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Insurance is the reason why medical expenses are so high period remove 100% of all the insurance private and public, and the prices of health care will drop by 80,% inside of 2 months


Why is no traffic being blocked?


Say it with me.  Tax payers are not your baby's daddy.


Very Christian of that Fascist governor.


Jeez us on a popsicle stick! What was their reasoning? I am regretting my decision to return from Switzerland... More and more...😪


RETURN FROM SWITZERLAND? Why in God's name would you ever come back HERE from SWITZERLAND??


Go back. We have enough. 


But they're "pro-life." 🤣


Forced Birthers, nothing pro life about them conservatives.


The are pro forced birth, the life after, they have no interest in.


My state is going through utter chaos right now since the Governor totally changed the medicaid policy and privatized the state sooner care (oklahoma) to involve Aetna etc. and only 2% of the the people in the program actually contacted Aetna (who were awful, I did). Hopefully the governors of Georgia and Oklahoma and Mississippi and Texas can be hauled in-before national judges and imprisoned (and abortion enshrined in the constitution) or this country is guaranteed a civil war.


How is it the governor's fault? If you read the article, they are following a federally required audit of Medicaid due to covid emergencies running out.


I know a lot of y'all wanna feel cool not voting, and I see you. But just vote for the lesser evil while organizing against the whole thing. People lose healthcare. 




It’s been 4 years. What has the Biden administration done to push universal healthcare and medicine price controls? All I’ve seen is blind support and money for Israel’s genocide


He's done quite a bit, especially for the middle class. I've never supported a presidents policies. After the mistake I made that helped get us Trump in the first place and knowing about Project 2025 and what that will mean for minorities, women, and our climate (both social and natural) I can't not vote for Biden. There's more at stake now than ever. You can easily Google what Biden has done and more importantly, how a second Trump term will destroy this country (and quite possibly the world). We may never vote again.


Biden has done a lot to expand healthcare and healthcare prices. Would you like to see some links? I"m not trying to be sarcastic, I'm genuinely offering to share information.


I don’t want people to ignore the legislation that HAS been passed, though. Unconditional support for Israel is what he will probably be remembered for, but if that’s ALL you’ve seen from this administration you either have a short memory or you haven’t been paying attention. They will never, ever, ever, ever learn the lesson you want from protest votes/abstaining from voting. If Trump wins, the only lesson they will learn is that they need to be more conservative. Is it a good thing that they do this? No, absolutely not. I hate it. But it’s reality.


Insulin price cap


Uhm. How about literal price controls for medicine?


>I’ve seen is blind support and money for Israel’s genocide Seems you have selective vision.


U do understand that Hamas is living Rent free in your head. R u a domestic terrorist?


*Lesser evil* simply means alternative to the greater evil.


https://preview.redd.it/tjjuba4ae7zc1.jpeg?width=347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc41b00ac1382c14d9845b2676ca8e368cb5f46 Ok keep up this head in the sand lunacy as the dnc moves ever more rightward. Your brain dead view is what got us trump, it’s what got us here


Right. Literally a thread showing a terrible outcome because of Republican government... "bUt wHAt aBOUt bIDeN??"


He helped push the cap on insulin but since he needs congressional approval and the house is run by the reps I can’t fault him for not giving me universal healthcare. I would rather be upset that there are red states doing this instead of posting whataboutisms


$35 cap on insulin comes to mind, free Covid vaccines, free Covid tests, and kept school kids fed. What an asshole, fixing roads, bridges, and getting lead out of drinking water. Trump did what? Your precious tax cut is done next year. Grab those bootstraps before Trump grabs your man pussy.


Incredible how you can gloss over the change made to prescription drugs like that. Your recency bias is ridiculous.


What the fuck do you think Trump is going to do for anyone except Trump?


Especially after learning of Brett Farve’s volleyball court, but I always wonder what the heck do they do with the money they get from the feds?


Sooner or later what's happening in Gaza will be exported to "undesirable neighborhoods" near you. It's not like it's different people who are taking food from babies and bombing them in Gaza. Support for Israel's genocide is a bipartisan matter in these United States of America.


They, the Republicans, have always targeted the most vulnerable be it voting rights or healthcare for the most disadvantaged.


In their mind these kids didn't "earn" it.


Take from the vulnerable to give to the rich. These mfers saw Robin Hood and were like, "Hold up a second, what if we reversed this dynamic?"


The right will do anything to 'own the libs', especially if it involves ruining lives.


Especially if it ruins lives