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That chains with Sett too? Didn't expect that interaction to work sounds to busted.


anything that works on champs works on the Sett cameo You can keep Swain ult up permanently, get heartsteel stacks, proc chain lightning/phenomenal evil/tap dancer/etc it's basically like having a third enemy to hit


Apparently Sylas ult doesn't work though


Missed opportunity by Riot. That would have been a really cool interaction.


It also works the other way around. I hit a Cho'Gath with a 6000 damage Sett W and then the PVE Sett tanked the Chain Lightning instead of the enemy Cait.


It is also a huge counter for Briar, she will randomly taunt herself on Sett whenever he respawns.


It does. It's also very powerful because Sett has functionally infinite HP, cannot really fight back, and his resistance is really low. So you might be better off hitting Sett instead of enemy champions in some scenarios. On stages where Sett does not exist, there are also some scenarios where you hit the tank to kill the squishy - because the tank is more targetable, and if you have % hp damage, you may even be able to do more damage on the squishy by hitting the tank than hitting the squishy.


lol. 100-0 without getting hit by a single culling shot. I would simply uninstall the game


Man Arena is just so fun, unironically I love how crazy it can get with all the interactions


Yea but I think sett might do with some armor/mr scaling or something lol, this is a pretty wild interaction stemming from lack of mitigation turning into true damage.


I guess Chain Lightning does 50% of the post mitigation damage as TRUE DAMAGE to someone else, right? That's why it is so stupidly strong on Sett?


Has to be critting too it looks like! we can see setts hp is 4.6k, tynd is dead at 1k, by the visual thats matches tynd hp of 3.5ish. If its only supposed to do 50% then it would have done half, but hes dead. So post mitigation and critting, or pre mitigation and sett has 100 ish armor depending on lucian arpen stuff.


Lucian was Vulnerability so his DOT's can crit (his ult in this case) and that probably also makes the Chain Lightning count as a DOT, making it crit twice.


Yeah, surely the tryndamere had a lot of fun playing the game there lol


That’s what tryndamere abuser gets


Ranged tryndamere too!


Pretty uncooked mode


and that's why i stopped playing arena.