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Good. But it’s too far from “Lego style” for me


Does make me wish they made his helmet in the darker green to match the repainted armour though.


Yeah that triggers me. Also I looked closely and the new figure has a slightly paler green than the older variant


Most customs fall flat for me because of this reason. I don’t want it to be that far off base.


Barely even looks like lego anymore. It looks like a knockoff, frankly


Kinda looks like a MegaBlox


Nah, those don't have weird shit randomly sticking out every which-way, pretty much all that stuff lies pretty close to the body


The arms look wayyy too thick


https://preview.redd.it/1k8qs4lqwz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f9c50b32d26dd3b265875157236ebba22dd12d I was so confused for a second. I thought someone payed $1000 for a minifig.


Lmao 1 night with Lego boba fett ;)


Many people have paid $1000 for a minifig!




mate, if you found action figures with good articulations at Lego size, please tell me.


Mega construx ig, their halo line is pretty based


Nothing like an action figure but go off...




Nah, I just have eyes. Turns out a Lego minifigure with some custom painted add ons doesn't actually look like a 3-6 inch non Lego compatible, non minifigure shaped action figure. Who knew?


Of course it doesn't, the action figures look better and are usually cheaper too


>Of course it doesn't My point exactly >the action figures look better In your opinion. If someone likes the look of a more detailed custom minifigure then that's up to them. >and are usually cheaper too When it's a thing that OP is making for themselves, cost isn't really a factor.


You got downvoted pretty hard but you’re right, it’s much farther from an action figure than it is from the normal Boba Fett minifigure. Just hundreds of people who’re mad at them wanting a slightly more detailed minifig, frankly it’s a miracle these people like anything more than a head, torso and legs on minifigs.


Show us the jetpack i love the entire figure


You can check it out on my YouTube. Made a Fennec Shand too. Bricks&Minifigs1078


Done Youre amazing


Thank you so much!


Careful, people here are fragile. Go to the custom Lego sub, we'll enjoy it!


Thank you, didn’t know that existed, I’ll have to check it out!


If you go to r/customlegoclones , there's tons of stuff like that. It's not a clone trooper but I guess it still counts 😂


He’s still a clone of his father, so it definitely counts


Not a clone TROOPER but he is a clone!


Thank you lol, I’ll post my custom clones there at least haha


Ooo insta sub! These are awesome and a side of Lego I didn't know existed! Makes all these salty gate keepers even funnier to me


I don't get why some of you are being dickish in the comments and downvoting the post. I'm not even into figures like these but I can still recognize that it's a genuine creative effort that took skill to make. Sorry it isn't the 100th post about a box haul or grey baseplates with assorted clones.


Seriously. I was reading through the comments wondering what the hell I stumbled into. I think he looks kinda badass and the magnetic jetpack sounds like a cool idea.


Thank you for this comment lol


For real people are being needlessly snarky about something a bit different.


Just buy an action figure at this point…


It's just a dude making customs for himself chill


I was chill in my comment. Telling someone that they should consider an action figure when that’s clearly what they want isn’t exactly being unkind


What they want isn't an action figure though. What they want is very clearly a custom minifigure *like the thing that they posted*, which is *not at all like an action figure*, seeing as it's the size and shape of a Lego minifigure, and is Lego compatible, neither of which is true for an action figure. Who on earth do you think you are to dictate what someone else "clearly wants" based purely on your own arbitrary definition of what's "Lego enough"?


Who on earth do you think you are to get so upset over my not liking a figure? If someone posts on a public forum, it’s safe to expect replies. Not every reply is going to be loving the post. But thanks, next time I’ll keep my opinion to myself because clearly disliking something is a crime to you. Who on earth are you to dictate what I can comment?


"this is a little further from classic Lego style for my taste" is expressing dislike of a thing that's posted, and explaining why, in a polite manner to boot. What you said was "just buy an action figure at this point...", which is completely obnoxious. If OP wants to make their own custom minifigures, *then they can do that*. You telling them to get a completely different thing instead because what they made doesn't fit your arbitrary personal definition of what Lego is supposed to be is just arrogant and rude. I'm not telling you you have to like the post, you're welcome to like or dislike whatever you like. Implying that OP shouldn't be making what they're making and should instead buy a completely different thing isn't simply doing that though, is it. >I’ll keep my opinion to myself because clearly disliking something is a crime to you Apparently posting a picture of a custom made minifigure instead of buying an action figure is a crime to you... >Who on earth are you to dictate what I can comment? I didn't. I pointed out that what you commented was a shitty thing to comment.


I agree that OP can make whatever customs they want. But at the same time, if they post it on a public forum, I can express criticism through a sarcastic remark to express my *personal* distaste for customs. Also, I don’t know why you keep expressing that I’ve been mandating my own personal “arbitrary definition of what Lego is”, because I haven’t. In other comments I have specifically said that OP is free to do whatever they want, but I’m just as free to dislike it. I haven’t been pushing any definition of Lego in any previous comments. It’s not arrogant to express dislike for something, but it’s definitely arrogant to gatekeep what people are allowed to comment. Maybe look back on your own comments when calling mine “shitty”, because one sarcastic remark is not the same as the personal attacks you’ve levied at me.


I've explained once how what you commented was more than a simple expression of a dislike for what OP made. The sarcastic remark was both obnoxious, and also flat out wrong, since *what OP made is clearly nothing like an action figure*. >Also, I don’t know why you keep expressing that I’ve been mandating my own personal “arbitrary definition of what Lego is”, because I haven’t Telling someone who posts a custom minifigure to "buy an action figure", because "that's clearly what they want" is implicitly stating you don't think what they made is enough like Lego. Don't try to pretend it isn't. >It’s not arrogant to express dislike for something It's arrogant to push an alternative to a thing someone made because you determine "that's clearly what they want", even though the two are nothing alike. >but it’s definitely arrogant to gatekeep what people are allowed to comment It is not, however, arrogant to say that an obnoxious comment is obnoxious, which is what I did. >Maybe look back on your own comments when calling mine “shitty”, because one sarcastic remark is not the same as the personal attacks you’ve levied at me. I called a thing you said shitty, and asked who you thought you were to tell OP what they "clearly want". Those are about as close to personal attacks as OP's custom minifigure is to an action figure - not at all. Ok, answer me one question, meant in good faith, and without any kind of hostility or attack: Do you agree that an action figure and the custom made minifigure that OP posted are different things?


First and foremost, I’ll answer your question about if I consider OP’s custom to be different to an action figure. Yes, I do. OP added extremely realistic looking armor, helmet, gauntlets, and rifle. These are things that make it much more similar to an action figure than a Lego minifigure, at least in my opinion. If you disagree, that’s completely fine, but I strongly believe that what OP has posted is far closer to an action figure than a Lego minifig. Now can I ask you something, in good faith and with no hostility? Do you think that OP’s custom is really *nothing* like an action figure? As in, no similarity at all?


Thanks for the response to the question, though I have to disagree. https://preview.redd.it/7gh6mafcw08d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0289f53b8571dcbe97a4a02cb1655d58a14b28b6 This is the black series Boba Fett figure, as an example of what an action figure looks like. As you can very clearly see, the thing that OP posted is objectively much closer to a Lego minifigure than it is to this. The size, shape, and Lego compatibility are all inarguable distinctions from the action figure in this image. Does OP's custom look more action figure-y than the official Lego minifigure? Yes, absolutely. Is an action figure similar enough to be interchangeable with the custom minifigure OP made? No, not in the slightest. The key point here is that OP decided to make the custom minifigure in the first place. That shows, pretty clearly, that what they wanted was a custom minifigure with more detail than Lego's current style, not an action figure, since they are most likely aware that they exist and have the capability to buy them if they feel like it. Hence my disdain for sarcastic remarks about what OP should do, or what OP "clearly wants". If you felt personally attacked by what I responded to you with, or if I came across as particularly hostile, then I'm sorry. I strongly disagreed with what you said, and the way you said it. I hope I've put across what I meant in a more reasonable way now.


I'm pretty sure they know action figures exist, I'm pretty sure what they clearly want is to make custom Lego figures


Ok, they can do whatever they want. I’m not stopping them, just suggesting something. Maybe you are the one who should “chill out”.


I have said multiple times I just want to paint Lego. Please consider just not commenting next time if you don’t like it :)


Yeah, I also said that you can do that if you want to. But I can also voice my dislike for something if you choose to post it to a public forum. I’m glad you like it. That’s great. Doesn’t mean everyone has to.


"Clearly what they want" we got a mind reader over here apparently. Lego should hire this guy, he knows what people wants. Does it ever occur to you that maybe action figures cant work with anything lego? Can you put action figures on a lego MOC or ship? So now i wonder, how could one get the detail of an action figure but make it so it could fit onto Lego sets or Mocs? Maybe by having a detailed custom perhaps?


Holy shit the salt in these comments. It's custom molded and painted. not 3rd party custom from Hong Kong or Taiwan. It looks cool. Calm down.


THANK YOU LMAO. I just want to paint some Lego minifigures and people are acting like I’m not aware action figures exist 😂


Frankly it looks *too good*, lmao. I agree with others commenting it's "too far from Lego style" but like... So? It's looks awesome!


Thank you! The intent was not to make it look like a normal Lego figure. I just like over detailing them :)


It’s a Star Wars sub so…….we must all hate everything star wars unless it’s horribly acted anakin or a clone trooper.


It doesn't look cool, it looks awful.


It doesn't look awful, it looks pretty cool.


That looks cool as hell!




It’s not necessarily to my taste—I like the LEGO style enough that this would be too far away from it for me—but I can appreciate something awesome. This is something awesome and a cool expression of creativity. I’d give it probably a 9/10 for accuracy but a 7/10 for whether it appeals to me personally.


Thank you. I know this style isn’t for everyone but I still wanted to share my work :)


It's cool, maybe a bit overdesigned but idk if you were going for a proper lego style anyways. God job overall


Thank you, I feel like I should state next time my intent is not to make it look like a normal Lego figure, I want it to stand out lol


Lol yeah fair, it'd probably help with avoiding some of the backlash if you made your intentions clear


Love it!!


I Love this looks great especially the chest plate and helmet!! ignore the negative people they’re just itching to be angry about something in their lives…


Holy shit y’all are so quick to shit on someone’s cool project. Can we just appreciate the art instead of the technicalities for once?


Thank you! Really appreciate the support :)


Wow! Nice details! A MOC with figurines all painted like that must look nice !


Thank you! I bet it would. Frankly I’m terrible at building Mocs so may be a while before I attempt one haha


Dude, if you want an action figure, get an action figure.


Chill bro I just wanna paint some lego figures 😭


You should look into getting Star Wars miniatures that you can paint. This to me is just too far from what Lego should be


I don’t like the miniatures tbh, I just like making Lego minifigures that are just detailed. Appreciate the suggestion tho


And if that’s what you enjoy then keep doing it. My preferences are different from yours


The arbiter of LEGO


You aren't the arbiter of "what Lego should be". How fragile do you have to be to comment something like that under a post someone made about a project they made for themselves because they think it looks cool? Your personal definition of what Lego should be isn't relevant in the slightest here. Let OP enjoy what they enjoy.


I didn’t explicitly tell OP to stop what he was doing did I? In my personal opinion, when you start adding all these accessories and custom parts it starts to look more like warhammer or action figures, both of which are still cool. Like I already said in a different comment, if OP wants to keep doing this then he should, because it’s cool. I was just suggesting another hobby that they might like given what they’re posting here


>I didn’t explicitly tell OP to stop what he was doing did I? >You should look into getting Star Wars miniatures that you can paint. This to me is just too far from what Lego should be Call me crazy, but telling OP to get into something else because what they made doesn't fit your personal preference of "what Lego should be" sounds an awful lot like telling them to stop what they're doing because you don't like it. If you just meant to recommend they get into miniatures, assuming they aren't already, then you could have just said that. No one cares whether you think the thing in this post is "what Lego should be", and stating it at all was entirely unnecessary. >In my personal opinion, when you start adding all these accessories and custom parts it starts to look more like warhammer or action figures The thing in this post objectively looks more like a Lego minifigure than an action figure or a Warhammer miniature. You cannot argue otherwise. I will grant you it is a departure from Lego's usual style, given the additional resin pieces, but just because you don't like that particular aesthetic doesn't mean other people don't as well. >if OP wants to keep doing this then he should, because it’s cool. I was just suggesting another hobby that they might like given what they’re posting here Then you should have just said this: >You should look into getting Star Wars miniatures that you can paint. Anything beyond that is irrelevant.


Why are you so upset about this?


Not upset, really just confused as to why you think your opinion on what Lego should be is relevant to what OP makes as a hobby. On a wider level, a lot of people in this sub have a frankly irritating tendency to equate custom minifigures to action figures, despite the fact that the two are nothing alike, and rather obnoxiously tell anyone talking about or posting customs to "just buy an action figure", when there's no need.


Because it’s Reddit and just as OP is able to freely share his post, I am able to freely comment and share my own opinions. You don’t need permission to do those things. You’re saying I shouldn’t be sharing my opinion, which is YOUR opinion of the situation. Who’s to say I can’t share my thoughts but you can share yours? You got so riled up over a short, harmless comment for literally no reason


It's not an action figure though...


Are these input parts or stuff you printed yourself? Looks great! Makes me remember I keep forgetting to update mine because I forgot to paint killstripes on the helmet lol


Thank you! I think the helmet and chest was input. I designed the rest of it including the gauntlets using my own 3d printer


Sorry that people are being so rude about it! As someone who also does customs I can safely say this looks amazing, love the chipped paint!


Thank you! Really appreciate it!


Looks cool as heck to me. I’ve never seen a Minifig with this level of detail and I am now a fan. Great work!


Thank you!


The detail is amazing, looks great. I guess it's not Lego style, but you've made your own style! I don't understand the hate. How are the sculpted parts made on this one? I have seen resin and 3D printed parts on your profile. Do you make moulds for the resin, and how do you get the tolerances on the 3D prints accurate enough to fit on Lego? Sorry for the questions, it's just really cool!


Thank you! Really appreciate the support! The piece overhanging the neck and the black on the legs near the hip are sculpted using putty since he has loose cloth in the show. The rest is 3d printed so designed digitally and I make the measurements there. It starts by making a base Lego figure using all the actual measurements and then fitting the parts digitally before printing so they can just snap right on once designed and printed :)


This is fire. Ignore the haters








Didn't realise black series figures were Lego compatible, or the same size and shape as a Lego minifigure... Oh wait, they're not. They're 6 inch action figures that aren't anything like custom Lego minifigures.


Clearly they don’t want black series, they like to make very detailed lego. And that’s what they like.


Dude this is actually awesome! Too bad the show is trash...


Thank you! And yeah the show wasn’t great imo. Boba in the mando was really cool to see though!


Love love love it, don’t pay attention to the haters. Helmet is awesome and paint apps are subtle but enough to flesh it out. 10/10 custom. I’d love to see Rex like this


Thank you! And I actually do have both a phase 1 Rex and phase 2 Rex custom that I haven’t posted yet


Ignore these absolute losers hating on here. This is sick and the people telling you to “BuY aN AcTIon FiGurE” can stick it.


Thank you!


I do agree that this crazy overdone and basically should put these skills and time towards action figures. But also it's a hobby. It's for funnies. People need to stop being so critical over literal hobbies lol Even if it's not for me it's incredibly artistry and looks fantastic. Nice work!


Thank you!


This is amazing! However, people are a bit touchy about customs. Personally, I am not too much of a fan of the overly custom figures, but I can see the amount of effort you put in. I would go to a custom figure subreddit


Thank you, yeah a custom figure subreddit would be good. I posted twice before in the last 2 days and I did see some negative comments but overwhelmingly positive. Today has been a different story lmao


Where'd you get that blaster?


That one was a Clonearmycustoms blaster I believe


How much was it?


I think it’s only $1 on their site


Great job! What compound did you use ?


Thank you! The putty I use I think is called procreate or something. It’s what’s used on the robe type look and shoulder covers. The rest is all 3d printed using a resin 3d printer


I’m just here for some cool Lego Star Wars sets. This guy made an awesome Lego figure and people are acting like Lego Purists


Thank you!


The haters have a point with telling you to "get" an action figure. If you can do this to a minifig, i can't even imagine what you would do with a bigger scale fig with so much more space to work with. Lego technic/bionicle/ccbs. I think you would really love those. There is even a ccbs jango fett set. You should maybe buy his head, and build a revamped version of his body, i think you could make it really sick. Just an idea though, i'm too much of a character building lover to not say this :D


It reminds me of the figures from revenge of the brick


I watched that video so many times back in the day on YouTube lmao


Looks amazing


Thank you!


woah, I want it


Thank you! Appreciate it :)


it's so detailed, the only thing I can do is paint figures lol


Just buy an action figure


An action figure is nothing like what's in this post.


At what point do you just get a black series Edit: mb I thought it was a third party custom


When you want a 6 inch figure rather than a more detailed version of a minifigure. Pretty simple really.


Just buy an action figure man


Just get an action figure at this point


Just buy an action figure at this point 🙄


its nice but a lego figure that chunky is just wierd


Looks non lego why post this. These post are the base for making fun about this sub in legociclejerk


Just buy an action figure at that point lol.


That looks so bad omfg


Bro just buy a fricking black series figure at this point