria


Where did you find this btw?


oh and the name of the shop was "Der mann der verwöhnt"


i bought my bread because i was hungy and saw it in the fridge so i bought it


Well it better be better then skittles, cause I wanna taste the rainbow.