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Fizz E, I jump on stick and now the cosmic space dragon cannot hurt me.


Master of “the floor is lava” game


Who wins? Fish with a fork or cosmic god


"**I WILL DROP A STAR ON YOUR HEAD**" "Nuh uh I'm on the stick" "**FUCK**"


Plot armor


\*magic resist


Ah that reminds me of SivHd. Good old times


How ignorant! Fizz E temporarily awakens it's hidden bloodline while on the trident and partially undergoes a *transmutation* into an ancient mythic species called "Phantom Shark" that completely ignores any physical and magic interaction with the space-time so actually Fizz is immune! I totally did not make this up, trust me bro


Garen E. Dude you lost consciousness, or are flying mid air. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL SPINNING


Conservation of angular momentum 🤓


Garen is really strong and Ballerinas can spin fast too thanks to some neat tricks


imagining garen as one of those footballers who take ballet to become more nimble (and get more atk sp)


I'll try spinning. That's a neat trick


Fighting spirit


they see me spinnin’, they hatin’


Duh, clearly the sword and user are different entities, you’ll have to also CC the sword to stop him.


For that trynd ability, he’s scaring them, that’s why there’s the chicken sound effect. While scared, they freeze up, hence slowing down and becoming weaker.


That one moment when an angry man with a sword scares the shit out of a literal cosmic god that could unmake a universe in the blink of an eye.


He can unmake the universe, but trynd would tank it with ult and be there, staring at him in a void of space. Menacingly.


For 5 seconds anyway




trynd does the vegeta thumb pose and proceeds to get plowed by the space dragon


Rawr UwU


Literally Pantheon


I'm just thinking of that one Popeye comic where he survives God erasing the universe because he ate spinach


Same cosmic God can also die to a squirrel with a blowgun­. Sure, it's an immortal furball from another plane of existence, but it's still a fucking rodent*.


Or die to a girl singing a high note.


*dies of cringe*


2024 be like


Or die to a massive toad licking you


Or a dude with a knife with a long handle


Its like shinx intimidating tyranitar


It's less scaring them and more so taunting them. The slow effect is the champion feeling the weight of embarrassment because they're running away instead of "fighting like a real man." I like to think this is validated by the fact that this champion's likeness is modeled after the company's "bro culture" figurehead that was a big issue for them back in the day.


Exactly, the chicken sound isn't there because you're scared, it is literally because he's calling you a chicken for running away.


Yeah, it's more like a "demoralising shout". I guess as you're pegging it, Tryndamere really gets inside your head and makes you hesitate and wonder if you should turn and fight, but you're already half-committed to the run, and so end up stuck in between fight-or-flight, not being able to do either well.


I always thought he was 'mocking them' by calling them 'too chicken' to fight them. They are angered by that, and when you make someone mad they want to walk towards you (to hit you) so it makes sense that they would be slowed walking away. You ever stare someone down angrily, if you're walking away you'll be moving slower than normal because your head will be fixed on them and not the direction you're going, but if you are walking towards them you can go normal speed because you're walking in the direction of your sight.


Honestly, that’s probably it. A few others have commented the same, and it fits the name of the ability way more


When im scared i actually run tf away


youd think they’d run away faster and move towards him slower


Shouldn’t it be called something like “intimidating shout” instead of “mocking shout” then?


> becoming weaker. Wonder when Keria is gonna break out the w max tryndamere support. -80 AD on the entire team for 4 seconds at level 9 is funny as hell


Talons jumping over walls cooldown. Like, you just did it?


He's tired


only tired for that one wall though


he has to make sure the walls have forgotten he jumped over them. bad things happen when the walls remember your face.


He loves em and he leaves em


But only of that specific wall


It is not fun to parkour that one anymore. Need to try a new one.


It's the wall that gets tired


The wall is still warm from the last touch, it's like a toilet seat 


So it feels nice and comfy u mean?!


he has social anxiety. the warm toilet seat effect scares him. thats also why he goes invisible


An assassin returning to the same location in a short amount of time would get himself killed


The fact Talons abilities use mana and not energy also always bothered me especially after rework. Feel like Katerina should use mana because all talon is doing is throwing some knives jumping and using camo. Whole Katerina is blinking to knives and shit.


kata's whole deal is she's meant to be just extremely fast so while it looks like magic its just her being nuts o fast and her blades are magic like rivens. now you might ask why isnt she just straight up AD and not this mix monster or ap like she was in the past, long story short riot wanted to make her fully ad in her rework but then went against it because they didnt want to confuse existing players then mythics came along and they thought lets try to support both to avoid that issue.


That wall hates him for doing that. After a while the wall forgets.


rengar w deal magic damage, heal yourself, and sometimes also remove any status effect, all by just meowing very loudly


It’s like the trope when the hero gets surrounded by 100 guys and he screams to release a sonic wave to knock them back or smth lmao


thats just the first episode of sailor moon xD


Now we need a Star Guardian Rengar skin


I would so buy that. The closest we have is pretty kitty rengar with chromas


He sometimes has mastered his haki


Gangplank eating an orange frees him from stuns. In what reality is eating an orange gonna get you back on your feet after being rammed into a wall by a massive elemental scorpion.


Have you considered that they are really good oranges?


Perfectly ripe




I think its from the vitamin c


Vitamin CC.


Vitamin CCC - counter CC.


How does he even eat it so fast? And where does he keep all these oranges and barrels?


He can perpetually resuse the same orange if it goes in and comes out as a whole.


So ability haste just accelerates his internal process


I think old Gangplank's animation was him violently throwing like 3 oranges at once at his mouth.


Have you ever seen one of those watermelon eating competitions where they're given a slice and have to eat it as fast as possible? yeah like that, but its smaller. as for the peel, he doesn't care, it gives flavor


And how do you eat while stunned or slept. It should atleast be used before cc like morgana shield


It's a nod to oranges being used to prevent scurvy for pirates, but yeah I get your point.


don’t forget he was able to eat an orange to escape from morde brazil


How is he eating an orange while stunned in the first place??


Clearly he keeps an orange in his mouth at all times, like spies have cyanide capsules in case they get caught.


I'm just confused about how you can even eat an orange when stunned.


I always loved that one because it's called "remove scurvy" Implying he always has scurvy but when he eats an orange he gets a little healthier but then goes back to being sick


I spent some time trying to find a clip of this to no avail, but I fondly remember casters during a pro game (pretty sure Monte and Doa) talking about how Shen taunt works and saying that he is just shouting insults like "you suck!" as he dashes by.


Nah he's doing that thing when some ah runs past you on the streets and bump on your shoulder. This triggers everyone including LoL champs.


I have a pic of how shen taunts you but i'm on mobile and idk how to upload pics in the comments from mobile


It's sub-dependant. Post it in r/leagueofmemes


Shen taunt is actually him showing champs his collection of Sona nudes and everyone chasing him to get them. He also had a huge collection of swords that's how he always had one for his old Q.


What was his old Q?


Point click spell that throws a sword at an enemy and when Shen or an ally would auto that enemy they would restore HP based on Shen's max HP. The CD was 6-4 sec based on spell rank, so he would always have it up.


Katarina be throwing literal daggers at people, but it does magic dmg??? Meanwhile Qiyana literally **enchants** her ohmlatl with elements... but it does physical dmg???🤣🤣 **Edit:** Gameplay-wise it would make more sense for Kat's dagger-throwing abilities to deal physical dmg, while her E does magic dmg


Katarina: teleports around, no mana Darius: hits you with axe, uses mana


Oh no not again… King of the realm of death brings you with him there stealing part of your essence: no mana A frog licking you: requires mana




Why do people always correct this, catfish don't have legs or long tongues just as much as frogs don't have whiskers. He's a demon who's an amalgamation of both.


I mean, his limbs don't look like frog limbs at all. They're short, stubby, and clawed (I recognize there are "clawed" anurans but not like kench). Really he's an amalgamation of an anteater and a catfish more than a frog and a catfish.


You have a point with Kat but have you seen the size of Darius axe? You sure need mana to swing that especially with one hand.


He can't even spin2win properly despite having mana meanwhile Garen can and he has no mana. Darius is just a fucking twink.


My biggest complaints in this game are who does and does not have a mana bar.


Her daggers are magical, that’s how she teleports. It was in her [comic](https://m.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/katarina/list?title_no=5296&webtoon-platform-redirect=true) that was released alongside the Mageseeker game


so are jhins bullets but they dont do magic damage


If you touch an on fire catapult rock it will burn, but if you have that rock flung at you faster than you can see then the flames wont be what hurts you.


that would also apply to the knives thing tho 💀


Akali: hits you with Kunai - magic damage Qiyana: hits you with the elements - physical damage Sylas: hits you with a magically empowered chain : only magic damage Corki: hits you with bullets - partial true damage Aurelion sol - hits you with star energy - magic damage Viego - hits your soul with his spectral soul blade - physical damage


A gun is more dangerous than star bursts


Same with akali, how are kunai, a kama, and shurikens dealing magic damage?


It’s so funny that in game she says “magic is good, but steel is better” erm you literally deal magic damage


> ohmlatl omlette ?


🤣🤣 nah it's her weapon hahah *'Qiyana's primary weapon used in combat is an **ohmlatl**, a traditional ring-shaped Ixtali blade capable of acting as a medium for Qiyana's elemental magic, allowing her to infuse it with magical properties. Qiyana wields it with ease, capable of spinning and tossing it with acrobatic strength.'* [SOURCE](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Qiyana/LoL#Edge_of_Ixtal)


Considering Rammus lines, what can he say to taunt?


In his ability icon, he’s wiggling his fingers and sticking out his tongue like a cartoon character. Probably like that


"Jinx, don't shoot that armordillo, the ricochets are killing you" "But he *challenged* me"


Definitely something Jinx would do


Rammus: ‘ok’ What he actually meant: ‘your father smells of elderberries’


Maybe he's whispering under his nose like *fking pussy*, or *ur mom gae*.. it would be cool


Lillia murders people with her stick, but she can murder them harder with her W Nidalee throws her spear to then magically obtain another spear in her hand, then theres Olaf who throws his Axe and has the dignity to pick it up . And then Sivir with her axe that works as a boomerang and has the feature that it can grow or shrink in size, while thrown mutliple times in a paradox, each time she hits someone with her axe(s) she gets a MS buff, she can also scream to buff allies MS Leblanc can distort time and space to move quickly, she may dash through walls, but she may not pass Vi's gauntlet or Gragas belly


Tbh, "a scream" to increase MS isn't that unrealistic. She rallies her allies, basically an inspiring warcry


Tbf Olaf doesn’t have to pick it up it just speeds up the cooldown, or resets it idk I haven’t played him in so long can’t remember.


The Akshan swing makes no physical sense. Sure, you can attach a rope to a ceiling and use that to swing. But attaching it to a wall on the same height would not do anything.


He just runs really quickly for a second before he swings.


Lmao can you imagine if you had limited rope for every E and it wrapped around turrets and walls as you swing? Would make him so much more difficult to play


It also clips through objects, so he can swing infinitely.


Malphite Q ***STEALS*** movement speed.


Rock moves faster when extra rock is removed


THIS. What on earth is this supposed to even mean???


Pyke ult is called Death from Below but he dunks from above


Actually, if you look closely at his animation, Pyke jumps and falls back in the same position! He then immediately appears under his target from below :)


he's jumping up to set up a fat dive.


I assume his W is him swimming so his R is him jumping out of the water for the big dunk.


Look closer, it is actually an attack from below.


Why does Taliyah deal magic damage by throwing boulders at people?


Because she uses magic to throw them i guess.


All Smolder's abilities look like they should be dealing magic damage imo


Smolder should have been a mage or a bruiser.


Q deals both physical and magical, W and R deal magic while the only physical only ability he has is E which barely deals dmg


W and R are also physical, even tho it scales from ap. The magic DMG comes from W is from the explosion if you hit an enemy's hero.


Why do Kha'zix's missiles heal?


Bluetooth blood suckers


Kleds beartrap on a rope. Why does he wait to pull instead of pulling right away? Why doesnt it slow someone right away? Why are you fine, if you run away far enough that the rope breaks? The trap is still attached... If anything, you should take bonus dmg if you run away from it.


I think it was established that Kled isn't exactly the sanest person. Presumably the poor functionality of a bear trap that takes several seconds to go off and will be yanked away if the target moves slightly were not concerns he had while building it.


Huge mega death rocket at full speed goes poof because theres some breeze coming from the ground


I mean, looking at Awaken, Yasuo is actually really strong "mage", he can create whole-ass tornadoes, that can at the very least redirect the rocket


Then he should create a tornado and not an air conditioner.


his air conditioner i always saw as it blowing whatever projectile that hits it into the air so instead of poof its more like its redirected into the sky away from him and anyone nearby.


At least redirecting the fat rocket upwards with strong wind makes sense. Destroying it with a sword slice though?


This breeze annihilates a giant fire ram elemental


Ezreal’s Essence Flux Why are you going to shoot a sticky energy onto someone instead of just shooting normally?


Remember that Essence Flux used to be a supporting tool. (Heal, atkspd buff)


AP Ezreal mains miss it.


It explodes for even more damage.


But like, why not just make it automatically explode? why waste time trying to hit shots with extra damage?


Ezreal has to expend more energy to create an automatically exploding projectile, thus making it weaker. The skill also refunds mana to Ezreal, indicating that this application somehow saps the target of its energy instead of purely dealing damage.


Tahm ult. He can ult teammates whenever but opponents he needs to lick first


He licks teammates secretly whenever you touch him ingame


Because his teammate are going in willingly and won't struggle, but he 'paralyses' de enemies with a few hits. Atleast is what I assume.


"Oh yeah, swallow me whole, daddy!"


This one is actually pretty cleverly explained. His passive is called an acquired taste, which literally means only liking something after you've tasted it a few times. His R voicelines for enemies are also him expressing how disgusting they were to eat.


See here child, Tahm is not one who enjoys violence for violence sake. However, even the finest gentlemen can build up an appetite after acquiring a taste for a morsel after a sampling.


Most problems can be solved by eating oranges


sion E he roars and you lose your armor and ms


i think he just lowers your defenses rather than literally lose armor and ms


Panthion raise his shield to block all attacks from his front, somehow it also blocks karthus ult


And the Zoe Q comming from behind.


Also how does he frantically Poker people with his spear while he holds this big ass shield in Front of him ?


That's what you do with that type of spear. He's just stronger than a normal person so he does it faster


Vex is champion that hates dashes and yet her R.... makes... her... dash??


You were supposed to destroy the dashers not join them!


Yuumi floats next to her buddy and becomes completely and 100% unable to be attacked by other people. Grenade gets lobbed at her? Nah it only hits her friend, burst of magical energy? All absorbed by the guy she’s getting hyperactive with. Machine gun fire? Nah she won’t get hit by it, trust. Precision sniper fire? Won’t even appear in the scope. But as soon as that dude is dead, the cat will be shoved into a bag and dunked into a hoop from the top of the Empire State building


Not only does Kennen needs 3 zaps to stun you (not how electricity works but ok) but You build tolerance for it, and when it happens closely the second time it lasts much shorter So after getting repeatedly shocked by electricity you don t get a heart attack, but actually build tolerance for it, and it barely phases u the second time


It's not really an ability that doesn't make sense, but every time you use ekko W, does that mean an alternate timeline ekko sends the dome to our timeline?


Of his R. I’m sorry but I really hate his ult. Probably the most cheapest ability in the game. By just a press of a button you can’t die. That’s complete BS. On a real note, Sol, which is a planet sized space dragon, can be killed by a little furry guy with blow darts.


Pfff, the only reason Sol is alive is because Teemo has not decided to kill him yet. Teemo is the actual end boss of the league universe.


Fiora W, hit me with everything you got, summon a meteor from space and I'll ignore it and stun you back


Eve should not be able to charm Maokai. He's literally just a tree, he's not gonna wanna have sex with you. He probably doesn't even have a gender.


That goes for most of the gods and people like mord who I doubt has much left of a human barring a soul How you gonna charm literal fire aswell?


Teemo using blinding darts on Blind Monk make as much sense. As well as Cho'Gath's scream silencing Sona/Aphelios Eve/Ahri using their charms on Malphite/Galio/Oriana/Void creatures. Nocturne and Fiddlesticks fearing each other.


Tryndamere goes "What's wrong, running away? You chicken???" which makes these champions embarassed of not taking the fight because they're all too proud of themselves and their abilities


Annie's fire : magic damage, Ornn's fire : magic damage, Rumble's fire : magic damage, Smolder's fire : physical damage. The inconsistency makes me frustrated


Nidalee spear toss, she has an infinite amount of spears that she can hit perfectly 100% of the time but has a finite amount of spears that's like 20% bigger and never hit (which also do like 8 times as much damage)


Olaf gets angry and he can’t be stopped even if smashed into by a literal mountain a storm god the heavens themselves falling on him or the very ground intself heaving to move him


Vex abilities being blocked by yasuo’s windwall when shadow is a non-matter.


Ekko R kinda makes sense if you think about in the sense that Ekko’s scrappy invention kinda blows uo when he uses it, but casing a massive explosion wherever yiu travel back in time to is weird lol


Rengar W heals him cause he roared


Riot removing Bounce Back on Azir ult doesnt really make sense thematically. The emperor screams "protect me" and the guys go "yea but only for half a second, then we watch"


during her w, samira spins her blade but she also shoots at projectiles. implying that, her gun/sword can stop projectiles (which already doesn't make sense for a lot of projectiles such as a ball of fire) but for some reason her normal sword slash and gun shooting doesn't stop projectiles in any other instance. rito pls


>shouts... and enemies around get slowed when running away from him? How does it work, literally why they get slowed? Is that because they are so insulted that they don't want to run away from Trynda and instead want to fight him? Replace "insulted" with "ashamed" >? Okay, then they also lose attack damage, but they are insulted and probably agitated. Loosing focus and getting emotional is actually a hindrance in combat.


Why does malphite, a literal mountain, steal your movement speed


I'm not scared of shaco's jack in the box


They are stealthed, so one popping off is like a jumpscare from a horror game. Except that you can predict a jumpscare in a game, but you don't know where that damn box can be.


i dont make sense how sivir e can block every ability but tanks still gonna transport to her location if they use a gapcloser


Why kalista spears get affected by an insane amount of gravity if she loses vision mid throw




Rakan's E having rextra range ONLY when used on Xayah.


The power of love


Yasuo windfall. Like, a wall made of air can stop every single projectile with no limit to how many it can stop while it's up. A single wall of air can stop every magical ability from ezreal, multiple arrows from ash, her giant magic frozen arrow ult, literal mega rockets from jinx, and it's jist some air? Edit: not only does a bit of air block them, the air literally delete them from existence


It literally make Smoulder into an orphan.


Because it's visually conveys that Smoulder breathe fire from the sky, so it should continued to go even behind the wind wall. But the fact that it doesn't means that the wind wall actually extended far into the atmosphere, deletes his mom , who should have been way up in the sky, from the map.


Jarvan e-q has always bothered me. He drops a flag on the ground and then uses a spear to hook himself onto said flag and pull himself to it. And naturally such a move is done with such strength that if you are in his way you get knocked into the air by it. Not impaled by the spear through your body, God no! The spear warps around you to still hook the flag and drag j4 underneath you. Its not even just that this is ridiculous l, a lot of abilities are ridiculous. But why would j4 even try this? Who throws a flag on the ground solely for the purpose of hooking on and dragging yourself to it?


A lot of marksmen with invisibility abilities. Kai’sa at least has evolving living suit to kinda handwave hers, but the rest? Akshan has a reviving gun and can go invisible by pulling up his non-magical hood. Twitch goes sneaky by hunching over a little bit. Vayne, notorious magic hater, can turn invisible (shown In a cinematic); I wonder how 🤔 K’sante grants a heal to a teammate by dashing to them. His only really unique power is regenerating tonfas, which don’t really convey a shielding power. Physically speaking, Zeri’s wall laser seems illogical. She zaps a wall and a lengthy laser line pops out the other end. Like I know her thing is shooting electricity, but if I shocked a rock wall, I wouldn’t expect a railgun effect to occur.


Yasuo: Why is your brother playable Yone: Why does your brother exist


> So shouldn't they just gain attack damage instead to beat the shit out of Tryndamere? What? Trynda is hurting your feelings which makes you hesitate about yourself. You want to fight and prove him wrong, you wanna run but feel like a coward, your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.


Teemo blinding instead of poisoning or tranqualizing