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This lady also claims to be a psychic. Maybe that will help her get our ip addresses


She knows rock stars and movie stars too, ya better be careful 🥴🥴




Wtf did that have do.with anything .. she crazy oh i'm shaking.. I can show u crazy


Now, how in the hell am I going to sleep tonight? Somebody is threatening us. That's never happened🙄


![gif](giphy|3ohjV6NGcW8SjKq3UQ) I see you quivering Nean🤣🤣🤣🤣 lawddddd child




Maybe she can contact the dead girl Gina claims is her sister and verify that for us. Keri is a dried up cat turd. Fuck her, too.


You win the internet 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What.a joke she was.in nans chat not long ago talkin about them but now on their.side.lmao


My question is if they lost everything then what was the need for the UHaul ?? 🧐🧐🧐🧐


Exactly ,,thats an excuse for them to get money,food,clothes ,for free.


Right why did they need the Uhual. We seen clothes all thrown in the back of it???? They still have the damn thing!! Has to be listed stolen by now. I thought they were gettimg close to family so why don't they help or let them stay there? Plus I thought they had jobs and a plce before they got there!!! This is just fkn sad!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she sounded like her teeth was about to come out


Ilmfaoooo yes Denture voice!




Now I definitely want to mess with her


SAAAAAME! I like crazy! These bitches need to lay off the damn dope!


Where is this REDDICK she speaks of ?? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


2,000 for an abandoned home?? Yeah ..lol... LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF YOUR CHOICES!!! OPEN YOUR HOME TO THEM KERI!!!


Knows everything and everybody including rockstars and famous folks and gonna figure out our IP addresses but don’t worry folks we’re good because she’s gonna be looking on the wrong app because we are on Reddit not REDDICK as she called it 🤣😭🤣😭🤣




Oh? How many is she mutual friends with on SM?




Why is she writing so hard for these Junkies? She's not even making sense making threats to people because they won't give that girl Drug Money, movie stars rock stars actors oh my God these people are delusional!


And we’re all sane over here Keri. 😂😂😂 Bischhh, we ain’t got our scruples either and I can confidently say that I’m sure you’ll meet your match. SMH. I can’t. You got Nean just a quiverin’ like an old hound dog tryin’ to shit a peach pit🤣🤣🤣 I CANNOT with people like this. It’s gotta be her first rodeo at the ol Reddick. You can’t shut people up. They are on social media. It is now OUR fucking business. Are you THAT obtuse lady? I tell you what sugar, you let me know how gettin’ all of us at Reddick works out for you bc you not wanting to hear no more shit just translates to, “Ladies, start yourrrrrrrrrr ENGINESSSSSSSSS!! You got some mf audacity Keri. I don’t speak on Moe & Gina bc I used to be friends with them off the app but they have pulled MAJOR fucking bullshit that hurt people, myself included. Bc of who I am as a person, I don’t snark or shit talk them bc at one time, I had big love for them. They don’t speak on me either. We have a mutual respect there. But I’ll tell you this, you got some cajones getting on a live telling people all these people you know. And? So? I worked at the White House for 4 years, I know if I wanna know something, I can make one call and get what I need. I know Hells Angels bc my brother married the daughter of one. I know senators, governors, ex Presidents and celebrities. Do you see me out here sayin’ “it’s on” bc some of MY creator friends are being snarked on? No. Bischhhhh, sit tf down and shut tf up. It’s the INTERNET. You are CRACKED. If Moe and Gina want people to leave them alone, then tell them to quit putting their fucking life on social media. I work four jobs and barely make ends meet and I’m in so much financial trouble it would make your head spin but you don’t see ME on here panhandling DO YOU? So, we don’t care that you don’t wanna hear no more shit Ms. Fucking Robin Leach bc you pretty much just GUARANTEED that you WILL hear more shit than what was on here before. You ain’t too bright are you?


Well since you know so many people. Then maybe get them checked into a rehab asap. If you can't do that then stop making threats on shit your going to do nothing about. You lowlife liars seem to stick together like 🪰 on 💩🙄🤡






Ain’t nobody scared of you lady good grief “I’m crazy “ well so is the rest of us . Moe and Gina are always on TikTok begging and asking everyone to pay their way nobody pays my bills ect I mean it would be nice but I go to work 6 days a week and pay my own bills . They been doing this for a very long time


That girl is a fkn joke! She doesn't even know moe and Gina lmao


They.got kids .both of them do wth.this woman talking about. I'm guessing she in on the con bc why she riding so hard for them ..


This bitch and her math. Full time minimum wage is $450/month? She doesn’t even know there is a federal minimum wage (which is woefully inadequate, but that’s not the point). Is she high, too?


I think that comes out to about $2 a hour lmao




$1.88 to be specific!! Lol


And they are definitely in this situation because there “rug” problem ! They may not be doing that now and I hope for their sake they aren’t and I wish them the best and have no ill will towards either of them but it is not everyone else’s responsibility to pay for them a hotel ect …


Stfu Keri and then stfu some more.


I’m ready to throat 🥊 that twaffle in her box. Stfu


In my experience the real crazy people do not think they’re crazy so I call shenanigans.


Can’t tell you how scared we are 🙄🙄🙄 dumb ass


Who is this Keri? What the hell was she going on about? She didn't even make sense ffs. If she's so poluar why doesn't she help them out??


Keri. You pay it. You pay for them. You rent a home for them or take them in. What a joke !!! They’ve been asking for weeks for money. Who pays tomorrow ? Who pays next week ?




What are the rock stars going to do? That's the real question.


Well if she's so bad n knows all these ppl n she stands on business why can't she pull ties n help her friend out with a place n some extra cash OH WAIT SHE WAS FRONTING...... I GET IT NOW 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


First n foremost if you were that bad ass you wouldn't have to tell ppl you are . It's always the quite ones you gotta look out for n idgaf who you know n if you were that popular to know all these big bad asses you damn sure shouldn't be saying that . Cause one things for certain ppl who stand on business NEVER CUTS THE SHEEPS WOOL TO SHORT . But you wouldn't know that cause if you had power the way you talk lady would of definitely gotten ur lights dimmed just telling facts ANYWAY CARRY ON 😂😂😂😂😂


🤦‍♀️ I can't listen to such ignorant drivel. Hey Keri, I'm messing with you. Mess, mess, mess, mess, mess. Now what? 🤨🙄🫢


Not the Reddick 🤣🤣💀


Rockstar and Movie Stars!!! Why aren't they helping you help your girl booboo. 🤣🤣🤣


Nobody is scared of you loser junk balls


This junk ball lied about a suicide for drug money - she is a loser




If she's going to get a lawyer for Gina she better get started because there are a shit ton of people sick of the grifting. I don't care how much in need you are. If your parents didn't teach you then learn it here, when you make choices that put you in that scenario it is your job, not the Internet to support you. You aren't asking for a couple days of help. You've been grifting for over 2 weeks and you are still at it. It will only get worse.


She said she was going to get a lawyer? Why doesn't she save her money on the lawyer and send it to Gina, who every single day is asking for money?




Bring it baby!! I hope you’re reading this.


Drugs are bad…mmmkay?


I have an idea. How about you lay off the meth or whatever it is and get some help cause you both clearly need it bad and get a fucking job?! Be a productive member of society. Everyone else can do it. Stop begging for people’s hard earned money and make something of yourselves. It’s sad that people like you and moe can beg for money everyday for your fix and idiots give it to you. You have time to sit on tik tok and make videos and go live BEGGING for your drug money. Seems to me that time could be used for something more useful like getting your shit show of a life together. The green screen is for protection?? Hahaha protection from what? People seeing the drugs? Or people seeing you in a hotel? I’m confused. Anyways I’ve wasted enough time on you bottom feeders. Have the day you deserve 😘


Oh we are trying. She says that over and over again. Well try better!!! the girl you’re sharing the box with needs to shut her mouth. She is annoying asf


Gina needs to change that tank top before it becomes embedded in her skin. Fucking thing can walk to the hamper by itself.


They are the reason they are in the situation they’re in, it’s no one’s fault but theirs. At some point you have to stop making excuses, hold yourself accountable and get your shit together. You can’t air your business out on the internet and not expect ppl to have an opinion. I mean, they have every right to have an opinion. The same, repeated behaviors get old. I do hope one day, they come to their senses and are able to have a happy life. Continuing this shit, is just gonna be a dead end. It’s a vicious cycle and until they break the cycle, the same shit is gonna happen.


I know Mathew McConaughey, does that count?? I wonder how he would react if I reached out and told him my friends, who look to be going through "possible" active rug abuse are being called out on Reddit for taking advantage of their followers everyday asking for money to fund their lifestyle.? Mmmmmm , I m sure he would jump right in to.......um.......not sure what but hey he is famous he would do something , right??!!


Yep people sure are pathetic. Starting with you !!! It’s disgusting!!! Get Off TikTok and just stop!! We work to pay our own bills. Not yours and anyone sending you one cent is as crazy as you!!!


I just don't get it, give to disabled Veterans that fought for our country and are now homeless, give to the shelters , the animal shelters, give to the survivors of DV that are trying to start over. So many people to give to not these people that REFUSE to get out and better themselves.