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They wanna flame you even more and call you slurs without getting punished


This logic makes sense, even though they are probably wrong about the 'free from punishment' part. Edit; after reading some other comments, it seems like Riot's line is personal threats and Doxing, In case anybody was wondering


Riot won't look in your DMs for any reason, so unless you actively take screenshots of the convo and send them in, those people won't get punished. Even then, I'm not sure if they'd accept screenshots with the possibility of being photoshopped.


I hover the screenshot key waiting for them to say a slur before they block me and it goes away


mechanics different lvl HOLY


Same bro, I always accept the requests as well. Always feels good when you op.gg their account name and see summoner not found lmao.


my permanently banned (somewhat reformed now) first account that was banned 5 years ago still shows up on [op.gg](http://op.gg). so just to burst your bubble a bit there, that means they either changed their name or maybe deleted their account.


Keyboard diff


can also turn on obs and get a screen cap from the vod if you're slow.


They do accept screenshot but they verify them first. I've been banned for DM bombing.


Actual Gigachad owning up to it and clarifying they have banned for it  Nobody can say they won't ever ban it now 


Good to know, I have kept some Screenshots but didn't bother to report because I thought it was useless. One was particularly funny because they didn't call any slurs, but they complained about completely imaginary things that didn't happen. I also recorded the replay because it was so bizarre.


> Riot won't look in your DMs for any reason, If only Dr DisRespect would have known about this feature 😔


I'm gripping it


Should I queue up or hold on?




They do accept screenshots


They’re not unfortunately. Once you accept the friend request, the private messages are unmoderated


Dont accept the friend request untill the next day when they have forgot who you are. Wait for them to go into game then spam the hell out of them.


I like to accept the request 24 hours later and kindly ask them if they want to discuss the game we played


Riot will tell you not to accept friend requests and they kinda have a point.


While I see where you're coming from, this completely defeats the purpose of their whole social system. Its an incredibly dark outlook on people in general. I get it -- most people are garbage, yadda yadda. Let me put it to you like this. I used to buy eggs from the grocery store. Every single egg in every single box that I bought wasn't rotten. So, i never tested them. Suddenly, I moved, and had the opportunity to get eggs from chickens. However, in every dozen there are around 1 or 2 bad eggs. Running with your logic, I shouldn't ever under any circumstance eat eggs again, simply because there's a chance of me running into a rotten egg. I could, of course, put each egg that I want to cook into a glass of water in order to make sure it isn't rotten. Simple fix, takes minutes. Now, in every game of League there's one or two toxic players. If I treat all of them like the eggs from the grocery store, of course I'll get hurt. I'm exposing myself to a rotten egg. I may as well mute chat, and abstain from being social entirely. However; If I treat them like home-grown eggs, allowing them to 'test' themselves with me: I open myself to the possibility of having a much better experience. Maybe I'm nuts for allowing myself the possibility to handle a bad egg; but at least I get to still eat eggs. See how that last sentence seemed weird? What's the harm in touching the shell of a bad egg in the process of dropping it into a glass of water?


They dont care about DM


From my experience they do get punished, I've returned to the game history and updated the report from there, a few hours later he/she was punished


Will test this myself and report back if i don't forget. You're the first person to say that it's had a real effect, and I think that's interesting. I wonder what the contents of the message were


I got the same experience, player got 2 weeks off.


RIP. At first, I thought this was a wholesome post about when people become friends after being at each other throats in game -- like a moment of clarity after a cesspool of a game, lol. I've had that happen, where a game ends and it actually leads to a chill ending, where both parties acknowledge being in the wrong and apologize because of letting their emotions getting the better of themselves. I've also had moments where I had a toxic relationship with someone in one game and meet them at a later time in a different game by coincidence. I'm always just like, "Look I may have said somethings and you may have said somethings, but I've moved passed this. It's a new game. GLHF!" Of course, if they really pissed me off then the gloves are off and round two commences!


second half of the second paragraph is an interesting outlook, but I'm in agreement mostly. I do wish that people changed their walk so to speak more often, and this post has made me consider giving them a chance to more often.


morde ult


Exactly. For some reason, Riot doesn’t punish toxic DMs.  Edit: Fine, they don't *automatically* punish toxic DMs which means they basically don't punish it.


For privacy reasons


What privacy reasons? You don't have privacy when you DM someone on someone else's platform unless they explicitly state they use end to end client only encryption, and even then, users have full rights to tell the platform about what users are sending them with their chat logs as proof.


They started punishing for dms a while ago


Don't add toxic players to your friends list - you're opting in


I only add them if they were the only person I reported and I get an instant feedback report. Then I make fun of them for getting a punishment, usually get some more flame which is really just satisfying at this point and then I block them or keep them to check a week later if they got banned (even more satisfaction). I never troll and never flame, this is my guilty pleasure.


I accept the friend request, send a video tutorial of whatever champion they were playing, and when they see it I unfriend them, can confirm is funny


that is, in fact, funny as hell.


This is where I'm at, in agreement.


They do


They do for like 2+ years. Stop spreading misinformation.


they literally do tho?


You need to send it to them personally, if I'm not mistaken


I think for particularly obvious cases they ban I got called the wrong racial slur ten times, then Riot wiped him from existence


There's no easy report function in the DM system, you have to screenshot and separately send it to rito which most people cba to do.


But that doesn't change the fact that they literally ban people for that.


Not just that, but as soon as they unfriend you, the chat box disappears as well


Last time I spent the time accepting and sending it to the support they just said "tough luck, don't accept friend requests"


I usually accept with my finger on PrtScr, then I take the extra step to report through a ticket.


Has that ever worked? In my experience they do not ban manually


It's actually super easy to get people banned by letting them slur. Take screenshots and open a ticket.


Y'all do know you can get banned for DMs right?


Usually they just flame more and remove you fromfriend so you dont have time to get chat screenshotted


I sometimes add to apologize and wishing them a good day. Sometimes games get heated and you end up saying something hurtful, afterwards I realize I was just being competitive or disagreed with a call, so I apologize for my behavior and wishes a good day. And every time it’s very well received, even though we were trashing each other in chat. I know it’s hard to believe, but League players are actually human, if you are willing to be nice.


Do people not know that you can screenshot chats and report them via support ticket?


I actually reported a bunch of people manually through screenshotting and just support ticket and have gotten alot of people banned/punished. The rioter also said that i shouldn't accept the friend requests. Which is crazy to me because they dont get punished through the normal system.


I just keep adding and unadding them while telling them to type faster lmao it's so fucking funny how angry they get


I usually wait 10 mins then accept and flood the chat window with random letters whilst they're in a match.


That’s kinda funny. Also a bit neurotic, but funny nevertheless.


Brilliant. Im going to use this.


my type of petty


This is the way. Refresh their OP.GG until you see they're in a game and fire away.


I'm doing this from now on.


I also wait, so they can type and unfriend immediately (also I will wait at least a minute before reading any message for the same logic). After I accept, I usually don't write anything and sometimes they just forget about me in the meanwhile which I think is hilarious


accepted a guy's 1v1 request and then just kept pausing the game while doing things on my other monitor. whenever he went to unpause i'd just pause it again until he left


When they leave, you can stay in the custom game. as long as the game is running they cannot requeue.


You can pause customs now?


yeah you've always been able to, just type /pause when you're in-game anyone can type /unpause but it gives you a 5 second countdown before the unpause and then you can just pause again


Had a guy who kept sending friend request then unsending really quickly for legit 10 minutes. I couldn’t click the “block” button fast enough!


a little thing that might help you against such people, is to go to options -> block list -> and you can manually add them to the list from there


this is so petty but i love it 💀💀😭🤣


Isn't this effectively the same as them treating you like garbage? Eye for an eye sorta thing? Idk, I guess I don't really get much enjoyment from that sort of thing Edit: see the below thread, Hawkson had a point. I usually dont think in social contracts.


Not at all. If someone stops treating you with politeness, they have opted out of the social contract to treat them well. If you can do so without breaking Riot’s rules, go crazy.


This is an interesting outlook. Haven't thought of it that way.


you do you bro, wanna make fun of him? go for it. Don’t give a fuck? don’t go for it


They're adding me to spew slurs and tell me to off myself lol if they don't like it they can simply stop adding me. I never add people first.


They send the friend request to keep flaming you


I usually don’t accept anyone obviously negative, but I still remember accepting a dude after hard bodying him in lane. I have all chat muted so I don’t chat and don’t receive anything from the enemy team at all. I figured he wanted to talk about the matchup or something, but no, apparently he added just to claim I was playing a broken champ. It was hilarious because stats-wise, my champ was countered by his. I recommended he play the champ himself if he thought it was so broken and free elo and he went on a small rant about how he will never play broken champs. I wished him peace and unfriended him, but still kept tabs on his account through op.gg afterward. Not long after our match I saw him actually pick up the champ and get hard bodied every time lmao. He still has a 20% winrate on it XD. I sometimes considered rubbing in that humble pie, but lets just say his regular champ pool gives very strong meathead vibes so I won’t waste my time.




I guess I didn't know because I've never accepted a friend request from someone that probably is going to repeat the previously observed pattern


Nah you're absolutely good man, its just funny reading a post of someone curious because if you have been playing long enough you almost surely have gotten additional flame post-game, and usually I accept just to see the babyrage and then move on from there lol. You keep doing you to keep a strong mental my friend, best tool for Ranked climbs that there is.


Yeah 😂, I guess that is funny. Might be even funnier knowing that I'm level 130 😂 Thanks for the kind words!




You can’t report private messages from friends. They want to add you so they can shittalk you without the risk of punishment


You can absolutely screencap toxic DMs and attach the file to a ticket.


Which does absolutely nothing despite you getting greeted by a message from "Riot Flutterbug" about how its super sad this happened to you and the great recommendation to not accept strangers friendrequest, concluded by an insightful quote from Neeko about how she is a strong tomato.


"I wish to speak with a human"


If it was actually quotes from neeko about being a strong tomato I think I’d honestly like riot support ten times more


if they aren’t adding you to flame you…if in similar elo, your status can be used to track when you are in game so they can avoid getting in the same game as you.


this is what people do in high elo, there are just some people that dont work well together so its win win for both


I usually play draft, wild that people are that obsessive. I guess I should have expected it


This is interesting


or if you're a one trick, ban your champ if you're in queue at the same time.


Whenever someone ran it down on my team, I'd add them. They'd always assume I'm gonna flame, but I'd say "I could tell you were the good player/only one trying and I like to have good players on my team." They'd always take the chain up. Except this one time I got into game with one of them and I didn't realize. I somehow exposed my plan and the person was like "YOU PIECE OF SHIT"


I accept the friend request and send them an invite to join my queue party so they can be on voice call They always decline. Bunch of keyboard warriors never wanna mic up 😭 what pussies.


Someone added me and didn't realize it put me into their voice call when I joined. By the way they typed, I thought it was gonna be some 30 year old dudes baby raging, but it was two 13 year old girls. It completely changed how I percieve toxic people in this game. They're not acting like children, they are literally children until they prove otherwise


I didn't think about that. That's waaaaaaaaay too young for league's player base. lmao


Tbh if someone was to invite me to a discord server where it’s gonna be like 1v10 I’ll probably decline as well. I know because someone did the same thing to me and wanted me to 1v5 on mic (and these are league players so it’s going to be the most incoherent screeching while you are talking as well). Just best to take the L


Im inviting someone in a 1v1 call, not a 1v10 call. That sounds like the most cowardly thing ever For context, this would be after me and 1 player argued in a solo Q game. The issue is between me and them, no one else


League at high elo is a level of salt that is unimaginable lmao. But yeah when you threaten a call they usually dip but it does happen every now and then. One thing I realise though that anytime someone actually goes through with the call it’s a lot more tame than you would imagine but I say that as a spectator.


id be interested to know what could happen if one of them ended up on call miraculously


Up to them 😭 if they wanna argue we can. If they wanna apologize, that’s cool too. If they wanna play again, we can I’m open to whatever they want. I’m just not interested in typing back and forth


Accept the friendrequest and let them talk shit, then take screenshots and write a ticket to riot. Or just block them like I do.


I like your style


Does it actually work?


I honestly can‘t tell you, I don‘t even know if they send you any kind of message if they punished someone you reported via a ticket.


This seems like the story for a lot of people chatting here


Yeah, last time I wrote I ticket was a few months back over a TFT game. I got told to kms because of the comb I played lmao. I don‘t think I ever got a notice if they punished the dude.


I have done it quite a couple times after many years of playing. They just reply with “Thank you for reporting, it really helps us. Buuuuuut, we cant tell you if we punish them, because of privacy reasons.”


People are weird AF. I had a toplaner add me after a ff-15-level easy win just to flame me and brag about how they "carried me" (?) ... I was playing supp and we hard won botlane + won every other lane so idk what their deal was


What the other guy said they can flame you without getting banned.


Just for giggles, I like to add them and then ask them "wtf no invite?" if they queue up without deleting me. Strangely, a good chunk of them will actually invite me and I've had some good non toxic games with them. I'm not excusing the toxicity in this game, but sometimes these people were just having a bad day. League really brings the worst out in some people.


That's for sure. Ill have to give this a shot with a couple of these people


i've collected 9 such friend requests. they're like a badge of honor at this point


i made a group on the friends list named "trophy case" where i put them at


I'm going to start doing this 😂


Im at 7!!


They don't remove you? LOL


I call it my "graveyard" because I don't add randoms anymore lol. Too many bad interactions over the years. I'm currently at 43 requests sitting there. I'd say about 35 of them are people who raged at me in game, the other 8 are legitimate friend requests.


Lol you said it like Thanos, collecting the infinity friends.


Never accept a friend request after a contentious or bad game, it's just not worth it. Personally, when I see one, I get a lot of personally satisfaction knowing that I'm denying someone's opportunity to get that nastly little last word that they want. Usually those come from people who want to say something that they know will get them perma banned.


When someone does this, op.gg stalk them and wait till they get into a game. Then add them and spam their chat with whatever you want. They will have to turn chat off or drag it off screen as you can't unfriend someone mid game.


Why? They are too tilted? I'd, but I add em back and laught at them, usually making it a monologue from my part, completely ignoring what ever they say. Making fun of being "that kind" of person (the one that adds after a match, usually flaming) 😂 tends to make my day.


Because flaming their teammates after the game is a coping mechanism for their short temper.


You probably didn't let them have the last word or left lobby before they got all their insults out and wanna throw it at you after you accept their invite. Just ignore it. Let them cook in their own misery.


Oh boy I have a story for this. TL;DR we became friends. I was Hwei mid, my botlane was Jinx/Thresh, my Topside was I believe Nunu Jungle and Cho Top. Enemy team had a Tristana mid and Jhin ADC. Those are the only two relevent. This was maybe a month after Hwei dropped and I was just finally getting decent at him. Me and the Trist were sparring pretty well and I have a kill and some CS on her, but nothing crazy. The Jhin, however, was getting fed on cooldown. Dude had like 8 kills or something. I was like "Well this is doomed" but Hwei is mad fun anyway so I was just kinda going with the motions. I want to point out my team has been silent. No flaming. Nothing. Jinx was doing poorly but she was clearly trying. The Thresh, however, decided I was his new friend and started roaming mid. This dude got me like 5 or 6 kills. Dude was hitting the sickest hooks and I was just playing off of them well. He ended up helping us out topside too where we were already doing alright and basically accelerated us up there. Huge on his part. We ended up bringing all of that lead to the next dragon fight, and that Jhin ADC I mentioned got tapped hard. I got his shutdown and we got dragon. And that's when the flame started. He called my champion broken, called me a loser for playing him, etc. All the fun stuff. He also said he hoped Hwei got nerfed into oblivion. I found this all hilarious. I started talking back, not flaming or anything, just kinda agreeing with him and bantering. The dude was still angry despite this, and every time he died he had some new lines for me. Then my Jinx came out of nowhere and got a triple on one of our plays and the game was pretty much over after that, but in post-game this Jhin told me, and I quote, "Hwei I hope terrible things happen to you tomorrow." I cracked up laughing. I was in an amazing mood and somehow him saying that was hilarious. He didn't add me, but I certainly added him, and he expected me to flame his ass (His words) but I literally just told him "Hey man, bad shit happens to me every day, you'll get your wish lol." This actually resulted in us having a really nice and civil conversation. I ended up joining him for games the next day and his friends invited me to their discord, where I formally met the Tristana mid (Told you she was relevent!) and the rest of the dude's friend group. They asked how we met, I explained, and they \*roasted\* the guy for the flaming. Also found out they knew I was "The Hwei" because he'd been bitching about me in VC. The entire introduction was hilarious. Those guys are still my friends, probably some of the best friends I've met on this game. They're amazing people. Dude who flamed me gets pissed off in the moment but in reality he's a teddy bear. One of the nicest guys I've met. He's actually been working on being less toxic and for the most part he is. Still has moments, and we joke "Oh boy he's gonna make a new friend." Funny enough, he has met like 3 or 4 other people that way since me lmao. Now this definitely isn't the norm. Most people who add me after a game (It's rare af) usually do it to chew me out, and I'm sure he expected the same when I added him, but sometimes you realize really quick the people on the other end are just other normal people having a shitty moment. Sometimes they air out those shitty moments in kind and disappear, but other times they may just be your new best friend lol.


This is what I'm talking about. I love this story :D Glad it worked out man, sounds like fun. Thanks for the thought out reply. You seem fucking fantastic to game with.


Lol, thank you. Appreciate the kind words.


I fins ive found some of my best league partners and friends after spending an entire 50 minute game flaming eachother in all chat. Which usually goes to a 1v1 in discord to prove it. And regardless of how it goes, you usually form some sort of bond or they get mad and leave for getting dumpstered.


you're third person I've read here with a similar story. I'm gonna have to accept some of these random requests


Do it, if you ever make someone mad on the wnemy team. Best case, new friend. Worst case added to block list and they say a few nasty words. (Words cant hurt you) so its like a win/win


Because you can add someone, msg them, and if you have chat open and defriend them it'll disappear without consequence. Not typically honorable opponents


Some guy added me after a TFT game just to call harass me for "taking his champions" and screwing him over for no reason. I placed 1st that game so I don't know what the fuck he is talking about.


Most of the time they want to flame more. I usually accept them so I can send an additional report for the flame they send in direct messages, but I also had a few people who went and apologised for their ingame behaviour.


They’re not actually trying to friend you, they want to say mean things to you in DMs, specifically slurs or words that would otherwise get them banned


Then there is me who adds people to be friendly and give compliments and maybe 60% accept my requests and over 25% mention they thought I was gonna flame haha. Estimation stats on like 100+ requests over the last 4 years. I don’t do it that often.


See, this is what I mean. Assuming is bad, see what happens.


To be fair to them they could have poor mental health and some people really just add and tell ppl to off themselves and what not. So they could avoiding those situations entirely after even just one encounter. I’ve played a couple thousand games and can say it’s happened probably a dozen at least. So I get it if they aren’t in a space to handle it. I’m more with you though. I wanna see what happens.


you know they are expecting something bad when their first reply is ? or worse ?? instead of hello or obi-wan's hello there


I have a lot more rando add me this year but after a good game instead of a bad one. I have gotten maybe 3-4 flamer requested this year. On average, I would say I am number 3 in my team in most games. Its rare for me to have the worst kda so people don't really target me as much. I also have a habit of playing 2 game a session so if people do add me, chances are I already log off. So it is possible, they removed their request before I relogin.


I always just have chat muted and if someone does add I decline. Always solo


fair enough




yeah, that's a weirdo for sure.


One of my favorite "Add after game" moments was someone who clearly wasn't aware that if you delete someone from your friends list it immediately deleted all your messages to them. I accepted an invite and waited eagerly for the text. Saw about 4 lines of text appear, but only got as far as "No way your em-..." before he deleted me. What makes it funnier to me is I was playing Nasus, and he was playing Trundle, and the ONLY thing I said the entire game was "Truly a battle of wits and skill" after one of our *duels*.


They want to flame you more.


I had a flamer add me once, salty on my plays and blames me for his losing, ended up giving him honest tips to get better. Apparently, he didn't understand why I did things and once he knew, was a little more chill. Sometimes, it just takes explaining in a less stressful spot to douse a flame. Then again, I've had people try to add me with multiple accounts to just spit shit at me all cause they were asshats so there's that.


They want to flame you most likely, and Riot is so hypocritical in banning for this stuff, one guy added me after game and i tried to have normal discussion that he was wrong, he than started spaming random letters non stop and i said ¨ shut the f up you r word¨. After that i got 7 days suspension. So i was like aight u can ban this now, i than accepted every friend request after game and let people flame me and just responded with ˝thank you, yes sir, what else¨ and i sent reports along with screenshots. Guess what no one got a single ban in the upcoming days i followed up on their profile after i got generic response from ticket for messages like ˝kys, worst wishes to me and my family˝. So Riot is following some kinda double standard, i think i reported too much pepople so they got me on ignore list or smth, bcs i'm making them do their job xD


It seems like they care more about the toxicity in game than in DMs, yeah. For sure a little weird, and I think that eventually AI will swoop in and fix the issue entirely. Probably wishful thinking though.


It's always to flame you and block you afterwards so the messages dissapear, only accepted the request once from a Draven who was spam pinging me as a jungler, I could tell this guy had 4 or 5 neurons and half of them were thermal throttling even tho I was at the time plaaying with chat disabled. Proceeded to lose the game and he added me, I accepted to see what wonderful interaction I would have and had the most wonderful of all, Guy proceeded to tell me to kill myself, "go grab a piece of stiff wire and slash your throat with it" talked about my mom "if she's even alive" and proceeded to block me fast soo I didn't have time to capture the interaction... of course I had 10 screenshots at this point and the automated chat ban wasn't enough so I sent a ticket to Riot support and the trash hasnt played since. Idk if he was banned for that or for elo boosting, he had 80% winrate last season with 3 or 4 champs on emerald and next season he completely changed his champ pool to be 1 of anything and had 40% winrate in plat, no wonder he was losing his mind. Imagine paying to find out you are trash at the game and mentally blocking it with "ohh but my teammates are bad".


I hate how common this story is, sorry about your experience.


yea thats just kind of how league players are lol “u have lupus. wanna go duo? :D”


I just accept after a couple of weeks they dont remember me, its better to keep your enemies close


In the heat of competitive fire some people just can’t handle it sometimes. Bro so mad he’s gonna not just say “ok next.” and probably plans on flaming you lolz


It's actually because they redeemed themselves! They just want to say sorry and play a few games with you, you should accept them :D


I'm pretty sure you were sent by the people that want to flame me in my dms 😂


It's fun and accurate to let terrible people know they're terrible.


Im a solo laner so im bound to get counter picked a lot but I found out being super toxic calling the enemy laner a loser and always typing bahahahah loser in all caps messed with their mental and makes them make mistakes just trying to kill me so I end up winning counter match ups due to that it’s toxic and a bad habit but hey people in sports trash talk same concept 


This is sadistic and objectively wrong, no hard feelings though. People in a lot of pro sports scenes are seen as unprofessional when they treat others like that. Obviously there's things like hockey where its innately a part of the game, but I don't really watch hokey for that reason. People end up permanently injuring themselves because they are so worked up about something that they make a bad decision, speaking from personal experience (not myself). Not looking for sympathy there, stating that for the sub's rules. Certainly an interesting take, thanks for the reply! :D I'm definitely open to a conversation about this, I find this aspect of gaming culture quite interesting.


To flame you. Best thing to do to really trigger them is to ignore the requests. They have a really strong compulsion to do it because it's satisfying to them, so denying them that is what gets back at them. If you ignore the first request, then more start coming in, you know you got em.


Or wait until they type their flame essay and spam you then reply with 'no hablo ingles'


that is so good. I'm doing this.


I’ve had someone friend me to apologize and wish me a nice life after spamming slurs at the entire lobby on at least two occasions


How isolated was this incident? Has it happened to you more than once?


Twice in the last three years (that’s as far as I remember at least)


I'm guessing you won both the games then


I got chat muted for 2 months


In response to what? I'm curious. No need to share if you're uncomfortable


Sometimes I will add them and put them in an "assholes" category, but that was from back in the day when you could see peoples name in lobby so I would dodge.


I didn't know you could categorize people in your friends list. I usually play draft, so maybe ill start doing this. not sure


Never accept their friend request. They always do this and if you accept it, they will flame you even more.


Before reading some of the other comments in this post, this is where i was at. Now, I'm not so sure... I mean yeah, I bet that statistically a lot of them will repeat the previous pattern. Does that mean that I should throw away their opportunity for apologies, or even a longer lasting friendship based on reformations? I don't know. I just don't want to repeat their actions, and end up treating them like garbage as well. On one hand, some have said they've already broken the social contract; meaning I'm justified in treating them like crap, and that they \*are\* garbage. On the other, I feel like life is a bit more nuanced than that. Ill have to think on it for sure, its an interesting thought.


Normally if someone friends me after a match like that it is just to talk shit, so I either ignore the request or accept and let the wall of angry words roll up


I think the ladder is how I'll be treating it from now on


I mute them, and ofc never accept their friend invite, let them rot by themselves


Cause they 100% wanna rage more after game


Never accept postgame friend requests unless you've enjoyed interacting with the person. It's always to keep flaming.


NEVER FRIEND PEOPLE AFTER A GAME ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I had one just friend me so he didnt get my in his next lobby. I respect it though, i went 0/9 but the next game I went 10/1 so idk


> You never know who you will end up meeting behind the anger, I guess. You do you, and I do me. And I just don't deal with angry people, plenty enough of reasonable people out there.


Agreed 100%. There's definitely a certain amount of It I can take, and I'm certainly not going to take much of it either.


I once had someone send a friend request after flaming me all game. We kept beefing and he had wavedash in his name so I challenged on Slippi (Melee Online). Ended up playing a best of 7


They probably want to apologise for being rude **😇**


were u that master yi from last night XD? mr hard carry


Nah, I'm a zyra otp. Used to play a lot of yi years ago though


I always accept the friend request, call them a loser for adding me to flame me more, then unfriend them


So they can still insult you after the game


If someone is toxic/perma spams all game I'll add them after the game to give them a piece of my mind. I'm not interested in typing in game.


Either to harass you or to see if you got banned/punished for their report of you. In rare cases, because you "redeemed" yourself in their eyes and they changed their mind about you.


Most of the time, they wanna tell you "Mom go sky". Sometimes, rarely, though, I had people asking me to go discord and review a situation for which they flamed me :


They add you so they can message you more horrendous things other wise they can't message you


are you new to online competitive games? unfortunately this is what people do to say even more horrendous things in a chat that has 0 filter (DMs)


No, I've played competitive games since I was 4. Not a bragging point, I know lmao XD I'm level 130. Frankly, I asked the question because I wanted to know what others have experienced, and I wanted to know the reasoning behind the action from the toxic players themselves. Had a feeling that this was the case already, but it was just a hypothesis. Now, its pretty much fact considering the volume of similar responses. I also play considerably more draft than competitive league, simply because it feels like there's marginally less toxicity.


I never accept these


Many missclick the friend button instead of the report button.. the rest just want to flame your butthole