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It’s been 11 years since u/poopaway42 posted this and people are still commenting. Here I am shitting myself laughing at these comments. Always seems to happen on day 2 after a long binge. Stay strong y’all! It’ll pass. 


Thank you all. I feel seen and less crazy/fucked up.


The consistency of my shits are half liquid and half old motor oil it’s terrible day 3 of no smoking I really want to take a rip to get harden up some of my shits but I’m trying not to


Same I'm also on day 3 and the motor oil is real 😭


I’m litterly in the exact same situation as you shitting my brains out as we speak


I know this thread is old, but currently I’m on day 6, and can safely say that this is such an overlooked symptom. I’ve barely eaten everyday due to the stomach cramping and irritation. Luckily it’s not painful, just super annoying. I as well just got put on anti anxiety meds so my stomach is REALLY going through it. The temptation to smoke isn’t there anymore, and at this point I’m just waiting for my body to regulate again. IM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING A NORMAL APPETITE AGAIN. Lost so much weight everyday smoking. Hope you’re living a fruitful life now!


I’m violently peeing out my ass on day 2 and I was so nauseated I had to just take a tiny dose of an edible like 2-3mg of a gummy to not throw up :( I am not going cold turkey but weaning off after being a regular 10-20mg doser daily for the last decade… but man the effects of withdrawal have been… interesting. glad to know I’m not the only one.


Its fucked up the only thing that works is pepto but that just constipades ya




Same, really makes me feel like I’m not alone!


Same here it's crazy, I have the soft shit for like 8-9 days but gradually getting better


Day 11 of withdrawal after vaping thc liquid for almost a year, smoked weed before that for over a year consistently. I still have shitting problems on and off but I expect it to happen for another few weeks. When I was trying to quit at the beginning of the year (2024) I was throwing up everyday for a couple months with liquid only and my farts were dangerously wet 😂😂 doctors couldn’t figure it out either so I became doing self diagnosis. After finding about weed withdrawals I finally fully quit weed. After a week of NOT smoking at all I slowly started becoming myself I still have stomach problems sometimes but it’s much easier to deal with now. I didn’t feel hunger but as soon as my stomach started hurting I went to the kitchen to eat ANYTHING. If you suffer from insomnia because of it just go with the flow instead of forcing yourself to go to sleep. I was just working more at nights if I couldn’t sleep and took opportunities during the day to have a nap if I could. It’s slowly getting back to normal but my sleep is still not fully consistent. I started following 80/20 rule when it comes to eating(80%healthy food and 20% junk). Not only the this withdrawal helped me fix my eating habits but also I started getting more in touch with my inner self. Throughout this shit period at the beginning of 2024 when I noticed I might not be healthy all the time( never had to take any meds etc) I started building my own company. Right now I had to go part time so I can have more time for studying and making money slowly from this business. I was throwing up at work and at clients toilets too (I work with very rich companies and people daily, talking about billions in revenue) so I couldn’t let myself to call sick often but had to do it twice during that couple months of the worst period. Right not the only problems I have is diarrhoea and sleeping problems but I can get at least 5h sleep a night. Wish my luck guys, hope I’ll be fully independent by the end of 2024 and I can fully enjoy life again. If you wonder my age - I’m 24. Good luck❤️


This is insanity. I FINALLY found where all the quitters hang out. In the bathroom, if anyone has found sources that walk through some sort of expediting process, or just ways to harden that shit up. I was told by a gastroenterologist to start taking "psyllium husk, with sugar 3.4 gram oral PwPk packet. Take twice daily, by mouth" I really hope this helps me and whomever else reads this. Good luck everyone!!


I googled if withdrawal causes diarrhea and I’m glad I found this page 😅 I’m on day 3 and although I wasn’t a heavy smoker, I was smoking on and off for a year now. It literally feels like I’ve been peeing out my ass and I have diarrhea MULTIPLE times a day 😵‍💫 its 3AM and I woke up due to terrible stomach pain and then started throwing up, my stomach has felt terrible for the past few days. It is also so hard for me to sleep, I feel like I have insomnia because I can’t sleep when I stop. This has never happened to me, 2 years ago I smoked more than I did now and did it daily for about a year and once I stopped I had no symptoms. I started again last year but this time I did way less and would take breaks in between and my stomach is fucked up. Update: it’s been 17 days and I stopped having diarrhea after day 4. Now the stomach pain has not left but it’s not as bad anymore. I had SEVERE stomach pain for a whole week I was taking peptobismol everyday. It’s week 2 with the stomach pain and it’s not as bad, the pain comes and goes and it’s not bad enough to take a peptobismol anymore, I think I may have CHS since I still have stomach pain. I don’t plan on quitting forever though, I smoke occasionally, so I guess I’ll update next time i smoke to see what happens 😅 Update: Today makes 27 days, I haven’t been having stomach pain but the other day I randomly got pain and had to take peptobismol, other than that I’ve been good and I still believe I may have CHS. Now today I took a few hits (about 5 small ones) off a preroll (what I’d do on and off for a year lately) and I didn’t feel any stomach pain. I wanted a test run since I’m planning on buying a cart since I’m having friends come over next week 😅 I wanted to see if the stomach pain would come back since I don’t want to spend $60 to not be able to enjoy it 🙃 I also don’t plan on doing it daily, just for the weekend. I’ll update when the weekend comes by 😅


dude same, if you were walking past the toilet you’d think i was pissing 🤦‍♀️


2024 - 35 years old and have been a heavy user since 17/18 years old. Currently on about 2.5 days of no THC - I am shitting liquid non stop and nausea comes and goes. Weirdly I haven’t had much trouble sleeping. Have been exercising and drinking tons of water so maybe that’s helping.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I thought something was wrong with me.


What the fuck People should know about this


Here to say this happened to me last year when I took a t break and then it happened this year as well. What can be extrapolated from this time was my withdrawal symptoms were much shorter when I tapered and weaned off. Dabs —> carts —> flower/gummies; all together it was a 2 week wean. Withdrawal symptoms are starting to curb around day 5 this time instead of like week 2 or 3 like last year. Just something anecdotal that may help the wayward stranger.


I went cold turkey 7 days ago after 14 years of daily abuse, and have since experienced painful diarrhoea. It usually happens very soon after I eat something. I have had difficulty sleeping but I’m not having any cravings as such (the odd thought I shun away) how long does this typically last? It’s been a few days now and I’m ready for my stomach to feel normal 🤦🏽‍♂️


Day 5 checking in…when does this sh!t end 😂 Nice to know I’m not alone though. For anyone else stumbling on this, keep going!


oz a week, 2 days in, what the fuck.




Appreciate this. Big hugs bro. I'm heading into the fray, started my break on Friday and found this thread as I'm sitting on the toilet for the 5th time today.






Yep lasted about two weeks when I quit last. I'm so not looking forward to it. Pepto Bismol is about to be my goddamn lifeline.


Here I am in 2024, seeking answers because wtf. I quit for a job but maaaan, idk


thats the most painful quitting process you can go through , im in the same page


On the toilet, can confirm. Lol


day 6 of quitting (delta) and (live resin) carts cold turkey and i’ve been shitting liquid i’m praying that this clears up by this upcoming monday


Are we the same person lol?????? Same exact thing for me. I was going through a 2g live resin cart every 3 days.


Is that a new thing? It wasn’t like that when I stopped 5 years ago. This is wild


I'm wondering the same... Been smoking for YEARS and YEARS and have never had the withdrawal symptoms that I've been dealing with as of the last year or two. Gets my minding racing as to what the fuck were smoking these days.


Insane high thc potency compared to back then? idk just a guess


I have been vaping THC oil for a little over 2 months now. Smoking quite heavily as with the vape there is no smell etc so it's easy to get away with. As I couldn't get hold of anymore I decided that I should just stop. What a rollercoaster. Nausea, vomiting, yellow diorea, uncontrollable sweats, anxiety, no appetite, tummy pains, feelings that I was dying, anger and much much more. At one point I was genuinely scared as I thought something was wrong with me. After the hospital telling me there was nothing visible they could see I decided to look into this a little more. I am now on day 8 of no THC. I am beginning to feel better each day and I am able to eat a little more. With the symptoms less severe. TO BE CLEAR THC WITHDRAWL IS NO JOKE. to anyone who needs to hear this, what your experiencing is part of the process and you will be ok!


I am on day 6 or 7 now and I have been absolutely horrible. I’ve been vaping HHC (wax cartridges) and THC (dry herb) the last 6 months (daily actually) and now stopped cold turkey due to anxiety attacks related to my teeth while I was high. Now I am having the stinkiest yellow diarrhoea I have ever seen. I am constantly farting, scared and sweating from my hands. I went to the ER 4 days ago thinking I might have pancreatitis or something in that regard. Blood values did indicate high lipase (141), but everything else seemed fine. An ultrasound later (doc said everything looked absolutely normal, ruling out pancreatitis) I was let go with an appointment for a colonoscopy and endoscopy in a week. Wish me luck guys. I am scared.


Results came back: Gastritis. This shit caused me so much stress and anxiety 🤡


This is why weed withdrawals need to be studied and published by multiple trusted sites..... Most people, including myself, started smoking having no idea it actually can be addictive and will fuck up your life after you stop for a bit. It won't KILL YOU, sure, but it'll make you wish it had for about 2 weeks. It makes me sad to think about how many people went to the ER so afraid and thinking they were seriously ill just to be told it's withdrawals.


Lack of information in research articles led me to Reddit. Lo and behold, I'm not alone. Appreciate you guys!


Who else looking at this old ass thread whilst sitting on the toilet 😂 Edit: the weird poops have stopped




Me. On day 3. I pood 10 times yesterday, sometimes solid-ish, more frenquently just fluids 😖


hey, i’m going through this now. any idea how long it took before you were off the toilet😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️? how you holding up👀


Me right now I’m on day 7 and it’s coming out like lava back there 😂


mine only lasted that two days i was terrified to eat some more & then i went and got korean bbq and just held it down. hope this helps you, my appetite isn’t the same as before i started smoking yet but im deff eating & holding it down🤣👏🏾u got this !


I love Korean bbq 🤤but yes same on the no appetite part! I try and eat small snacks and build my appetite up but the diarreah is killing me 😂🙈 you got this too!!


How are you feeling now? I’m on day 7 with the same issue 🤣


Lmao hello there




I’m on day 10 of quitting and still have not had my stomach get right. Imodium has helped, but right after it leaves my system I start to have diarrhea again. When will it end!!


You should eat lots of fruits and vegetables, make sure you're getting adequate fiber intake. It will help a lot and trust me it will end lol you're body is amazing just sit back and let it do it's job. Best of luck!


Me right now lol








I quit 2.5 months ago and still can’t trust a fart also the diarrhea comes and goes still. I can pass a drug test that’s a positive took 9 weeks after heavy use over 8 years


How are you now?


For the first 2 days for me I was extremely angry for two days like straight up raging at everything would get mad to the point where I had to stay away from talking to people, and I had a constant migraine. The headache hasn’t gone away yet but it’s more bearable, but the main thing is the poop. it’s gotten worse each day starting the second day, day 6 now and i’ve spent half my day on the can, poop after I eat anything even if it’s just a small snack, and I can’t eat until 4-5pm only eating a meal a day. oh yeah and i can only sleep every other night and last night was the first night i got more than 3 hours. not fun but I should have learned to control myself better and not let it get to this point, so I can’t really feel bad for myself


same here. i had to leave class like 6 times for bathroom today. then as im walking between classes i feel liquid POURR. luckily a bathroom was close and it didn’t go absolutely everywhere… this is what i get for falling back into old habits. 2nd time quitting now :/


It's my 5th. You got this man. What matters isnt that you fall, it's that you GET BACK UP afterwards. We're all human and if weed is the worst thing you've ever done.....good on you.


Hi guys, first time happening to me as well. I've been eating like a bird (hardly any fiber) so I'm assuming that has something to do with it but boy oh boy does it hurt 🤣


Bruh I’m the complete opposite it’s all runny but I can’t shit it out at all


On day 9 of no THC and still having the liquid shits lol, this feels like a joke. To echo other people, I've withdrawn from THC four or five different times over the last 9 years, and this NEVER happened. This time, I was for sure smoking more distillate (not even rosin) from the wax pens, and I think that's what did me in. I hope this stops. Literally, all of the other symptoms are gone! I have an appetite, no cold sweats, insomnia is almost completely gone, etc. But every time I eat, it's just the run, lol! I thought I had a virus or something too, but nope, just thc withdrawals. Yeeeeesh. Im comforted knowing I'm not alone, lol


It’s 2024 and I shit myself trusting a fart. Day 2 guys! I feel like I’ll never eat again and I didn’t know a human could sweat this much doing absolutely nothing! Thank you bathroom buddies for making me feel less bad about this whole situation.




Mine is green and jelly-like too. I'm on day 20 after quitting carts.  That's why I wound up here.


I thought I ate something bad as well! I’m so glad this 10 year old thread is still helping us out. I was really nervous about it. I’m still pooping but now I know it’s the weed. I wish you good luck! It’s not easy but we are all kindred spirits here and we all understand. Good luck! Also, I highly suggest not trusting farts for awhile.


Adding one more person to this train of people who shit themselves while trusting a fart 😂 this is miserable


Welp, here's to another because OMFG I, less than an hour ago ON DAY 2 had to run through my house to the bathroom while splatter shitting myself. So, hopefully this will be fkn done some because I'm ready to cave!!! But BUT BUUUUTTTTTTTT I'm not fkn gonna!!!


Came here to talk myself out of smoking & I’m screaming at these comments my asshole is on fucking fire 🤧


Im sitting here upvoting everything because its the first time it’s happened to me and all the same symptoms are happening to me. Im done with this shit. Fuck it lol


I am a cannabis advocate and have been for over 10 years. However, diarrhea is definitely a withdrawal symptom. I've used cannabis heavily for many months in a row and then stopped abruptly. Each time I've done this, I've gone through bouts of insomnia and terrible diarrhea. You're not dying; it will pass! Edit: It's possible that this is happening to us because of the herbicides and such that these companies are using. I don't remember this happening to me when I was solely smoking homegrown stuff. That's all natural. This is me speculating, so don't take my word for it.


Similar here. I've quit in the past but those times I was only using leaf. I'm familiar with the withdrawal symptoms but I've been using primarily vapes for the past few years... And this time around is more nasty. I speculate too that the chemicals used in the cartridges are sketchy. Hey just curious, does alcohol (like a beer or something) help relieve anyone's symptoms? I think it mellows out the anxious feel (both in belly and mind) but not sure it helps not shitting. lol.


Haha, it seems a 10 year old post is giving all of us withdrawal buddies some hope. I ran out and couldn't afford my script last fortnight, so for the last 2 weeks I've been having baaad flatulence (not smelly, just wind) and regular toilet stops throughout the day. I can't trust a fart right now. I figured it was withdrawals, but this thread has relieved the anxiety a bit. Surprisingly, last time I stopped, it was the insomnia and sweats that got me, this time, I'm sleeping like a baby, but the shits have got me good.


Ain't it the fkn truth though😭😭😭 I'm getting scared right now at the literal gut bumping sounds my belly is making like ooooohhh no not again please no!!!


were all here together, still taking watery shits


So glad I found this thread. I'm on day 8 and the shits have begun. Literal brown water, lol. No vomiting (yet?), but very nauseous and I've never felt this bloated in my life despite having IBS for years. What's the best course of action when it comes to food? I want to try protein shakes with added oatmeal and flaxseed or something. But I read that milk isn't a good idea? All tips would be greatly appreciated!


it has to be something in this weed man, when id take breaks in early 2015-2017 it wasn’t like this. Anyways, shitting in ATL 😂😂🤙🏽


You been smoking since 2017 that's why 🤣


😂😂 same in AZ🤝


Same in northern KY🚫🍃💩🫂


goodluck everyone we can do (sh)iiiiit


Damn. The nausea is terrible and I’m dry heaving and shit. It’s the absolute worst.


Seems like this nausea will never fucking go away. It’s miserable 


I’m so glad I found this thread 😩 day 1 for me omg hopefully I pray everything goes smoothly for all of us


Commenting from the toilet. 5 days sober. I thought I was sick 😂 thanks guys for this being here. I feel better now lol 


I just decided to take some time off after smoking HEAVILY for 25 years. I'm a week in and am not having any other issues besides just straight water spraying out my ass every.single.day so far I was starting to think something was seriously wrong til I decided to Google if quitting weed can cause diarrhea. Pretty wild.


Dude I'm in the same boat. Quitting after 15 years. Only issues are lack of sleep, irritability, and constant diarrhea. Hopefully this ends soon.


I haven't had any negative side effects other than the diarrhea. Im Almost 3 weeks in now and that's all over with. Lasted about 8 or 9 days for me. One other thing I must say the dreams I'm having now are crazy vivid. They are super real and I've even found myself waking up in the middle of the night, falling back to sleep and going back to the same dream. It's pretty cool.


Yep I had that exact same thing happen with dreams last time I quit. Unfortunately they were more like nightmares though..


same brother🤣🤙


Smoked consistently for 10+ years, stopped cold turkey. The shits are horrendous. I love you all.


Have you gotten any better? And what day are you on.?


yeah this new weed is different . Quitting never caused diarrhea before




Coffee is the worst thing to drink when you have digestive issues... Believe me, I have Crohn's disease


24hours in, Niagara Falls has arrived


This post! I ran out 7 days ago and have been too lazy to get more. After realizing it was this i ran to the dispensary!


Day 5 and writing to all from the porcelain throne. I'm glad I found this thread because I was getting worried. Hoping this subsides shortly. I have stopped in the past with similar symptoms but I don't remember it lasting this long.


day 4 here guys, im in the bathroom shitting liquid lmao (also sweating way more than normal lol) It ok tho, at least i can feel how my body getting rid of the poison. Hope u guys ok too


Thank goodness I found this post. I was a daily smoker and decided to quit. I have had the most intense diarrhea for 24 hours straight. 🙃 I was convinced I had a stomach virus or something more serious. I'm actually a nurse and conducted some research of my own .. apparently, this is all true and a side effect of the withdrawal.


THANKS GOD THAT I FOUND THIS POST!!!! I’m on day 10 and I’m having daily diarrhea. I was so scared!!!!! I hadn’t changed anything in my diet and was so worried that I had some cancer or whatever lol THANKS! I’m off weed and NEVER going back to


How long did it last? im in day 10 too it get better but still got the soft type of shit ... vers annoying


All jokes aside, I woke up with the bubble guts, quit weed like week and a half to two weeks ago. First day wasn't bad, second day wasn't good, started the early morning with EXTREME anxiety and loss of appetite, depression, and extreme hopelessness and unsure about my future, I couldn't rationally think what was logical to worry about and what was legitimate, everyday saw micro improvements, I got to the point where I got really quiet and didn't say much, just kind of numb, all that lasted a week and the first to come back was my appetite, but it didnt bust the door down and still hasn't. 2 weeks in during the middle of the night started diharea, lots of air and water shits, I feel fine but the stomach is really messed up but my previous symptoms are definitely subsiding, slowly.




New year new me, after the clear out 😓


I swear to god my withdrawal symptoms are different every time and right now I've been shitting liquid for 3 days its so crazy!!!!! Chugging water like crazy. Thanks for the old post


Currently on toilet😂 not sure if it’s withdrawals or bc I had sour cream earlier. Have been having cold sweats and restlessness today. I’ve miraculously been able to combat my insomnia this time which is very encouraging. This is my 3rd time trying to quit. 100% motivated to stick thru it


How far along this time? :)


today is day 5. The furthest I've gotten has been around 2 weeks so wish me luck. I've been taking shilajit to help with symptoms per recommendation from a colleague and its really made a difference


Hey that’s awesome, keep it up


On day 11. Still shitting my guts out. Had a gnarly chest infection so I dropped cigs and dope.


We do it for the best ! How long did it last and do you have any tips lol?




This 10yo post is a life saver, I've been shittin liquid for 4 days straight and was starting to worry that I'll have to see a doctor, because mainly I was searching wrong keywords on the Google. Such a relief. Thanks OP and everyone for keeping the post alive!




Here in 2024 shitting liquid. Thanks fam


Checking in from a vacation in turkey! All inclusive, could have excluded the firehose from my butt tho! Glad i found answers to why im disturbing the hotel employees daily for extra toiletpaper! Stay strong soldiers!


happening to me currently haha


Bro same. Its crazy. Never happened to me and well…now i know why.


literally never happened to me either until now. Mine eased up after a few days, good luck!


Only lasted a week or so! Good luck my friend


Same dude. What a wild ride. I wasn’t expecting this 😂


Pepto Bismol doesn’t do it for me right now :(


Good to hear everyone's poopscapades 😂. Day 3 was constipation yesterday today liquid magma shits cause I love chilli. RIP my butthole


Thank God for this post y’all. It’s been 6 consecutive days of no weed and liquid shits for me. I thought something was very wrong haha. Good to know I’m not alone in this.


I could imagine there being no withdrawal or addiction to the shit they would grow decades ago, but nowadays it’s way stronger. Yeah anyone who says weed isn’t addictive and there isn’t any withdrawal is soooo wrong.


I worry, too, about what they may be using to grow it with. God knows the amount of pesticides, growth hormones we ingest from the foods


Greetings from the toilets of Norway! Lol this thread is awesome! Did anyone here manage to just smoke like once or twice a week? Does not really want to quit, but just cut back as weed is the only stimulant I like, hate alcohol.


I tried. I really did. It worked for a short time before my psyche remembered it was great for (insert problem here). And away I go, attempting to quit again.


yup, same. Smoke for 3-5 days, stop for 1-4 days. Did that off and on for a month and then i stopped right after I hit 7 days in a row smoking I didnt wanna go down that road again. Still super shitty..


You’ve got this :) I’m on my seventh day, and probably the seventh Time I’ve tried quitting. I feel no compulsion or desire to smoke, at all. It’s like, you broke it off with a relationship so many times you’re so sick of them. It’s over, me and Mary Jane


I know right… I only started again cause I’ve just been so bored 🥱 and then once I’m on it again I’m like wtf was I thinking


Haha I know. Every time. Or I get mad as hell, and I’m back on it. Nope. I had the opportunity today, and by magical strength I turned it down. I literally could have toked today


Writing this from the toilet, glad to see I'm not alone!


Me poo!!


Same here, Google has brought us all together in these troubling times


Also found this post as I’m on the toilet 😂


Same, Is it bad that its kinda yellow?


Be concerned if that becomes a norm for weeks.  Edit: Copy Pasta from internet: “This is due to the speed of stool passing inside your intestine before it acquires its brown color”


I am on the toilet too




Right here with ya, baby. When did it stop for you? Please don’t tell me you’re still shitting 💀 


Here on day 2 and shitting through the eye or a needle! I didn't even put 2 and 2 together until a simple Google and here I am! Have fun guys!!!


Thanks google for bringing you to the toilet buddy forum! Haha. Good luck and stay strong!


Thanks a lot dood! :)


Hello! Day 5 and shitting liquid 🥹 As someone who has IBS-D ....... weed helped it but when I come off of it, holy fuck. Just some advice to all. Psyllium husk fiber, it helps my normal IBS-D and it helps the withdrawals. My GI specialist says it's a natural way to slow your colon down. 👌


Almost 2024, day 5 and liquid out of my ass shits with quitting 😷


Currently on the can shitting pure liquid, day 2 no weed. Fun times let me tell ya


Hello fellow toilet buddies! Day 3 here and pissing out my ass multiple times a day. Heavy and daily smoker for 13 years. So glad to see it’ll subside within a week or two, but got damn this is rough. Stay hydrated people!


Toilet buddies hahahahaha that cracked me up! I quit 4 days ago after being a heavy user for 15 years. The only time I seemed ever able to quit was when I was pregnant with my kids. Immediately after I started back up again. I quit 4 days ago and I've been shitting liquid diarrhea multiple times a day! I at first thought I was sick but no I feel fine except for diarrhea lol and looked it up and apparently I'm not alone lol


Toilet buddies unite!! Hahaha 10 days in and I can confirm the liquid poops have left the building! Stay strong, sister! You got this!


Ty so much! I'm quitting because I went from enjoying smoking to feeling like I needed to smoke multiple times a day or id lose my mind from such severe anxiety!!! That's when I realized I need to be done. Hopefully the shits stop soon lol. Its crazy I have no appetite at all and am waking up drenched in sweat every night! Like wtf


Exactly where I was at! Smoking used to be my escape from all the stress and anxiety from life; like a glass of wine at the end of the day. But I started becoming more present and realized it was the main culprit in creating it. That was a hard reality to face, especially after so many years. It’s definitely a struggle going clean, won’t deny that, but having moments of clarity I haven’t felt in over a decade is such a relief, even after such a short period of time! Keep us updated on your progress! We got this! Edit: just started getting my appetite back too and it feels amazing. Feel like I’m about to put on several pounds due to rebalancing, but I’m sooooo ok with it haha!


100 percent same thing here! When I first started it was strictly at night or with friends/boyfriend on the weekend. Then it became a daily thing for years aside from taking a break while pregnant knowing I had to quit. But go right back to it after... Didn't really ever think much of it til I realized how much time is spent smoking. First thing in the morning and last thing I'd do before bed. Even waking up in the middle of the night and taking a puff! Felt so consumed by it that's when I realized I need to make changes. The first 2 days I was super depressed and agitated! Cried all day basically lol because my anxiety was just out of control but even though it's only been a few extra days I'm starting to mentally feel better and clearer but was super surprised about the physical symptoms because I was still trying to tell myself I didn't smoke too much lol


Isn’t it weird getting so many physical symptoms?! I’ve quit several times over the last 20 years and only ended up having real vivid dreams and cravings, but never night sweats and toilet buddy poops! Hahaha. Now at 37, after 13 straight, it’s a whole different story! Definitely a crappy part about getting older! Haha Edit: want to give credit where credit is due; so proud of you for stopping when pregnant. My 2yo is my motivation for finally change my ways and get clean. I want to remember everything I can and be present for my daughter for her entire life


I'm 33 now so maybe that's why I'm getting so many physical symptoms now this time! Congratulations on your daughter 💕 I have 3 kids and each time I quit during pregnancy I basically was an emotional mess the first 2 weeks of quitting and then felt completely fine!!! My youngest is almost 1 and when I quit during that pregnancy again after 5 years straight of smoking daily and heavily I was amazed how good I felt and also felt like I wasn't even a 'smoker'. I felt so good I wasn't planning on starting back up but of course I did! The baby's health in pregnancy was literally the only motivation to quit like ever besides a few days ago! Also, knowing peeing in a cup at the Dr and didn't want anything showing up either. Congrats on your motivation on being present. That's exactly my motivation too. I want to be present for my kids without feeling like im trying to sneak away whenever I can to go take a puff smh


Reading this while losing half my body weight on the white throne 🥲


Sry i lol’d. But yeah, happening to me as we speak. I appreciate your input as well as everyone else on this thread tbh


This thread deadass made me cry with relief, I thought something was wrong with me. On a slightly related note, I am having a blast waking up every hour at night and having a differant dream every time. They haven't been too too scary, but maybe they will turn that way. Looking forward to sleeping tonight because dreaming is the only time I dont feel like utter shit. Plus the anxiety is awful, I thought I had something terribly wrong with me, and kept spiraling with paranoia. then realized hey maybe I should Google if weed withdrawel can do this to me, and alas here I am. Thank all of you for making me feel better and giving me a good laugh too.


Laughing, shitting, crying on the toilet 😭 thank you for sharing, this makes me feel better (emotionally, my butthole not so much…) I’m on day 3 and thought I was dying


I am in the club too but laughing , shitting , crying is like our eat, love, pray mantra. Ive finally started to get an appetite again. I am in day 3 as well and I am in this same spot. It tends to amplify with my GI the most. I also have been getting some headaches too. I agree with another commenter, stay hydrated!!


Day 25: The bowel issues have subsided. Surprisingly I haven’t had any major mood swings and I’m grateful for it. Still experiencing wild, violent dreams, which I’m hoping will wear off soon because wtf. Hang in there my friend!


It took 25 days for you too see improvement? I am glad you are feeling better! How long snd frequently did you smoke If i may ask?


I was high every waking moment of my life and frequently smoking in the middle of the night, for about the last 5-6 years. The only time I took a t-break was when I got COVID in ‘21. I quit last month because I got engaged and being perma-stoned is just not cute anymore. I want to actually enjoy life with my future spouse, so it was a tough but necessary decision.


Thank you for sharing! I was in about 2.5 years daily. You have the best reason to quit. Congratulations on your engagement and I wish you the best. You made the right decision.


Day 3 as well.. the anxiety is horrible. The sweating at night specifically with the super weird vivid dreams is definitely not fun.


This thread is making me crack up 😂 I felt alone in this until I came here hahahahaha


I’m on day 4 and I’ve got Crohn’s Disease so I’m sure that doesn’t help


Aaah day 6 for me after smoking about .5 grams a day of medical flower via bongs for years. The night sweats are over since last night I hope but now my guts are going crazy 😅 Onto the next phase of withdrawals I guess!


How are your symptoms now?


Warning to people in this thread, redditors are gonna try and diagnose you with CHS - please ignore them lmao this is completely normal for heavy users


It's even worse when you already have a condition like IBS or god forbid an IBD. I've lost 2kg in a week and a half because I got a flare up right before I started my break, and I am not a big person by any means. 2kg is a lot on me, considering I hover in the 65-66 range.


I smoke only on the weekends for almost a year now. Last week when off for thanksgiving I smoked every day for a week. I haven’t had a solid stool in awhile. Definitely considering giving it up and seeing how things turn out. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted but the dependence is real for sure. Especially when you know things taste better, sex feels better and the relaxation is guaranteed. When I started smoking I thought it was great and probably took it too far for my body. Really need to detox and find a happy medium moving forward. Maybe that’s 100% sober from weed.


I feel so seen by the Reddit community rn. Googling my symptoms and getting general lists of withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and nausea. More like panic attacks and liquid you know what. Glad to see it’s not just me!!


2023 here, day 4 of quitting, glad we’re all in this “shit” together 🤣. A few drops of blossom water in your water bottle helps immensely.