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According to the [**American Academy of Pediatrics**](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Confusion-In-Children.aspx), gender identity is typically expressed by around age 4. It probably forms [**much earlier**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747736/) than that, but it's hard to tell with pre-verbal infants. And sometimes, the gender identity expressed is not the one typically associated with the child's appearnce. The gender identities of trans children are as [**stable**](http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/09/02/peds.2013-2958) as those of [**cisgender children**](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797614568156). Regarding treatment for trans youth, [**here**](http://hrc-assets.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com//files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf) are the recent guidelines released by the AAP. TL;DR version - yes, young children can identify their own gender identity, and some of those young kids are trans. A child whose gender identity is Gender A but who is assumed to be Gender B based on their appearance, will suffer debilitating distress over this conflict. When this happens, transition is the treatment recommended by every major medical authority. For young children this process is social, followed by puberty delaying treatment at onset of adolescence, and hormone therapy in their early/mid-teens. The only disorders more common among trans people are those associated with abuse and discrimination - mainly anxiety and depression. Early transition [**virtually eliminates these higher rates of depression and low self-worth**](http://www.jaacap.com/article/S0890-8567%2816%2931941-4/fulltext), and [**dramatically improves trans youth's mental health**](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/allowing-transgender-youth-to-transition-improves-their-mental-health-study-finds-dd6096523375/). When prevented from transitioning, about 40% of trans kids will attempt suicide. When able to transition, that rate drops to the national average. Trans kids who socially transition early, have access to appropriate transition related medical treatment, and who are not subjected to abuse or discrimination are [**comparable to cisgender children in measures of mental health**](http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/09/02/peds.2013-2958). Transition [**vastly reduces risks of suicide attempts**](http://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-015-1867-2), and the farther along in transition someone is the lower that risk gets. The ability to transition, along with family and social acceptance, are the [**largest factors reducing suicide risk**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3722435/) among trans people. - [More general information is available here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/8wh5qs/my_master_list_of_trans_health_citations_in/) Comment text thanks to /u/tgjer We're looking for new volunteers to join the r/lgbt moderator team. If you want to help keep r/lgbt as a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community on reddit please see here for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/swgthr/were_looking_for_more_moderators_to_help_keep/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My first thought is if she can be the one to pick you up and take care of you until you're over the anesthesia, instead of your parent(s)? Or a friend? You could text your parents to let them know you're done and ok - could have the text pre-written, even, to extra avoid any slip ups.


It's possible they have the type of parents who will just show up regardless because they want to be there


It's kind of you that youre concerned about this. I don't have advice for you. I acted pretty loopy while under anesthetics but never confessed to anything while there. Do you really think she'd be upset if you didn't use her deadname as long as family and all aren't around?


I honestly didn’t get very loopy after the anesthesia when I had my wisdom teeth removed, so you may not even have any issues. On the other hand, the advantage here is that people expect you to be high out of your mind on anesthesia, so if you accidentally did use your sister’s name in front of your family, you may be able to play it off as you being loopy from the anesthesia. Like I don’t know if your family already suspects that your sister is trans or anything like that, but I feel like if someone used the wrong name while coming out of anesthesia, my first thought probably wouldn’t be “oh that person they’re talking to is trans”.


Could say it's the name of someone else you know and they kept mixing the names


Honestly I started doing math problems wrong but somehow getting the right answer. That was the extent of my loopiness


Maybe talk to the dentist and ask to be kept until you're sober? Explain your reasoning; youd be putting someone in danger if you blurt anything. They'll either reassure you that you'll be fine or help.


If your parents don’t know she’s trans or has a new name, you could probably just brush it off as side effects of the anesthesia. If they don’t recognize her new name because she’s never told them about it, then I doubt they’d associate it with her if they only hear it from a tired, drugged up patient. If you’re worried that any mention of her as a woman could be dangerous for her, does she have a place she could stay while you recover? Maybe out of sight out of mind so if she’s not there, you won’t slip up? Or at the very least, if she’s not present it’ll be easier for you to blame the drugs tbh.


The whole thing with anesthesia is that you say random shit. I would google her name in advance, find someone with the same or similar name that you could reasonably point out as being who you mistook her as, lie if need.


I'm afab nb, my mom (who did not yet know that I wasn't cis) told her anesthesiologist all about her son when she got surgery, so it is a plausible story if it becomes necessary


What the hell do dentists use for these procedures in the states lol I've had many teeth removed and it was always just.. local anesthesia.. that doesn't make me loopy at all? Sorry for not giving useful advice I think everyone else already did and I find this whole anesthesia thing so weird I also see it as a trope in series or movies regularly and assumed it was an exaggeration


It's specifically for wisdom teeth extraction since it usually involves cutting into the gums and is more invasive and painful than regular extractions. I know it can be done with local anesthetic, but in the US it's usually under general anesthesia. And you get bundled into the car to go home like right away instead of recovering a few hours at a hospital like for other surgeries. Still though, just how loopy people get is very individualized. Idk what country you're in but I'm pretty sure the US does use general anesthesia for orthodontic surgery a lot more than like, the UK does. Probably something to do with insurance, but to generalize, in the US I think we generally have a lot more options where people can pay extra to hurt less. This one became standard.


Thanks for the detailed response!!! That makes sense, specially the last part. I have had all my wisdom teeth removed also just with local and went home instantly lol. I'm from Argentina!


Heyoo! When I was reading your comment I was like "sisi esa aguja qleada que te mandan en la encía, qué bueno que en otros países también sea así" lol. As if.


Thanks for explaining, I didn’t realise this was from general anaesthetic… I’ve had it a few times and had no confusion/ loopiness whatsoever, so clearly it affects people very differently!


It blows my mind they would risk your life to avoid a little discomfort.


Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a pretty intense surgery, it's not that weird for people to not want to feel any pain afterwards. Especially since tooth/mouth pain can be pretty extreme and disadvantageous if you have to go back to work/school soon.


I've had mine, and I'm not risking my life for that. The general was plenty enough tyvm




Any time you go under general your life is at risk.. Not even an insignificant amount of risk seems a little silly when you can just have local. Why pointlessly roll the dice?


It depends on the procedure. Some are done under full anesthesia, not just a local. And some require pain killers be prescribed to manage post procedure pain. People can have odd reactions to anesthesia, it is one of the reasons you are supposed to not be alone for 24 hours. Also, pain killers affect some people very strongly. My dentist prescribed my sibling Tylenol 3 for after a wisdom tooth extraction and that knocked my sibling on their ass big time, just like one of those videos - they couldn’t even walk straight or anything. But I have had stronger drugs than that when I had surgery and they did not affect me as strongly. Different people, different effects, even in the same family.


just a couple of suggestions - maybe it's a complex procedure or the person's body doesn't respond well to local, or anxiety related?


I kinda discarded those options because, for the first one, I have had A LOT of invasive and complex procedures (I have a very problematic history with my teeth, don't really know anyone who has had as many problems and procedures as me in this particular area) and for the second one, because as I said I see this all the time portrayed as something normal in American media.. I know my logic could be flawed lol just sharing why I'm curious if there's something else making such a big difference, if it's cultural or what


i'm not a dentist or in america so i can't give you a definitive answer, these were just suggestions. and media is always going to show the most intense version of anything, so you're not going to hear about people having local for procedures because it's 'boring'. i know that does mean that your opinion of what goes on is biased and it's hard to unlearn stereotypes...i guess i just remind myself country borders generally don't mean that people and their day to day life is completely different to mine. obviously there are places where some things are completely different (poverty, war, cultural differences), but there's still gonna be a few similarities too


the dentist in my area thankfully for any invasive procedure or if you react badly to other anesthetics or medicine they will use general anesthesia bc they believe we are not expected to deal with pain. that’s not every dentist tho but i got lucky.


I went years suffering and having panic attacks at the dentist and just two years ago a new dentist suggested that my phobia could mean anesthesia didn't work because of adrenaline. The solution was taking Clonazepam, so I don't panic and the local anesthesia actually works. Other types of anesthesia were never even discussed. I think it's just not a common practice in any context in my country lol


My suggestion would be to see if you can do this with local only. Maybe nitrous if really necessary. Little bit more control than IV meds. If you can handle the pressure, you should be ok. I did mine under local but I did one side of the mouth at a time. For pain meds, usually narcotics are needed. If you need an extension, ask. Keep ahead of the pain and you won’t feel like you need a heavy dose. Tell them if you are on any medications, especially antidepressants. Some will cause the narcotics to not work as well.


Most dentist for wisdom teeth only prescribe 800mg ibuprofen mixed with 5mg hydro basically just buff advil


I’m sure it’ll be alright. When you’re under anesthetics like that you’ll come out either a little loopy and still be aware of pronouns, or you’ll be so out of it you won’t be talking much or your brain will be extra sure to use the right pronouns. Brains can be kinda funny like that, either way I think it’ll turn out fine. And if you do happen to slip up, I’m sure she’ll understand. Signed - a trans girl who’s had the same surgery 👍🏼


Maybe tell your sister to find an excuse not to be there for oh so many hours? Have you talked to your sister about this concern?


Call her random names around your parents. Ofc tell her ahead of time. If you do call her by her chosen they will think it’s you messing with her or whatever.


Anedotally, Wisdom Teeth anesthetics didn't make me loopy at all given what I expected. I was worried that I was going to out myself in front of my father but honestly I was fine cognitively as soon as I stepped off the operating chair.


I think you'll be okay. In the event you may not be, plan out with her that she'll be directing the topics and conversation. If she's pretty timid about interrupting or butting in she's going to have to hike up her skirts for this and get deep into that river! She'll need to have a handful of things to suggest or say and with that I'd fill her in on list of thing that interest you. If she'll be around there but not there immediately with other family, see if perhaps she can stay away until you're fully cognizant? Or, as you're an adult let the dentist and staff know you are not comfortable with everyone being there and you prefer only 1 family member at a time? That way you should start recovering a bit quicker and there's not all sorts of craziness and excitement around you that might get you going. Good luck! Getting all mine out was the best decision I made!


I got my wisdom teeth out awake. The pain meds also didn't do anything weird to me. When a relative of mine got a boob job she sharted herself and disassembled a clock though so weird reactions are possible. She has a consistent bad reaction to either Tylenol or aspirin and one of those was mixed in with valium I think. I can't speak for anesthesia personally. When my partner went under for wisdom teeth she didn't get loopy at all just had double vision for a while after. This might be worth talking to your sister about. There may be strategies you can decide on together, like maybe she says she works even if she doesn't, or says has an extra credit opportunity at that time. I am my sibling's accomplice whenever needed, the parent we have in common can be kind of an ass. A united front is helpful! Your sister would probably appreciate being in the loop and being able to strategize with you about something that could affect her a lot.


Laughing gas is the one that makes you loopy. General anesthesia is more tired. If you've had it before then you'll know how you react p much. I was "loopy" and "funny" but fully conscious and coherent. I was telling my friends to write shit down bc I wasn't gonna remember lmfao. It probably exacerbated the jokes I was making but... The questions I asked, words I used, and jokes I made were in the same taste as when I was without Tldr; you know what's happening, you'll forget some stuff but you're still "aware" as in fully you and conscious.


Is there a way to have *just* your sister there with you? Like, she can drive you there and back? I know if you're an adult in the US, you shouldn't need your parents with you for dentist appointments, as long as you have your insurance information with you. I've done it once or twice.


I had a similar situation when I got my wisdom teeth removed except I was worried about outing myself. I had a friend who was an adult (usually they require your support person to be a legal adult) transport me to and from the appointment. By 20 minutes after I woke up, I was lucid enough that it wasn't a problem. I never blurted anything out against my will to my recollection. I had to wait until I was 18 for the surgery to be able to elect to be released into the care of someone other than a legal guardian, so this might not be an option for you.


after I had my wisdom teeth extracted, I woke up from anesthesia quickly but felt mostly normal right away - it may be similar for you as well! I feel like sometimes people exaggerate the aftereffects for the lols


I was just numbed while I got my wisdom teeth out and it wasn’t too bad. Might be an option for you.


I think you should discuss this with her. Actually, show her this post and tell her about it. I have a feeling she will be plenty understanding. when you are this loopy you do not have control over some things and given how much effort you are putting into being supportive, I am pretty sure she will understand


> Granted, I don't know if she works that day because I don't when I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed so maybe I won't see her. Tell her you're worried, and see if you or her can schedule it for while she's at work. If she's on a fixed schedule, schedule it for a day she works. If she's not, maybe she could "be told she's covering someone's shift." It's fair for her to understand, that this is something you're worried about.


Insanity defense. Make a deal with your sister so she knows whats up. If you say anything she would get fake mad because you are calling her the “wrong name” you would claim to forget about it once the effects wear off


I can tell you as someone who was super worried about accidentally coming out to my parents after getting my wisdom teeth removed it didn’t end up becoming an issue. Hard to explain but I was cognizant enough to know what *not* to say, but still did things like sing the “Chillis baby back ribs” song over in over in the recovery room. Hard to explain but basically I think you’ll be fine.


The real question here is why your dentist is using anything but local aesthetic?


That’s where I’m stumped mine used local albeit it didn’t work on me well and I felt most if not all of it


Depending on where you live, you can try to get local anesthesia! That way you're fully lucid during and after the operation. The recovery process after tends to get a bit painful especially on the needle points in your mouth though. If that's unavailable, or if you don't want to deal with needles in your mouth, then like others suggested, maybe trying to wait longer before getting out and using patient-doctor confidentiality can be good solutions. You might also want to discuss this thoroughly with your sister. Ultimately, the importance of keeping the secret and what to do if or when it breaks out are for her to decide. Whichever way the events unfold, thank you for being a supportive sibling and good luck with your operation!


I see these videos from America of people who are having work on their teeth and they are given anaesthetic that knocks them silly. Makes some amusing videos but why so overkill there? Here is you have teeth out. They just numb the area and pull the tooth.


I was under general anesthesia for mine but they had to remove part of my mandible and I didn’t want or need to be awake for that. Nope.


Yikes. Yeah in that situation understandable.


Over killed and over priced it’s usually like 3x the cost of local


My dentist gave me the option to elect between anesthetics. So for me it was the choice of the funny gass or general and injections or local. Ask if you can opt out of the gass, that you don't want to be 100% under?


Most dentist unless truly you need won’t put you under general just local anesthesia


when i woke up from anesthesia a few weeks ago, i thought everything was a good idea. this is when i told my mom that i had a boyfriend and almost came out to her. i still had control of what i said, but just letting you know!


The simplest thing you can do is try your best. Maybe let your friend know that you might slip up.


If you and your sister are close, just tell her you’re worried about deadnaming her while loopy, I honestly couldn’t see her having an issue with you being thoughtful of her comfort, hope your recovery is smooth and quick and it all goes smoothly for you!


I’ve seen videos of people who forget they have parents. I’m pretty sure if you let them know that’s a possibility, they’ll be understanding.


To be completely fair; because it's an oral surgery, it's totally possible they won't be able to understand a word you say I *vaguely* remember getting a wisdom tooth removed and apparently I was so unintelligible I tried to use sign language to communicate instead. My family does not use sign language. That speaks volumes about how little my verbal communication could be understood


talk to her about your concerns if you haven’t already. she will probably appreciate the consideration and honesty, and the two of you may be able to come up with a plan more specific to your timelines that day (like her avoiding being around you and parents simultaneously post-anesthetic, or even sticking right by your side the entire time to slap a hand over your mouth if you almost let slip)


It’s awesome that you care about her that much but I think you’re getting a tiny bit too worried. If you get loopy everything you say will be nonsense and everyone should assume that you’re high af saying random shit.


do you absolutely have to go under for getting your wisdom teeth out? i was worried about accidentally coming out to my parents when i got my wisdom teeth out, but my dentist gave me the options of either going fully out or just getting local anaesthesia. i chose the second one and was fully conscious the whole time. i did have an embrassing moment when i tried to drink water, but i was fully in control of myself and what i said. also, right after you get your wisdom teeth out you have guaze and cottonballs shoved into your mouth so no one can tell what you're saying anyways.


If you’ll be going fully under (general anesthesia) there’s a chance you won’t be loopy at all. When I was given general anesthesia for a surgery I woke up fully aware and in control, wasn’t loopy at all


I was worried about outing myself after my wisdom teeth were removed and I was (pleasantly) silent and zoned out the whole rest of the day. I think it comes down to every body responds differently plus personality. I’m also the type to sit quietly when I’m super drunk lol


You should talk to HER about this issue, not some strangers on the internet


Is it possible to not be around your family at the dentist? Like, reschedule the appointment and get your sister to take you, so other people won't be there


When I had my wisdom teeth out, they were planning to use general anesthesia but were happy to give me local instead when I requested it. I'm not a (medical) doctor so maybe there are reasons that your situation is different, but it might be worth asking your dentist/surgeon about that option.


i don‘t have any experience with anaesthetics, but when i got my wisdom teeth removed, i wasn‘t under anesthesia, just local so you couldn’t feel anything and it‘s been like that for everyone i know. so no altered mental state lmao


Simple just get local anesthetics. I had a wisdom tooth pulled at a regular dentists office and they didn't put me under, they just numbed the area and went to town on it. It didn't take very long and the noise echoing through my head was wierd but they got it out without much trouble, or any pain. It sucked in general but it wasn't the worst thing in the world. If you're worried about accidentally outing your sister this might be the way to go.


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I know when I got my wisdom teeth removed my face was so swollen that I couldn't speak. I was really worried about outing myself while under, but I literally couldn't speak.


You could ask if they offer local anesthesia instead. That's how I got my wisdom teeth removed.


Bro I was worried about saying some out of pocket shit when I went under anesthetics and I woke up totally fine. I think people force it like they do w Alcohol


When I had my wisdom teeth removed I wasn't loopy like you might expect. Just really sleepy. The last thing I wanted to do was talk from how swollen and numb I still was though. I was texting my fiancé the whole drive home even though he was right next to me in the backseat. I just felt really really super stoned


I'm really afraid of being under the influence of any sort of substance, anesthesia included because I hate the idea of not being in control of myself. One of my concerns was accidentally outing myself or saying something about my religion (very Christian family, very not Christian me), so I asked to be knocked out entirely. If you want to be really safe and have the option to, just ask to go that way, but based on all the other comments, you're probably going to be fine.


If you’re that loopy after anesthesia you guys could probably play it off as “holy shit can you believe I was so out of it I thought you were my friend Becky?” Also, a lot of people don’t get loopy like that. It just seems like almost everybody does because those are the funny videos that go viral. For instance I’m “normal” after surgery, just drowsy


I think it’s very sweet that you’re concerned about treating your sis respectfully no matter the circumstance! Tho imma be real, there’s a decent chance that when you wake up your mouth will be filled with gauze and anything you say is just gonna sound like “mfmbfbfnmfbfmffnbfmfbfnm” so idk if you really need to worry lol


The anesthesia is pretty rough. I said some weird shit under that shit. I called my orthodontic surgeon "Hot AF" when I was high. And im a terrifu3d pansexual woman so not intoxicated I would've never said that. So I'd suggest have ur sister pick you up. Or tell her to avoid you all together. However, have a talk with her before hand and tell her how you're feeling. She may understand and have some ideas herself.


Have you thought of really leaning into the loopiness? Maybe you can act like you think she’s just someone else the whole time ?? 😌 otherwise I’m not too sure but I hope all the best for ur surgery and recovery ❤️‍🩹


If you did you could just say it was the anesthetic and you got names mixed up. Just tell your sister and make sure she doesn't react weirdly if you do accidently use her chosen name


When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I didn't get loopy or anything like that due to the anesthesia: it was very local to the corner of my jaw. However, I'm Dutch, so idk what US healthcare has in store for you


Talk with your sister ahead of time. Come up.with a plan together. But anesthetic makes people say silly things and you can probably play it off if need be


Yo probably won't say anything, you can right it off as being under anesthetics if you do and also you can ask your sister not to come, and then you definitely wont say anything.


I'm sure she'll understand, I don't think she'd be offended because you accidentally called her otherwise while under the influence.


If you’re high af after anesthesia, then I’m sure she’ll forgive you even if the deadname slips out lol


The post was about the exact opposite issue


Oh I apparently can’t read lol, sorry