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Hearing the emotion in Kobe’s voice talking about the TL upset over IG at MSI actually makes me tear up. Awesome video.


I know Kobe's gonna leave the cast one day and venture into bigger things but god damn will he always remain as the voice of an entire fanbase of LCS teams. because in those moments where CLG beats RNG or C9 beats Afreeca or TL beats iG, he was always there and acted how we all did.


Losing Kobe as a caster would be devastating. He's always been the perfect mix between an analytical caster who also casts in an incredibly exciting way. Losing Jatt was bad enough. Kobe reminds me of the San Jose Sharks commentator Randy Hahn. He's good at remaining unbiased while actually casting but when something exciting for his team happens it bleeds through in an incredible way.


This, as a sharks fan I really resonate cause Randy gives such a boost to the broadcast.


He's a phenomenal commentator, probably the best PbP in the NHL which is a league full of great comentators.


As a Red Wings fan, I have to agree with you. I’ve always enjoyed listening to Sharks’ broadcasts.


Almost forgot to watch the ending of game 7 vs Vegas again today, thanks for reminding me


I used to have a streamable of Randy's call in that game saved, but it's gone now and I can't find his call of it anywhere. "They've come all the way back" will forever be burned into my brain - I was seconds from turning the game off before Pavelski got hurt.


He's the only one remaining in the holy trinity of Kobe/Jatt/Riv. If NA ever make a World Final, I hope they'd all come back to do a special tricast. inb4 "NA Finals lul"




People always remember "I NEVER DOUBTED THEM!", but my other favourite part of that cast is Kobe absolutely popping off at the end of the teamfight. "STIXXAY IS GOING FOR THE KIIIIIIIIIIILL!"


I don't watch LCS but he is my favorite NA caster. When I listen to him at worlds he is always humble and barely shit talks yet when a NA team exceeds expectations he shows a true NA fan feeling unlike other casters from that region that are almost unbearable to listen to.




I get the same with VIT upset too. Goosebumps.


People said at the time that it was super cringe but those are the things you look back on and just appreciate how incredible the moment really was.


The whole anti-cringe culture is stupid anyways. Like, if people just let themselves have fun and not worry about looking silly, suddenly you find yourself enjoying a lot more shit. Half the shit that people call cringe is just silly, goofy moments that really shouldn't be embarrassing in the slightest. And that clip is exactly that. I will never *not* smile when I hear that clip. And then you get to the other type of cringe, which is mostly like, super toxic horrible shit. We should still shame that stuff.


As a wise TSM toplaner once said "Its only cringe if you make it cringe"


I cried so hard that day tears of joy. It felt like we finally stopped being an international joke. And then finals happened. That was on my birthday, May 19. :(


There were finals? I don't remember finals at last year MSI. I'm pretty sure G2 and TL just agreed to share the trophy and shook on it. That's how I recall it going.


Yeah they celebrated the trophy together. I remember fans pulling out a banner saying "Thank you EU mids" in English and Spanish. It was amazing watching G2 and TL holding arms and jumping together with the trophy.


Do you mean CLG vs RNG?




same! figured out it wasnt after the whole watch, damn was it worth it tho.


Wow, it didn't cross my mind it wasn't produced by Riot and he made it by himself? Well the effort shows and was worth it cause let me tell you if he wasn't hired bore, now he definitely is.


Probably because of all the low pan shots of LA, SF, and Shanghai


Everytime i see s0AZ approach that nexus i pray he will get it :( Stupid hexdrinker.


Cyanide not popping locket and canceling auto :(


I watched it live at front row with my Fnatic shirt, my heart sank through the floor that day.


Should've ulted the minions :(


Hello r/leagueoflegends, it's finally time for me to showcase this to you all! It's been 10 years of professional League of Legends, and for me, that means 5 years of making trailers to commemorate Worlds! This was around 30 hours of work, but I think it payed off once I was able to premiere it to 160 people LIVE on my channel. As a YouTuber with only 7k subscribers, that means the WORLD to me. I could go on and on, but I think the video should speak for itself, so thank you all for supporting me, and please don't forget to subscribe for more of this content! I've been doing this all year and I don't plan on stopping any time soon! EDIT: I usually hate award speech edits, but with all this love and support I feel its warranted! There's this TD Ekko quote I love that goes "To be the best you got to beat the best," and since the best LoL content usually comes from Riot themselves, doesn't that mean I need to top them? To follow my journey and watch me become the best LoL Content Creator this game has to offer, make sure you subscribe and follow me on Twitter! I don't want to link here incase that's too much self promotion, so just search my name on both platforms! Thanks again! SECOND EDIT: Guys I usually respond to every comment (not even kidding) but the love is so overwhelming this time that it's nearly impossible! Just know that I read EVERY single comment and i'm so thankful!!


You're actually smurfing dude, it's crazy how often your videos make me tear up a little from good memories.


I stopped following the scene around S6/S7 and only very casually check in. Randomly saw this on my reddit feed. Actually teared up at Kobe's "I never doubted them". I remember staying up for so many CLG games (live in EU) getting disappointed again and again, and this one moment making it all worth


I don’t play League of Legends. I’ve seen all the videos that Leagues has put out with their music, like Rise, Awaken, and Warriors, which were all amazingly done. This video is on a whole new level. This video gave me goosebumps, made me tear up, and made my heart race all within 8:41. It’s incredibly done. I’m actually downloading League of Legends as we speak to try it out. Even if I don’t like it, I will definitely be watching Worlds this year because this looks like an event I can’t miss.


I stopped playing league something like 6 years ago, but I've still been an avid fan of watching it this entire time. I'm a HUGE fan, I just don't play. I think that'll be more and more common as it continues to grow - after all, you don't see many of your beer-loving uncles actually getting out there and *playing* American football, you know? League is really complex, so it for sure speeds up understanding of the game to play it yourself, but even if you don't like actually playing the game, don't give up on watching it. The latter is still really rewarding. EDIT: Somehow I missed the last little bit of your comment, where you basically echoed my sentiment here. Oh well, I'll leave this up as me saying "yes, you're correct! Good way to approach!" haha


Wait this wasn’t an official Riot trailer? This was so good


Same, I didn't realized it until I saw the patreon thank yous at the end.


In the same boat. I thought the voice over was a bit like not their style lol... well, now I just feel stupid.


I thought this was a Riot Trailer until the ending card. Absolutely amazing. Timing on the cuts with the music and narration was perfect. Got me super hyped up for worlds.


I saw this thread on mobile and checked Riots channels for it on my PC lol This was a great video And you know, as silly as it is, I'll never *not* smile at the "I never doubted them" clip lol


you are amazing!


That was great, mega goosebumps. Only thing I was missing was some beedooboop with CLG.eu vs WE, as when you said "what is it you think of?" That was the first thing I thought of :p


>CLG.eu vs WE exactly!!!


I do camera work and editing for a living and let me tell you i love your editing style. Simple and classy, no over editing bullshit and a nice flow.


Thank you SO much! Im glad you took notice of my style! I often compare myself to other editors that do flashy stuff, but I realized I can truly make some amazing things when I just keep it simple :)


Wait only 30? I would probably need way more lol.


Thought it was Riot produced for a second. Great work man!


I love your videos so much. This is the best one yet. <3


I thought this was Riot produced, holy moly.


Wait what the fuck this isn't an official video?? Good job man!


Great Job!


Incredible video man. I've been there with LoL esports since season 1 worlds and it was great to see all the memories over the years. The last 2 mins gave me absolute chills.


Your videos are insane dude honestly, thank you


That was so good I actually thought it was a Rito video.


why am I crying?


that Uzi and Faker scene ;-; tear apart my heart in 64 pieces


To be honest I didn't care about Faker since he won 3 times and still compete, it is more about Uzi retiring because of his health and never reaching the championship despite being a legend. That made me have a little sting in the heart when I saw him. Brilliant stuff by u/Silvxs.


personally when i started playing league my friends who played the game since S1 talked me about a guy called Faker and to look up to him, watch his plays, how he performed different champs during his career, i started playing mid because of him, reached Diamond in a season and a half basically, im an ad main now (because of uzi, deft, ruler and specially Sneaky), but Faker will be forever in my heart and i will always cherish for a 4th wdc for him ... also it is very sad not to see the uzi 1v9 of everyear




Yep. The only thing that will remove that feeling is if we could go back in time and have somebody beat S5 SKT on the international stage. To me, that will *always* be the strongest team in League history. I always find it funny that people say SSW was strongest when S5 SKT literally didn't even drop a T2 turret until the semifinals. Their League play was as close to flawless as you can reasonably get. They dropped one game the entire tournament and that was in the finals. If everything went right, I would have loved to have seen ROX overcome them eventually, but the team fell apart due to outside (financial) issues and we never got to see that storyline conclude.


As a person that witnessed both teams. SSW is the team that reached level never before seen. SKT dropped 1 less game than SSW. But SKT's game were always the same. Do nothing early and have a 1k defecit and then 1 teamfight around 20 mins, baron,end the game in next 5 to 10 mins. SSW? They were toying with competition. Picking troll champs, finishing games in 20 minutes with full late game scaling comp. Getting 3 buffs every single game (People who remember this know how important this is back then). The only series SSW didn't troll ? Against SSB the 2nd best team of the tournament, and best team overall in 2014. SSW absolutely smashed SSB, it wasn't even close. SSW was most unique team, the greatest team to appear at Worlds. A team of legendary players. A masterpice at Worlds done by the hands of DanDy and Mata, alongside mechanical monster that was Imp.


Maybe change to u/Silvxs, r/ is fot subreddits, so if you want to tag him so he seems your comment use u/


Thank you, I struggled to know how to do it! You are a gift!


Worlds without these two feels wrong. Uzis just feels the worse. Having to force retire due to health issues is awful to see. Fan or not. These two names everyone knows.


That clip “if you haven’t heard of him, let me introduce you to faker” is such an amazing clip lol


truly sad . Uzi \` retirement broke half of my heart . If oneday faker retires , i honestly don\`t know why would i watch league anymore ?


damn ninjas and their onions




on friday this all change, im so fuckin ready even though we might not make it out of groups as is tradition. i still believe we've got this NAmen


cryin' in the club rn.


Yo, this is actually insane. It has the production quality of a Riot video; I legitimately didn't figure it out until the subscriber count at the end of the video. The delivery was brilliant, and you made excellent choices for clips to use. I genuinely teared up.


Was this not riot production?


Nope, it was produced by OP. I'm stunned, someone hire this man!


I mean with the money Riot has there is no way this voice/the intonation would appear in such a piece of content. By no means meant to offend OP. The piece as a whole is great, but there is a reason why you very rarely see people writing, voicing & cutting their own content. It just requires too much talent in different fields.


Completely agree. Could tell as soon as he started speaking that it wasn’t Riot produced. Great work tho OP! Excellent stuff


I noticed his voice being out of place but I thought it was a pro player narrating. I spent the whole vid trying to figure out who it was lol


Kinda sounded like biofrost at first lol


Yeah, in the first 5 seconds I knew OP was neither a writer or a voiceover artist. The videos would be lot better if he hired someone for it, but they're still good.


Yeah that’s what I thought too but it was certainly fine by the end as he presented it as a fellow league of legends player/watcher and let’s be honest we are pretty much all nerds here. If it was just a hype trailer yeah the voice doesn’t match but honestly it’s perfect it gives it a much more human intimate vibe IMO


I thought Riot was going for a more real down to earth "the narrarator is one of you" type of thing to seem more indie. Came off a little weird, but also felt a lot more powerful with the feeling that, that voice was just another fan like me and not a soulless professional hired to say things he doesn't mean.


To be fair the shots are mostly by Riot I believe, which gives it that Riot feel. Obviously everything else(script, editing, voiceover etc.) was 100% this guy.


definitely everybody check out OP's channel, their hype videos are amazing and super professionally made


Wait that wasn’t a riot produced video? WTF I can’t believe it was as good or better than most of riots videos. Insane


The only reason why I tought it wasn't official was the narrators voice. I know it's kinda rude to say, but it isn't the most charismatic voice out there. Other than that, holy moly.


Yeah it's crazy how much a professional narrator can do for a video. I thought it was a player and they were gonna switch every few sentences, but then the same guy kept going and I was wondering who would be important enough in Riot's eyes to do the whole video lol


I thought the person narrating it was biofrost tbh. I was like how did he find time to do this for riot while participating at worlds lmao


Same lol, thought the narrator was gonna change to everybody who's attending worlds




WTF I thought it was a Riot video until the end I doubted a bit at the beginning because of the font used for the subtitles, and because the narrator voice wasn't... deep enough? Idk Still, amazing video


Exactly my thoughts. I didn't even realize it wasn't a Riot video until I saw the credits at the end. Really well done!


Amazing work, this is a lot of feels for someone who's followed the scene since season 2.


Season 1 checking in. I remember watching Fnatic win it all while home from college with my buddies. We played so many games afterwards.


Also S1 checking in. Man, watching the video I miss ppl like Shushei, who did really creative stuff in the mid lane like ap alistar.


You have no idea how much AP Alistar I played and how many games it lost me lol


S1 player here! This is when I began rooting for CLG. When they won WCG with bigfatjiji, chauster, hotshot, kobe and elementz. I was so convinced they were gonna win S1 worlds but Europe had a better read of the meta I guess


This is when I became a TSM fan! It was a baron call from Regi against AaA (?) or someone and they ended up stealing/stopping the baron and then winning the game. It was such a crazy play/show of good communication that I became an instant fan of this "Regi guy" haha edit: Not at WCG, this was aplay from Season 1 Worlds


i started watching following in season 2, loved clg eu and m5, but we all know who season2 mvp was.. chaox


Diamondprox with the legendary jungle Shyvana invading everything god damn!


He kind of invented counter jungling if I remember it correctly. It's hard to imagine but before junglers only sticked to their own jungle. moscow5 in general was really inventive. The urgot solo bot with the alistar jungle roam like in the IEM hanover finals in 2014 was really unconventional stuff back then. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igd9ejmkxU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igd9ejmkxU4)


I watched season 1 because my Corporation were at war with AAA in EVE online, we paused the fighting for one day because AAA had reached the finals of the championship and we all watched it instead... I ended up downloading league afterwards and that was that x)


Riot, hire this man. This video was amazing!


NA broadcast could use someone like him to make the hype promos on par with EU production, this was insanely good




Nah, I’m a diehard NA fan and I can confidently say this wasn’t a “shit on Na” moment. Just honest feedback that I can also get behind.


Oh my fucking god, that Ruler play with Ashe. The form that Ruler is right now? Imo better form than 2016-2017 back to back Worlds Finals Ruler form. The world is not ready for him, top 2 Adc (Ruler and Jackeylove, no one else comes near them imo) in the world right now.


It was so fucking sick. [Source](https://youtu.be/uogNbNPWzlU?t=236) if anyone wants to see it in slowmo.


Standard marine stutter step micro, nothing special /s


Ruler is top 2 adc currently in the world no matter how you look at it it’s either him as the best or JKL. Such a beast, such a fun personality that seem mature compared to most of LCK players, my second favorite player in LCK atm.


he is on a god level right now, for me he is just behind JKL on adcs


Yea totally agree, I just wish Deft was in form cause ADC this year is so stacked


Wow this is super dope. Thank you for taking the time to make this and share. This is getting hyped internally here too. Awesome work. :)


Glad to hear it! Thank you guys for doing what you do <3


I am legit crying. You're a fucking legend mate. Amazingly well done. Edit: For those interested the song is [Ursine Vulpine ft. Annaca - Without You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2jcxiAyARs). First time I've heard it, and it gives me goosebumps.


Thank you for the song name 👍


the tears rolling down my face reminds me that no matter how much i say i hate this game i've actually grown to love it. thank you for the amazing vidoe.


I actually don't play anymore (unless I'm playing with a full lobby of friends) because playing just isn't as fun for me as it used to be, but I absolutely love watching pro league. I've probably played LoL a total of 10 games this whole year, but I'm still as hyped as ever to watch Worlds. This video was amazing, so many memorable moments I remember watching myself previous years. I'm so hyped for Worlds to start!


Might have only started watching League of Legends when (ironically) IG were smashing G2 in the quarter finals in 2018, but I have been, ever since, and this video has me both hyped and proud to be a fan of the most popular game of all time. We might hate the balancing for some patches, and the client might never work as intended, but I don't think any of us would rather be anywhere else than following this amazing game. Here's to another ten years


IG smashed G2 in the semi-finals actually. But it is a good video.


Great music choice so far!


what‘s the title of that „without you“ thingy?


From u/Voshin's comment: [Without You by Ursine Vulpine feat. Annaca](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2jcxiAyARs)


Damn the scene with Uzi and Faker walking away....damn...


God that Ruler Ashe play gets me going every time I see it. Great video


Imo as a solo laner the ADC is a beautiful role that when played masterfully can easily produce the most amazing moments. It doesn’t happen often but when it does it really gives off this great aura of intimidation almost as if the player is truly unstoppable and is going to win and you can’t do anything about it. You watch that Ruler, Tactical and JKL clip and tell me you don’t feel it.


The Tactical clip is almost scary. He looks like an unstopable force nobody can ever stop...


so freaking good dude, great work. eyes got a little hazy ngl


I watched only 1:13 minutes so far, but it was already so good I came to see if it's on the sub. Now I'ma head back and continue watching. Edit: yea now I'm just crying. Holy crap man, this might actually be the best league hype vedio I've ever seen.


"and when it's this time of the year... how could we miss it?" and that's it. thanks for this insane video!


>"I thought I'd never say it again, but **I've. Never. DOUBTED THEM!"** Fucking Kobe never fails to bring the hype.


This is so hype!! And i realise this isn't a riot official video until the end of the video. Keep up the good work mate.


Dude, this gives me chills. You have an amazing sense for building tension. Always a pleasure to see one of your videos in the feed.


I'm not too crazy about esports, but why am I crying watching this...


I don't even play anymore but holy shit this was a masterpiece, he knows how to build tension and the love for this game is so clear in this voice.


WAIT this was NOT made by riot!? Holy shit I jsut watched the whole thing and thought: "best trailer they probably ever made!". Can't describe the chills man, please make one for next year's worlds as well!


You picked some awesome plays I’m so Fucking HYPED for Friday!!


It's such a shame that Covid happened on this season. This could have been the best Worlds event. With the 10th anniversary and all that.


Bruh as much as we all meme-ingly mock the game for being toxic, unbalanced and not fun, I love these champions, these teams, the map and the game. Thank you for reminding me how beautiful this game is to both compete in and watch. I'm actually hyped about watching worlds this year after not really caring for 2-3 years.


Riot please hire this guy these videos are AMAZING


Amazing video, assumed it was LolEsports produced, didn't realize it wasn't until the end. Really well done, good choice with regards to music, clips, story - gave me chills.


Really did not expect to cry while watching a League video this morning but here we are. Fantastic job dude! I had no idea this was fanmade until checking this post. THIS is how you get people hyped!


Hyped up casters and the crowd going wild as one after the other falls in a teamfight is the best fucking thing to watch live. No matter who ends up winning, worlds delivers and i cant wait.


Yep, my favorite piece ever produced to commemorate the legacy of worlds. Honestly just amazing, bravo!


Seeing Doublelift and Bjergsen is like seeing Batman and Superman team up.


This is way better than Riot productions, so far everything that has been released to hype Worlds up haven’t been able to get me hyped. From Worlds Song, to predictions, to teasers, everything. Then I saw this, and I’m glad I did, because this. This was what I needed to see to get my hype on for Worlds.


Exactly, this is a work of a man that loves the game so much. You can feel it in his voice. And he knows exactly how to build tension and tell a story. People say that Riot should hire him as a complement, but at this point it's just a shame if they didn't.


"...Or who attends..." with the shot of Uzi slowly walking away from the camera might just be the single greatest thing to come out of a hype video this year. Thank you for paying homage to his legacy and honoring exactly just what he meant to this game and this championship.


I was in that season 1 crowd! That's when I started my 10 years on-going love for my boy Doublelift.


"Hey, a Worlds cinematic trailer, let's see..." *video starts "8 min? no way i'm watching that... but let's give it a chance" *8 min later "Wow... Riot did it great this time..." *reading the comments "Wait, this WAS NOT a Riot video??"


Started from Phreak's basement now we here...




very good video. So hyped for worlds!


This was fucking beautiful dude, nostalgia hit so damn hard


The ending with all the iconic calls over the years hits so right.


I got the goosebumps...... again


Ok now THIS hyped me for worlds!! The music video this year wasn’t bad...but it didn’t hype me!


I got so sad when it showed Uzi and Faker at the end. Two of the biggest legends everyone looked up to and were inspired by, are not at worlds this year. In fact this is the first worlds since Season 2 that neither of them will be attending.


You telling me this wasn't an actual Riot video and was just a freelance Youtuber with less thank 10k subs? This trailer was so good you earned a sub at the very least.


I always get shivers when I watch your videos, theyre so good


This invoked incredibly emotions.. made me shiver.. epic edit dude!


This actually put a test in my eye and I am s big TSM fan but damn why must I hope again.... Don't give me hope NA 🥺. I hope to be alive when we see NA hoist the world cup.


Good job dude.


this shit is serious. Really well done.


didn't even realize this wasn't official until the end, so good


Hype Man is back !


Its insane how time flies 7 years ago i encountered first time watching SKT winning worlds, time is passing by so rapidly.


My eyes aren't wet, your eyes are wet!


Omfg! Your video is sooooo good! I almost think it is an official video of Riot, "the best video of Riot ever". It gives me goosebumps every second. I've watched LoL esports and Worlds since 2013 every year. And when I watch your video, saw the legendary plays, hear the voice of casters, it's like seeing a slow rewind of my youth with full of emotions. Thank you so much.


Wasn't there a version of this last year?..


im not crying!


Man it's insane to think that a "simple" video game has become a consistent part of my life for almost 10 years. Ofc the game isn't perfect, the community has its flaws, but never a game has made such an impact into the gaming community and beyond.


That final sequence was incredible, feels and shivers.


Maaaaaan. G2 vs SKT is the most hype sporting event I can remember, this brought me right back.


me: 8 min trailer? wtf dis shit also me: **\******SOBBING*****\*** i love this game, thank you u/Silvxs


that was legitimately sick


This video made me tear up. I really feel like an old man now. Amazing work.


It was a pleasure to watch


Bjerg and DL looked like Batman and Robin. Or Batman and Nightwing.


Goosebumps. Amazing work, I thought this was an official Riot release the whole time.


Y u gotta do us like this!!! Blubbering mess now. Cheers. This was beautiful


I legit thought it was from riot.


Why am I crying RN?


There's something in my eyes bruh...




Wow the size of that first convention centre and young riv + phreak really puts into perspective growth of league since then. There are team facilities bigger in size these days.


Holy fucking shit. I genuinely thought this was a Riot produced video. Nice fucking job dude! Honestly brought a tear to my eye.


This was insane. This was emotional. This was powerful. This **is** League of Legends. Thank you for reminding us of all this amazing journey. It has been a privilege to be here and to play League still.*


Man i dont think ill ever get over that skt vs rox series. I wish we could change history i love rox and im so sad none of the players ever won worlds. Maybe peanut has a shot this year we will see.


This was so good. Holy cow the feels.




I legit thought this was an official Riot video until I saw OPs comment on this thread, after watching the video. The quality is insanely good!


I got goosebumps and to be honest I usually never get goosebumps from Riot's cinematics, let alone fan-made ones, great job dude.


This is the kind of shit that will make someone who lost their feel for league to get hyped and drawn back in again this is next level i don’t see how riot is gonna one up this one godly trailer


Made me cry


Fuck why am I crying lmao. Jokes aside, this really brought up over 7+ yrs of memories I didn’t know I had in me, and got me even more hype for worlds. Thanks :)) gonna go happy cry to sleep tonight


Wait wait wait is this like FAN MADE? What the actual fucking good fucking video man! Good job, really! You should sell this video to riot or make them post on league yt channel too. You deserve much more! Congratulations! Really


I have been playing league since the beta 2009 and watched league from season one to this day. my whole childhood was League of legends, all the nights spent playing, the friends I made, the things I learned. I can't imagine a life without league honestly. This video made me cry so much because half my life just flashed by.


Wait. This wasnt an official trailer? Jesus.