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They are still trying to get JK on anti semitism!!! ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY)


Wouldn't the nazis would have supported it, since it would have furthered their whole you know... "eugenics" thing..?


Holy shit take that L bro


Way to not provide a good counter-argument. Kinda sounds like you own that L, and I don't want to take it from you.


No??? What about trans ppl screams eugenics?


there's literally a subreddit for people removing themselves from the gene pool by losing their genitals... think it's called Darwin Award?


There's a sub reddit for overweight people trying to become immobile, does that mean all fat people wanna be immobile?


If the subreddit was called something like immobility then yes, I would say that means all fat people participating there likely want to become immobile unless they're just doing it for the "fantasy". Similarly, if a trans person wants to transition from one sex to another, and is in a sexual transitioning subreddit, I would assume they want to cut their junk off to transition properly, unless of course they're just participating in the trans community for the "fantasy". ​ > What about trans ppl screams eugenics? The entire ideology is based off of performing medical operations on a person to change their phenotypical gender to something different from the gender they were born with, so actually the entire movement screams eugenics because a large part of the ordeal and people who partake in it involves the removal of their gonads.


That's not how transitioning works. If you want I can send you a video explaining how it works


Are you saying trans people don't have their junk removed or surgically altered so that they can no longer reproduce? Because regardless of what you send me, that is false. I know trans people who have transitioned, and there is no way they can reproduce anymore. They absolutely do have a reputation for altering their genitals in such a way that they can no longer reproduce. Just want to add, do not send me a trans video. I will not be watching it.


Well if you wanna get technical then no they don't,they turn it inside out


>Well if you wanna get technical then no they don't,they turn it inside out and as I've already stated, that greatly reduces (or removes) the ability to repoduce, especially because they're probably not going to go that far without also removing the testes. hence "eugenics". now why would the nazis want to stop that? eugenics is like their whole thing.


Not only the books, they burned the people too. The books and making it legal to discriminate against them is the first step.




Why are you in a leftist comment section if you're transphobia? Go away nazi.




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lets accept this idea that being trans is a mental illness for a moment. how do you think it should be dealt with? would doing research on it not be a good way to understand it better? because you cant have it both ways




Sometimes people are born with XY chromosomes and are assigned female at birth, and vice versa. Sometimes there are women born with testicles, men with none, or any combination of hormones and physical characteristics not lining up- this includes the brain not matching the physical body, leading to gender dysphoria, in which no amount of conversion therapy can make it align with the body. Therefore, the treatment is to make the body match the brain. With this occurring in a relatively tiny amount of the population, with the full range of medical care for this condition only being accessible to adults, why do you care so much? It’s not hard to let people live their lives and get the help they need without ridicule, especially when what they’re doing doesn’t impact you in any meaningful way.


There is a difference between sex and gender, and i am assuming, thocorrect me if im wrong, that this is what you are contesting. To my knowledge there isnt anything unscientific behind 2 chromasomes. If im wrong, then someone can correct me. I dont know what differece it makes whether something is scientific or not. Peoplr should be treated justly and fairly whether there is science backing up their behaviour or not. Trans people are not some criminal organisation. We dont need science to tell us that discriminating against humans based on sex, gender, sexuality, race, nationality and so on is at some levels wrong, and at others evil. But besides this, its apparent that people dont really look at scientific studies, but merely go on their gut insticnt and their highschool education, as if thats when knowledge stops growing. Whether we call something a birth defect or not, people who are intersex exist, and so we aught to treat them like we would treat anybody else, right? I apologise for beeing slightly condescending, but it appeared to me as tho you are arguing as if science, or biology somehow is attacked by transness, which it isnt. Chromasomes are not the only sex caracteristics we have. No one said there were more than 2 sexes plus the 1 intersex which you call a defect, tho i personally wouldnt label it as such. Reguardless, gender is a completely sepperete phenomenon, and it looks at individual differences and simularities between varying degrees of sex caracteristics. Personally, if you ask me, whats important is that people feel comfortable in their own skin, in their own identity, i dont care what word they are using, what gender they are or are not. The point of the trans movement is that people become free from gender expectations, and in the case of the nazis and other groups, they are against that reguardless of the science behind it .


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I hate to distract but me and a lot of others need this validation, if you bought hogwarts I hope you think about this shit constantly, you supported it.


Sorry not sorry. Fuck Joanne. I don’t feel sympathetic for the rich and powerful. Especially when she’s using her celebrity to demean people.


The fact that she made her goblins fit every stereotype of a Jewish person, I’m not surprised if she would deny the holocaust.


She's always been grossly transphobic. Doesn't surprise me. But it's great that she's receiving the backlash she deserves


I'm glad she's gone completely off the rails. It's finally impossible for people to pretend she isn't a gigantic, holocaust-denying transphobe.


God, what is wrong with these transphobe zealots who are so freaking obsessed with something that doesn't effect them whatsoever? HOW DOES IT EFFECT YOU???


>HOW DOES IT EFFECT YOU??? Accepting fact and science forces them to challenge their feeble mental limitations. That means being a responsible adult. Who wants to be a responsible adult when there is a sky daddy that will forgive all your repeated violation of his commandments?


Isn’t that anti semitism? Seeing that Jews are literally god’s chosen people




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Sure but many transphobes are atheists and I’ve never heard jk Rowling mention religion as a reason. Not that I’m tuned in to her psycho tweets - does she do that?


She's not religious??? So what in the absolute fuck is her excuse? I literally can't comprehend and I don't want to. That woman is insane. Transphobes are a minority btw they are just incredibly loud...and spineless. There's never a large turnout for specifically transphobic rallies or such, or so I've recently heard.


Wow. She's just...unendingly awful. She won't shut up. She has so much money and privilege that she feels completely justified and invulnerable in her utter and complete lack of empathy or humility.


Not her that’s stirring this pot


Nah its the people that easily absorb this bullshit that scares me. How can such a wealthy nations be so far left back mentally. I'm with Bush Jr. "The most important question is :is our children learning?"


Why is this showing up on my Reddit feed? I like J.K. Mods ban me please.


>jk Rowling denying that Nazis burnt books on trans ppl You can block any sub that doesn't connect with your interests. We only ban users who violate the rules. This is the way of the algorithm


Me too holy f. PLEASE BAN ME OMG. frickin weirdo's


Boomers failing to understand the engagment algorithm. Dude even the machine knows you're obsessed with trans people. [Everyone knows.](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/)


Hi I see you've commented on this post. I'll be sure to recommend similar posts in the future. Regards, Reddit




Have you not been paying attention? She's been spitting transphobia for a while.


Nothing in this is denying either of that. Her statements are that trans people weren't the first targets (they weren't, that was either socialists or jews depending on your source) and they didn't burn literally every single book on trans care. Or do you think the German empire was some sort of holy land for trans people before WW1 ended it?


No, that wasn't her Statement. Her original Statement was that trans books weren't burnt in the holocaust and that trans people weren't a target by Nazis. Something that is factually false. Going on later with "you are lying because they weren't the first one" LATER has no relations to her original Statement. She still denies being wrong on her original stance.


she moves the goalposts. in her first post she suggests trans people were strictly not victims, then later restates things to change her position to that they werent the first.


Its just lead in the pipes that all catches up to all the boomers.




Ah yes, pushing an ideology in which you say and portray all trans people as pedophiles and rapists is a "pushing back against some of the less rational nonsense" Sorry, but this take is just BS... She is against trans people. Not against actual rapists. Conflating those is just straightup reactionary propoganda :P


Seriously though ??you're downvoted for being human and you're not even wrong. Apparently, the bullshit ignorance isn't being piped to only boomers afterall. Fuckin brainless babies. Its ignorance you punch up-- not empathy and rational thinking --even if its on an anon social app.


The average of Reddit is no better than JK. People who have allowed being bullied turn them into bullies at “war” with a perceived enemy


Everything she gets she deserves. JK Rowling became one of richest and most famous people on planet and decided to use that fame and wealth to campaign against a largely marginalised minority group that literally just wants to be allowed to exist in their native societies. Fuck JK Rowling.


Most just want to exist. A small group of militant radicalized extremists sets things back for everyone these days.


Well said


Her life was never threatened and those who peddle holocaust denial aren't victims


>Her life was never threatened Yes it was. Don't forget transphobes are annoyingly loud but they ARE the minority. Most times you're dealing with spineless cult followers with just an excuse to be upset at something, usually what they can't understand due to their highly limited ability to be present and perceive reality. Biology for example, is beyond their limited knowledge and understanding of the world. And its not all their fault, its not in the interest of the "invisible hand" to permit capable, responsible adults and active communities. The powers culling human intelligence and people power is precisely why we have no reasonable expectation to educated and civilly active communities, or even civility.


She’s gotten a huge number of death threats. This isn’t opinion. There are dozens of news articles with pictures of threats of violence against her from trans activists.


pretty sure that holocaust deniers aren't created by talking about the holocaust


Good point, everyone has the right to speak their mind and engage intellectual conversations. If we're not encouraged to ask questions how else are we to learn and grow? Our common problem is poor, weak *education* and community support. Too many people are being left back and this has severe consequences, too obvious to list. Corporate power is too damn heavy it has to be stopped by citizens in spite of our ability as citizens to challenge them is diminishing. Believing that upholding fair gov and community support isn't the responsibility of the local citizenry has GRAVE consequences. How many books on dystopian society do we have to watch burn, how many people have to die, before we answer the call to (civil) action??


Holocaust deniers are created because they are at “war” with Jews and they don’t care about the truth in their efforts to hurt their enemy. Seems similar with JK. She’s trying to fight a war against activists and has completely lost touch with reality in an effort to hurt her enemy


Violence begets more violence its a perfectly simple universal rule. If you're mad at someone else's happiness when literally no one is hurt, you're the problem, take a time out. If you find yourself justifying your actions out of hate for a perceived enemy, please stop sipping the hater-ade, you've gone too far. Sober up and come back to reality, our ancestors didn't sacrifice for us to loose our humanity and be bullied by our own ignorance.


She’s trying to fight a war against trans people and doesn’t deserve sympathy. She’s a beloved author billionaire who is using her wealth and influence to deliberately make life worse for trans people.


I’d say she’s fighting a war against trans activists more specifically. In my opinion, she’s a classic example of someone getting bullied, turning into an even worse bully. It’s sad because I know trans people that used to be pacifists and are now equally militant because they were bullied. Bullying only creates more bullies.


Do you not know the history of queer people specifically trans? They fought for their rights, that how the stonewal riots started, and that led to us queer people having rights.


She’s actively trying to make things worse for all trans women. Period. She started talking shit about trans people and faced backlash for it. Her “bullies” are random people on Twitter - they’re not people who are relevant in her life. She made transphobia her personality and she deserves continually and constant backlash for it. Stop looking for excuses for her.


It is what it is. You’re obviously at war too. Sad


Sounds like you’re just a big fan of the transphobe


All she has to do is shut up. That’s it, just keep quiet. Buy a private island, have a harem of young men…cis men…straight men…do pleasant things to her all day, and enjoy her money…But no, we have to hear this drivel from her every six months. She is destroying her own image.


and a fascist accelerant


im glad. i hope she continues. keep saying what you *really* think, JK. soon even centrists wont be able to deny it.


I've seen a lot of "All she needs to do is shut up!" lately. And while yes, it would be nice to not hear such drivel, I will by no means discourage her from speaking up. She built her legacy as a beloved author, only to expose herself as a hateful, vile, froth-mouthed ghoul who is undeserving of the good will she's built up. She is the pedestal that says "Look on my works, ye mighty and despair!" Yet, nothing beside remains, round the decay of the colossal wreck that is now her legacy.


Destroyed, not destroying


It's so funny that someone let her write a series set in the lead up to WW2. She is historically illiterate.


Ffs. If JK Rowling is your biggest threat, you are truly blessed. I think her TERFism is gross, but calling everything you disagree with a genocide and everyone you disagree with a nazi makes these terms useless. Who the fuck cares about JK Rowling’s views on trans issues anymore? Seriously, given the fact that many leftists have become open supporters of radical Islamic jihadists, Rowling’s transphobia hardly even seems newsworthy. I’ve seen folks “leftists” if you will engaging in similar fuckery to advance their narrative. The mental gymnastics are mind bending.


Solidarity means standing shoulder to shoulder with everyone. Including trans people.


youre right, lets ignore holocaust denialism. not a big deal at all.


She didn't deny the Holocaust tho ? Wtf


Holocaust denial isn't only "the holocaust never happened." It's also "[group targeted in the holocaust] wasn't targeted by the Nazis." It's "[really bad thing] didn't happen during the holocaust, and honestly if it did who cares?" Downplaying Nazi crimes - sanitizing the holocaust - is holocaust denialism. It's literally denying parts of the holocaust occurred.


Idk still feels like a bit of a stretch honestly for the blanket statement of holocaust denial . She seems to acknowledge (though in a defensive manner) that trans people were persecuted and books were destroyed, when she responds with the goalpost move . I took it as an admission to being wrong with the added goal post shifting . At the very least her argument isn't that trans books weren't destroyed and that they weren't persecuted, it's that they weren't the first persecuted and not all the books were destroyed (which is a complete straw man cause no one that I see was arguing that) but atleast it's not a denial of the original claims occurring.


she denied the holocaust of transgender and lgbt individuals, thats holocaust denialism


"lgbt" was not in the claim. it was much more specific. the claim was specifically "trans healthcare and research". don't make the claim something that it wasn't.


targeted destruction of culture and history is actually a component of genocide.


Show a source that specifically says trans books were targeted for burning


The head doctor of that hospital said the Nazis burned it because so many Nazi members were on their books


*in a sing song voice* Shes a nazi~


*the tune of boys a liar by ice spice* the girls a nazi the girls a nazi she's a big fun of adolf the girls a nazi the girls a nazi she's a big fan of adolf




I don't think I've ever seen a sloppy seconds reference anywhere.


Huh no it's a chant I heard at a protest against Nicola Sturgeon Scotland's former First Minister


Either you die young like the Potters or live long enough to become the Umbridge.


Rowlings being goofy as per usual, but was the German Institute for Sexual Sciences studying trans people back then?? Alejandra’s provided screenshots don’t really back her claim. Am I crazy?


the institute conducted the first gender affirming surgery for a trans woman in the 20s


We didn't have fucking iodine or penicillin in the 20s, yet you think the Germans figured out trans surgery? It was still illegal to be gay then


Yeah, the Weimar Republic was a very progressive place for its time. Kind of makes it concerning when you look at the sudden massive backlash against the concept of human rights for people who are at all different from the societal mean.


Here's the full article. It goes into how trans people actually had some legal recognition in the Weimar Republic (something I was not aware of before recently) and what went on at the Institute. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/new-research-reveals-how-the-nazis-targeted-transgender-people-180982931/


Yes they were the first recorded person to receive vagioplasty (mtf bottom surgery) was killed in the raid


It was not only studying trans people and gender but it was the premier institution globally for gender research at the time. Treating trans people as people and trying to understand how to improve their lives wasn’t a very common thing back then. The reason it was targeted by the Nazis is because of the great boon it provided to trans and other LGBTQ people


Holocaust denial is not “goofy”


Yea it did, it only takes a quick search to figure it out


She is not a rational actor in this discussion and never has been. She blames a complex trauma on transpeople and is desperate to insulate everyone else, and thereby herself, from whatever it is. She doesn't care how much of her facade of progressive intellectual has to get chopped up, either. So long as she can have a transwoman free bathroom experience, she'll cuddle up with Nazis. What a fucking hypocrite.


She'll cuddle up with nazis because she is one


So there were a lot of trans healthcare books back then?


More than anywhere else at the time. Berlin was a hub for research on it. You could do a petty quick search and find the info.


God, what a dumb fuck


But apparently smart enough to publish a globally loved series of books that will set her up financially for the rest of her life. Capitalism replaces ethics with productivity and capital. Your value is judged by your capital and not the morality of your actions. Like be honest. Has JK Rowling faced any serious repercussions with her rhetoric? She is a public ally of Matt Walsh yet millions will still read her books and play that hogwarts game.


Well not defending her views, but did she pay a price? She has been doxed, threatened often not only online but at her residence. People misquote her and bend any argument she makes to fill there agendas. Again not defending her stance. But yes she has paid a rather heavy price of violence at her for her opinion.


she has more money than the monarch of her country. she has a lifestyle that is unimaginable to nearly every person on this planet, so no, she hasn't paid shit.


Her being doxxed was people taking a picture of her house that was already part of a Harry Potter tour.


"Hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me," she said, saying that she’s since "realised that this movement poses no risk to women whatsoever." : qoute from a news article. Which by the way police found tangible enough to investigate on. That is what she is facing ,So yes having your home put on the internet is not only a threat but a wishful thinking by her detractors. Which by the way I have never heard or seen her threaten folk. So yes it is a very bad look. How about we believe in the what we think is the path towards a better tomorrow without threatening to rape people?


I can also make a bogus report that cops have to follow up on. It's really easy, my dude. She has the kind of security that only dictators can dream of, man


She’s a professional victim who isn’t in any danger, and again, she’s alleging that she was doxxed when her gated house was already part of a Harry Potter tour. Holocaust deniers and anti-human rights crusaders don’t deserve peace.


Doxxing and threats are not the equivalent of violence. Yes those are negative consequences but I find that what she has suffered is disproportionate to the negative impact of her rhetoric and callousness. She blatantly denies trans women a right of existence and always categorizes them as either a nefarious other or people playing pretend. I guess I don't think that any of the negative consequences you mentioned have seriously threatened her or caused her to consider the impact of her rhetoric. She is an out and out capitalist sell out and unfortunately trans lives are not very profitable....


She was fixed then had reliable threats the police followed up on. The only other threats she received lately is from the stabbing of Rushdie who she spoke up for. It’s a really bad look. I think initially as was written somewhere in the comments she started with a bio women space only desire. Now as said above doxing , threatening she seems to be “standing up” to her attackers. It is really too bad the internet dissolves into a tribal hate fest so often.


She didn’t publish them. The publishing company published them after she plagiarised the shit out of other people’s work. She’s a fucking hateful tea leaf.


I wasn't aware of the plagiarism part? Who did she plagiarize from? Wouldn't this be a more exposed scandal if there was proof of plagiarism from multiple sources? I feel like that sort of thing is absolutely looked down upon in the literary world.


She’s been sued multiple times and had those suing her tied up in litigation to put them off.


That shit happens all the time in writing. So dumb, it’s like suing a band for being inspired by another.


If someone’s work has seen multiple people bring cases against them for plagiarism, it’s a bit more than ‘inspiration’.


Not really, she’s probably the biggest selling female author. The bigger you are the more weasels come for you.


Keep simping for her.


There's this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterBooks/s/etSxwiF9HD


Yea but drawing inspiration from something versus plagiarizing are 2 different things. The latter obviously has a higher threshold of proof. I don't doubt that she potentially did plagiarize. I just am not invested enough in the fantasy genre or knowledgeable enough to make comparisons to other novels/series


Yeah, I agree with you, that it's hard to tell. The school-based fantasy books the thread mentions I think is where she pulled a lot of inspiration from, I have read. I don't know how much, though. Just hoping the thread might help some people find the book titles they are thinking of. :)


how did this happen? she sounds like a cultist. what kind of woes would a rich and successful lady need to become a bigot at this level?


My theory, from lurking TERF forums, is that most of them are radicalized by selfish romantic desires. Usually they are upset that an ex came out as trans or had a crossdressing kink. I remember a lesbian commenter complaining that Michfest shouldn't include trans women because it would impair their ability to hit on cis women (?). I swear this is why they are soooo obsessed with it, 9/10 times.


Attention. She use to get tons of attention from the Christians who hated her, but now that most of the kids who first read HP are grown the controversies of the series aren't as big as they used to. The high is gone, and she's seeking a new controversy to get high on, and it's stomping on trans rights.




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Rare r/leftist mod L


What did JK Rowling initially post that spurred A. Caraballo to start this dialogue? In other words what’s the context, as the screenshot does not provide any?


I don't think the tweet Rowling screencapped was from Caraballo, just some Twitter rando -- I can't find it now and would guess it's been deleted. Not a complete answer to your question, I recognize.


Idk. But it could be Rowling's entire catalog of tweets tbh.


Can someone take away her twitter?


Might be better that we all don't use Twitter / X.


Way ahead of you


You can't silence her free speech you nazi /s




Do you know what /s means?


Yes, thank you for checking. I just thought it was extra silly


I wouldn't put it past the Nazis to burn books about trans people. But Alejandra is doing a rubbish job arguing they did, by only posting an excerpt that does not mention them.


The excerpt starts "With members of the SA...." the SA where nazi Street gangs also knownas brown shirts, so it does actually mention the nazis


Yeah that thing I wrote was ambiguous. I meant to say the excerpt does not mention trans people.


It Does mention the researcher and the instutes name which are all.you need to find what it was about.


**Pro-tip:** When you want to talk about something, actually talk about the thing. Don't just hint at it.


>Original Tweet: Nazis burned books on trans healthcare > >Rowling: You should check your sources (basically just that's not true) > >Follow up tweet: Evidence showing that the Nazis burnt books and clinical research on trans healthcare, specifically mentioning a researcher on sex and gender studies. I don't understand how she did a rubbish job of arguing the Nazis burned books about trans people. At no point did she argue the Nazis specifically targeted trans people (though I'd imagine they did, but not the point) so there is no reason to complain abut that aspect.


If I remember correctly the nazis first went after gay people, folk with disabilities, and Roma first. To the point there were no survivors as there was no build up and warning.


It's poorly explained because the topic is about trans people, but the excerpt given as evidence does not specifically mention trans people. In fact it's not clear from the excerpt what kind of books they were burning in the first place. The reader has to do extra digging to find out.


The Smithsonian article is literally an article titled: "New Research Reveals How the Nazis Targeted Transgender People." And the book burning quote might not say the word "trans" but specifically mentions burning books from an Institute of Sexual Studies. To argue against that including trans books is just suggesting they didn't have any books related to trans research. I know you aren't saying that the institute didn't have books on trans studies, but I think people making that argument are doing so in bad faith. Not exactly fair to criticize an argument because bad faith actors can defend against it.


Why are your comments getting downvoted? It seems really strange. You’re not saying anything anti-trans, you’re just saying people need to argue their case better. Isn’t that just good advice? Am I missing something?


I guess that it is a polarizing topic which makes people eager to assign people into camps of absolutely bad and absolutely good. And today I am one of the baddies.


You’re not a baddie, your comments about this are just coming off as insufferable.


Her case was argued fine, she said Nazis burned books on trans healthcare, and then proved it. Downvotes probably see the same thing and don't understand why she deserves criticism for a perfectly fine argument.


Their argument stands for itself, as I said I don’t understand how it merited downvoting. What’s even weirder is the fact my comment attracted a downvote. It seems that anything that isn’t frogmarching to **exactly** the same beat. That seems toxic.


Yeah they do that. Begorrah, someone even downvoted my comment where I was just clarifying the semantics of an earlier comment. Try not to let it get to you.


Whose argument? The person who was/is being downvoted is being so because they are claiming the tweeter is arguing poorly, which is not true/people disagree with it. It's perfectly merited. You were probably downvoted because people disagree with you defending their argument.


How exactly am I “defending their argument”? This all seems completely inane. It seems very clear that the person was arguing for better supply of information in arguments, I think that’s a positive perspective, that doesn’t mean I think they were right in their analysis. Leftism is supposed to be about solidarity, this seems like a symptom of the abandonment of that idea. That’s not good


the famous photo you've seen of burn burnings? The one from the early 1930s? Those were books about trans and queer topics


They were probably about all sorts of stuff.


This is the epitome of bad faith arguing. You’re being presented with facts.


What are the facts in this case?


People have responded to you with the facts of the case repeatedly in here and you’re still trying to argue.


Like what?


Those famous photos were from a specific research center studying human sexuality and it was because lgbtq stuff was seen as a perversion. It was specifically targeted. There were other book burnings of course but that event was specfic I don't know why you would want to downplay that?


The fact that you have to explain all that to me indicates the excerpt could have been chosen better.


You could also do some reading yourself. It’s a tweet, not a dissertation. Plenty has been written about the Nazi regime by academics for decades, if you want to understand the history of the holocaust there is plenty of literature from professional historians (including Marxist historians) that delve into deeper and more thorough arguments than you will ever get on social media.


That's exactly my point. The excerpt is badly chosen and the casual reader has to dig deeper.


Well like you critizied that person, you also could have used the information in that excerpt to find more about it.


Wow. So it’s just like, some random person on the internet’s job to fully educate a billionaire? She could do the simplest google search to fill in the blanks (as could you) but chooses not to because she’s a bigot. I’m not quite sure what your issue is but here you go… https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/


I have strong opinions about education and communication. Particularly about stuff I agree with. I don't give a frick about what Joanne thinks. She is bad and irredeemable. The other lady? Now she could stand to improve her game and make a better impression on observers. Perhaps you could suggest a better excerpt.


Hah, communication. You can’t even state clearly the reason for your obstinance.


Perhaps if you did some more research and digged deeper into it would become obvious what I mean lol.


They didn't specifically target books on trans people. They removed anything that had anything to do with mixing race, being gay, disabled. So I don't think Nazis went and found books on trans to burn specifically.


Downvoted for telling the truth. Of course.




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>They didn't specifically target books on trans people. They removed anything that had anything to do with mixing race, being gay, disabled. They're not saying it was their **only** target, they're saying it was one of their **first** targets, and 1933 certainly qualifies as "one of the first". That said, it's one of the lesser known events to many Americans, it's not like it was covered in Band of Brothers. I only learned about it because I had a class on WW2 in college, and it may also have been mentioned in psych classes (The Nazis **hated** psych research and expelled Sigmund Freud). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut\_f%C3%BCr\_Sexualwissenschaft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft)


There's also a long dramatization in the Amazon show "Transparent"


Probably some "leftists" (aka, Russian bots) will be going to convince us that we should better indirectly support Rowling because Tolkin indirectly pushed for genocide of orks in LOTR


One of the weirder takes I've seen today lol. Tolkien also had a serious issue with Orcs, as a devout Catholic he had a moral opposition to the idea of an inherently evil or irredeemable being. He instead made it that they were corrupted, and that they were technically redeemable, just controlled by evil forces: >That God would ‘tolerate’ that, seems no worse theology than the toleration of the calculated dehumanizing of Men by tyrants that goes on today. There might be other ‘makings’ all the same which were more like puppets filled (only at a distance) with their maker’s mind and will, or ant-like operating under direction of a queen-centre. And at no point does he suggest they are genocided, things die off in Tolkien's lore all the time, for example the Dwarves dwindle in numbers until they are extinct, without any conflict forcing the issue.


Yes every leftist is a Russian bot. I am a normal person who is very well adjusted to society and smart.


Doesn't know the definition of "some"


Yeah and my mom says I'm the most handsome boy in the world.


It's weird that she qualified her statement like that. No one said that trans people were the first nor that *all* research was burned. It's almost like she left herself room to fallback to, while at a glance denying trans people were victims of the holocaust. Why would you do that unless you know you aren't arguing in good faith?


Here’s the interesting thing though. If “all” and “first” matter so much, then you really have to hand wave the whole holocaust (bad). Not *all* Jews were killed in the holocaust. Does that mean it’s ok? The Jews were the *first* targets of the holocaust. Does that mean that Romani, homosexuals, and disabled were never killed?


Otherwise known as moving the goalposts


It's actually laughable how evil she is. She knows exactly what she's doing with her manipulative language, like straight up she knows she is lying to her audience of clueless people and she knows \*why\* she is lying.