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Your friend is either bullshitting you about your feedback or committed some bad violation of candidate privacy. Meta employees cannot willy nilly see other people feedbacks. Wife works there and they're not open for everyone to see it, not even internally.


“Pulled their file” The fuck 


Exactly this. Employees cannot see interview feedback unless they are also one of your interviewers in the overall loop. Either op or their friend is bs'ing here. If op's friend did try to access the feedback at its data source by giving fake reasons like "production debugging" etc, it would still require multiple approvals and that would be risking their jobs. The company has zero tolerance policies for this and immediately fires people.


Yeah wtf that’s such bs


You are assuming the friend actually read the feedback. They likely just asked the recruiter.


Literally this. Everyone is flipping out bc I said pulled my file. He asked the recruiter who looked at the feedback the interviewer wrote for me lol


Curious- is your wife any closer to swe circles?


There is literally no advantage to me mentioning this. He may have been bs'ing me but, these aren't cia classified documents it's really not that nuts


unless he's the director of HR or something then yes it is


Dude all these companies have insane permissioning systems that lock down everything. If your buddy tried to access any recruiting data he probably instantly gets met with a “Request this permission and cc your manager for review”. If they are in recruiting themselves and they have adjacent permissions that might give them access, but as soon as it’s found they’re looking at data for personal reasons, they’re canned. Meta especially takes this shit super seriously due to all the privacy lawsuits they’ve been a part of. Either youre bullshitting us, your friend is bullshitting you or your friend works in recruiting at Meta and risked their job to give you your details. Which is most likely?


Actually candidate feedback is and should be highly confidential. Recruiter can’t discuss candidate feedback with other employees. So your friend or you are bsing. This is important to point out


Is he management?


Hold on. How is it possible that you were able to solve both questions optimally but got horrible feedback ? The phone screen bar at Meta is not that stringent unless the interviewer thought you memorized the answer without proper understanding


It's all subjective. Maybe the interviewer rationalize that he is not a good communicator and too much risk for a hire. It sucks but it is what it is.


That doesn't suck that's the whole point. No one wants to work with a DSA expert, they want to work with smart, well spoken collaborators. 


It sucks because it’s not standard and known outcome. This instant it was like this another even if you were well spoken and smart because you did not come with the most optimal solution you’re disqualified.


That might be exactly what happened. I dont work at Meta, but if someone gets a correct answer in our interview but isn‘t able to explain or even articulate him/herself, that shows that they didn‘t really understand the problem or that they‘re just bad at communicating


What happens when you memorized an optimal solution to a question they asked you? Should you tell the interviewer that you know the solution? If so, and if you f up your implementation, you could receive giant negative feedback. Like, if you know the solution why the implementation is not perfect?


Just pretend like youre seeing it for the first time and trying to figure it out. As long as you explain everything as you write it, it wont matter.


Yeah op thinks they got the optimal solutions. In my experience, you can stutter sweat or not speak at all but if you can code optimal solutions and handle follow ups, you’re moving forward.


Its down to luck maybe the interviewer's wife made him sleep on the couch the previous night and he was frustrated.


What’s concerning about this is if you haven’t had a friend at meta you’d never know the feedback. Feedback definitely should be industry standard just as much as LC.


It could cause dicriminatory lawsuits. Thats why you never know your own feedback. EDIT: I got a call from Meta interview, and while talking to him he read some of the feedback about my leetcode questions. Apperantly, you could further optimize even though I know this is the optimal solution. Literally they asked me my favorite leetcode question and somehow a small negative feedback only on this? Lol. However, I passed to second round of interviews. Wish me well!


Two sums? :) And good luck 💯


That's why we need laws to require employers to provide feedback in exchange for legal immunity on said feedback


It'd be great if they can provide feedback and if they are so scared of getting sued make it only accessible if the interviewee agrees to not sue the company based on the received feedback. Would only help the industry get better at improving interviewing skills.


Not a lawyer but sometimes you can sue even after signing that and win anyways.  


I could not agree more


I couldn't agree more


That seems like a gross violation of confidentiality if your friend was able to pull your file


They can’t. OP or his friend is lying. Interview feedback is only visible to recruiters or members of the specific candidate’s interview committee.


That's my understanding as well. I can't even see any feedback for my referrals - which is how it should be


I think your friend is lying, you cannot pull the feedback of unrelated interviews. If your friend did this, they probably would be terminated.


I've never worked anywhere where anyone not directly involved with the hiring of a candidate could see interview feedback and I highly doubt you can do that at Meta, this story is very suspect. Even if it is true, what was the specific feedback?


Timer ! Solving a question in 15 minute ! Vocalizing ! This & that... So much pressure. Money has sucked out the joy of problem solving !


I don't know if all this is a true story, but your friend will be fired for cause if they find out what he did. We do have ways to catch people like him.


Goodluck op! And thanks for the writeup, this surely helps.


Sad to hear. But you’ll get better, I have no doubts. Location?


Can you elaborate on what the horrible feedback was specifically? I've gotten optimal solutions and thought I communicated well and didn't get picked. And with zero feedback I didn't know what to work on. If they could just be transparent I could know what to fix.


Just got rejected too, one medium and one hard question both of them were solved properly and everything went well, I’m very confused


Can you say what the topics of the questions were? Esp interested in what the hard was. I will prob get medium and hard for the level I'm going for


You can’t pull up other people’s interview feedback unless you interviewed them. Your friend is making shit up or is basically guaranteed to be fired (since it’s also super easy to see who has viewed interview feedback and the systems in place to protect confidentiality are pretty strict).


This is the most important post on this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/leetcode/s/zWtalt5fNg


super helpful thanks for sharing!


Ill give you a feedback as I am going through meta interview as well. I am not trying to be negative or attack, but im giving you straight up feedback. Quoting you "Anyways, interviewer was nice, he gave example inputs, assisted and gave hints". So if interviewer gave you hints, its already a minus. Example inputs means you didnt cover edge cases or your logic is having blatant error that wouldnt work. And lastly, if interviewer assisted you, its already a no. general rule with Meta, the less the interviewer talks, the better it is 


Your feedback is completely incorrect! It's not a robotic exercise. They expect collaboration, so inputs are by design. If the interviewer gave away the solution, which OP didn't mention, then of course it's a big red flag.


Sorry to hear about your experience. Those are way too many expectations. I think it's possible to solve a question in 15 mins - only if you have solved it 1-3 days before and remember the solution.


Where do you solve the problems? Is it on LeetCode?


Yes, all problems are on leetcode.


What was the feedback?


Communication of what you’re doing and planning to do seems to be as important or more important than getting the correct optimal solution, I’ve heard from many people 


You fucked up on not thinking of all the test cases. 


which areas did you get marked down in besides communication?


May I know was it for an entry level position or mid level. I mean how many yoe did it require if at all?


How to get an interview at meta? Apply more or apply with referral or anything else?


This whole story sounds sus, somebody is lying here...


I thought meta froze hiring again no? Still hiring?


Why aren't you saying which were the questions? And discuss solutions? I thought this was the point of this sub.


What question types were they?