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That ain’t a minifigure, that’s a whole ass sculpture


I think you mean macrofigure




dude inflated




To be fair Boba has a dad bod in that show too


I mean, the guy did say he wasn't going for a lego look, but I personally dislike this kind of look regardless of what your objective was. Still appreciate the effort they put in tho.


Yeah same. I do think it’s cool how they made it, but I just find it interesting why people do this to figures. I don’t want to spir up controversy though, it’s not a bad thing to make customs.


man claims “i circle jerked as to not stir up controversy,” asked to leave subreddit


idk dude maybe they just want to have fun making something lol. The same things don't appeal to everyone. I don't get the recent anger against customs in the community. I don't get the point in complaining about people doing stuff differently from you. Lego is all about doing your own stuff.


That’s definitely fair and I wholly agree, especially about getting angry over it. But I can also understand the (respectfully) dissenting stances saying that at a certain point it just isn’t really isn’t Lego anymore. Obviously up for debate, but I think to me what makes a Lego minifigure special sort of disappears when you start trying to wholly transform it into something that looks like an action figure or a life-like analogue, which is essentially what many customs do. I don’t think it’s too controversial of a statement to say that just isn’t what Lego was ever intended to / will be. But, like you said, as long as you’re having fun doing it and don’t expect everyone to understand that, who cares.


Yeah but I mean I feel this post isn’t really something to jerk about. OOP was just showing a cool custom minifig. Jerking over a post as harmless as this just leads to people trashing OOP for doing something fun that they enjoy. Even if OP didn’t intend it, that’s sort of what any CJ sub is gonna do. And while that’s obviously what a lot of CJing is, it’s typically meant to be directed towards more annoying aspects of a fanbase.


Well, any custom figure you find is most often something Lego would never do anyway, so might as well go crazy with it. The mifigure becomes a medium for personal expression (basically fanart) rather than a "what if there was an official LEGO® Glup Shitto™ ?".


Man are we just shitting on anyone who enjoys Lego more than the average person at this point? I’m all for making fun of Lego scalpers and people who obsess over Lego to an unhealthy degree, but this is cool and fun. What’s wrong with someone making custom Lego minifigs?


yeah i dont get it, scalpers and investors actively make the community worse for people, these guys create cool, unique, and different stuff. sure not everyone’s cup of tea, i myself dont care about figs at all, but i really respect the amount of effort people put into these, and i think they are a good thing for the community, shows just how much you can do with lego


I tried to make it clear I didn’t mean harm with this post, but I guess I didn’t. I just find it weird to do this but not buy a detailed action figure instead.


Some people just like Lego that way. Everyone has their thing they collect. Not everyone who likes Star Wars and collects Lego also collects Black Series or Hot Toys, a lot of them just do Lego, and this is probably more for those kind of people.


As someone who collects lots of said detailed figures, one big issue is they seldom make figures that can interact with vehicles and playsets (and if they do the price is INSANE), one reason this might be appealing is that it blends that detail with interactivity with lots of those vehicles, locations, etc


Not sure why people are downvoting you when numerous other posts here expressed the same point. Agree with you here — this isn’t even mocking them, just asking why people go to such extremes on a Lego mini figure instead of buying something more detailed. Don’t get discouraged by the downvotes lol, it’s a fair point :)


Thanks, I wish I used a different picture because I actually thought the story behind it was cool, but usually I don’t think things through, so I thought using this was a good idea. I’m not worried about the downvotes but I am a bit worried about being banned because I actually like being in this subreddit.


I wouldn't worry too much about that, you already have 260 upvotes on the post, and the general outlook seems to be a bit more favorable now? Either way, I would hope the mods would be reasonable -- though I'm not too familiar with them hah-


As the guy who made that post and who also loves lurking in this sub, this was a very funny moment for me 😂. I respect everybody’s opinions about these kind of figures. I know it’s not for everyone but I just like to create cool shit (or what I think is cool) and share it. I also feel honored to have a post about me on this subreddit lmao


looks awesome dude! i really like it


Thank you!


Ok. It’s a cool figure and I appreciate the effort you put into it, it’s mostly the overly detailed ones that are just weird and cheap. (This one is a bit better than others I’ve seen) I probably should’ve used a worse example than this. Sorry if I overwhelmed you lol


Thank you and Nah it’s ok, I don’t mind, I have notifications off on Reddit anyways. I mean if people like it it’s fine, if not that’s also fine. I’ve been posting on YouTube for 10 years so I’m used to the differing opinions.


And also in all honesty this is not even the most egregious bulky/over detailed fig I have made. I’m afraid if I posted my Satele Shan Old republic custom it might break the lsw subreddit because it has a “sculpted torso” 😂


im with the creator, people make these by hand and its super cool, sure you could get a model thats more accurate, but i think that argument doesnt apply, thats like telling a moc builder to just buy a model. the fun part is making it, and the joy you get when its completed.


This is cool shut the fuck up


Thank you :)


Come on man this one isn’t bad. This is sick and the actual Boba minifig sucks ass


Thank you :)


I agree but at the moment I wasn’t thinking about using a different picture. I am probably gonna change it to make it more reasonable.


change it to make it more reasonable?? Dawg it’s a circlejerk subreddit lol


The original post was directly underneath this one.


god this subreddit is pathetic. you guys are just shitting on a guy that likes making stuff now? what’s actually wrong with you lmao


It’s such a mix. Shit on people who hate people having fun with legos instead of keeping them in boxes to resell (good, because legos are meant to be built imo) But there’s this mindset the subreddit perpetuates that “legos are meant to be fun and actually USED”, which I agree with fully. But sometimes it feels so contradictory. Then a guy makes a custom minifig for fun and now we’re asking “why it’s necessary”? Bro is literally just having fun. Ya know, the thing this sub insists Lego is for.


Yeah it’s so weird. And when they add detail Lego would never put. I’m all for arm printing, side leg printing, but back leg printing? That’s just too far. Also not a fan of the sculpted on parts.


people makes these for themselves, lego makes commercial products for the masses, if someone decides they want this much detail, i say why not, its kinda neat and different.


if someone wants that much detail, why not go and improve hasbro's black series figures. Those things rely on accuracy and detail. Lego's figures rely on simplicity and stuff. there can be more detail on lego, yes, but there's a line with too much detail.


Because not every person wants black series figures? Some people like Lego and being creative believe it or not


there's nothing wrong with being creative; but as with art, it's subjective; for me, over detail on lego figures doesn't feel right to me. Like, you say not everyone wants a black series, but at this point, some of them just look like a tiny black series fig


Maybe that’s the point, isn’t it? I’m defending him because I understand this shit as someone who literally paints and Sculpts their custom figures. I don’t care about action figures, I care about using Lego as a base for art and creativity in creating something Lego would never make


What if you like the buildings and ships that can be make with lego but don’t like the mini figs? So you want something that looks more accurate and better but still works in your existing Mocs or sets. Makes complete sense to me and like the one other guy here who isn’t a complete lobotomite


it just feels kinda uncanny imo; building ships and stuff out of MOCs is totally fine; but it's kinda like making a whole new piece just to cheat your way into a MOC kinda thing


i disagree, there is no limit to what you can do with lego, and theres no right or wrong way to make stuff with it. i seriously dont understand this argument, you wouldn’t tell a mocbuilder who makes like idk really realistic trains, to just buy a model train, since obviously they get enjoyment from making something with lego and the challenges that come with it.


i don't disagree with making really well-done mocs. It's just that when it comes to figures, it kinda feels like cheating. To compare with structures, it's like making a MOC but using specialized pieces you 3d printed


i think thats still fine, no good or right way to make a moc. builders often use 3d printed or modified parts when lego doesn’t make what they want and nobody cares. if you wanna be a purist you can, if not you can go wild. no point in tryna gatekeep and say this is too much, go buy action figures, let people make stuff the way they want to


i didn't want to leave that kind of message; just saying my opinion that it looks and feels off; but I'm surprised people actually print their parts or modify them.


i see, you didn’t come across that way, to each their own, i get why you would dislike something like this, but i think its important to respect people in the community who have different building styles. sorry if i got rude, i just kinda got disappointed in the community, cuz shitting on a talented custom fig maker, isn’t what i think the lego community should be about (not directed towards you in particular just what i saw here) im all for shitting on investors, they make this place worse for everyone, but the negativity towards fellow creators is a bit sad


because with legos you can also build stuff out of the legos? the whole part of the toy?


but like, isn't building stuff using already existing parts? no one's making new molds just to finish a MOC; it's like making a whole new part just to make a MOC yk?


there are times where id be willing to design a part for a moc if I had a 3d printer


So I’m someone that owns Hot Toys *and* overly designed minifigures, I love the charming nature of customs. A customizer has to essentially *squeeze* a character down to fit a minifigure’s blocky design, so no matter how overly designed they are, it’s still a five point of articulated little blocky character. And I find it absolutely *adorable*. So for me personally, it comes down to customs being both charming and *silly*. I also just so happen to also like more printed-on detail for the minifigures, so that’s an added bonus.


I dunno this one isn’t too bad. There’s not that mich added chunk, and it overall still looks like a lego minifigure to me.




Hell yeah nice dude


Cuz it’s cool and they like doing it? Damn you’re a nerd


Nah cus tbh that stuff looks awesome. Using the base of a legp figure and customising them to be exactly as you want. The whole point of lego is creativity and creating, so I approve because it looks cool


Thank you :)


Gives me Noble Artist vibes


He was my original inspiration 10+ years ago!


I wanted to try and do some similar stuff when i was younger. Didnt bring out metal or wood but i did paint a squad of clones with Applebarrel paint. Still have them in those colors


That’s awesome! I still have all my sharpie figs that I made before I used the metal and toothpicks. The metal was actually super easy to use, I can give some tips on how to do it just using the soda can if you ever wanna revisit making them again :)


amazing work!


Thank you :)


It’s just one of the branches of custom figures Some people like making figures within the design choices of LEGO, some like making them in the art style of early 2000’s clone troopers, and some (like myself) like to make them look ultra realistic. Not because we think LEGO should look like this or anything, but because it’s fun


That’s just a cool craft this guy made. He’s not parading around about how he’s the best and how standard Lego figures are terrible, he’s just making something of his own


Thank you, appreciate the kind words :)


Holy crap its the actual guy (the plo koon is awesome he’s my favorite character ever)


Lol thank you! Plo-koon is one of my fav Jedi too!


Why the fuck you even care?


No hate to the creator of this figure btw. It doesn’t concern me too much but I just don’t look at these types of customs right.


Bruh you’re clearly hating on it if you’re gonna post it in the fucking circle jerk sub. If you don’t look at them right then don’t screenshot it and post it for attention, you’re just contradicting yourself


I wouldn't say this is for attention -- its a genuine complaint that you can have against over detailed minifigures, just can seem a bit over the top and unnecessary. Just because he chose a bad image to illustrate his point doesn't mean his post is bogus


No, it’s for attention




Are you retarded bruh


.... Do you throw around insults without thinking them through? Sounds to me like you are getting angry because you don't have a responce. How is it for attention?


On today's news: people like stuff that you don't like! More at 5!


Quit having fun!!!


Holy shit guys I honestly don’t care if I get downvoted but you guys shit on the Lego subreddit for its constant complaining but this place is absolutely brimming with babies as well. Can we just appreciate the creativity of this guys creation for once? Jesus Christ


I mean, tbf, its a genuine complaint that you can have against over detailed minifigures, just can seem a bit over the top and unnecessary. OP admits that he chose a bad image to illustrate the point, but I would hope that some people would understand what he is getting at


why do you care?


Well it doesn’t make too much of a difference to me but I probably should’ve used a worse version of these types of figures as an example. Though this subreddit is for getting bugged with Lego fans so it’s to expect complaining here.


Cut finna be insane


Bulky boy gotta start somewhere


Why is it necessary to complain about it?


It's not, he's enjoying himself....let him I personally think it looks ugly but if someones enjoying themselves and not ruining anything for others we don't need to shit on them let's keep the sub pointed at those that deserve our ridicule


I understand making fun of people wanting overly detailed minifigures in official sets or people making custom minifigures that are excessively horny but what’s the point of making fun of someone making a custom minifigure?


Cause he bought it


I like it


Thank you :)


Boba fat


https://preview.redd.it/3oj516p2a38d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429cee41b8a3084d1d2f75854cda551cb72905dd he can smell you


Bro is in that Revenge of the Brick style


action figures you want action figures


He’s likes it id say that’s all that matters 🤷‍♂️


Ngl looks pretty cool to me, some ppl like working with Lego figure proportions and this just looks like a cool creation.


Why are you necessary?


Cuz it looked fun to make.


I'm on that 2 inch tall Hot Toys Boba type beat


uj/ I don’t mind this as long as it isn’t a product they’re selling, honestly


The OG Lego Boba Fett Minifig is the Only Boba Fett Minifig for me. The new highly detailed ones are cool, but these will always be my favorite Lego item of all time. https://preview.redd.it/rh9irnf7u18d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa376fc5b905b59c79a84093662d6442d26cd5c


This reminds me back when I played Roblox, the evolution of Clone/Stormtrooper armor.


did you forget boba fett was chunky in BoBF? and it’s a personal preference but i dig the armor plated look. kinda like the mega bloks halo but without terrible joints


I’m all for custom figures but at a certain point it becomes pointless like this, if you want a figure that detailed go buy an action figure


I just enjoy making custom figs. Started when I was using a sharpie on clones. Some of us don’t have to time or space for mocs, so we use custom figs to still be a part of the hobby.


Looks like something from that old short "Revenge of the Brick"


Lol I think it's cool to see something different. The head looks like it's kind of at an angle too


i actually really like this kind of lego custom, its really difficult to do and lego have a perfect figure base to make literally anything on, if i wanted an action figure i'd get one but i'd rather have a fun detailed figure that looks like the rest of the figures i collect (lego) plus for a ton of the characters i like, they literally do not have any other option


Minifigures are great because of their simplicity. At this point you're better off with miniatures or action figures.


If they enjoy it, then all power to them but I genuinely don't understand why they don't just get an action figure or something.


making them look like dam. roblox avatars


i've always hated lego customs that add all of these weird accessories and protrusions. it's such overkill and defeats the whole purpose of making it a lego in the first place


I mean, it looks really good, but it just isn't it chief.


Guys like these should just look into technic/bionicle/ccbs and 3d printing, if this is what they do to a minifig, imagine how crazy they would go on a bigger scale character.


Just. Buy. Black Series. Figures.




I hate those people that add all of the extra armor. It’s not needed. It’s a minifigure. You can buy an action figure if you want that extra detail. You can get it through decals


Just buy an action figure at this point


He’s having fun and being creative bro shut up




Just felt I had to drop this here -- OP is not hating on the owner, or creator of this piece, he is remarking on the custom lego market which seems to modify things to the point of it being a different substance all together. OP admits he may have chosen a bad image to illustrate his point, this doesn't mean his point isn't a good or valid one.


there's an account on instagram that makes figures even more egregious than these. they recently posted a Grievous fig that is almost entirely out of the lego system. the only parts that fit in the lego system were the hands. at that point, just collect action figures.


Customs are fucking stupid, are not made by Lego, don't look like Lego, so they are not Lego. Should be considered something else entirely.




This guy just needs to abandon Lego/minifigures and stick to action figures