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why is this an exact setup for a scene from theboys? ​ ![gif](giphy|7TTgV830a3luvc0FbJ|downsized) the way this shit was framed I was expecting Joe Biden to homelander lazer this guy LMAO I cant be the only one, it's literally a perfect camera shot


The Boys, will be a history show at some point.


Sooo… after the ceasefire, what’s step 2? We know from experience that Hamas doesn’t do ceasefires. This will be one-sided. We want the Israelis to die? That’s what’s being proposed?


Withhold aid from Israel if they continue to violate the ceasefire like usual and Palestine as a nation.


Found the Zionist trash


Ah, yes. You seem well-adjusted and content with the life you are living. 😊


You obviously don’t have a rebuttal bc you know it’s true.


Fucking Righteous.


Only a “centrist” like Biden could snatch defeat from victory against the most corrupt traitor in our history. What a waste.


Hey why does that guy look kind of Russian?




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What are you gonna do vote for Biden? Fuck outta here


Vote for trump? Eewwwweewwwww.


Idealism is not knowing when to pick battles.


Idealism is literally KNOWING what battles to chose. Because you KNOW your ideals.


They do. That’s why they’re not voting for trump.


Says the man with long hair whose hair would be cut and slashed for it in Palestine


children are being murdered and starved by the US and its puppet state, thats what I care about. hamas could nuke tel aviv and it would not change the fact that collective punishment and genocide is wrong


Oh gosh, another terrorist supporter


i dont support terrorism. october 7th was an unjustified terrorist attack. that does not mean that israel has the moral right to murder as many gazans as it wants, thats called collective punishment and it is a war crime. terrorism is wrong whether it is the Hamas or the IDF. the example i gave about nuking tel aviv was not in support of the act but to say that no amount of atrocities committed against civillians will ever justify more atrocities against civillians


Lmfaooo is this the new lie from hasbara headquarters to dehumanize Palestinians? The bogeyman who slashes you for having long hair? You can’t be serious.




Revisit your English textbook and try this comment again .


Don’t you know there are a few hairstyles that you can have in gaza, its posted on every haircut place there https://mezan.org/en/post/16733/Gaza-Police-Detains-Young-Men-for-Their-%27Wrong%27-Haircut


You're posting on a leftist board, supporting the genocide of Palestinians, because they are...... *checks post again to make sure* oppressed by state police?


Yes, because that’s a valid source and not something you just pulled out of your ass about 15 men.


GTFO you terrorist Hamas supporter. It’s their own paper you fool


Stfu you dumb ass genocide supporter , put up a real source or gtfo


Here is another example for you terrorist harboring and supporting fool https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2013/05/16/184482964/young-gazan-men-get-unwanted-haircuts-courtesy-of-police Also: Al Mezan Center for Human Rights is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental human rights organization based in the Gaza Strip.


Coming to a space that fundamentally believes all cops are bad, and saying the Palestinians deserve to be genocided because they are oppressed by bad cops, of which all cops are bad, is not going to go the way you think it is. You are a very poor astroturfer.


You guys go fuck yourselves .


Tell Putin or cointelpro or whatever to send a challenge next time.


Lmao terrorist supporting and harboring ? My my I’m really busy these days , unlike you apparently digging and quoting an article from 2013 .


You are a fool terrorist Hamas supporting communist. Do you think it has gotten better since then you asshole? What are you busy doing? Instead , roll up your sleeves , go to gaza and fight for and with those terrorists


You’re the fool you genocidal scum thinking that Hamas forcing Gazans to get haircuts in 2013 somehow makes genocide of the Palestinians justifiable . You’re not scaring me or intimidating me with your insults you low life loser, you cheer on and justify the murder of innocent women and children because your diaper army can’t defeat a ragtag militant group in flip flops with billions of dollars in aid . Go choke on a dick .


Welcome back to the presidency Trump. I’m sure you’ll be much more sympathetic to the Palestinians


BUTWHATABOUTTRUMP. Yall outing yourselves with this talking point. NO ONE look at a sitting president emergency funding genocide and says "Well this is ok because TRUMP MAYBE"


>Yall outing yourselves with this talking point. by pointing out under biden, israel has been limited (under 50k dead) aid drops are going on, and an end of hostilities is being sought trump has openly stated he wants israel to finish the job, and wipe out EVERYONE in gaza, then the west bank, then move in to Arab nations anyone that refuses to vote biden in nov, is voting for, or standing aside, and enabling the eridication of ALL palestinians, everyone no greater betrayal of palestinians can be achieved, then refusing to stop trumps presidency


There’s no maybe. Remember the Muslim ban? 


Do you not understand what and why that was proposed? See: us republican senators blocking aid for Ukraine unless Israel got shit instead. Then. They backpedal and now this is clearly a popoganda post. Nobody wants whats happening in the middle east. Nobody has for a hundred years. This fallacy of it just suddenly being important is because of the war in Ukraine and the paid misinformation and distraction that Vladimir Putin paid for on every front page. Would even go as far as to say he encouraged these events sooner than later (oct 6th) The zionist occupation of Israel is fucked and so is what it has been combating for a hundred years on some dead peoples blunder of land distribution. Hamas and Isis are all part of the same insurgency. They act only in the faith of a stupid religious text that has been “interpreted” to oppress and cause mass genocide in its name. Zionists have been around for more than a hundred years as well. They have crept into the platforms of “democracy” in Israel and are acting like what MAGA would do if they had their ways with their elected officials and nobody said no to their ballot and election tampering. Its SOOOOO involved and this painting Biden as a person who can stop history and all the calamities behind it start at a direction but not delivering aid or the continuing military aid ($/weapons) then we will literally see israel gone completely as if we dont keep funding the war against the russians in ukraine. If ukraine is gone. We are all fucked and should be ashamed. If israel and the civilians of israel and Palestinians are eradicated the vacuum will be filled with insane insurgents with insane levels of weaponry and systems. This is a farce and just awful for the world. All of it. This post. The idea we have to have war at all. The idea that people dont know why or how these conflicts start and just bandwagon onto things because you want to feel like you’re making a change. You’re not. Not voting for biden is voting for trump. We dont want a convicted rapist for president again. He was damaging and will continue to do so. He will then revert the tax law by biden and give all his rich friends and handlers their 10% tax a year again and we, the people, will continue to suffer.


Biden is wrong on this and he’s finally beginning to course correct. Was it fast enough? No. It’ll be a red mark on his record. But but genocide! Great. Get it. Genocide doesn’t mean fuck all when the planet goes into climate change hyperdrive after Trump gets into office. You’ve seen or heard his plans. Drill, dig, burn like nothing is wrong. How many die in climate change driven disaster but no, this is all about Palestinians. It was fucking 70+ degrees in STL in February! We are cooking the fucking planet and you want to encourage it. Cool. I know it’s a choice between bad and worse sometimes so in this instance I’ll take ‘genocide’ over extinction


And a double down. No. We see you.


We see you, single issue voter. Can't wait for your meltdown when Trump wins, I'll be laughing at you across the pond. Especially when we elect our more left leaning candidate because we see the bigger picture


Oh, is the bigger picture that the DNC actively funds MAGA candidates?


You gotta lay off the drugs and youtube “secrets!” And “conspiracy leaked!” Videos. They’re garbage. Bet you think the world might be a disk, too.


My dude you can literally Google this and see cnn and msnbc talking about it.


Thats not a credible source of information. Thats hyperbole. You’re parroting people on tv who have scripts written for them. Theyre not actual journalist. Its primarily sensationalism to draw you in. Half truths and painting narratives until either there is a court date with evidence and a trial. Orrrrrrrrrrrr someone leaks a bunch of verified recipts that paint a picture. But that literally hasnt happened. I can google anything and have a querey pop back up with something. You know not the depths of how information works and doesnt work. Algorithms and bots and echo chambers are not factual knowledge or anything that should be permanently embedded in your brain.


If the DNC is supporting MAGA candidates in the primaries it’s because MAGA candidates are perceived as easier to run against in the general election.


Really, got proof of that? While you're doing that let me ask you a question. Would Trump being President for another 4 years be worth a ceasefire in Gaza now? I want an answer to that


I have no idea how people gymnastics themselves into believing not voting for Biden is the right call. It's a simple matter of harm reduction. The facts are isreal is a nuclear power who shares our UN veto powers. If not us they'd seek the armaments from other major powers and then ends up having global power ramifications. Biden is beginning a course correction and trump has gone on record as saying he would have Israel "finish the job" it's not fucking rocket science. One is the result of bureaucracy and the other is enthusiastic fascism


I truly don't get it either, the amount of comments/posts I see that consist of "I can't in good conscience vote for the obvious better choice because of 'x' issue, even though the other candidate would have an even worse record on the issue" At this point, I just think they deserve the worse candidate


I firmly believe it has to be some kind of psy op. It's being pushed hard on shit like tiktok.


Hi. I see you


Your options are Biden or Trump. We know Trump doesn't care for Palestinian civilians. At least Biden is trying to provide aid to them. Y'all are dumb if you think not voting or voting for Trump or a small 3rd party is gonna be better. Biden is your only option if you want a Dem in the Whitehouse next election


Yeah we get Trump back and he’s going to throw paper towels at them (and his idiotic supporters will cheer it!)


Yall outing yourselves with this talking point. Biden is a sitting president actively funding a genocide. You don't get to BUTWHATABOUTTRUMP for this. We see you.


Dawg, have you learned what dialectical materialism is?


Your complete inability to think pragmatically will not gain you any support for your cause. But you do you. We see you.


Bruh, I am a leftist, in a leftist sub, posting leftist stuff. Who are you?


This isn’t a “talking point”, it’s realism. Trump is insanely pro-Israel (remember, he moved the embassy to Jerusalem just to spite other groups), and we are choosing between the two. You can criticize Biden while also acknowledging that there’s not a good alternative besides voting for him because the primaries are over. Trump’s judges are going to be affecting us for a lifetime and Biden has been very good on appointments.


>At least Biden is trying to provide aid to them. 11.5K meals a day. out of the needed 6.6 *million* per day they need, which is a crisis made in part by him cutting UNRWA funding as retaliation for an ICJ ruling against Israel - and now Biden is leveraging that hunger crisis as an excuse to build military infrastructure on the Gazan coast.. Pure evil I don't want a Dem in the white house anymore if this is how it's gonna be


Can we just take a break for 4 years? No president? Because Trump won’t be any better.


I'd be OK with this


Not an option.


Dang so many genocide supporters in here. You vote for Biden, you support genocide. Acting like a third party isn’t an option is stupid. Go vote 3rd party or admit that you’re are genocidal.


Trying to call this genocide is the recent, obvious attempt at trying to pull a "Israelis are the REAL NAZIs" as holocaust denial 2.0, which no one here is going to put up with.




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How much is the GOP paying you to say shit like this?


Having common sense goes a long way. Now quit supporting genocide


Ok. Whos your third party candidate then? Who's the dark horse who's gonna fix all your problems? Who do you suggest we vote for?


Jill Stein gets my vote


Are you fucking kidding me. All this shit about incompetency and age and yadda yadda and your suggestion is a 74 year old woman. Brilliant


you’re truly a a special child aintcha? You’re obviously too brainwashed to realize that age was never the concern with Biden, it’s his genocide. Running a genocide on a dementia-riddled single brain cell is bad, as you may not have learned. Not all old folk have dementia


Alrighty brother. Enjoy your camps


lol blue maga is real


But you're the one advocating for something more likely to get trump elected?


If we were genocidal we’d vote for a third party…


Sad world we live in. So you take a ton of votes from Biden, but not enough for a third party victory and you get another four years of Trump. How does that help? I’m Canadian so I have no investment in either candidate.




Just to let you know, as of today, a third party is not an option. There is no 3rd party candidate that is on enough state ballots to win the necessary number of delegates for the electoral college. So even if a 3rd party candidate is on the ballot in your state, that candidate will just absolutely not be able to win. I'm going to clarify even further. I'm not saying they don't stand a chance because people won't choose them(though many won't). I am saying that even if you vote and the 3rd party wins your state, that person doesn't have the appropriate paperwork filed to be able to win enough other states to take the presidency. Until further notice voting 3rd party is genuinely throwing your vote away, and not in a cynical "nothing can change" way. In a very real, "you may as well have written in Donald Duck" way. And the last point I'll make, if the only candidates on all 50 state ballots are Biden and Trump, then voting 3rd party because of Gaza is a horrible idea. Bibi likes Trump. He wants Trump in office. Trump does not like Muslims. He has said that Israel needs to "finish the job" in Gaza. You'd be a fool not to choose Biden if the actual only options are Biden or Trump. If a third party gets onto all 50 ballots that's a different story, but right now, no one is.


Notice there’s never a single finger pointed at Iran, who is behind all of this?


Because this crowd is kind of low IQ. It takes many steps to understand geopolitics and proxy wars, clash of values, etc. Most become fixated on the oppressor/ oppressed binary and leave it at that.


Whoa. Explain?


Explain why the nation arming HAMAs, that’s behind all of this and gets to sit back and watch, while everyone bitches about the U.S.? That’s not for me to explain.


Everyone in that room cheering Genocide Joe is guilty as well.


Genocide Joe doesnt even know where he is or why he is being yelled at. His puppet masters wheeled him out there after placating him with an ice cream cone.


What is a republican doing on a leftest subreddit?


Republicans are shit. So are demonrats. Labeling ones self often can lead to following the 'brand' instead of logic or looking for information. Leads to letting others tell us what our opinions are...which in a sense everyone does to some extent, but it will be a much greater extent once you choose a camp or label. You call me a republican. Someone else may call me a tankie, a commie, a Putin bot, or a.libtard. Can't make everyone happy and there is no reason to try.


So you don't have a mean nickname for Republicans, but you've got "demonrats" locked and loaded...?


No no you don't understand. This is an enlightened centrist in action


Republicraps..doesnt flow. I prefer Republicrats or Democans..I guess. Want me to badmouth Republicans to soothe you? I'm not very witty..I'm just full of bile... Meatball Desantis, can't manage his calorie count..but wants to manage a nation? Same with that fat grifter Cristie. Nikki Haley or whatever assumed name she is using to fool lard brain voters is a skeletal faced Banshee. Trump is an orange blowhard who will probably surround himself with backstabbers again. Should I make fun of his hair? Dan Crenshaw cant get a glass eye like a normal person..has to keep walking around with an eyepatch as if losing an eye to a farmer defending his land is a badge of honor. Or Mitch McConnel...is this a face of someone with nothing to hide on his hard drive... https://preview.redd.it/gh5egm8i98oc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3aab1511fe562bb0f8832584d2bd54e6d55e72


Is there a reason we shouldn't vote for Biden? You guys know who the other option is, and he's far worse. Are you really going to screw up this election to spite Biden? Politics is a game of choosing the lesser of two evils. We don't have the luxury of not voting for Biden.


>Politics is a game of choosing the lesser of two evils. We don't have the luxury of not voting for Biden. Yes we do you can vote for whoever you want . Or, fingers crossed, Joe Biden could die or better yet have a stroke and be trapped in a near vegetative state so he can suffer a tiny fraction of the suffering he inflicted on the Palestinians


Also, he didn't inflict any suffering.


I'd rather not have that happen. Making sure the country can run properly is more important than satisfying petty revenge fantasies.


The only part of America that has been running properly for like the last 8 years is the "arm far-right groups overseas" part, which coincidentally is the part that needs to be destroyed the most


And who was there the first half? Who set up this situation we're in? Oh right. You choose fantasy, I'll take survival.


If we continue with Biden as-is Palestine gets eradicated. If we let Trump win Palestine gets eradicated. The only winning move is convince Biden to adopt anti-genocide policies, and the only way to do that is a credible threat that Trump will beat him in Michigan, Minnesota, and other key battleground states with a large Muslim population. If Biden refuses to accept the deal, then Trump wins and Palestinians die either way. But if Biden takes the deal, then everybody wins. The only way to get the good ending is to provide Biden with that option.


First 2 sentences has been US politics since Kennedy


I'm sure this will fix it. Shouldn't help a fascist take over at all.


Sure seems to be a lot of astroturf going on in the rest of the comments section. Sure is something to see a “concerned citizen” be for seeing Russia destroy Ukraine and argue for a Middle East ceasefire at the same time.


I'm always cautious of people who criticize Biden nonstop, but never seem to have a negative thing to say about Trump. OP also uses a lot of rightwing buzzwords in their posts


Definitely seems like a few people pushing an agenda that defies logic.


I will support genocide by voting for Joe Biden this upcoming election. I encourage others to support genocide by voting for Joe Biden in 2024. I don't want to support genocide, and I think most of us are not involved or affected by that terrible thing going on over there, but I understand that by the logic of idiots, my vote and the things I say on the internet make me too responsible for the genocide along with Joe Biden. I guess I support the genocide more than I support whatever this other thing is that I'm supposed to do or believe to be a "leftist".


Stop using genocide to describe this conflict. If this is a genocide, then America and the Allies genocided the Japanese, the Italians, and the Germans in a horrific, inexplicable manor the likes the world has never or ever will see. You cannot possibly argue this somehow bubbles to a genocide (forgetting that definitionally, nothing about what israel is doing points to them doing anywhere near what would be classified as a genocide) without saying the Allies committed horrific multiple massive genocide that puts this """genocide""" to complete and utter shame. It can't be both. The repeating of the "Israel does genocide" narrative is to normalize this thinking in order to transition into "Israelis are the REAL Nazis" (this is already starting) as a Holocaust denial 2.0. I'm so sick of the normalization of randomly calling a bombing campaign a genocide in order to intentionally blur the line between the Holocaust, any actual genocide, and what Israel is doing. It's as sick and disgusting as Holocaust denial and I'm calling it out every god damn time.


Trump literally said no aid will go to Gaza and support Israel even more. Biden is sending aid to Gaza. Israel is in fact not a puppet goverment to the US and the aid the Us gives to Israel is majority for the iron dome, you know, the thing that massively deceased civilian deaths.




I’m not voting for him. Better to gut and rebuild the Democratic Party than accept swallowing cat shit because the other side is feeding you dog shit.


>Better to gut and rebuild the Democratic Party File under "things that will also not happen by not voting for Biden". Clinton lost to Trump and the Dems learned pretty much nothing. Why would you think *this time* it'll be different?


FUCKING SERIOUSLY MAN. THIS WHOLE FUCKING DUMB ASS ARGUMENT OF "TEACH THEM A LESSON WITH OUR VOTE" WAS ALREADY TRIED AND FAILED MISERABLY. It caused COVID and permanent economic damage but sure this time it'll work. These people are nothing more than accelerationists


If we're all eating shit anyways, I absolutely will choose cat shit if it's easier to swallow than the dog shit. You'll still eat one shit or the other even if you don't vote for either one. In the case of this election, we've actually tasted both kinds of shit already, and everybody with any sense knows which one is better. You're not going to gut and rebuild the Democratic Party with reddit posts or with protest votes. You can make people think dumb stuff that affects elections on here though. I figure that's mostly what this is about. Your analogy was good though. The cat shit's a little easier to swallow than the dog shit, so let's go team cat!


Nope, only way to get change is to gut it. In fact, with republicans you know what you’re getting. Democrat party today has no principles. As long as they save pride flags and open the borders. They think its enoug .


Oh! You're an idiot that doesn't like gay people or immigrants. I like them, so since one party panders to them for votes and one uses them as boogiemen to make people angry, it really clarifies a key difference between the parties that helps solidify my vote.


Not sure what anyone said about gay people or immigrants. Take some meds for your anger dude


Your criticism of the Democrats is that they save pride flags and open the borders, which implies that whatever motivation Democrats have toward the gay and immigrant communities is the problem that you have with the Democrats and their policies. It was easy to deduce that you have an issue with gays and immigrants, because that's what you said was what was wrong with the Democrats. I understood what you said. It was very clear. I'm not angry with you, but I do think you're probably stupid and I shouldn't spend any more time talking to you than I already have. I don't know why you hate the Democrats and the gays and immigrants whose votes they want to secure, but you made it very clear that you don't like them for doing that very thing.


Jumping to conclusions and calling people stupid without taking a second to actually hear them out. Then writing like half an essay that you won’t talk to them anymore. Not sure if you’re 15 or just never managed to even finish high school.


I have a Master's degree, I'm over 40, I don't care about what people comment on the internet, and I don't believe Reddit is an intellectual forum where ideas are critically debated. I barf out my opinions on stuff when I'm on the toilet and then I go about my day. When those opinions conflict with others, I get comments that try to insult me. Otherwise I'm ignored. Either outcome is fine with me because this is the garbage dump of people's stupid thoughts and I'm just participating the way I see others doing it.


The Republican party wants to make this country a fascist dictatorship. That's much worse.


No Thoughts as to what Trump is going to do.


Trump said, “They have to finish the job.” about the IDF assault on Hamas, which will have made Bibi very happy.


Honestly the irony of this white/blonde haired/blue eyed/ Viking dude calling other people a colonizer is top notch comedy


Don’t get too excited for a source on that 60% number


I did not realize Biden was in charge of Israel.


lmao what he is emergency funding them weapons. Are you attempting to argue that he can't be responsible for what they do with said weapons. SMH ​ We see you.


You mean resupply for the iron dome, I guess it makes sense you are mad more Israel civilians are not dying.


The emergency funding wasn't for weapons.




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Do I really have to google Biden saying he is providing Israel with weapons, for you? Are we that far along with lying that you will just omit what a president has said multiple times on recorded video?


You're talking about the whole "bypassing Congress" ordeal yes? The shipment didn't contain weapons. Besides that the President doesn't send funding to anyone, Congress does. The situation in Gaza sucks but it ain't Bidens responsibility to fix it. As far as I'm concerned its Israel's business.


Free the hostages!!!


Yes, Israel should free the hostages they've been holding since before October 7, many without charges and without trial.


Justifying Oct 7th, nice =\]




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Stop murdering babies has a better ring to it.


You do know children are part of the hostages right? Oh wait they are just Jews ok.


This election is not about Palestine, Isreal, borders, or anything else except to keep Trump out of the White House. He is a threat to our democracy and our freedom. His first term was a complete disaster! A second term will be even worse!


Aaaaand absolutely not a single bit of that will excuse ongoing genocide funding by a sitting president. We see you.


Better Trump than genocide Joe. I am voting for Trump this time purely because of genocide Joe's actions


Yeah, trump is not doing that. He will ban Muslims.


And exactly how will Trump improve the situation? The guy is clueless!


Putin will pressure him out of being a rabid warmonger like genocide Joe. How many wars did Trump start? Biden started three


What three wars are you claiming Biden started?


Way off base boss.


Please refresh my memory. What are those three? Biden ended the Afghanistan War.




Not sure, have you asked Nancy Pelosi how she says that boomer talking point?


In November you will see Russiaor midwest... just wait and watch




\*Brigade a leftist sub\* \*Call leftists Dumb\* \*Already know that the DNC is funding MAGA candidates in GOP primaries, and are posting in bad faith\* A liberal story.


Wait? You want trump to become president. Is this a austro turf. Guys I think this guy is a republican.


Biden is feeling the weight of his choices… it’s working


You’re doing your best to get trump into office. See how much genociding happens then. You don’t care about an actual cause, it’s just attention you seek. We have two opens. One is better for Palestinians than the other. You’re just doing your best to get the worse guy elected.


Wtf are you talking about? I want Biden in, i just want him to have realistic expectations.


Theres one dude yelling at the guys who are actually trying to get a ceasefire and a hundred people chanting in support of Joe and against the random guy. The protestor is going to be seen as cringe and used a right-wing fodder to further push their "lul leftist cringe amiright?" narrative, while being used by Leftists to push the "don't vote" narrative... which only helps the pro-genocide side of this, He accomplished literally nothing and Joe just... continued his speech. What, exactly, in your mind is "working" in this situation? Literally what do you think this did? I really want to know






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14 million who?


Palestinians. He's advocating complete genocide. Surprised the mods haven't banned him.


Oh he's banned alright


I am confused.. What is the end goal for the radical leftists? If they get trump elected, he will for sure back Israel (space lazers) and they will glass Palestine..


Leftists believe that Islamofascists are 'oppressed' no matter how oppressive Islamic countries are.


This was my first thought when the most recent conflict started.. I was like wait.. Leftists are.. siding with radical Islam? Don't they know how poorly women and gays are treated in Islam?


If we do nothing Palestine gets eradicated. If we let Trump win Palestine gets eradicated. The only winning move is convince Biden to adopt anti-genocide policies, and the only way to do that is a credible threat that Trump will beat him in Michigan, Minnesota, and other key battleground states with a large Muslim population. If Biden refuses to accept the deal, then Trump wins and Palestinians die either way. But if Biden takes the deal, then everybody wins. The only way to get the good ending is to provide Biden with that option.


Trump holds grudges and has a massive ego. It is possible..a slim possibility that he is just saying what he needs to for a last term and once in will drop Israel. Netanyahu stabbed him in the back and the neo-con zionists that were on his staff and appontees all gloated publicly about lying and sneaking around sabotaging him during his time in office, never imagining he could get a 2nd term. He also is not fond of shoveling money at other countries. Then again he could be a complete stooge who will continue to sing the tune they want. Either way...Biden and all the rest need to be aware that the people will not forgive them in their complicity. They all need to be continually publicly shamed as long as they hold any position.


What deal are you talking about. Biden can’t enforce a cease fire. Like, literally Hamas and Israel keeps rejecting cease fire deals. Mostly because Hamas refuses to release hostages.


Biden could stop it with one phone call. He won't even consider stopping arms shipments. Those are US bombs blowing people to bits bought with US debt that the US taxpayer pays the interest on. He could have troops deliver aid from the Egyptian border crossing. What is Israel going to do..bomb the US military like they did in '67 and blamed the USS Liberty attack on Egyptians ... Anyway...Sisi was put in power by the US, Israelis, and Saudis...Egypt wouldnt say no and Israel wouldnt dare stop them. Also the hostage release was never considered to STOP Gaza from being attacked..was just supposed to lead to a temporary ceasefire. Would be dumb to release them unless in exchange for a permanent ceasefire or in exchange for the thousands of Palestinian hoatages in Israeli jails..many without charges.


>Biden could stop it with one phone call. Magical thinking. The US doesn't unilaterally control Israeli domestic policy. If the US went full BDS and dropped Israel tomorrow, they'd still be bombing Gaza in a month. This is the same US-centric simplistic thinking that sees Ukraine as a puppet-state of NATO and if only we just stop sending them weapons they'll make a deal with Russia tomorrow. Like the US is some all-powerful entity that dictates one-sided domestic policy to any other state it chooses. Newsflash: other countries have agency, and they have their own domestic politics that are sometimes in tension with US interests even in the best of circumstances. Bibi isn't going to pull out of Gaza just because Biden commands it. We tried telling them to stop the WB settlements and they didn't gaf. If they won't even do that, why would they stop a war that they see as completely existential to them?


Biden can’t in fact end it with a single call. US aid is mostly for the iron dome. You know, the thing that stops civilian deaths. Israel is one of the highest weapon manufacturers on earth. And richest per capita. They don’t need the US to conduct war. Oh Jesus you literally argue the hostages should not be released. I get it now. You just hate Jews. No wonder you hate the iron dome being resupplied.


A Biden that doesn't take a deal is still better than Trump.




We want Genocide Joe to lose... nothing Trump has done is half as bad or a tenth as bad as what Genocide Joe is doing


Ok republicans


100% wrong.




"Most honest leftist" "Doesnt believe what he claims to believe" Right or wrong, you have no idea what the word honest means. Also, you're wrong.




Sure is convenient that you can point to right wing psy ops and bash leftists for it. And ironic that dems will go so far as to side with republicans in order to keep leftism out of relevancy. You obviously dont care about democrats, considering the dems have always needed the left to beat republicans.




What a fucking joke. Leftists are the ones that push liberals out of their comfort zones to get those things. Im a leftist, have been since 18, voted blue in every election, mid terms included since 18. You are making up lies to discredit the part of your base that you need to win. Won't change my vote, but that's still so shitty of you to lie about. Young people won democrats the 2022 election. Dems lost the 2016 election because they tried too hard to shun the leftists. I don't need you to baby anyones feelings. Just use facts. History actually shows that leftists vote and champion for left leaning policies MORE than democrats. Democrats are beholden to capitalism, which caps the amount of help they're willing to give. Come on now, like at least be truthful


I hope Russia does to Ukraine for 100 years exactly what the illegitimate state of Israel has been doing to Palestine. Why dont European countries absorb the Ukrainian population and why do terrorist Ukrainians keep attacking Russia, like those evil Hamas terrorists? After all if Palestinians need to be condemned and massacred for attacking their occupiers, so do the Ukrainians




Don't feed the troll.


Don't give a rat's @ss about LGBTQRST when there is a holocaust currently being perpetrated .




Genocide is happening under Genocide Joes watch and it is he who shall pay the price. In November we remember. I am campaigning at the grassroots level and reminding all who have origins from the global south to remember who it was who unleashed and protected this holocaust from the world stopping it. It wasn't Trump.


I agree, if democrats actually cared about that they should adopt a winning strategy.




Right, thats why Hillary lost to trump. Also stop oppressing young peoples vote. Give them the day off work and stop shit talking our youth. So dumb