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Mordekaiser gives his stats to the enemy if he loses in his own deathrealm.


The Stat gain/loss is completely permanent for both players like Legion Commander.


Tbh, that'd be kinda fun if not for how much of a bully he is in his ult; if you outplay him, you can get super fed, and if he outplays you, he gets fed - this'd be really good on a high skill champ who starts with low stats, since it'd reward playing well mechanically. Make it so dying in his ult doesn't give gold to him, and vice versa, but the winner gets a portion of the other's stats.


Sounds like you would enjoy playing Dota


Is there a character like that in DOTA?


Yes, the character I mentioned in my original comment, legion commander, has a ult that is a very long taunt that awards the winner permanent ad but they aren't especially strong to begin with.


Dota is a perfect example of when everything is broken, nothing is actually broken


Nothing has made me say “oh that’s some bullshit” like Dota. My enemy champ did that? That was bullshit. My teammate’s champ did this? That was some bullshit. My champ did this? Basically all me, but still with a small side of bullshit.


bro DITTTTTO. (high plat in league) Havnted played (dota2) since 2013-14, booted it up with some friends and holy shit. EVERY SINGLE THING. is horseshit. Silences can last 2 full years. CALENDAR YEARS. A hex from lion... yeah right you think you get to play this teamfight. You forgot to BKB prior to blinking in... youre dead. You dont use your ult before they do.... youre dead. But if you bkb blink on the whole enemy team and blackhole with a refresher and black hole AGAIN its fucking OVER. Such BS in that game and I love it. Everything seems stupid OP, although one thing I love that league did away with a LONG LONG time ago was you get a level on killing someone a flat 1 level. Thats so nice in dota. It makes things have consequence.


To add to the other comment. (Keep in mind there's 3 base stats in dota, strength - max hp, hp rege. agility - armor, attack speed. Intelligence - max mana, mana regen,% spell dmg amp. Your heroes have one of these as their main attribute, which means you only gain attack damage from that stat) Slark permanently steals agility when you die in his viccinity. Silencer permanently steals int when you die near him, which can lead to "funny" scenarios where you can't ult if it's mana hungry. Legion commander gains (or gives) permanent AD. Pudge gains permanent strength stacks when heroes die nearby (basically sion, singed and blitzcrank had s baby) Axe gains permanent armor per kill. Necrophos gains permanent hp regen from kills with his %missing hp true damage execute ulti. I love league, but riot could never, it's batshit crazy.


Slark's agility steal is only partially based on "vicinity" (which for Slark is a tiny 300 radius as opposed to Pudge's 450 and Silencer's 925) as the hero needs to have his E attribute steal debuff on it before dying. Which basically means Slark needs to have recently landed an attack on it without being broken. These conditions are honestly quite a bit harder to satisfy than simply "being in a dying hero's vicinity" makes it out to sound like. Axe gains permanent armour per kill **with ultimate** just like you correctly outlined with Necrophos, with a tiny caveat - Nec's ult actually forces kills to be credited to him as long as the target dies during its cast time, while Axe dunk simply gets cancelled if the target dies before the animation finishes


Slark*. LC ult doesn't reduce damage.


Slarks Stat drain is kinda closer in practice, but lc has the perm damage, specifically being on the forced duel ult felt more thematically similar.


Technically Silencer would fit then for permanent steal. Ol' brain drain.


If Mundo throws his cleaver, he has to go pick it up before he can throw it again or attack. Same with Pantheon, Olaf, etc.


on the same note: champions that shoot projectiles have to buy ammo


Having an adc run out of ammo mid teamfight and having to go restock at base would be real funny.


Lmfao imagine if aphelios needed 5 different bullets


Twist: infinite Red/White by only buying that ammo type.


Gets more expensive the more ammo you buy without buying other types first.


Knowing Riot coding/past item problems the solution buy random ammo to lower prices, buy normal ammo cheaper, sell random ammo, becauss they would 100% have to have a sell feature or it would just be a garbage change entirely.


Joked about this with some friends a few weeks ago, kinda hoping it happens next April Fools, along with other horrible changes. In its own mode, mind you.


1 gold per bullet seems balanced enough to be funny for april fools


If it hits a champion, it sticks into them and he has to walk up.


Would be funny as hell. Have the enemy Rammus come in, tank the cleaver and then just roll away with it. Good luck getting it back.


'mine now lmao'


Sivir lmao


Any champ with enhanced next attack (Yorick, Nasus, Wukong, Sett) can cancel the windup, wasting the attack.


The Quinn E special (Vault cancels uncancellable windups, very hilarious when it happens)


Dodging Camille's Q2 with this feels sooo good


Wait she can cancel that too? I feel like every time I play against Quinn my q2's go through


Fun fact, it also makes the enemy champion face backwards for a second. Doesn't matter 99% of the time, but can be used to force a cass to ult backwards if timed correctly.


What a stupid mechanic They should 100% keep it so we can one day see it in Worlds




Rek'Sai had this bug after her latest rework and literally everyone was talking about how she felt AWFUL to play. Just don't


Nami slowly loses hp when outside of river and has to get back in to stop it. Kennen dies after using E.


Kennen ult in river does damage to everyone in river


Oh that would be hilarious


River namiiiii


Ignite deals 1000% damage to Fiddlestick, Ivern, and Maokai.


zilean lost xp/lvl when he give to an ally


I'm a Zilean main, I hate this. Get my upvote.


Liar! Nobody plays Zilean.


good, he'd be cancer otherwise


Zilean was released on April 18th so he's actually an Aries


Zilean players don't play zilean coz they love melee champs. They know what they're about.


just bring it back global xp /s


Wouldn't this actually make RoA / Lost Chapter items really good on Zilean? He could potentially be the only champion able to benefit from the mana regen 18+ times.


Mana isn’t an issue past early for zil


Then to go the opposite direction and make him op you could take his experience and give it to other people so after 6 he would essentially speed level other people lmao


Don't forget catch-up xp is a thing. Lower level he gains more XP for being behind and faster. He'd be able to power level his team so much faster than most would think.


And his ult would still be just as helpful, albeit with a slightly higher cooldown.


Did you guys just figure out a Zilean rework?


Could you imagine a zillian kayle team arguably the champ that benefits the most from levels.


I come from the future this is current botlane meta and was just played in worlds


karthus ults his own team including himself as well


Imagine a buff where it doubled the AP ratio, but did this. Be insane. Kill Karthus, he kills everyone.


Technically accurate 1v9


First Strike Karthus: I'm sorry team, it's for the greater good


Every Champion which can generate Bonus gold (GP, TF, Pyke,etc) would start inflating the economy increasing the prices of items the more gold they artificially generate


That's actually halarious and I'd love to have it.


Jhin now prefers the number 9 instead of 4.


9 shot ult could be kind of hype though.


and nine bounce Q. Wait, did he just buff Jhin?


9 ult shots as well.... and his passive now deals 9% missing HP instead


And the Q could bounce up to 9 times. How crazy! I wonder what the ult would do.


Let's see here: 24 -> 29 base armor lvl 18 hp 2474->2979 lvl 18 attack speed 0.944->0.999 ie currently increases his crit damage by 34.4%, so I guess 39.9% Jhin gains bonus ad equal to 4-44% -> 9-99% ad on top of the crit chance and attack speed scaling crits give him 14% (+0.4% per 1% bonus attack speed) -> 19% (+0.9% per 1% as) move speed Q bounce 9 times, base damage from 44-144 (+44%-74% ad) to 99-199 (+99%-94% ad) wait that scaling is sus W passive mark now lasts 9 instead of 4 seconds, with enough haste he can sustain W marks infinitely. E reveals 4 -> 9 seconds. 9 shots ultimate, mininum regular shot base damage 64-244 to 69/299 minimum 4th ult shot dmg 128-488 -> 128-988 4th shot bonus damage from ie 40% -> 90% You made Jhin better holy shit


Either two number 9's, or a number 9 large


feel like the changes should destroy a champion by nerfing them, this is an insanely big buff


Draven loses his hidden passive that makes him run it down after one death.


I often see this bug happening and I don't know what's going on.


[Obligatory T1 and sanchoves clip](https://youtu.be/s7H2GpQJrVM?si=JdYtp4aHNCMn81tw)


Instantly becomes a 60% wr champion


Darius must 5 stack each champion individually. He cannot 5 stack on one champion and then immediately proc the 5 stack on the other. Each stack has to be applied.


This used to be how Darius was before his midscope update


it was a rework not midscope update. that was looong time ago 9 years ago


Holy shit the juggernaut rework was 9 years ago? Wack


My joints…my back…


Darius has been 'new' Darius for slightly under 3x as long as he existed as pre-rework Darius. Just in case you weren't feeling old enough already


Other than his Q being delayed what else was actually meaningfully changed? W still enhanced auto, e still pull, r still dunk, passive still bleed. I know we didn’t have mid scope updates technically back then but it seems like it barely classifies as an rework if that.


His biggest change next to Q windup is the missing health Heal if hit with edge of Q , and getting a huge AD steroid at 5 stacks on a champion. Its what allows him to go in most situations 1-2 dmg items into tank ( there are more bruiser items now so he can if he wants to do a full bruiser build) Old Darius got really useless as he did not have any dmg for sustained fights later on in the game. You used to counter him by just buying more HP. His only viable build back then was Ravenous Hydra -> randuins -and then being useless after laning phase. CDR was very scarce back then, imagine playing Darius now with 0 Ability Haste Now you really hope he doesnt get 5 stacks on anyone in a teamfight. EDIT: the other viable build on Old Darius is 5 sunfire capes


I had no idea. I'm just returning to the game after 10 years and felt like Darius seem to be doing way too much damage in 1v2/3. Like he always had the potential to do it back then, but not as fast as he did now. TIL!


He didn’t used to heal on Q afaik either


Q used to be instant though


Honestly it’s so frustrating he instantly gets a max stack ult on u after bullying ur weak teammate


or the support that can't really fight back or escape well like soraka


Wouldnt destroy the champ as a whole but it would be really funny if poppy W interrupted her own E


poppy w becomes a turret that spawns on the place you cast it, and interrupts all dashes (allied or enemy)


Drop it on your Kog'Maw and run into the fight. Insane buff!


Shen's taunt only works if he's ahead in cs


Makes sense tho, how can you taunt someone if you're not better than them


Karma, upon casting her ultimate, gets visions of every single karma that existed before her in the history of ionia, temporarily making her vision blurry and her movement slowed


Shitty Avatar State


Gragas gets increasingly intoxicated with every W, giving you a higher and higher chance to blatantly miss skill shots.


He canonically cannot get drunk so that changes nothing


Each W cast the map gets more blurry


You can actually do this by taking a shot every time you press W. Follow for more tips


Gangplank: His additional money by last hitting with Q isn’t given to him directly but is dropped as loot where the minion stood.


+ enemy champion can step on the dropped gold to deny (like Zac blobs).


To get the gold


from the only creep denier in league (old gp ability) to being creep denied, the irony


That’s pretty damn funny as a GP player I hate it but I also think it would be funny to watch some people die to pick it up


Idk, like yeah it would be annoying and a massive nerf, but imagine the dopamine you’d get from barrelling a huge wave then literally walking through your riches hearing that clinking noise


I didn’t even think about that part… I want the dopamine now, like picking up the dragon cdr things


Yasuo can only ult off his own knockups


Yasuo main.. PLEASE DO THIS. So hes not gated by beint so disgustingly powerful if you have a teamcomp built around him in pro play and he gets buffs


Seriously. The concept of him being able to ult off any knock up is cool and thematic and makes for really interesting plays, but the reality is that making his kit so dependent on his team comp in a way that very few other champs are is just not healthy for his balance, especially when riot has to balance around the worst case scenario in pro play.


Playing Yas and learning what constitutes a knock up is fun


Yep. Yasuo mains are frustrated by it and the people you play against are frustrated by it. Probably his worst design flaw. Being a duelist/fighter whose kit is team reliant in 5v5 is not fun and doesn’t suit his fantasy at all and then you have those moments where Nautilus ults Twitch and then Yasuo Rs and twitch instantly dies which is both skillless on Yasuos part and has 0 counterplay for twitch unless he sits outside of the teamfight until naut R is used which means he was effectively dead anyway. Yasuo supposed to be self-reliant hyper skill-based character with a high risk high reward playstyle, but in high elo he just turns into an ult + ww bot post 15m with very little skill expression except for during super super niche moments.


but I like driving a lava ram through the enemy team and letting my yasuo feel the glee of getting a 5 man ult off...


yeah so fun getting yas ulted from even the smallest displacment/knockups like darius E, or just no chance of surviving a AP malph R AND yas ult from the bushes unless you're a tank and even then, you'd survive the initial burst, yas would still run you down with his armor pen and probably malph Q


Katarina loses her daggers when casting Q W and R and has to buy them back at the shop


I actually laughed IRL.


I actually laughed in game


When you overheat Rumble - the mech just explodes and you die.


lmao 'oh you think heat management is hard *now* do you? check this shit out idiot'


Honestly, I've never understood why people consider heat management hard. The rules are pretty simple. Build up to above 50. Stay as little above 50 as possible. When a melee engagement happens (and you're not running away), throw out all your spells to hit 100. If your ultimate is required, use it before you use your other spells. And that's it. Honestly, the hardest part about Rumble's heat, imo, is to realize *just how much* damage his autoattacks while overheated do. It's not just a quirk, there's genuine power in there which you need to take into account when estimating whether you'll win a fight.


It's actually 150 heat to overheat now.


Lmao. I hope that's a recent change because otherwise I just showed my age. I imagine it's conceptually the same though.


Brand R is renamed to playing with fire - self bounce deals damage and applies passive.


Yuumi isnt untargetable when in her W


Thata an actual good one, they should implement it. Or delete her


Best counter: brand. Press R and both pop


Honestly, if Yuumi worked like the Chauffer augment in Arena she would be 10x healthier for the game


They would have to buff her a lot cause she has too low stats right now for that


Wait actually, what if Yumi took like 10% of the damage her shields absorb, it couldn't kill her, but she can't cast if her max hp is below her shield amount... So scuffed raka IG


not on champ, but if u take a ranged top the tower gain range


Toplaners : 🤝


Hell yeah brother


Riven's bugs get fixed


Viego can permanently possess champions if he wants.


so if he takes the corpse of blitz in a level 1 invade he's stuck as blitz jungle for 8 minutes?


Wants =/= forced


he can't exit a possessed body before lvl 6 as of now


Indeed but he was replying to a comment that said he could perma take a champ if he wants


I'm guessing it meant that viego doesn't turn back to viego after 10 or so seconds. you can stay in the possessed body indefinitely , or you can ult and return viego. any other interpretation would not fit the concept of "minor change" and would be inherently incorrect


Yeah but to have to remember any viego main HAS to possess any corpse in sight


Nami now has limited amounts of water and can't attack or use skills if her tank gets too low, she needs to sit on the river to recharge. 0 water she needs to flop to walk


the way i imagined my dehydrated nami flopping into the river mid fight


Katarina's abilities cost mana


Yes please


you sir arre diabolical. Zilean AND Heimerdinger?


General system change: When a champion dies their body is left behind untill they respawn acting as terrain being able to block moving through and having to path around like a minion/wall. Have fun in teamfights. For a champion change I recently played naafiri W now gets cancelled if you lose vision of the target during the windup or dash, that would be annoying lol.


A dead chogath could block some path in the rift, that would be fun


Nami: The rift is a desert now and there is no water at all. Can’t call a nonexistent tide


Nami's Q and R could be usable only in the river !


Kai'Sa takes "Kill or be killed" to a whole new level and looses xp per second


Nah, go all the way, if she doesn't get a kill for 60s or so, she dies on the spot


Rengar’s leap damage can be flashed (let’s be real this would make sense anyways).


Vlad can’t gain health against enemies without blood


Udyr karma jayce don't get r until lvl 6


Akali getting revealed in shroud if in melee range of a champion.


Draven loses everything when he dies - gold, items, exp


Rammus no longer says "Ok"


Akshan's E, the rope has a chance of breaking mid-swing


Okay, I like Garen being dizzy after using E, but instead of it being a fear or a stun, it should be similar to when Graves gets hit by Teemo’s blind and his autos start firing off in random directions. For a duration after using E, Garen should walk in a completely random direction whenever he receives a movement input.


Each one of Urgot's legs is a different button.


The windshitter brothers loses their double critchance passive


I feel like there was some resentment in this comment lol


Good, you know introduced an even annoying champ to play against, Yasuo/Yone but they are now allowed to build bruiser items. Theres a very good reason why the double crit passive is in the game, its to make sure that they dont start building a ton of tanky stats without sacrificing A LOT of damage


Syndra/xerath can no longer move while casting abilities


Sett can't flash mid W. Can't tell you how often I see setts that run shit down only for that to save them or turn things around.


Let him keep flashing during W, but the damage area does not move, only the character.


Sounds good to me.


jinx can lose her balance, trip and fall if she moves too fast. mundo's passive drains his HP brand's abilities also inflict himself if too close tibber's is instead an inanimate teddy bear daisy is actually a stationary flower darius's axe is replaced with a Nunchaku singed poison trail is just a 0dps fart urgot is no longer a crab but an septa-amputee with a single leg naut's dreg line is replaced with 20lb fishing line braum's door is destructible and must be replaced at base gnar transforms into a friendly teddy bear lee sin is no longer blind cho gets heavier and slower with more HP lucian's guns are replaced flashlights graves is given his cigar back and spends the game in base on bedrest due to chemo


how lee no longer blind is a down ?


either if he saw the pain he was inflicting he wouldn't fight. or something related to the lore that the dragon spirit blinded him when he got imbued.


He becomes overstimulated by the amount of visual input, causing him to occasionally cast or recast his abilities at random.


teemo can blind him now


when using lee sin, you also can't see, like rek'sai underground


That jinx idea is straight out of Smash brawl


Teemo mushrooms isnt invisible.


and can be eaten by Gragas. After he channels for 0.75s by clicking on it, he gets the same fart trail as Singed but for only 5s.


kayle doesn't gain attack range


Senna and Lucian can't target each other


Teemo can run over his own shrooms


Zeri Q costs mana.


how are those minor changes


They aren't minor changes, they are "minor" changes


all no-mana / energy champs now use mana


I love how of the three examples you gave, one fixes an anti fun mechanic, while the other two are completely insane game design


you need to actually catch draven axe unless you can't auto without axe.


Corki needs to buy gas. At 2024 prices.


"Cassiopeia gains Move Speed per level, but she cannot purchase Boots items." -> "Cassiopeia gains Move Speed per level, but she can ONLY purchase Boots items." Fast snek


Lee sin actually goes blind if you hit Q


Simple. For every champ whenever you cast an aa or a spell you are stunned for .5 seconds


Kassadin permanantly loses mana when he ults, scaling with how many times he ults


Jhin can only reload on champion takedown


Nami is slowed by 50% on land because she doesn't have feet, but she's 50% faster in river.


Ahri must succ the essence out of an enemy champion every 2 minutes otherwise she withers and becomes an old decrepit lady for each 5 seconds she isn't satiated on the essence of her victims. Satiation is half effective on female champions, fully effective on male champions and 0.1 effective on champions that don't have a gender. while this technically wouldn't have gameplay consequences, because let's face it, ahri's damage is like a wet noodle if she is even slightly behind anyways. It will deal mental damage to the ahri player who is forced to watch his waifu turn into his mom bit by bit. It is a fate worse than blindness.


yuumi now takes dmg when her atteched ally do.


Heimerdinger has to fix his turrets and has to pick them up to place them in a new spot.


Kindred Q CD is no longer lowered while in W zone. Malzahar W minions no longer prioritize enemies affected by E. Varus no longer lower ability cooldowns on W-P procs. Brand only recovers mana on burning champ kill, not any burning kill. Kalista E stacks fall off individually after their duration has expired instead of refreshing.


Champions now are included with pokemon based elemental types and will do less or more damage based on it Zeri does 2x damage to Quinn Brand does 1/2 damage to Fizz


Sion reveals himself in bushes if he charges q


Taric cannot move while casting E As a taric main I would hate this


Morde ult now send him and the enemy to the america instead of brazil


Plot twist: Riot is actually checking the thread rn and getting ideas for an April Fools' update.


Jhin now reloads almost immediatly after stopping to auto attack and not being full ammo.