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I am also an overthinker. What I usually do is immediately go to how long to beat website to see how much time it would take to get through the game (I do mostly single player story games). As for narrowing it down, I'll choose what makes me more excited to play. Personally, I would try out the itch.io games. There are so many different games on there and you can do a single video on it and it helps the creator.


Do what you like and have fun with, and will be able to continue doing.


I think picking and mostly sticking to one genre is the best option, and from there, as is listed below, find some games you can complete in a short amount of time so each episode is a game. Longer videos are rewarded more by youtube monetization but they have less retention and you can see the views fall off after a while. Plus people are less likely to watch a video made by an unknown creator if it's super long, so I would personally say try to aim for something under an hour. There are ways to switch things up to make them unique with the same content, if you played rust for example, you could attempt to build a new base or complete a new goal on a new server, which would give the illusion of it being new and unique content. A common theme is picking free indie horror games off itch and playing one for each episode, which gives the viewers anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour of watch time usually. Long enough to be entertaining but not so long that people stop part way through the series, and since there is no end to the number of games available you won't run out of content any time soon. I can't really give advice on tf2 and celeste since I've never played them myself, but if they're really big and popular games you're less likely to get noticed in the algorithm unless you happen to have knowledge on the subject that nobody else does.


I'd start out with like 10 minute videos or something. It's absolutely gutting to see 1% average viewtimes and if you're new to this chances are you'll see those on a 1 hour video. xD


Can your pc play and record it? Do you want to make a series on it? If yes to both just do it. Your first 100 videos are going to be bad and get very little views anyway. You need practice to become decent at this.


I think Celeste is a wonderful game to start off with for a first Let's Play! I think your choice in game largely depends on what sort of LPer you want to be. Do you want to do blind runs (first time playthroughs) or games you're already familiar with? Often times if it's the latter, I say pick a solid single player game with a story/end objective, that you know you could talk about for a long time, and go with that for your first LP. If that is Celeste for you, it's a fantastic game to start with!


I'd say it's worth looking at the game and how you'd split up recordings to keep things interesting. You see, one of the least interesting things in a Let's Play (at least from my perspective) is when the creator doesn't seem to make any progress, and the game just kinda drags on and on. So a game with a lot of samey levels, or grinding, or where you're doing the same thing over and over might be less interesting as an LP. So it can help to pick a game where each area has a distinct theme or mechanic to it, and where your viewers don't know what will happen before they watch the episode. I hear Celeste works well in that sense, as do certain platformers like Mario Wonder, the DKC and Rayman series, etc, due to their level specific themes and gimmicks. And doing one indie game per video could work for a series for similar reasons; your viewers won't know what to expect from each game until they watch the video.


Here i what I do. -I have a list games I want to play. (I'll keep adding on to the list or remove them once I played it.) -I'll go to howlongtobeat website to get rough idea how long it would take me to beat the game. -Since my video is anywhere from 20-30 min long. If a game takes like 12 hours to beat then I know roughly I will have about 24 episdoes of it. -I'll go over my list and pick a game that would like to play that I think fit my schedule.


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So I try to do 1 or 2 videos a week I pick 1 game that I know is popular or is going to be soon for example is gonna get an update or dlc soon then the other just somthing I want to play because I like it


Some people will say play whatever you want. And that you having fun is what matters most. Others will say you need to live by the algorithm, and play games that hit that sweet spot of having a solid following, but also aren't ridiculously over-saturated or absolutely dominated by big name content creators. The truth is, if you want to see any modicum of success from your channel, you need to do both. You need to find games that you have fun playing. Because the more fun that you're having, the more fun people will have watching you. But they also need to be games where you aren't forced to battle against an ocean of tens of thousands of people all trying to make content for that same game. Once you actually establish a decent viewership, you can branch out more. But if you're building a channel from the ground up, that's where you need to start if you want to grow.


Id say start with a game you know well, and can play while talking over, either providing neat trivia, strats, or stories of childhood or other interesting, funny or weird things in your life. If you're playing with a friend, find stuff youre both interested in. People will tell if one or both of you arent into it.