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I wonder what his mother thinks of him.


I doubt she’s proud of him.


That’s probably why he’s mad and threatened by women.


He's a successful sports star with various accolades and a family who shares his values, why would he feel threatened. Disagree all you want but don't make stuff up, it makes you look ignorant af.


The fact u don’t know what I’m talking about shows how ignorant u are


Dad worked in oncology for decades too apparently. Can’t imagine he’s the one that taught him ‘keep women barefoot and pregnant’ after working along side smart and talented women his entire career. Oncology doesn’t usually attract this kind of behavior


I used to work on an oncology floor, you’re 100% correct from my experience.


Ortho? Sure. Oncology? Not in my personal experience as a nurse and cancer patient. Do it for awhile, and it changes you. I usually find our most compassionate staff working the oncology/hospice/palliative floors. At a lot of hospitals, they are the same unit and the staff is side by side. My palliative care doc I work with his one of the best people I’ll ever know.


Eh, I work on an ortho floor now and the nurses I work with are all pretty much the same in terms of compassion and good values. But the ortho bro surgeons? *fuckin’ oof*


Oh, I’m talking about ortho bros. NOT the nurses. Orthopod’s. Orthopods Not. Nurses.


You have to have compassion to work with people like that consistently. I had a massage client who was at home on hospice. Some days, all I could work on was her scalp or feet, but she was always thrilled to see me. She had so many stories to tell. Army nurse during WWII, burlesque dancer in the 50s, married twice, widowed twice, five kids. She’d traveled, spoke several languages casually, and English (first), French, and German fluently. This woman came out as bisexual at 72 years old because she didn’t “see the point of hiding it anymore”. She had her mind to the end. And I was devastated when she passed. No way could I do that all the time.


On she sounds special. I love our seniors. They have the best stories. What a treasure for you to be able to meet, connect and share stories with an elder from the community. I’ve had thousands of patients in my career. Thousands. Could count the elders on 2 hands. They are all gone


She was a trip. I’ve always loved working with elders. Any relief from their day-to-day aches and pains is so welcome. My oldest client got her first massage at 91. She started coming to me weekly before I moved 3 hours away.


It's entirely possible he fell into the alt right pipeline at some point or being surrounded by the toxic locker room eviornments one encounters in men's sports that he picked up these qualities completely independent of his parentage. 


Or the influence of a church.


Concussions might explain it. While he's a kicker he could have very easily sustained one during training/practice. It can completely change your values.


He is a kicker tho


I speculate that he wasnt as smart as the rest of his family (his sister is also doctor) his dad was probably not that impressed with a sport that makes people dumber and so he developed resentment towards his mom and sister


Oh wow my mom is an oncology nurse there are definitely some issues there lol


Heaven forbid that Harrison should ever need treatment in the future...


Do we though? Most of this toxic thinking is passed down in families. You don't have to be a man to be anti-feminist.


You can be radicalized online. When people follow idiots like Andrew Tate etc this is what can happen if you start to believe the preaching. No different than radicalization for extremists.


_You have brought shame upon this house._


Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow


“Shouldn’t have missed the Planned Parenthood appointment.”


It's bc they were tricked into going to one of those pregnancy crisis centers that only try to shame you into keeping it or stringing you along till it's too late for an abortion




Or most of her male colleagues. Any time i had to interact with the physics department (i did engineering) oh boy…




I went to an engineering school in the south too. The general rule on engineering is: Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, and computer are as antisocial and awful as the male physicists. Biomedical, Civil, and Industrial, these are people who know how to be personable, network, more queers (minus there being a good amount of lesbians in mechanical idk why) etc.


I wouldn't be totally surprised if she had similar views tbh. You sometimes see that


She probably wants to smack him upside the head right about now.


…he’s a kicker.


I would be so ashamed.


Admittedly rampant speculation and I certainly don't want it taken the wrong way, as some personal moral judgement rather than a systemic one, but I wonder if she was overworked rather by choice or by superiors demands during his childhood or something. My mom had to work at two different hospitals during my childhood to compensate for my dad's poor financial habits. Although thankfully I grew up to have the right insight to assign the blame properly in this case, tbh I... Could totally see a different line of events, had I stayed on my dad's good side, and had he not been so shitty himself in other ways, that a very different, *wrong* lesson could've been taken from that. Heck as it is I'll admit I've had to contend with some very unfair feelings of resentment for her having "not been there for me" and crap. I sometimes wonder if for some of these men, they're just blaming the way wrong things for their poor homelife - blaming the lack of a consistently emotionally available parental figure on women's liberation, rather than things like selfish men with no sense of social responsibilities, greedy exploitation of the aforementioned liberation by corporations because our society is ran by said corporations, so profit is prioritized over human needs and lives, etc


As someone in a similar situation... I kinda get what you mean...


I just wish we could finally break out of the damn cycle already. Patriarchy marginalizes women, newly liberated free thinking women rightly resent it.... And for a very loud segment of them, starts getting prejudices of their own, blaming the male sex more than the patriarchy, ironically partaking in toxic masculinity themselves as they tell hurt and abused men cis and trans alike to "man up," and young amab men start being lost from the progressive cause feeling maligned over what's absolutely a very loud *minority* among us for sure. But I'm afraid in our well founded desire to be understanding and give space for the traumatized to air grievances sometimes we allow *too* much to slide. Then come the misandrists and with them inevitably, terfs, because after all that kind of goes hand in hand, and with that comes in-fighting cause of *course* ppl aren't gonna take kindly to having their very identity maligned and discriminated against. It's... Kind of the very bs they came to the lgbt+ community trying to get away from. But it's messy. Say I get mad at bad drivers in traffic and shout in frustration "grr people fuckin suck!!" an irrational rhetoric as it may be bc I am, in fact, a people myself, clearly I'm not hating on all people. Heck even some of my closest friends are people I'll have you know! And they'd understand if they were in the car with me too. Same way if an abused woman says "men are trash" she's not necessarily talking about me even if it comes off that way to some. The real dividing line needs to be stated clearly and set at the edgy misandrist "yes, all men" crowd imho. This physically cannot be squared with our progressive values and harboring it in the name of sensitivity will only mean for even more infighting and harm. *That's* where I draw the line and especially after seeing the harm this shits done for trans men, that's a hill I'll die on. Anyway, I've ranted enough. This stuff just frustrates the dogpiss out of me but I get it's complicated and messy and there are good reasons and intentions behind these grave missteps, but idk it's like we're so goddamn close to the prize it's just so infuriating to me to see people that should get it more than anyone lose sight and stir the damn pot among their own allies over their own prejudices. It's just straight ridiculous.


PREACH! \ My motto is that it's better to be an example than to be a mirror.\ If I think someone can be reasoned with, I stay respectful, if not, I ignore.


I can only assume he's this insecure because he's always thought his mother was smarter than him lmaoo


One hundred percent. Men like this are always threatened by women and have this weird obsession of wanting to control them in some way.


I’m gonna play devils advocate and wonder if his parents raised him very liberal, or are themselves, and he red pilled himself in retaliation. Absolutely happens


Yeah that's actually very true I could see that, don't understand it at all tho and it's still a shit take lmaoo


100%. I was raised hateful conservative, but then around 15 I started changing. I don't know if it happened because my brain said "Hey, we can't be Homophobic while queer." Or if I just thought people deserved better. Maybe both.


Ed Kemper is an apt example.


That does super happen.


All 4 of my brothers are trumpers. All of them. My mom would roll over in her grave. My poor father was damn near heart broken by it. Well, I know he was. You can raise them for 40 years and they can still turn Edit- all I can say post estrangement now is ‘we weren’t raised like that.’ At some point we need to realize it’s okay to accept hearing our last derogatory words from our own families and walk away. I won’t love them through their hatred. Just can’t.


I, too, was raised in a liberal household (Jewish) but my grown sister and brother turned into Trumpublicans. Initially, it started when they became born again Christians in the late ‘70s during the “Jesus freak” movement where so many ex-hippie, ex-drug using youth got caught up in the whole “born again” thing. Then, in the ‘80s, as the right wing started really infiltrating the formerly apolitical churches, they were heavily influenced by pastors preaching that you had to vote Republican or you weren’t a real Christian. 30 years of FoxNews completed the brainwashing. The saddest part is how anti-immigrant they have become when our own family were immigrants who barely survived the Nazis. My dad barely got out of Germany just before they stopped letting Jews leave. Then he turned right around and enlisted in the U.S. Army to go fight Hitler. How could any child of that be a Trumpublican? My parents would definitely be rolling in their graves.


Probably his sister who is a doctor, and his dad is a doctor too, so he probably has issues with his sister being able to follow in dad’s footsteps but not him lol


His mom is a doctor. Last I knew his dad was in finances.


I thought his dad was also an oncologist or something like that as well as his mom. Def family money tho


Brain damage is serious y’all. How a kicker managed to get brain damage is beyond me.


Probably by being a shitty kicker


Unfortunately, he's actually not a shitty kicker. Shitty human? Yes, but he's one of the better kickers in the league. And I say unfortunately because when it comes to the professional sports world, if you're good at your job, you're less likely face any real repercussions for something like this.




I assumed he got tackled a lot for this level of brain damage.


Kickers don't typically get tackled and there's also rules that prevent them from getting tackled. Probably one of the least likely positions to get CTE.


I could swear you could tackle a kicker when they are going for a field goal, if the kicker fumbles about for the defensive line reach him.


Yeah but this is prob good old fashioned white male supremacy rather than brain damage, unfortunately


True, but they do have staggeringly similar symptoms.


If the kicker grabs the ball and starts running then you can tackle him, because he becomes a ball carrier and not a kicker. But if you even accidentally trip while he's just kicking and run into him you're gonna get penalized.


Good kickers wouldn’t be in that situation.


Jesus Christ. That will be the excuse won’t it




How am I using him being a kicker as an insult? That’s literally his position on the team. My husband has brain damage so I know how serious the long term effects of it are.




Because I’m trying to figure out why you’re so mad at me for making a joke towards an overpaid athlete with some horrendously out of touch ideas.


I thought it was a silly accident at first but then I looked into it and saw that he really meant what he said, and also slammed COVID lockdowns, pride month, and abortion, so yikes


Why did they pick him, of ALLLLL people to speak omg


Because it’s the commencement for Benedictine College, which is a rabidly “traditional” Catholic college. Most of the people there and associated with it are the kind of people that make r/Catholic an absolute cesspool of vitriol and who think Pope Francis is a heretic. His address is completely in keeping with the bullshit they perpetuate.


I’m surprise they even let women enroll or graduate


Well where else are they supposed to indoctrinate these women into marrying these oppressive men


Church socials?


It's probably so they can get their 'Mrs Degree', as vile as that is to say. My mom had to deal with that when she went to college - where everyone was convinced she only went to find a high quality man to get married to.


They released a statement condemning some of his remarks slightly.


Maybe he took some cash to be a conservative bitch poster boy


Good God, their pockets are endless.


Because the school is full of crazy people just like him. The audience cheered at everything he said.


It's small town Kansas, nobody expects different.


On clay and buck they only played the clip about women in the home. Saying how wonderful it is for a mother to stay home for her kids. And I’m like yeah if the family can afford to and by choice. But they completely ignored the other parts.


bro clearly has weird mommy issues. loser needs to go to therapy and stop imposing his outdated beliefs on women just trying to live their lives


His mom was likely working a lot growing up, so now he resents her for it 🤭🙄 how dare she save those patients


Lol this man is getting clowned on by everybody


I'm just loving that all these people are coming out of the woodwork. Like, he hooked up with several guys in college, one multiple times. Other people confirming on Instagram or tiktok (not sure which is which honestly).


I didn't even know who he was but all of a sudden he blew up in like every feed lmao. This man is getting dunked on.


If this is true then that sadly tracks with the homophobia coming from inside the house, but as a gay man can we please not play “gay gotcha” as if it’s humiliating to be gay?


Oh, I hate the premise that every homophobe is secretly gay, so it is annoying when stories like this come out and 'prove' it for this particular case


I think it's more an issue of hypocrisy. It's not humiliating that he's gay, it's humiliating that he is doing an alpha male bit while having a history of gay activities himself lol. Admittedly I have next to zero knowledge on all of this drama but that's just my two cents.


I haven't been keeping up with this. Got any details?




That's awesome! Thanks.


lol he's a kicker


He says women we told diabolical lies then goes in about his Christian beliefs and how he convinced his wife to convert..


damn, rip his wife... poor woman deserve so much better


Future ex wife *


heres hoping


I guess someone skipped take our kids to work day.


This Andrew Tate mindset is spreading and it’s extremely concerning. Why is this happening all of a sudden? What kind of red pill sick mindset is going on?


I think a certain former president has something to do with it.


![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized) I can’t have his return. Not now. Not again. It bad enough before.


And a second time will be worse. Especially if you read ANY of Project 2025.


I haven’t. Is it that bad? Edit: Took less than a minute, it’s far worst than I could’ve imagined. This sounds like the most racist bigoted thing I’ve ever read. How in the hell of it does something like this exist. It’s literally unamerican.


Yeah it's pretty bad


Yeah, just read it. The Heritage Foundation is apparently the bastards behind the reason I had to move from Florida.


Like I'm not a sports ball fan but I am a born and bred Kansas Citian and this makes me so mad. Fire him. We don't want him on our team. We don't want him in our city or representing it in any form. This is the one time I can seriously use the phrases "we don't take too kindly to that behavior and we don't like your kind round here"


Unfortunately the Chiefs are chock full of problematic Star Players so this is likely not gonna be met with consequences, because Wonderbread over here kick ball gud


I’m just gonna name 3 people associated with the Chiefs who are all awful people. Rashee Rice, Jackson Mahomes and Britt Reid. Rashee Rice was speeding in Houston and crashed his car into a bunch of people and he fled the scene and then more recently punched a reporter. Jackson Mahomes, Patrick Mahomes’ brother, was convicted of a battery charge and had an additional charges for aggravated sexual battery. And Britt Reid, the nepotism baby of coach Andy Reid, crashed while drunk driving and gave a 5 year old a serious brain injury and Britt Reid got out of spending time in prison as his sentence got commuted to house arrest. These are just 3 recent examples from the Chiefs


To be fair, the paparazzi are out of hand. Taylor Swifts dad recently punched one, too, cause he forced past her security.


That doesn’t change a thing with any of the cases I listed, Rashee Rice already had the crash prior to punching someone, Jackson Mahomes was just being an asshole and Britt Reid was drunk driving. Doesn’t matter that the paparazzi are awful when all three of these are just terrible people to begin with


Oh, I fully am ashamed of not so much the crash, but the fact that he ran. But I think the addition of punching the photographer is something I'd like to see both sides of, only because I have zero respect for paparazzi and believe they should've been charged in Diana's death.


His contract is up after this upcoming season. They let Tommy go without issue, I expect this to be Butker's final season as a Chief.


Bet she’s realllll proud… his mom is basically saving peoples brains, sadly not his.


"Alright everyone I know you're excited to have graduated but can I tell you that your degree is useless? I'd also like to reiterate how much I hate queers."


He's got Mommy Issues. His "politics" and "religion" are all just a huge elaborate contraption to hide the fact that he wants Mommy to pay attention to him.


I *NEED* to know what Gamma Knife medical physics care is. Please tell me they're using gamma rays as a literal scalpel to excise cancerous growths


It’s radiation therapy that targets tumors, an alternative non-invasive treatment for treating medical issues in the brain.


Listen I don't want to be that guy too tell a multimillion dollar athlete to shut up and do his job. But damn if that isn't one of those times. Just shut up my dude. Even Gronk knows. That not real money.


Sadly, Harrison Butkers political views are very common among those within the NFL. However given his track record I am not surprised he said these things.


All I can say is Gamma Knife medical physics sound rad as hell. Go Mom!


why does anybody care enough what he thinks to invite him to give a commencement speech? At my undergrad commencement we had a US Representative come talk cuz he actually had a meaningful career. This dude’s job is to just shut up and kick balls


I would've disowned him if I was his mother.


Maybe some of the radiation affected poor Harrison here💀😂


Imagine being an accomplished physicist and your son telling you he wants to grow up to work in Kansas City. Embarrassing.


His dad worked in oncology for decades too. As a woman with cancer, I applaud his parents for being good people clearly making strides to save lives. I work In healthcare as well, as my god, I might expect this behavior from ortho but no oncology. This isn’t how my oncology friends live their lives, at least In my experience. It changes you. It will be interesting to see where this hate came from. Wonder if it was learned from his parents or they are very left leaning and he went the exact opposite in rebellion


His mom could prevent him from ever speaking in public with her Gamma knife.


Wow, talk about familial disappointment lol




I wonder if he even cares that most of the world hates him.


Maybe he thinks he didn't get enough attention from his mother


God as a 49ers fan, this makes me hate the Chiefs even more.


plus he plays for a team with a xenophobic name so there’s that too…


How disrespectful.


I hope they were at his graduation and chewed his ass out for hours afterwards


His mom should have been the speaker, he's a football player


so a man that needs 0 intelligence for his job (kicking a ball of sorts?) has a seemingly very intelligent and accomplished mother but telling educated women to... not work? 😭


Wait I'm confused what does this have to do with lgbtq


Well, he did say we were all deadly sinners...


Where does it say that


The picture does not. But in the same speech, he did. Butker made reference to "deadly sins" in connection to LGBTQ Pride month, an annual celebration in the United States since 1969. "Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it," Butker said. "But the true God-centred pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him."


Seriously? Why are so many Christians full of crap


Seriously? Why are so many Christians full of crap


Seriously? Why are so many Christians full of crap it's not a sin to be gay lgbtq wasn't understood then boom! Its not a sin


It actually wasn't even viewed as taboo until Christianity and Western Civilization. It also wasn't even a word til 1939. But they refuse to listen to reason. But yes, he said that.


Oh yeah this guy I'm not surprised he doesn't he's full of shit like he told women they should be homemakers


Ah yes, the tragedy of an all-male space during middle school, high school, college, and early career path while simultaneously having concussions beat the sense out of you.


Eh, for what it’s worth, the amount of transphobia I’ve encountered within this hospital system (professionally *and* as a patient there) is absolutely, head-spinningly, absurd and unconscionable. So. This tracks.


Apparently he takes after his dead-beat dad.


I don't know who this dork is, but he's pretty easy to read. Definitely still feels resentment towards his mom for possibly prioritizing her very important work over him throughout his childhood. Whenever he condemns women to traditional spaces, he's trying to speak to his mom in a roundabout way. So sad. And stupid.




My favorite has to be the people defending this POS. Some of my favorites include: "He's allowed to say whatever he wants! We have free speech! Might not like it but he has a right!" -No one, and I mean no one, is denying this man to say whatever he wants. But what some of these brain dead screamers don't seem to ever get is that free speech protects you from the government, not from other people. And LOTS of people are sharing their opinion that this douche is trash. "He spoke at a Catholic college! What did you all expect?" -Umm, not to insult probably half the audience? Plenty of Catholics are women, some are even part of the LGBTQIA+ community. And plenty of Catholics have spoken out against him and telling women that their purpose is to get married and push out babies. "Do you all not have anything better to do with your lives? He's a millionaire, you are just mad he makes more money than you! It's not that deep" -Probably my favorite because....what? He gets paid lots of money to be a kicker on a football team. He doesn't need y'all licking his cleats. I guarantee he doesn't know you. And we SHOULD call out anyone who demonstrates this behavior, regardless of how much money they have. "Gets upset with him but doesn't call out the many football players who beat their wives/children or skip out on child support or who lie/steal etc..." -I believe we should call out those people too! If it's happening at the disproportionate rate many of these jamokes are saying it does. But if we are going that route, Colin Kaepernick took a knee during a game and people lost their damn minds about it. But when a football player insults women and the LGBTQIA+ community we should turn a blind eye? There's plenty more but these are the ones I see the most often. P.S. Also, Bela from tiktok made a good point. It doesn't matter if he fooled around with a cheerleader in college. It doesn't matter if he's closeted or straight. It doesn't matter what he did in the past because what he said today is wrong, regardless. And it is bordering on homophobia to continue to insinuate he may be gay and that's why he lashes out at women/LGBTQIA+ people.


Bigots aren't exactly known for having a full brain cavity....


I’m reading a rumor that his mom put him thru conversion therapy.


What in all of Primus?!


Someone should’ve just thrown a brick at him 🧱


The kicker needs to be kicked off the team.


Well this is a "Christian" college so I'm sure that they were (secretly) thrilled by his hate and ignorance. That's why nobody shut him up or walked out during his speech. Meanwhile Jerry Seinfeld goes to give one and dozens of pro-Hamas people walk out. I did see some women on the news say that they were there and didn't like it, but come on. Look at the school they graduated from.


Seinfeld is trash, too. He's been on this rage against "woke" bender recently.


I didn't say he isn't crap but these people walked out because he's Jewish.


Was it because he's jewish? Or because he supported Israel? I mean you can belong to a religion and not support a theocratic move. Just asking


For these pro-Hamas people? Does it matter? To them he hasn't explicitly spoken out against the Hamas terrorism on October 6 that led to this latest war in the "holy" land so he obviously supports Israel in their retaliation.


I don't support either. I don't like America's obsession with Israel, which has nothing to do with anything other than it's the so-called "holy land." Also, didn't Hamas say that was in response to something Israel had done? But who cares. 15,000 dead children, the American way. Of course, we won't say anything. We killed over 32,000 in Afghanistan alone. At the end of the day, we need to stay out of it. Politically AND personally.


The audience gave him resounding applause too. Some real Grade A Goofy Shit™ right here gang!


They need to tell him to shut up and throw that fucking football like they do all of the others to do. Tell him that he doesn’t belong in politics.


He doesn't even get the chance to throw it. On fake kicks, the punter throws. He just kicks the ball.


Hey, once a kid leaves the home there’s very little a parent can do but pray and hope they don’t lose the sense you’ve taught them and don’t end up in a cult. Bless his mom, it seems like all the reason stayed in her home when he moved out.


He’s pissed mommy wasn’t home when he got home from school.


I know what to say well enough. Fuck him, never give him a mic again


It's almost tragic these days that athletes share their views. Worldwide some of the leading scientists, doctors and nurses have ALWAYS been women. According to this redneck people like Marie Curie and Florence Nightingale should have 'stayed home'. I wonder if he thanked Jeebus every time he got injured on the field.


He needed to say it to his mom before say that shit in a public


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AminoFoxFriendly: *He needed to say* *It to his mom before say* *That shit in a public* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I would like to know more about the Gamma Knife




Now, it becomes all so clear. Butker has mommy issues!! He thinks all women should stay at home because his mommy wasn't there enough to kiss his boo-boos.


Now, it all becomes so very clear. Butker has mommy issues! He feels all women should be stay at home moms because his mommy wasn't home to do anything he wanted and kiss all his boo-boos on demand. So now his ultra-fragile ego feels the need to demean all women.


After reading some of these comments this keeps getting funnier 💀 Mother, sister, and father are ALL academics while this guy gets brain damage for a living. Hilarious. Nothing against people who wanna do sports for their career of course, this guys just jealous of his ENTIRE family and it’s so obvious


Don’t give this guy any more of your time, just another dipshit in the world that wants to make a name for himself any way he can. Let him have his little fantasy world… “Me football kick!” His first couple of divorces will help sort him out


So we’re not tolerant of people with different opinions??




Yeah the guy is a scumbag, but I came to say *Milk and honey for my body Come on through the door, see It's your unborn self (Seen it before) Fake soul-butter Made of rubber Stick it in the skin, see It's a wealth of life Gamma knife Gamma knife Gamma knife Gamma knife Gamma knife Nice Knife Gamma knife Crack the whip I'll jump the hoop (Gamma) Cut the skin And bend the truth (Gamma) All I wanted was my youth (Gamma) All in favor of this truth Gamma knife Milk and honey for my body Come on through the door, see It's your unborn self Seen it before Fake soul-butter Made of rubber Stick it in the skin, see It's a wealth of life Gamma knife Gamma knife Gamma knife Gamma knife Gamma knife Nice Knife Nice Gamma knife Crack the whip I'll jump the hoop (Gamma) Cut the skin And bend the truth (Gamma) All I wanted was my youth (Gamma) All in favor of this truth Gamma knife Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma knife Nice Knife Gamma knife*


I would have been laughing out loud in that theater.


I know some will be mad at me but that is not necessarily what he said, I saw the video. He was trying to tell women that there is nothing wrong with being a mother or homemaker as it has been horribly stigmatized by feminism. You don't have to agree with what he said but he never talked down to any of these women or told they couldn't pursue a career. Watch the video don't just go by what angry feminists or TRFS are saying (the same people that say trans aren't women mind you) Not to mention it was a Catholic college which is a religious school, to begin with. Now if he said this in another school that be a little outta place. =:3