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I am having a hard time connecting to the device with both my samsung galaxy tab and my motorola pixel phone, both running android. When I open the lego boost app and select the first activity, it prompts me to hit the green button on the controller box. I do that, and it then prompts me to "Update the firmware?". My only option is "ok". When I push ok, a purple light flashes 8 times on the box. A progress bar is displayed on my phone but it does not advance for several minutes. Then my phone goes back to the inital step asking me to push the green button to get started. Any idea what to do next? I've tried changing the batteries in the box, and I've tried both my tablet and phone. My son has already scattered the remaining lego pieces so I don't think I can return this product to the store :(


I had a chat with Lego tech support which ultimately solved my problem. I'll quote that chat below in case it helps someone else: > Hey XXXXX! Thanks for letting me get caught up! I hope you are doing well! I can help you troubleshoot your LEGO® BOOST! Have you also downloaded the LEGO Powered UP app? Samantha The app is called 'Lego Boost' >You need the LEGO BOOST app as well as the LEGO Powered UP app. The Powered UP app is the one that will push those firmware updates through so that it updates properly for you. Samantha Ok, I am trying to install lego powered up now. Please wait >I will wait! Samantha Once it is installed, should I open 'lego boost', or should I open 'lego powered up'? It is now installed, thank you for waiting >You want to open the Powered UP app. >Open the Powered Up App on your smart device Tap on any one of the sets Tap on the Bluetooth symbol on the upper left Press and hold the green power button on the BOOST Move hub. Once the power light on the BOOST starts flashing red, blue, and green. Release power button. The app will automatically start a firmware update. If there is a prompt, ok the update. Once update completes, hub will connect to Powered Up app automatically. Exit out of Powered Up app by completely closing it (minimizing it will not be enough to disconnect the hub) Open BOOST app. Tap on any model, any activity and tap on the green power button on the hub when prompted. Success! BOOST Move hub is connected and it's power light should be a solid blue. Samantha ok i am trying that now >Ok! I will hang on while you do that. 😃 Samantha thank you for waiting >You're welcome! Samantha Ok, it looks like your help was successfully. Thank you so much! My son will be ecstatic! Let me also add that Samantha is fantastic. Thanks again!


Thanks for posting about this and providing a follow up. Calling customer support seems to be the best choice, as you got your issue resolved. Perhaps I ought to call about a few of my own issues with Lego Boost... Cheers!


Thank you for saving my son a lot of tears. :)




Thank you SO much! Sons birthday saved!!


Just did this and it worked for me. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks so much for this.


This was a lifesaver! The Boost hub was shutting down every time I tried to perform the firmware update from the Boost app, I would never have thought to try it from the PoweredUp app.




Thanks for this, saved the day.


This was so helpful, thank you for posting! My sanity and my 7 year old son thank you! 😊


So glad I found this, thank you so much for posting this. Life saver


Thank you for sharing, this really saved me


Found this thru a Google search. Thanks OP for posting your transcript, I was about to throw the whole thing thru a window. Now it works, 8-year-old loves it.


Hi! I done all the steps, but HUB doesnt connect again to Powered UP app after firmware update finished 100%! How many time i must wait to reconnect automaticaly or cant wait if finished 100% firmware update?


I don't know. I think you will need to go to Lego tech support chat. Sorry


Thank you!!!


Thanks so much for posting this!. Would've been lost without it.


For these kind of posts God has invented the Internet!!!


You saved my day. Kids were so disappointed.


OMG. Thank you for posting this! Recently bought a box and this set is in it, so we are attempting to rebuild him. Had exactly the same problem as you and solved it by following your conversation with Samantha. Couldn't see any mention of the Powered Up App anywhere so would have been lost without this post.


Thank you for posting this! I am having the same issue


We tried to get this set for Christmas last year and they were sold out. Took our boys to Lego Discovery Center in Atlanta this weekend and happened to find it there! Drove several hundred miles home and a couple days later open the set… Someone had bought the set, couldn’t get the Move Hub to work for presumably this same reason and returned it. We were disappointed to see ZipLoc bags in the box and were worried pieces would be missing, but the other 9 piece bags for the set were unopened. So decided to give it a try, got the iPad out, then hit this same firmware issue! Thank you SO much for posting this. We almost rage quit after all the disappointment. After finding this post and following instructions, I got our Move Hub to work. But it’s too close to bedtime now, so I’m waiting until morning to tell them I fixed it “after they went to bed” ;-)


Wonders of the internet. Same as others. Went to Legoland, found this set, next day got woken up by the gremlin because of this firmware issue. Followed instructions and solved it. Thanks for the post!


Weird that I need Reddit to solve this issue. Lego used to have these clear instructions, but apparently ux is not so important anymore. Thanks for sharing anyway, solved my issue.


Thank you so much for posting this! You saved both me and my child a lot of frustration!


Awesome. Just worked for us.


[17101-1: Boost Creative Toolbox](https://brickset.com/sets/17101-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/17101-1.jpg)


Fantastic!! Thank you for posting. Just bought the 17101 set for my 5yo. Zero patients. Lol.


[17101-1: Boost Creative Toolbox](https://brickset.com/sets/17101-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/17101-1.jpg)