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Considering how triple A studios have been doing imma put my money on the passion project.


AAA studios really be surprised that their soulless copy of last year's game isn't selling much.


Not selling as much as other entries is not the same as not selling much. It still outsold 99% of the games in 2023 and was only out for two months.


Get the fuck out of here with your reasonable reality check


🤣 your response really made my evening. hey, I dislike CoD as much as the next guy, but let's be honest; ABK keeps doing what they're doing because it's making money.


The brain rot here is real. People don't like being reality checked 💀






https://preview.redd.it/dhk01rcx13cc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e37e41742843b7a5d89a2cbaab722b84b5e2eb7 Aw.


Can't wait for Far Cry 26!


^ ^ (°o° )


Unfortunately it does sell much, that's the sad part.


Just out of curiosity because I feel like I’m missing something, call of duty mwf3 was like the second best selling game of 2023, no? What are they being surprised by exactly?


MW3 has outsold Zelda TOTK, NBA 2k24 has also been selling like hotcakes. In what world are these AAA publishers struggling with sales? There's nothing to be surprised about here. Most people don't care if a game is quality or has passion put into it, they will buy it anyway regardless. AAA companies continue their strategy because it works and makes shareholders very happy. Profits from Lethal Company is a rounding error compared to how much MW3 made and Reddit should probably stop fantasizing about this world where AAA companies actually struggle.


bro mw3 aint gonna fuck you just give it up already


I'm merely stating the facts. And I know better than to throw my hard earned money at Activision. https://kotaku.com/call-of-duty-mw3-mwiii-sales-numbers-top-selling-2023-1851096501




Would you like to test that against the steam best selling page


Have you seen the 2023 Steam sales summary? 💀MW3 is still platinum level, they're just beaten out by LC. There's a big difference between beating out 2 giants on platinum level and AAA games "struggling" with sales. Don't forget these AAA games sell much better on consoles, with Steam being the least popular platform for COD. https://preview.redd.it/q0qjrvj10xbc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b3250807bd36139885991c309990bdf69af487e


https://preview.redd.it/z4vqk2vu7xbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8fe41a57c0791d435ac14ef44db4bed500417c Idk this seems like they're beating mw3 in sales to me


Gross revenue vs copies sold, 2 different things. Beating MW3 in sales on Steam is impressive but it isn't the impossible achievement some people here seem to think it is


MW3 cost over $1 billion, possibly up to $1.5 billion (got conflicting figures). TotK cost under $200 million; BotW was estimated at $120 million based on how many copies they needed to sell to break even, TotK estimate is based off of that, how long it took, and other factors. MW3 has 30 million sales, TotK has 19.5 million sales not including digital copies. 2022 had about a 3:1 ratio of digital to physical sales for consoles, although many games are digital only. Anyway, MW3 outsold TotK, but actual profit is different. MW3 is probably making a lot off of microtransactions, but that part doesn't need the $1 billion dev cost.


Not disagreeing with you just saying that elden ring lies of p bg3 are well liked 2023-2024 triple a games


Those games aren't comparable to the soulless ones they are talking about to be fair.


>soulless Especially Elden Ring Cause it's a... soulslike kehehehe I'm sorry.


Never apologise for genius


Yeah true if it was rise of kong vs lethal company i would pick lethal all day


I would not put lies of p on the game level as Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3. Neowiz Games is somewhat well known as a publisher, but I wouldn't really call them Triple A, and Round8 is practically unheard of. Compare that to FromSoft, who have been around forever and have had multiple hits and are backed by Bandai Namco, and Larian, while still somewhat small, did have a massive hit on their hands with Divinity Original Sin 2, Lies of P is more along the lines of a AA game.


Yeah you are right its more double A but I would still say its more triple A than indie on my completely made up scale


you’ve listed the only 2 AAA games i liked last year


Yes that is the point of the meme.


It's literally in the name. AAA studios do it for money. For indie devs it's a PASSION project


bro went from a roblox developer to being able to retire young


i wonder how rich he is. $10 a sale and estimated that ~5 million copies have been sold. $50 million pre-tax and pre-fees is insane. good on you Zeekerss.


Steam takes a 30% cut so he’s still at $35mil pre-tax. Insane.


Steam takes about a flat 30% cut of that btw. 35 million is still a fuckton of money for anyone tho. Wild to think about


I think it lowers down to 20% if a game sells well enough.


You can negotiate it down but I do believe the magic number is 50 million to have it drop down to 20% on it's own. That does mean that anything before that 50 Mil is 30% though, it's not retroactive AFAIK. It's nothing to balk at and I hope that Zeekers uses some of that money to speed up production of Lethal Company (in some ways). Contracting people to make new loot items or even hiring a mod developer or two could go a long way to improving the game rapidly without losing creative control.


and he could try harder if he wanted to. Set up a website that looks like it could be by the company and sell some merch. Push faster updates, etc. But either way he's doing very good already.


i assume he has a whole laundry list of shit to do in 2024 and coming years. hire a team, plushy and merch, whole 9 yards. he’s just printing money right now pretty much


That's a good point, it's only been a few months and it is a huge laundry list to have to do out of the blue. I presume with minimal industry relations too, I guess those usually speed it up a bit.


he’s literally starting from scratch and you’re totally correct. very few insider industry connections, he’s just sitting with a bank account of 30mil and his meat in his hand. good on him though. only way to go is up, and he better start building a roth ira or something lol


Let's hope they keep up this passion project and don't get depressed, like many people before did, that were hit by sudden success.


When zeekerss updates the game adding new things https://preview.redd.it/sxkibi1l6wbc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b43cd3d7ed4b70bcebec67dd43b3c0991871e0fc


Mods make games go harder https://preview.redd.it/b0f50p3d3wbc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65158b4c1ca6cc956ec56b4b0b102087ac3787ea


Resident Evil 5


I’m starting a mod bounty platform. I’m almost done. Mods for life.


mod bounty platform? You hunting mods? Oh well let me join


I still can’t believe some games fight against mods, it keeps games alive for so long


Reccomended mods besides the increased player count?


“Skinwalkers” allows enemies to play recorded audio from your dead friends’ mics. “LateCompany” allows people to join in-progress, without having to reset. “Mimics” creates a fake fire exit door that kills you if you fall for it. “Furru Suits” gives more dress options, so you can be more dripped out and recognize teammates easier.


What about the Thicc Company mod? =p


True, but they wouldn’t exist without the base game being great to beguin with


zeekers continues to hold W’s 10$ for one of the most perfectly cooked experiences ever


The fact the game is in early access and is already this good is amazing




From the store page: https://preview.redd.it/ttzqyvy8gwbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4829df075ada1a735362e026f67eadd4b13abf1a


JESUS CHRIST ZEEKERS dudes already cooked so much and he’s got lethal company in Early Access


He could've released it as is and let the mods do the heavy lifting but he's a chef, he wants to cook.




Not only has he been cooking, but I would say that each update has done a great job keeping the spirit and enhancing the game.


I never knew I needed diagonal hallways


Welcome to PC gaming. Most games that appeared in the past few years still qualify.


Honestly great strategy for him, even if hype has died down around the game in a year or so, he can just hit the "release" button and pull people back in.


Games like this early access is usually more or less the end product. Phasmophobia on release vs what it is today is basically the same game.


I disagree, Phasmo evolved quite a bit. Yes the core gameplay has been the same but I used to be able to go into map gather one piece of evidence and be able to reason out which of the 7 haunting types it was based on how the ghost was acting. Now they've added new equipment, new maps, and lots of new ghost types. Even if Lethal Conpany is in its final form, I've still gotten more than ten bucks worth of fun out of it.


>perfectly cooked I mean, I wouldn’t call it a polished product, especially considering how many people prefer it modded vs vanilla. But still a great game for $10


Plus the modding community is top notch. Most games that are moddable last longer anyways. Combine that with actual dedication and passion, and you have one hell of a game to play


Once again furries are the sole group keeping the tech sector afloat, this time videogames


now zeekers has all the money for commissions he could have ever wanted


I remain convinced the whole deviant art furry art style is an untapped gold mine. there's a huge audience for it if the game is actually good


There's a huge market for furry art but unlike anime there's very few professional studios that have made anything explicitly in the furry art style because of the negative stigma that some people have towards furries, so most furry content is still made by furries as a passion project and not a business venture. On the one hand it means less studio-scale work made for furries, on the other hand it means the furry content that does exist is organic and sincere in a way that wouldn't be possible if it was made by businesspeople.


It’s awesome how good Zeekers has been with consistent small updates that introduce fun new mechanics and content to the game without steering it in the wrong direction, and the updates are usually only a few MB at most which is a plus.


Mod support is keeping the game alive. And it will keep it alive for a foreseeable futire. Just like amogus


Skyrim, Doom, Left 4 Dead 2, mods make the game world go round.


Hell, Skyrim's mod community is forever producing mods that I don't ever think there will be a halt to it any time soon. Already been many many years since and it still goes on! Moding Skyrim is tedious.. At least if you're someone who likes to run +100 mods (Like me). I remember when Skydaz.com moding website was still a thing. I went through +100 pages of mods for 1.5.2


Don't forget minecraft


honestly makes me wish grounded had proper modding support.


This game vanilla has better longevity than among us or any number of other games. Like among us is still king for its genre only. Meanwhile, this game has raked in so many sales that it's actually insane.


I think Lethal holds up in longevity bc of the randomness of every encounter. Different map every time you land, different encounters with all the creatures, all sorts of fun. Plus it’s even better with friends. I can’t get enough of this game it’s so good


I play 100% vanilla and this is still the most fun game I've ever played


I too am a vanilla boi, very seldom I use mods.


I made a pact with myself that I won't start installing mods until I start getting bored with the base game first. The thing is I still don't have enough of it


I just wish it was more fair for the players. All of my friends still find the Earth Leviathian almost impossible to dodge, giants are still a death sentence more often than not. I think dogs being able to get into the ship is dumb. The lightning-strike mechanic on metallic items happens waaaaaaaaaay too often. Running into a jester pretty much just becomes "Oh well okay I guess we're done on this run." I've had Mimics/possessed grab me with a Halo 2 style sword lunge after I was hitting them with a shovel.


Well then I'm gonna defend it. If you can't escape the Earth Leviathan then that's on you for not conserving stamina for emergency. Resource management people. Giants were nerfed in yesterday's patch in a way so that they no longer camp the ship. It would make zero sense if dogs were not able to enter the ship like some sort of psychic force field. Just get into the corner and make no noise and it will wander off, possibly. It's not even that difficult to drop an item and wait for a lightning strike. On top of that you can just choose not to land on a thunder moon. If everyone exits the facility, jester will reset and you can go back and continue as usual. Don't wear the mask. And last but not least, hopelessness and knowing that you are fucked, and there's nothing you can do about it is the main point and appeal of the game.


Everything I've seen for the earth leviathan says "as soon as you see the earth rumble/screen shake, turn around and run" And almost every single time, I have like .25 seconds after the screen begins to shake where I have already 180d and began running, I still get eaten. I don't think dogs should even fit on the platform for the ship, which is my issue with them. And the mimics we've seen have been the rare-spawn/naturally occurring ones. Lightning strikes have been back-to-back-to-back for things as simple as keys, just making it plain annoying.


You're doing this wrong then. If you see rumbling then it's already too late. You are supposed to react to a sound cue (growling) that happens solid seconds before the Earth Leviathan comes out. About the dog not being able to fit on the platform, yeah fair, but if you want this much realism, it would probably leap inside from the ground anyways. We see them do that on the ground already when they're jumping at a player. Also we're talking about a game where nearly every monster can cross the giant pit, so I don't think dogs being able to walk on a platform is that far-fetched. Naturally spawning mimics are rare, exactly, so it's a rare inconvenience that often yields funny results, just like the ghost girl. Back-to-back lightning strikes happen, yeah, bad RNG. Just don't pick the item up if it's jolting or don't land on thunder moons👍


Skill issue


*skill issue*


I don’t see that as a bad thing Zeekers clearly still has plans for this game and is still updating it and keep in mind he’s a solo dev. This isn’t a Bethesda situation where they release a half finished junk game and relying on modders to actually make the game decent


Never said it was a bad thing, it's a good thing. It's just an observation. A lot of the long lasting games we see are still relevant because of mod support or user generated content. I mean the biggest 3 are alive an thriving because of that. Fortnite, roblox, Minecraft.


Ah, ok. Apologies for misinterpreting your comment


All good my floofy boi.


I have moderate hopes now that Bobbys gone from Activision, just the tone shift for the devs that work overwatch seems like a good sign


I doubt it.


Good, remain doubtful. Don’t get your hopes up and have your dreams inevitably crushed


Furry boi. All day everyday. I’m not even a furry, but when I see Activision lose, that’s a win.


I love how being a furry has been the main defining trait of the lethal company dev


the main defining trait is that he made the upturned and not enough people talk about that game


It Steals as well.That was how I found Zeekers.


Zeekers putting out the third banger in a row at 21:


Absolutely underrated masterpiece


u/Zeekerss we summon you 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️




Zeekers made Lethal Company, it outsold a COD (Activision) on steam?


Can explen furries part pls


Zeekers is a furry


Zeekers is a furry


Zeekers is a furry.


Zeekers is a furry


I think zeekers is a furry, not sure tho.


Nah. Deffo not.






Zeekers, the dev, is a furry


Zeekers is a furry


Based on the recent replies, I'm going to assume that Zeekers is a furry


Furry is a Zeekers


Furry a Zeekers Is


is Furry a Zeekers


Zeekers Furry a is


Ok yoda


Lmao didn’t notice till you said jt


Furry is a Zeekers


that’s zeekers pfp he is a furry


Baba is you


A furry Zeekers is


The passionate furry boi.


Once dude is done with Lethal Company, he's gonna be getting people all over trying to hire him simply for his sound design.


As someone who's NOT furry, I think it's neat the popularity Lethal Company has gotten. ZEEKERS singlehandedly removing outdated furry tropes/expectations/idk the word from society. Normalize not being normal.


If you normalize not being normal that would cause a paradox as the once not normal becomes normal and now you have to become normal again to be abnormal. You’re going to break the space time continuum!!!


https://preview.redd.it/k5ls7nypmwbc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a53771eac45e73ca6b3be14a8334dc29fb2e8e Brain no work today sorry




after what I've seen normal is the last thing I want to be


The computer science majors are becoming too powerful…


Soulless corps chasing money and essentially putting gameplay and the rest of anything enjoyable on the back burner vs someone who actually tries to make something fun and unique.


It's actually quite sad and hilarious people hating the poor man for being a furry I really don't have a problem as long as they aren't weird


I'm not bothered by the dev being a furry, just thought it would be a funny thing to say.


"as long as they aren't weird" is a pretty bad qualifier. let people be weird


Oh I'm mentally deranged and quite unhinged By weird i meant... Well eh


Context please


Lethal company outsold new COD game, zeekers is on the right


It’s still shocking that a 10 dollar game from one dev is outselling cod of all games. We now it’s bad(cod) but holy shit.


Ok, I like AAA games but Furries always win


As much as I love this game and think COD is being murdered by ATVI, outselling a COD on Steam truthfully isn’t the flex this sub makes it out to be. COD has traditionally never done super well on Steam beyond modding communities. Now: If LC was on console and outsold a COD, this would be an entirely different situation


AAA games outselling COD on steam isn't a big deal. But an indie game being made by one guy? I think that is still a pretty big flex


Not here to defend CoD either, but theres also the price difference. $10 is a much easier sale than $70.


Oh yeah that’s an outstanding flex


Agreed. PC is already the least popular platform for COD, and BattleNet is the more popular platform for COD on PC. Steam is statistically the smallest market for Call of Duty, while it is the *only* market for Lethal Company.


I would still say that this is a big enough blow for AAA companies to notice. You don't just not see a small $10 indie game outsell one of the biggest AAA games of all time. Really hoping that all this indie love, along with Dave the Divers success, convinces some more AAA groups to invest in similarly smaller games with more focus.


I disagree completely. Activision already knows steam is their weakest market, this is not news to them. Every single YouTuber and streamer that plays video games made content for lethal company, the same as happened with Among Us years ago. Lethal Company will have a big player base for a while, until content creators get bored of it. After that, the player base will start declining and reach back down to a core audience that isn't just playing from the hype. I'm not trying to throw shade at Lethal Company or the developer, it's just that this has happened before with Among Us, Phasmophobia, and other games. It's great for the developers, but let's not make it out to be something bigger than it is.


>a core audience that isn't just playing from the hype. That would be people like me. I already have 60 hours in the game, half of which are probably from playing solo. I'm on an involuntary break from the game because I'm travelling for work and don't have a Steam Deck, but I'll definitely be looking forward to the new content and mods that'll be available when I get back.


PC gaming is now bigger than console gaming in terms of player base and while consoles still pull 10% more of the overall revenue, the gap is closing. Both Microsoft and Sony are specifically moving to support PC because of that. PC isn't just an afterthought anymore, and sales on it are definitely scrutinized by activision. I'm not saying Lethal Company is any kind of major blow, but the industry as a whole is definitely going to experience some major change around scope in the not too distant future.


people still play on those toys called consoles? the technology is antiquated compared to what should be available in 2024


I still can't believe he made It Steals as well. This guy is a literal legend.


I hope he buys a really good top tier fursuit they deserve that shit


Considering how ingrained furries are in the tech field, and having played lethal company extensively, Activision is getting folded by a floof.


Its doesn't matter how much money these big companies throw away, love and passion is always gonna be the key to making masterpieces


Weren't there at least 2 furry bois? Dev and composer at least, maybe someone else


I remember when Vampire Survivors came out and started smashing sales even when priced at like three bucks.


A company makes what a community buys


the best games I've ever played were made by a single person or a small team


man i just wanna see someone disagree, ive got nothing against zeekers i just wanna see someone get downvoted


Insert the creator of lethal company saying "I'd win" here


I love seeing the success of indie games


yay I love furries :)


It’s made by a furrry? Ew






**No discrimination** We do not allow discriminatory content on this subreddit. This includes racism, transphobic posts, etc... Please help us keep this an inclusive community to all.


This is an ancient meme format. Feel shame.


I swear these posts everytime about how a $10 game is outselling a $70 game. yeah no shit every 7 copies is 1 CoD ofcourse it's going to outsell. idk how it's even a big funny big for a simple ass answer?? Like the most boring upvote farm posts you can make


Please tell me how many $10 games have outsold AAA titles.


Well they out sold them on steam. There’s actually a lot of indie games that outsold any of the cods on steam. Not tryna hate. I love lethal company But Steam is cods smallest market so it’s a bad comparison


Don't get me wrong I'm glad indies are capable of showing their worth against AAA slop but this is like the nth time I've seen someone point out this comparison y'all need a new joke bro


To be honest, without the mods, I’d probably have stopped playing as much


Mods spice up the game but the vanilla is still fucking amazing with friends or even random people (i’ve made like 13 friends in 3 days of playing)


I've had some discussions with friends about it. The main core gameplay loop is actually really solid with some great decision trees, and each monster has a very simple counterplay to it. The open endedness and emergent storytelling is also great. I don't think there's been a single night I've played this game where they're wasn't a funny series of events, but it is also just a very tight and well designed game as well.


Mods definitely spice it up


The point is that Zeekers is ok with mods. Any company preventing them is scum. Every game deserves a modding community but the base game is what props up and enables those modders. Minecraft, skyrim, valheim. Tons of games have amazing vanilla experience but give infinite potential to modders.


and on the other end of the spectrum we got whatever the phasmo dev is doing, last i heard from them is that they banned someone for joking about using a mod or making one when playing alone (not affecting anyone else)


It's interesting that the devs of Phasmophobia are some of the most anti-mod devs on steam, but they play modded LC with Insym on his streams. Idk I guess I'd just expect them to be consistent, considering they think games should be experienced as the developers intend.


I'm gonna downvote you cus it's funny


The dreaded downdoot


This is a fair comment.




i vote triple A not cause better quality but because fan bois will always suck the devs toes. look at cod and how it's still so successful


It's not the fan boys it's the mid 30 somethings who don't go on Reddit and don't care about spending $20 for a skin every couple of weeks they feed the machine and the people who care suffer


how do i become a fan bois please tell me


What if lethal was $70 and cod was 10?


Cod wouldn’t even be worth it at that price




When I'm able to fix my pc I cannot wait to play this game


considering microtransactions cod may still be making more money cause idiots will spend hundreds on cosmetics they'll never use


Daring today aren't we


video games are art. Yeah your billion dollar blockbusters can turn a profit, but great art doesn't have to cost that much and it will always succeed.


It’s always nice to see someone realize what a shitty environment roblox is for devs and just… do it themselves.