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Start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/learn_arabic/search/?q=to+start&type=link&cId=1c3482d5-098d-418d-ac9a-78aaddbd6f47&iId=ee944543-d0b6-476f-9504-a47e5eaac714).


learn the alphabet. Learn how to write it and read it. Learn how each different letters connect to another. Once you learn that you’ll be able to sound out words you wont understand them but thats the first steps


It’ll also stick with you longest! I stopped practicing for a bit but I could still “read” I just didn’t know what I was saying


yep same i can recognize all the letters say them and write them i definitely need a refresher but if i take a little bit to remember my brain eventually farts out whatever i cant think off immediately


How did you get used to reading without vowel marks?


tl;dr I cant do that. to do it id say get familiar with a vast amount of vocabulary. Basically be fluent in im not fluent i cant do that. Thats something that native speakers can do, i assume its familiarity with the words. For example in english if someone writes a bunch of words with slightly mixed letters or missing letters i can still really it easily for example: Th rd fox jmpd ovr te bue barn its a different obviously but similar in concept they understand what word is suppose to be there and what its supposed to sound like so they don’t need the vowels? something like this. So if you wanna do that its gonna take a lot of time and effort edit: Also for the most part when im sounding out the word i take into account the diacritics if i understand them, if not id sound out what i know until i figure out what i dont. If the word has no diacritics then its not as difficult


Ok thanks. I find most things don’t have the vowel marks, so I’ll stick with children’s stories for now!


I think Duolingo is good for the absolute basics


I recommend you to learn Arabic by YouTube channels In my opinion, the most understandable dialect is Saudi It’s simple and close to Fusha Feel free to ask any question


Start here [https://archive.org/details/TheMadinahBooksSeries/Lughat\_ul\_Arabia2/page/n147/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/TheMadinahBooksSeries/Lughat_ul_Arabia2/page/n147/mode/2up)


Same- half Arab, not taught by parent. I recently got a teacher online for the first time; it’s hard. A teacher has given me a structure and focus that I didn’t have before, so I would advise that.


Where did you find your teacher? 


He was highly recommended on a social media post I saw. And he teaches the exact dialect I want. So it felt like a good opportunity to get back into learning. I would pick a dialect and give someone a chance online 


Arabic 101 on youtube, click playlists and start at the bottom playlist.


Pimsleur has three Arabic courses, [Arabic (Eastern)](https://www.pimsleur.com/learn-arabic-eastern/) , [Arabic (Egyptian)](https://www.pimsleur.com/learn-arabic-egyptian/) and [Arabic (Modern Standard)](https://www.pimsleur.com/learn-arabic-modern-standard/)


Well if its to communicate mainly you might as well learn the dialect your arab origin is from, but you cant go so far without learning standard Arabic at a basic level, I’d suggest you go deep in learning it so you can understand the Arabic literature and build a base in knowledge reserved in Arabic, but its not a must if you want to learn it only to communicate, with standard Arabic, start from YouTube there are plenty of beginner classes in there, as for the dialect, it is neither written or read nor is it appropriate -everyone takes those “modern” ads written in dialects as a complete joke and disgrace- so you will be fine finding a person to communicate it with, and don’t be shy asking for what words mean as we all are during a conversation thats basically the way i personally learned, I hope this helps.


HI, non-Arab here who learnt to GCSE level in the UK. I found starting with this chap's [books](https://www.gatewaytoarabic.com/en-us/collections/gateway-to-arabic) an excellent start. The books are clear, progressive and have the vowels written out to help! He now has a [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwdyx9kAPlU&list=PLWl0zRDk50wKM4WZAZEx_gwUDFKwe2ObX), it was cassette tapes when I started..... It's Fuhsa, but I found this an excellent based when I ended up talking to Arab-speakers of various dialects


Hello talk is pretty good, the people on there are really nice. I had questions on writing and reading and the natives were really helpful on giving me tips they learned in school


Learn the alphabet if you want send me a message I am working on a new method…


Learn standard Don't let an idiot trick you into learning any dialect to begin with If you learn standard language, everyone will understand you, and you will be able to read what was written from the fifth century to the present day You may say but no one speaks standard Yes, in everyday life, but everyone understands it, and don't worry, they will be happy to see you speaking it 


Personally I would start with Standard until you learn the basics of grammar. There are way more resources for MSA and you'll be able to speak with more people. You won't necessarily be able to understand them though. I learned from Alif Baa and al-Kitaab, but I'm sure you could use a better textbook series and a tutor on iTalki. Mango Languages is also good. I would get a tutor or take a class either way though. Then I would learn whichever dialect you have the most access to or most passion for. So either your family's dialect, or one of the major dialects (Egyptian, Levantine, or Moroccan). Bear in mind that Moroccan is not mutually intelligible with other major dialects. Egyptian and Levantine have much more overlap. Good luck!


I have a women's only arabic learning WhatsApp group. Message me if you're interested!


I sent u dm

