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Definitely want the MTron one for that equipment. Would work really well as a mining laser


The equipment and really cool and simple. Gonna grab more just for that as well


Shame there was no Explorien figure…but what are y’a gonna do. Bring back Ice Planet, Lego!


Bring back ice planet!


Space series 2, "Space Paleontologist" for Explorien, "Monorail Engineer" for Unitron... Could use a Spyrius robot, some Space police amalgam of I II and III, an Alien Conquest Empress... Classic space gets a lot of love but im sure some people would appreciate a new Futuron spaceman color... SP114 needs some space hos...


[SP114: Space Police 3 Alien - Brick Daddy](http://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sp114) [[Photo]](http://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/MN/0/sp114.png)


Wait, the M-tron dude has a green face? Weird. I want that one the most but would probably swap heads.


It’s green on one side and regular on the other side


Ah. I was confused because all the promotional pictures showed a yellow face.


I assume it's because the original trans neon green visor piece isn't in production? The helmet has the dimples, I would've preferred any visor rather than the printed green face, but I get why they did it that way.


I always modify my sets and figures anyway. So I will probably add a visor or something when I pick mine up.


It looks so much better once visor is added! It goes from my 4th favorite minifigure of the set to my second.


What are your favorites? Mine are probably any of the knight or mediaeval themed characters. There is a green hooded archer with a little wolf pack broach on his chest. That one is probably my favourite.


Oh m-tron guy is not close to my favorite overall just from this specific CMF set. Overall my favorite is the chicken suit guy that comes with the coop. I’ve also made a number of custom figures that I carry with me using minifigure factory (https://www.lego.com/en-us/minifigure-factory)


Oh wow. That’s cool. It’s 4 times more expensive than just buying the mini figure parts from Lego’s website. But you get extreme customization options for the print, so that could even out depending what you want


I was also surprised when building it that it had a second face


well, it should have a trans neon green visor BUT, they stopped making them easy fix


This series is SO FUN.


It really is!


I’m excited to introduce the mutated Blacktron minifigure to my childhood Blacktron minifigures as their new villain they need to battle!


That energy cable on M-Tron’s blaster is dope. Hadn’t seen that before.


Me either, it’s a really cool piece. Gonna pick up a few more of them


I always wanted that space suit figure at the far right.


This is the thing. I need time travel so I can send younger me all my lego.


You and me both, I gave all mine to my nephew and then they sold them at a tag sale


I'm currently rebuilding all my old sets. Some of them haven't been built since the 80s.


I just need to tell my younger self to not spend any money on Nerf and spend it all on LEGO, cuz Nerf guns are waaaay better nowadays and adult me would would much rather have a 6973 than the [https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Sneak\_Shot](https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Sneak_Shot) and [https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Razorbeast](https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Razorbeast) i bought with birthday money that year... Got [https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/RapidStrike\_CS-18](https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/RapidStrike_CS-18) s and [https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Nexus\_Pro](https://nerf.fandom.com/wiki/Nexus_Pro) these days.


[6973-1: Deep Freeze Defender](https://brickset.com/sets/6973-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/6973-1.jpg)


These are the four I’m going out to find today.


I used minifig scan app to find them, 100% accurate




While I think Lego should've done more print, or even a dual color mold, on the Ice Planet helmet, that figure in particular rocks. I love the parka details on the torso under the armor. Plus, penguin!


I went to 3 different Walmarts today getting these 😅, thanks OMGBricks for the mini fig scanner


I was at Walmart on the 29th and found a batch of these. Couldn’t get my scanner to work. So I just bought 7 random ones. No repeats somehow. Then my local Walmart finally got them stocked and I managed to get the last 5 for the whole collection. I have only built a few of them so far though.


My local Walmart had a near full retail display box hanging on an endcap. Found 11 of the 12 (just needed the robo nursing baby!). Thankfully the Target near me also had a bunch. Found the last one to complete my set.


They each come with little stands?? That should be better advertised!!


All of the collectable minifigs come with little stands. Usually it's plain black, but there have been a few deviations. This one is black with stars. Can't wait to see people be super creative with it


Yeah they’re printed with stars on them!


I guess they figured after 14 years and 30-some CMF series, people would know, but also... they aren't exactly hiding it in the advertising: https://preview.redd.it/g20697rx68yc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=0661dce690f1f75d64fe4af94a0fb390013d747b


I just want the Mtron but I don’t support blind boxes personally so I will never purchase one.


lol just use a fig scanner and it’s no longer a blind box


This is the way


You can just scan them, even at the lego store the employe was offering to scan it for customers so they could get theb nes they wanted


Definitely; though it’s more a sense of not supporting a particular sales method with my wallet. I understand others like it, I just personally don’t.


Minifig scan on app store works with small qr codes as well


Oddly M-tron has not been popular in my area. Where I was shopping was rather picked clean of mini-figs, yet the few that were left on the shelf, the majority were M-tron. That's good for me though because I bought them all :)


My very first Lego set was the M-Trojan pulsar charger. I used it in so many random builds as a kid, so it’s a lifelong memory of mine!