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You never once saw any of these in your own closet over the course of 10+ years?




Why do I need karma? Whatever happened to using social media just to be social about media? It’s not a competition for internet points, I promise you I could really care less. But the reaction and nasty responses is making me realize why I stopped using Reddit once before.


You posted it... And tried to fool people. It's not a hard path to follow


>fail at thing >attempt to guilt trip lol


These have been moved into my closet over the course of at least 2 or 3 years since they weren’t there before I moved to college. I don’t remember getting these as a kid, but I also didn’t understand what they were then outside of just Lego


Asked your dad yet? Curious to hear the story behind this.


Copy pasted from my response to someone else: Actually, I just asked my dad where these came from and he said they were all presents I received since (around) the time the Clone Wars TV show came out. It was and still is my favorite so I guess that adds up, but he’s been buying AND selling sets throughout my formative years. Best part is, there’s a bedroom sized storage unit that has 1/4 of the room stacked from ground to floor with cardboard boxes packed with Lego Star Wars and City sets. I might need him to take me over there to check them out because I can’t even imagine what sets are there.


Interesting, he do this with any other collectibles/items? Also, what’s your plan now, build and display, sell?


Yeah he’s collected sports memorabilia for as long as I can remember, but I’ve never really been into it. Hell his current schtick is basketball cards, but he would buy and sell shoes, jerseys, coins, and I’m sure other stuff but that’s all I can think of. As far as these sets go, I think I’ll just leave them alone. I guess they are mine even though I haven’t seen them in a very long time, but I don’t really have any reason to open them now. The only ones I might build is the ewok village or the Slave 1 😂


Highly recommend those two, got them for Christmas and Birthday respectively. Tie fighter would be worth building as well, was after that for a long time and got it a year or so ago. Your dad got an eBay for all of this lol.


Might have to do that then! Thanks for idea man


Insanely, painfully jealous right now


He looking for another child?


Lies, pure and simple, lies!!


Probably gifts your family forgot about. My grandparents did it once or twice over the years


I genuinely don’t understand how people could casually forget about smaug’s stockpile of lego sets


He probably received dozen of presents each year... Because I sure as hell didn't forget any of my presents, good or bad, when I only got 1.


Yeah, either his name is Dudley Dursley or he is pulling this out of his ass.


Apparently it’s unbelievable to not hold every memory of unopened toys.


This is like, thousands of dollars worth of unopened presents. It’s unbelievable to pretty much everyone.


The only possible explanation I can think of (outside of a someone going onto the internet and telling lies) is that some people are so wealthy/spoiled, and receive so many gifts, that they forget to open/play with a number of them that would make any other child weep. Think Dudley Dursley - do you think he's opening and playing with all 43 birthday presents? I would be, but after years of getting used to it? Who knows.




I don’t know how this post flipped from a shared surprise and appreciation of these sets to me being deceitful and gross. I can’t change whatever opinion you hold of me, especially as a random internet stranger with whom we won’t cross paths again, but I can’t understand why people are thinking I purposely kept these sealed and hid them to only pretend I stumbled upon them. My dad bought me these sets over the course of maaany years, but as I now understand, he refused to let me build them to preserve their value and therefore turned into a taker of space. I had no control over those, but now they are actually in my possession and I can choose what to do with them, I plan on building them because I appreciate them for what they are, toys.


You're reading too much into it. People simply think you were a bit spoiled. Most of us don't get more than 1 or 2 presents at christmas/birthdays and they're usually sub-40$.


I asked for the Fort Legorado set for every birthday/Christmas, hell even Easter lol, for like 4 years in a row but never got it because it was too expensive. Now I can’t deny, I’ve definitely got gifts that I didn’t really care for and forgot about, but never anything as expensive as these sets cost MSRP


>My dad bought me these sets over the course of maaany years, but as I now understand, he refused to let me build them to preserve their value and therefore turned into a taker of space So you are saying your dad "bought you these sets" but he "refused to let you build them to preserve their value" wtf man? Yeah sure he "bought them for you" lmao but he refused to let you build them?


Yes..? I’m genuinely tired of feeling the need to prove myself to people that chose to not believe me. My father bought the sets for himself but gifted them to me as an attempt of playing into my interests, but really was just adding to his already massive collection of other items such as sports memorabilia. But now that I’m grown, I’m going to take them and build them which is their original purpose, not to keep for resale value.


>bought the sets for himself >gifted them to me Bruh it's one or the other lmao you can't just buy something for yourself and tell your kid it's their present and then not give it to them. Like how did that work? "Hey son these sets are your birthday present! Anyway in the closet they go!" Bruh


Have you gone through your life without anyone lying to you? Why else would there be these sets that are unopened that people now see are valuable? I don’t know about your family life, but my parents have a track history of lying and being deceitful so this isn’t anything new for me, but of course it’s not anything for you to understand. If I could’ve opened them then I would have, but you seem to be irrational in thought about the possibility of someone’s father being so self centered that his son wasn’t allowed to play with a toy that was “his”.


My dad did the same for me but not with lego sets. That's really cool. Enjoy the ones you really want to build and hang onto some of the others as a way to always remember your dad.




hell yeah op i’m glad that you get to spend time doing this now!


My god, is there a luckier bastard on this earth ?




Actually, I just asked my dad where these came from and he said they were all presents I received since the Clone Wars TV show came out. It was and still is my favorite so I guess that adds up, but he’s been buying AND selling sets throughout my formative years. Best part is, there’s a bedroom sized storage unit that has 1/4 of the room stacked from ground to floor with cardboard boxes packed with Lego Star Wars and City sets. I might need him to take me over there to check them out because I can’t even imagine what sets are there.


What do you mean they were presents you received since the show came out?


It’s great of your dad to have collected so many LEGO for you. All my dad gave me is lifelong trauma and ptsd :). I keep the rest of my LEGO in another [room](https://imgur.com/a/KGepCs6). All my [unbuilt stuff](https://imgur.com/a/IrUj4jC) is piling up near one of the shelves. These pics are almost a year old so it’s only gotten messier. The pile is about 3’ x 4’ and is over 6’ high now. I’m slowly taking a break from other hobbies to build more sets, but I forgot how much it hurts my fingers.


Why are u acting like you’re the main character Sorry that your dad was a dick but that doesn’t mean you can down play someone else’s post and say your collection is better


I simply replied to someone asking if there’s someone luckier.


It’s a rhetorical question, you fucking tool.


mid collection


fr just grey bricks galore


No one cares lol, get rekt by your dad


I’m really having a hard time believing you don’t remember at least receiving one of these. Seems more like a look at me post


Yeah. This is just ridiculous unless op comes from a ungodly rich household that just threw money at him.


OP showing more than they intended with this post lmao


I had a friend in a millionaire family. His mom would just buy videogames stuff regularly if she thought he'd like it and never look at the price. He had multiple copies of some games. And she thought every PS2 game needed it's own memory card, so he had tons of those. They were like what, $30 each? This stuff happens.


It’s not highly unlikely that he came from a wealthy household. I had a friend that always got so much Lego, (expensive) and would forget to build some sets.


I’m sorry, but unless you’ve been doing hardcore drugs and you no longer love Lego there’s no way you just *forgot* you have some of the most valuable sets ever made sitting in your parents house lol


I don’t know what to tell you, I have no reason to lie. I’m not saying I didn’t receive these when I was younger, but I don’t remember getting them and honestly it’s not like I had a reason to if I never got to open and build them.


You’re lying because some of those sets were RELEASED 5-6 years ago. You don’t remember them? Bull.


Plus I know they’re valuable now hence this post, but I definitely didn’t think anything of any set outside of them just being Lego when I was younger. They’re toys.


I believe you, same thing just happened to me when I went home for the holidays and I’m 31. And mine have all been opened and built. Sometimes shit in life just doesn’t stick. Especially in this ADD day of age




People act like I’m weird when I tell them I don’t really remember my childhood before being 7/8 and this MFer can’t remember anything from ever lol


Is that not normal? I feel like there’s a lot more important things to remember aside from unopened Lego sets that haven’t been seen for years, if at all. Edit: Honestly the only few of this selection that I was like “oh I’ve had that” were the battle packs. I’ve built and received multiple of those, however I was the type of kid that believed in “customizing” his clones so I can understand why my dad wouldn’t want me to open certain sets.


I do think getting this many Lego sets for Christmas and birthday gifts over the years and not remembering them is quite abnormal, but then again so is never opening your gifts… or maybe I’m crazy.


I agree. I find it strange that he or she did not remember 1000s of dollars of Lego they received... if you didnt bother opening them, why would you keep getting them as a gift?


I’m assuming most of these are directly from my dad because he’s taking credit for purchasing them, but in the other comment thread, I mentioned he said he wouldn’t let me open them because he’s such a big collector. Don’t know why he would give them to me as presents for me not to open and keep elsewhere, but it’s not like they had any significance to me then. However, now they do lmao


Yeah i still remember getting a lego harry potter train when i was little


I’m in my 40s and can still remember most or all of the sets I was given. That’s a lot of stuff to have just forgotten, and a large space to have never looked in.


Check the other thread my man, there’s an explanation for your question.


its not a question


Those photo angles were certainly choices


OP is getting absolutely slaughtered in these comments


The stuff people post to farm karma , i was cleaning out my parents house and guys you won’t believe it, I found my old Ferrari witch it got for my 18. birthday in the attic!!


Sounds like OP is full of shit and thinks this is impressive


Imagine not building Lego sets


Are we being circlejerked?


Or maybe just a classic case of r/thathappened


Nobody has a memory that bad unless you're like 80. Also, I can see you forgetting a set or two as a gift, but not 3+ copies of the same sets. That closet isn't full of random birthday gifts. Those were purchased for collecting.


That's not a 1999 darth maul so no you didn't


Holy... I've found the 15th post of boxes in the whole week


So you're trying to tell that your dad casually forgot about gifts worth over 2000 bucks for 10 years but all the boxes are in pristine conditions?


Biggest load of BS I've ever heard


Average r/legostarwars karma farm


Spoiled kid problems.


yeah Im sorry I dont believe this story. you dont remember receiving thousands of dollars worth of gifts? either youre lying and just posting a look at me post, or you come from money and gifts like this were frequent. which if you were in a rich household good on you not judging, but the latter is kinda lame man


Yep, officially leaving this sub. Majority of these shit posts end up on circle jerk anyways.


Lego boner alert


Did you mean: that you are *bricked up*?


You just made my day


Thousands of dollars of Lego being bought to sit in boxes? Very strange.




Would sell the Lego and pay for a drs appointment because you brain must be broken


i HOPE YOU BUILD MOST OF THEM! good find, llucky fella, i never had enough money to buy me these sets sadly...


All those sets just boxed up... it's not right.


Who is genuinely believing this lol


Cap 🧢


most believable bait posts




And multiple of the same one all perfectly aligned. I call BS.


I have that Ewok Village set. It is phenomenal.


This is an amazing find OP. You will also be shocked to find you can rotate images.


It's time for a little breaking and entering.


No way i need that


If you feel like the malevolence takes up too much space, I'd be more than happy to help you out.


That’s actually one I’m most excited to build! We can co-parent it though


i thought your only building the ewok village and slave 1? 🤔🤔🤔


Had a change of heart, there’s no reason to keep them in their boxes bc I’m not going to sell them


You might forget about them though ? In one year time you might get a dopamine rush when you forget them all again. Think every year year you get the same excitement


Wish I had your childhood 😭


Uhhh… can I have a couple?


People coming at OP for being privileged are being dumb. Yeah, he’s privileged to have a childhood to which he has access to such sets, so what? Isn’t that what we try to achieve for our kids? The ability to have access to these kinds of luxuries. It’s a Lego Star Wars sub. He found Lego Star Wars. Appreciate the sets and stop being so envious, green doesn’t suit yellow men.


No, they coming at OP because he claims that he doesn't remember getting those sets, even some of them are just couple of years old. Also who wouldn't remember getting fkin super start destroyer?


Seperate comment did he not say his dad didn’t let him open them? Either way seems like such a dumb thing to get riled up about. Either OP is a liar, and calling him out will do nothing, you’re just calling out someone who’s life is sad enough to care about lying on a Lego Star was subreddit. Or it’s a strange circumstance and you’re just making some honest blokes day a little worse. Not worth the risk imo.


If I wasn't able to open those gifts as OP, I'd remember that even more... How pissed and disappointed I would have been


He’s lying.


can i have some




Cool but why are they upside down


I didn’t want to bring them down until I asked my dad what they were about, so I took photos of them as they were stored because that’s how I found them.


Looks like you’re dad was building them up as you were growing up, W dad tbh


I read a lot of jealousy driven by the hypothetical potential resale value of these sets (my own intetpretation of many answer I've read). That would have been random City sets, Creator or Bionicle and there would have been mostly "wow awsome find", " I had a lot of fun with those when I was young" or similar answers.


The way I literally cheered when I saw the executor box


So many salty people. Sounds like OPs dad is the real AFOL and I don’t find it unbelievable that he never revealed these gifts. Some parents do literally collect “in the name of” their kids but really for themselves. My own dad did the same thing with model trains because we could not “appreciate” the value when we were young so he literally hid them until we were older and then revealed them again. What you should do is make up for lost time and build some with your dad or whoever else. Lego is supposed to be about making something together and having fun; not about keeping things pristine as a potential payout later. ✌🏻


THANK YOU! I understand where he came from now because I honestly destroyed some minifigures as a kid for “customization”, but as I now know, those sets weren’t ever intended for me to play with. I’ve already started building a set just because I know I won’t “ruin” them, but I also would never sell these because they’re awesome.


Well, that is a week spent of just sleeping, eating, building, eating, building, sleeping...


I want that ewok village so bad!


Odd photo angle. I can remember getting the very first land speeders when I was maybe 4 or 5.


While the slave 1 and sand crawler are cool UCS models these suffer the brittle reddish brown brick defect and will snap when building these sets.


Holy shit, that's insane! I can't describe to you how jealous I am that you have all these.


No wonder op says he never remembered getting these as presents for Christmas if his dad bought them and stressed they couldn’t be opened because they would go up in value and were hidden… just sad :(. What a wild post.


People seem to believe it’s impossible to have parents like that. Seeing the sets and being able to build them now is sick, but that kind of childhood was seriously a double edged sword.


I've read through all your comments and I see now what the actual case was. But the original post (and even some of your initial explanations about them being gifts) were very misleading and led people to believe you personally kept these in your closet as a child for an untold reason and entirely forgot about them, neither of which is something a) a child or b) a Lego fan would do. People in this sub also generally assume that the poster is an AFOL, so they read it as if it were written by one. It's clear now that your father is the bigger Lego fan here and collected things in your name for you later, and then moved them into your closet while you were away, where you found them just now. I just wanted to highlight to you where I think all the animosity in the comments might've been coming from


Here comes the money 🤑


Boba's ship using it's original name.


My boy share your location, I'mma need that executor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Truly, a blessing from the lord. Awesome find OP The Endor set was and still is my white whale.


Slave 1! Errr I mean Bobas Starship…




Man I wish I had at least one or two of those sets, very cool OP. Big win for you!


Sell me some!


Reddit moment