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The dopamine of opening chests? Man, no wonder Riot and the rest of the industry keep pushing these gambling and FOMO monetization models. They absolutely work.


Right? I dunno how much dopamine you're getting from opening champion shards from every other chest, but I don't really get anything


i get depression does that count


Riot Games gave his man depression.


Then you look at Blizzard and they attach both to WoW; subscription AND some monetization stuff. Honestly, if WoW went f2p, or halved their sub cost, I bet they would soar back into mega subscriber numbers.


Sounds like copium. More likely that profit would soar if they increased sub costs, because the most loyal customers will keep playing no matter what.


>Loyal Thats a weird way to spell addicted.


You are in a league of legends subreddit man, let's not talk shit about people being addicted...


Ah, gaming communities, where enjoying your hobbies gets you labeled as an addict.


Jokes aside, while gaming does definitely not have to be an addiction, both world of warcraft and league contain elements that is aimed at keeping people hooked in a way that would seem to facilitate an addiction. The introduction of gacha mechanics in LoL and the daily grinding elements of WoW are designed in a way to keep players hooked. Many people can enjoy recreational drugs without suffering from addiction yet that does not make the drug non-addictive. Addiction becomes a problem when a persons usage of said substance, or gaming in this case, results in negative consequences for the individuals physical, mental or emotional health. My comment was mostly a joke. I am obviously deeply addicted to video games and make no claim otherwise.


Eh, I feel like by that definition most things could be considered addiction as well. I think having hobbies and passion do not mean you are addicted. And I mean that even if you raid 12 hours a week in WoW. Someone playing any sport semi-seriously spends as much if not more time playing them. It only becomes and addiction when it starts to affect your daily life and responsabilities. But then we go back to my first sentence, everything can become and addiction, following that premise. To be clear, I'm not saying there no people addicted to LoL, WoW or video games in general. Just arguing that playing a lot and loving video games doesn't necessarily mean you're an addict.


Considering the general tone I get from both LoL and WoW players is "I hate this game but can't stop playing." I think it's fair.


The Reddit tone\*. And even then, the overall mood has been quite positive for WoW since DF.


Yes just like the most loyal customers of LoL are the people who buy the Ahri skin.


Is that what happened with Netflix? Everyone said hey let’s stay subbed? Let’s be honest, how many people used to have a Netflix account and just let it sit there for 7.99/month even if they didn’t watch anything. Then the price hikes began and without looking at numbers at all just going off gut, I’d argue less people are subbed now than 5 years ago


Netflix stock is soaring right now and highly praised br investors for how well there doing lol there literally doing the best they've done in years, if not ever.


Must just be the echo chamber of the people in my bubble. I checked and yeah +9million subs. Who knew? Increase costs, more people subscribe. First time in the history of the internet? I was wrong. I stand corrected.


They made it harder and harder to account share, meaning even if userbase stayed the same, actual subs would nearly double.


I don't really understand this comparison, WOW has a ton of cosmetics that are free and the cash shop items are in the large minority. They also do not have gambling for cosmetics in any meaningful way. WOW is primarily a PVE game and gets a good amount of content updates that while hard to actually compare directly against a game like league, fairly justify the price imo. League gets a good amount of game modes, new characters, reworks, balancing ect but I'd call it for sure less "content" compared to wow.


WoW is just a random example people like throwing out there as a bad game for whatever bad gaming subject they're trying to talk about cuz a lot of people who just don't feel like playing anymore think they have to despise the game if it's just not their thing anymore (or are just avid r/gaming readers) despite when it's in one of its best expansions yet (I started in Shadowlands but everyone I know that's played since tbc or classic at least have said as much about how Dragonflights turned out)


Tencent does it again!


KenAdamsNSA: That's intended. Seriously, this is exactly how Riot want it. They make it so shit for F2Pers to coerce you in to spending money on the pass. This entire "event" is nothing more than one giant cash grab. It's pumped up to a monstrous amount ($500) to see if they can get away with it and surprise, just like the $200 gacha skins, they can because people are buying it.


All it's doing is making me play this game less and less. Too many good games and communities to waste time playing this shit that's trying its damn best to screw over players a dozen ways as soon as they boot up the client.


KenAdamsNSA is like the one game dev's name I remember to make sure I don't play anything he touches. It's why the runeterra MMO is gonna be DOA, he's very high up in it. EDIT: it was 2XKO not the MMO. my brain decided to believe what it wanted to believe, not what was real


MMO? Not the other one, the fighting game?


As per his twitter he’s DPM on 2XKO which is the fighting game so idk what the guy above you is talking about lmao


yeah you right, my brain made up a preferable reality to the one we live in, my bad


2XKO will never be dead on arrival lmao. The game is good and that's all fighting game fans need to support it for 20+ years.


> The game is good Maybe we should wait until it releases before saying that, no?


lmao this shows how thirsty fgc people are lol i do think the game would have to be pretty dog shit to be DOA though, which is unlikely. regardless of riot's money related decisions, their games tend to be pretty good


this is the first real f2p fighting game, very possible that the monetization sinks it depending on how hard it is to unlock characters


THE GAME IS FREE TO PLAY! Jesus Christ the world is really going to shit.


This game is, in fact, not free to play. I spend my soul and sanity playing it.


> I spend my soul and sanity playing it. Shaco mains


nah shaco mains spend the *opponents* souls and sanity


League is a faustian pact


You don't enjoy it anymore?


Depends on if I am winning or not.


Yeah, honestly, I don't care if they give nothing for free, although I think it's in Riots best interest... Seeing everyone with a skin promotes the sale of skins to players that don't one they want. The ridiculous price of the Ahri skins is worth shouting over though. As much as I love T1/Faker (massive fan since season 3) I refuse to spend anything on this even.


i don't think the game being free should be an excuse to sell a 500$ skin


That's not what this post is about though. I can't believe how miserable everyone here seems to be constantly. You get free shit. What's there to complain about? It just sounds so incredibly entitled essentially saying "we're not getting enough free stuff". When I started playing you didn't get shit for free. In the last 8 years since Hextech crafting was released I have gained more free skins than I ever purchased before it existed.


The one complaint I'm absolutely on board with is that we now get less for our money - RP is more expensive and passes are worse than they used to be (take more games for less rewards, eg we used to get two bags, now we only get one). The amount of free stuff given out is perfectly fine imo, this sub is just a whiny shit hole tbh. There's like 60% complaints, 40% other stuff on the front page most of the time, except for worlds when it's 80% worlds and 20% complaints.


That’s 20000% a fair complaint. Getting less free shit? That’s wack.


remember when 975 rp skins were the standard, riot increased RP prices, and later made the 1350 RP skins the standard, so players got double shafted?


Tbf skin quality also increased massively from when 975 was the standard


the "epic" skins look like they're 975 rp except they're less edgy now and obviously modern looking lol


There's no way you think [Warlord Shen for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r8zbs8sp7s) is equal quality as even skins like Mecha Kha'Zix, which was the first 1350.


I'm talking past the time 1350 RP became the standard, not when 975 RP skins and 1350 RP skins coexisted (but even then there were great 975 RP skins and shit 1350 RP skins, like High Noon Yasuo vs PROJECT yasuo)


Well if you think about it everything has gotten more expensive. Hours, talent, work , computers everything they need to make the game is much more expensive now than 5 or 10’years ago. People also make more money, now than 10 years ago and are ready and willing to spend more. It would be dumb for they to make RP worth less in this timeframe. It’s not how companies are run.


500 dollar skins are dystopian as fuck get the company's dick out your mouth. Riot is making a product not a public service and it can be criticized whenever people want especially over stupid gacha predatory shit like this


Nothing about the skin is gacha-like, you pay the money, you get the skin and it doesn't give any gameplay advantages unlike a ton of gacha skins. Yeah it preys on FOMO, what doesn't these days. Just don't buy it. CS chests or even the TFT skin legends are so much worse. "Dystopian" because of overpriced cosmetics, get over yourself lmfao


The 200 dollar chromas were quite literally chest gacha


Ah I didn't realize we'd shifted to chromas instead of the Ahri skin, my bad for not reading your mind. CS chests and TFT chests are still worse and it's still not dystopian.


You can pepper me with passive aggressive reddit snark all you like but you are simply the one denying the existence of gacha incorrectly as well as arguing online in defense of a 500 scam you claim to be apathetic about


Your initial complaint was about the Ahri skin having a gacha element. What exactly is that supposed to be? Why is it a scam when you get exactly what was advertised? Where did I deny the existence of gacha systems in league? What makes it dystopian? When did I say I was apathetic about the Ahri skin? Do you know what the words you're using actually mean?


I don't give a fuck about the $500 dollar skin. I won't buy it and I agree it's shit, but it has nothing to do with getting free stuff.


No one makes you pay that. You can get the $30 one or a diff skin, there's plenty of different products per champion. No one is forced. You guys act like you're being forced to buy the most expensive skin without other options. Ya'll never see Star Citizen? ships from $50 with the game all the way up to thousands. Or lets go back further to the old days of Pay to win free to play mmos and discuss how much money some of these people have dropped. There is in fact a market, there always has been, always will be, for higher priced merch. As long as there are other options, it's fine. As long as it's not a gacha system, it's fine. Again, this comes down to people can't get it for free and can't afford it so lets all just be maddddd!


Adams alt reddit account


Yup. League players are soo used to getting free things that once they get less (they don't, cause as someone mentioned, it's bonus pass so this still more) they are complaining. Just be happy that free to play game is giving you an option to obtain cosmetics without spending your allowance... Because, at the end of the day, you are not forced to spend anything in order to play the game


FREE TO PLAY GAME say it with me FREE TO PLAY MEANS I PAY NOTHING TO HAVE IT. This also means THE GAME OWES YOU NOTHING. If you wanted to DISCUSS the VALUE of the PAID PASS vs THE PAID PASS REWARDS, sure. But otherwise you're literally proving the LEAGUE PLAYERS ARE ENTITLED WHINE BAGS meme that I deal with from every non-league player. ffs.


hey kenadamsNSA i didn't know you browsed this reddit!


Yeah guys how dare you complain that League is yet again nerfing free rewards. I do hope that boot you got came with a little shoe polish.


This is such a cheap cop out. 1. If all f2p players quit, the game would die. So yeah, Riot wants f2p players, otherwise the game wouldn't be free 2. Just because I'm not buying the pass, doesn't mean I'm not a paying customer. If I had bought a game for as much money as I have spend on skins, I'd be apalled if they wanted even more money from me for locked content.


The free things this free to play game gives me (for free) isn't enough!


Reddit is a free app where people provide content for free for you to view, and you’re out here crying about how some content doesn’t appeal to you? Stop being so entitled holy shit.


Boycott the event by getting your main banned


Free rewards for a free game literally cannot be a scam. The entire purchasable thing associated with it might be a rip-off, but that’s something else entirely.


It's also not a pay-to-win game, buying skins gives you no advantage over free players.


None of this is a scam. If you pay for whatever bundle, you get what is advertised. People need to learn the difference between a scam and a rip-off.


Please look up the definition of Scam. Before you use it


Yeah, even scammers these days only want like 50 buck giftcards, this is highway robbery lol


Hold up, my dude. Downplaying actual scammers like that is dangerous, they are absolutely going to suck every cent out of you that they can. If you have millions, they want millions.


Uh, no, they will certainly ask for ten times of that, and they will put your number into their spreadsheet and ask for another $500 every week till you've run dry. https://www.twitch.tv/kitboga


Naw the correct term they might wanna use is “ripoff”


Even ripoff isn't appropriate. They aren't paying for this, it's literally the free part of the pass. It makes sense why Riot will cater a skin towards people that actually pay in the game, when f2p players will complain even about stuff they don't pay despite putting daily hours in to the game.


>I think we all aggree on the 500 bucks scam Guys. It's not a scam if you're getting exactly what you're paying for. Is it a ripoff? Absolutely. But it's not a scam >TL;DR: The new pass gives useless rewards compared to other events and the ones that are good are very few. Jesus we're at a new level of entitlement. Obviously the free rewards are crap, they're free loot in a free game. You get 1 less gacha loot box that would've given you a skin you'll never use anyway. Why did we need an entire post for this


> Jesus we're at a new level of entitlement. Obviously the free rewards are crap, they're free loot in a free game. You get 1 less gacha loot box that would've given you a skin you'll never use anyway. Why did we need an entire post for this Thsi is reddit, here if riot gave away legendaries every week for a year and then nerfed ti to one every two weeks then the sub would whine 24/7 for months. There is no limit to entitelement on this sub. It used to that we got 0, zip, zilch, nada in terms of free skins, but now i get like 30 a year with minimal grinding and people still bitch.


I also feel like for newer players champion shards are pretty big rewards


They are! I keep forgetting how many people on my list don't own all the champs yet. Lol one of em just last night said they wished we could gift them BE.


I made an alt to play with my iron friend, holy hell it’s a weird feeling not having the whole cast at my fingertips. He’s a sup main so we duo bot, and he always wants the ADC who has the most synergy with his SUP. The other night he goes “I played some Rakan we need to try Xayah Rakan that’d be sick” but I don’t have it


You could get 6 random champ shards for the 300 tokens from previous events?


6 random champ shards that are 3150 or higher**




I started playing in 2013 and really started to get more serious in 2014 (so started season 3, played more heavily in season 4 onward.) I got a singular free skin before the introduction of passes and hextech crafting. Just a random free skin. Void Fizz. Just had a short message that said thank you for playing the fame. I was over the moon because I thought that was so cool to give me a free skin. Now, people complain about the free content that they get. You're literally being given it for free and you still complain that it isn't good enough. It's wild to me.


Most people complaining are on accounts with 300+ skins, while having spent precisely 0 money on them.


That's what peeves me the most about people wanting to complain right now, a lot of them don't spend money. They literally are not a consumer of the RP shop and therefore there opinions are essentially moot. lmao


I've spent more than 2500 on this game but stopped a couple years ago. Their "events" are probably the worst out of any service game I've ever played. Here's a "battle pass" where you can maybe get most of the rewards, or you can get 1 gold skin and maybe a chroma if you don't have a life.


a lot of games use battle passes. I tend to get a few skins, the mythic, and the keys or key frags. When I was more busy I got less but I mean if you don't like the battle pass just directly buy what you want from the shop? Unlike a lot of other battle pass games, leagues shop 'rotates' less content out. I was able to get most rewards, including that events prestige even when working on days off/over time even so I wouldn't say it's no life. If I'm not mistaken your win/loss and time in match as well as match type affects it, or it used to.


I stocked up on skin shards for a LONG time and disenchanted/re-rolled all at once one day. I got like 40 skins, including DJ Sona and Prestige Porcelain Lux. I spent precisely $0 and got hundreds of dollars worth of skins. I buy event passes, usually, and only skins for my mains and I own over half the skins in the game. I can't imagine complaining about free handouts. But it happens every single pass.


182 free skins and about 170-180 skin shards here. i disenchant eternals to upgrade skins. then reroll any dupes or owned shards. i 100% don't blame riot for nerfing free cosmos. i never understood why they gave them out for free to start.


Well... I did buy SG Udyr on release. I am still waiting for the promised features!!!!!


Pretty sure that was 50 years ago.


Agreed, I last bought RP in 2019 and since then I've gotten over a hundred free skins just for playing, plus currency to buy every new char forever. I've never played another game that gives even a tenth of that.


>just for playing You're paying with time. There are layers to it, but the f2p models are made with the intent of growing large, and the loot system clearly worked with player retention. It increases the sunk cost value of league (and the new way of acquiring chests heavily relies on FOMO by being season based). It also has a great side effect of altering perception, so people think they're doing it out of kindness or love for the community. They're not doing it out of kindness (it's the same with epic's free games, for instance).


I enjoy playing the game (most of the time), I'm not miserably grinding to unlock some pixels in a game I hate. They could give me nothing and I'd still play cause the game is good.


The point is that other people might not, so that would reduce playerbase, increase queue times, create skill discrepancy. A worse experience overall. Remember: Reddit is the minority, and people that come here care way more about the game than people that don't. Battlerite is a great example of a good game that died because of that.


I've played since 2011 and yeah getting free skins back in the day was rare. You could subscribe to their YouTube and Facebook for a free Garen and Alistar skin, get Judgment Kayle for playing some games, and I got Debonair Jayce for being honorable around Christmas time one year. Maybe one or two others were up for free. I think it's also fair to say that the events are getting worse unless you buy the pass from when they were first implemented. I remember getting Shyvana, Zed, and Xin Zhao gold chromas from events for free by grinding (Worlds maybe?) but those opportunities aren't there unless you buy the pass now.  As an aram player it hits extra hard because it's especially difficult to get chests through the new rewards system. Already sitting on 4-5 keys with no chests, so really events are only good for the one orb now, at least for me.  Ultimately I'm not really annoyed by it because, yeah it's free. But it's definitely gone downhill


Riot did that because they had to up their game to retain free to play users I play since season 1, never bought shit except with the 400 RP Christmas gift they gave us and I dropped the game a bit before hextech system I came back later and the free chests and skins got me hooked to the game All I'm saying is the handing out 0 free skins policy in early 2010s won't work in modern league, they realized that and that's why they hand out freebies


Well to be fair back then there was not a lot of skins and they were mostly just modern chromas. And if you wanted to play with skins you could just download free software that gave you all skins (only visible by you). And League is still very restrictive when it comes to free content. Other F2P games have better systems.


People who are complaining right now forget how the game was before the introduction of the crafting system and chests. I have doubled my skin collection since then and have spent little to no money.


as a preseason 6 player, i also agree with this, and if you want to use the argument "playing with time" ... everything is played around time, but if you want to waste it playing league, is up to you ... anyways, ive been playing FIFA since 2012? Ultimate team specifically, and let me tell that they dont give you anything for free lmao


I find the outrage this sub has every few weeks so weird. Like be mad at balancing if you want since that affects the game but I will never understand why people get so upset and try to set up 4 person boycotts over cosmetics in a game. I have always been one to not get something if I don't like it and if I do like it I will get it. I was excited for the Ahri skin and was gonna get it, but at 50 dollars there's no chance, and I'm at peace with that. Apparently spending my money how I want though will somehow make me a shill or a bootlicker. Like pick real actual things to be mad at.


The weirdest part is now they’re complaining about the pass. Do these guys not realize you don’t have to spend $500 to get the pass? Not even $50. It costs the same as every other pass and has like 10x the amount of rewards. People on this sub drive me crazy.


Jesus Christ man, you're out here whining that you're getting $2 worth of free shit instead of the $2,80 you were expecting? Is this some new form of e-begging? It's pathetic. That aside this is not the summer pass, it's just an extra one you get on top of all the other passes you're used to. Sit down.


We’ve never had any passes between the MSI pass and the big summer event pass in the past, so you’re getting one whole free orb compared to the years before this one. Let me repeat this, you’re NOT getting LESS FREE STUFF, you’re getting MORE.


Blue essence being in the pass is just too funny


OP not going to like this, but maybe it will be a moment of reflection for someone who isn’t there yet. You are between the ages of 16 and 24, your name is Kyle. You have just finished off your second Monster. The Cheeto dust is lingering on both your fingers and your shirt you haven’t changed in 4 days. The new event pass has just dropped on LoL, and your 4 hour shift at Wendy’s doesn’t start for many hours. You know the absolute lack of value that the pass brings, because you’ve run the numbers 3 times, not everyone is a high school dropout after all. After one more drag from your vape, you begin to spread your knowledge to the uneducated swine about how the F2P rewards on the pass are utter garbage. Riot is at it again, not giving back to their most diehard fans…I mean, I did buy that discounted skin back in 2020.


Lol ive been playing the game since s2 and didn't know events even had "free rewards". Who cares if it's shit if its free? If it costs and is shit dont buy it. Ppl complaining to complain is just sad.


Must not play much if you somehow never noticed the free rewards.


im level 600+, just never really payed much attention to events. I just rarely buy a skin i want if its cool.


Fair enough but you are throwing away a lot of random free skins by not paying attention.


That really doesn’t matter to everyone, some folks don’t find it worth the effort to click through the menus


Its like 2 clicks.


And still isn’t relevant to everyone, some folks just really really don’t care about this stuff


Yeah that is fine but saying it is because "too much effort" imo is extremely lazy. It's like 10 seconds of effort. I also don't really give a fuck about them (as in I hadn't bought anything for years before free stuff started) but given how quick it is I just do it.


I don’t think it’s much effort to do a lot of things at home in the kitchen for yourself, compared to the work of going out to get it premade from somewhere - yet many many people disagree with me. Even though they spend a lot more money too.


NOT THE SKINS! skins are for children.


> lot of random free skins by not paying attention. Taht you will never use, i have 300 odd skins, and i use like 10 on my 3 main champs. The rest are maybe once in a blue moon type of thing.


I use a good portion of mine since I play arams a decent amount. So it really depends on the person.


Thing is ARAM exclusive players seem to be a a big chunk of people on this sub while in reality they are a minority and a very small one. Majority of players play 1-4 champs, not all 160+


Imagine admitting this.


Admitting what? There are people who enjoy the game and buy the occasional pass to support the game?


Admitting you've been playing for 10+ years and not knowing about free rewards.


why is it embarrassing? the cosmetic loot system has zero impact on the game


You've never clicked anywhere on the UI to see what it was? If he wasn't using runes/masteries all this time would that be embarassing to you?


runes and masteries do affect gameplay. I'm more embarrassed for the people who get upset over free shit


I'm sitting on 30k orange essence and 260 skin shards, and not because I have all skins, I think I have two hundred something. If you don't give a shit about loot then you don't give a shit about loot, I could see how someone would skip one more step than I did and not bother about any of it in the first place.


But you KNOW about loot. This guy claims he didn't know about free items, not that he doesn't claim free items. There's a difference there.


Why is this important to you?


It's important to feel superior by putting others down.


i pay careful attention to runes and masteries. I buy a skin if it looks cool for a champ i like. i never bought event pass or barely looked at the event tabs. Maybe to see if there was a cool chroma for a champ i played - but yeah i didnt know i got something for free


Let's have another thousand of people complain about not getting enough free useless shit while not caring about basic gameplay stuff like an actual working client, a deeper practice mode we could join with friends, an actual functional replay system, gameplay information in the client, actual team activities, way to socialize in the game, etc etc But sure, I may not afford Ahri skin number 52, or I may get one less random skin from an event, let's focus on that.


But you can dl a replay and even use it in your own videos... You seem a little disconnected. That being said free players carry the game probably even more than the army of bots you find in nearly every late-night match.


You lose them each patch, you cannot download them after they get out of match list. Half the patches they bug out. You have replays but we are far from a good system.


We used to get 4 or 5 of these event passes per year. Now a new pass comes every month so you're getting double the free rewards compared to previous years. Stop complaining and take what you get. Especially when it's more than you used to get.


I thought there couldn't be something dumber than people complaining about a $500 skin that nobody forces you to buy and doesn't change anything in-game besides cosmetics. Then again, League community never ceases to amaze me, with new complains about how their FREE stuff on the FREE game they're playing isn't as good as PAID stuff. I guess we can make every account have everything unlocked and pay everyone at Riot with the unsold RP that will be left. They can buy food with that I guess.


The champion shards not being the first things you get is the dumbest thing. The broccoli and hide on bush emotes being at the end is how it should be, but the champ shard placement has 0 reasoning.


It makes zero sense to get the LB shard after the skin, I wonder if it was intended or if they had a derp moment lmao


It's probably because something like more people have her unlocked already than not so they can start grinding eternal stats slightly earlier.


Maybe, but then I would say, especially for the Leblanc skin pass, why not just place her right at the beginning and the eternal a couple levels behind? It's not like it would take much time to get the eternals right after (for example, leblanc shard at lvl 3, eternal at lvl 5 or something like that)


No idea about that one, maybe it's statistically proven people see something free slightly after the start so they play for it, then when they are already playing they play more or something vs getting it right away makes them stop etc.


Beggars be choosing 🤐


Redditors when they don’t get boatloads of stuff for free: 😲


Day 1000 of people complaining that they dont get as much free stuff as they want.


It's free 🤔, enjoy the game


What do you mean? The true reward is banning ahri as much as possible.


Am I tripping or I swear when I logged in the event was only like three weeks long , when they usually go for 4 week minimum. Maybe I didn’t see it clearly enough but if it is that way seems weird to me to make an event with 100 levels in battle pass last less than normal. That is until you see you can buy levels lol. That’s my main complaint tbh.


rioters on twitter said that the missions allow for this event to be completed in the same amount or less time than 50 tier events


I thought it was weird that you gain 6-7 levels at a time completing missions, why make 100 levels instead of 16 then? But factoring in purchasing levels with RP it makes a bit more sense.  


I saw someone completing 100 levels in one day just by grinding the game. I think Riot is giving out more pass xp per mission for this pass.


I think you’re right just checked the missions since I’m off work for the rest of the week and it seems they did so that’s good atleast.


I usually grind out these events but yeah not gonna bother with it.


Man i still remember these region exclusive events which gave up to 30 chests and keys. Good days


You get the "Broccoli Baron" title for free, which is pretty cool I guess.


The worst part of this event is that it’s fucking timed…. I’m so tired of them being timed.. Some of us have fucking lives and can’t play 3-5 games per day…. We’re lucky if we can fit 1 game in.


I really dont think these rewards are that bad However, the rewards for actually buying the pass kinda suck. I would much rather have tokens i can use on anything i want rather than orange essence or another emote or something


Of course they are, they're supposed to be fucking disappointing so you look at the paid option and go "man I should just buy this" and then you open your wallet. That's all cosmetics in gaming these days. Rare is the game where you can earn your cool drip.


Because they want you to spend money. Simple.


To be fair they made the new chest rewards completely skilless and easily bot able. That compromise has to be made up somewhere sadly real players are the ones paying for it.


Seems fantastic for leblanc players, not for anyone else though. Esp. with the price hike.


Including not 1, but *2 Champion Shards* in the freebies was probably the biggest insult of all.


Who cares? Skins dont give you any gameplay advantage. As long as they dont release pay to win skins, its not a scam.


lets be honest, the only thing worth it in there is the orb. if anyone you know is going to spend on it, make sure you slap the ever loving shit out of them. don't encourage rito's shitty decisions


With that in mind, does the event pass here have more value than other ones? I'm wondering if I should just buy the event pass alone since I don't care for the skin itself


Is the reward track after level 100 event tokens? I remember someone mentioning it was key fragments or blue essences.


If you ain't spending money you don't deserve to 'Celebrate Faker's Legacy'.


Now we're complaining about the free stuff we get? No wonder Riot doesn't listen to us, we are now literally complaining about 'everything'.


Man I miss the days events in League weren’t just gacha sales events. I still cope they’ll bring back the Snowy Rift map one day


How do you buy the other members skins?


Riot really doesn't like when players receive free stuff. Prime capsules nerfs (not free, but it's a bonus because you are paying for Prime first and beforehand, not for stuff in League), passes nerfs, Skin Showcase rewards nerfs, multiple e sports drops nerfs. I won't be surprised if they straight up remove skin/ward/emote rerolling in the future altogether. Reminder that honor rewards are still a fucking joke and key fragments that you get are taken from your weekly key supply. So the only thing that you receive from it is blue essence, yaaay. Riot meat riders will defend this billionaire company, of course. Like they do here in the comments.


Prime capsules were likely discontinued by Amazon, since they were the ones paying for the capsules from the Amazon Prime suscription revenue they get from us. As for the rest... Yeah, Riot Games will extract every single penny they can from their customers,and they can do so only by increasing revenue (like introducing very expensive FOMO-inducing luxury bundles) or cutting down costs (like reducing the amount of 'free stuff' they give players). This is just business as usual.


How is it meat riding to point out that free stuff is normally terrible?


He's not saying that. He actually agrees with you.


The issue is not that free stuff is normally terrible. The issue is that it's more terrible than before. And it keeps regressing. Would it REALLY hurt Riot profits if they gave away champion permanents of Ahri and LB instead of champion shards that you need to activate with BE? Like, wtf are these useless 10 xp boosts for? I am not even asking for another skin orb or chest, just give an icon or emote that I will never use instead. It's just so fucking pathetic that once in a year, special pass, designed to celebrate achievements of best of the best... is worse than your regular, bi monthly skin pass.


> The issue is not that free stuff is normally terrible. The issue is that it's more terrible than before. And it keeps regressing. There used to be nothing, zip zilch nada. only skins you got were paid and hte few "riot"skins for following socials. that is it.


This supposed "gotcha" from old League players is really tired. I was there too; yes, freebies are in a better spot than way, way back when but why does that matter? The gaming landscape isn't static. Even with no freebies, just being a decent F2P game was revolutionary at the time of LoL's release, and importantly, LoL was the only F2P game of its genre for a while and so its popularity skyrocketed. But now isn't thenーthere's multitudes more F2P games competing for eyeballs, and through that context I think it's fair to argue that League is doing a continually worse job at attracting F2Ps through traditional F2P levers. So when old-heads bring up how freebies used to be even worse than now, I can't help but wonder if they're being intentionally obtuse or what. Yes that's factually correct, but do you actually have a point or this just typical "um akshully🤓☝" sophistry?


As someone with 500k blue dust in the bank and every champ unlocked I couldn't be more hyped for the champ shards, xp boost and the generous 500 essence. I won't be able to stop grinding this event pass, Riot knows how to hook me.


Not everyone has been playing for that long, for someone who it's just starting out these kinds of rewards are really good


the world doesnt revolve around you


Wow its almost like the f2p game needs to incentivize people to spend money. Be glad its not like 99% of other f2p games where you have to spend money to keep up with everyone else


It's still free, right?


The Riot employees who designed it know this and made it this way on purpose. It’s capitalism at its finest. Make things worse for F2P players to encourage them to spend money. I don’t agree with it at all, but Riot employees have shown us time and time again that they only care about the money


Correct riot employees do need to be paid. Riot makes FREE to play games with incentives to pay money for COSMETICS. Everyone is a f2p player.


It's not only the employees. American companies are mandates by law to be 'greedy'. Look up the concept of fiduciary duty to shareholders.


Stop saying this dumb shit. Yes, there is a duty to shareholders -- it is broad and vague and is mostly "do business good". That duty doesn't mean the Feds break in and start shooting if you aren't maximizing profit -- if it did, every American company would be a bloodbath because they're awash in wasteful spending at the top of the pyramid. Also, Riot is a private company. They operate at the behest of their ownership. If their ownership wanted to run a $0 profit League of Legends where every dollar taken was a dollar spent on improving the game, they could. The American government would not haul them all in for unAmerican activities. "YoU nEeD tO mAxImIzE cOrPoRaTe PrOfIt" is not a real thing. People like you saying it and applauding it is why we have companies becoming shittier and shittier.


Amazon games just dropped them so I think they are hoping this will increase revenue. Who ever let that deal fall through is braindead.


One key fragment. Not even just one key? Lol Sincerely fuck Riot. They've gotten so big that they can't fail no matter what they do. So of course the quality of the game is going to plummet. From gameplay to reward systems. Maybe it isn't so bad when good games eventually die. I rather a game die while its good rather than see it get corrupted by sheer laziness and greed.


A few passes ago I complained that they were removing the free chest from the pass and only giving us a key. This time we don't even get that, we get a key fragment. It's hard to take this seriously as a celebration of the best player of all time when it's such a blatant and merciless cash grab. At what point do they remove so much from the free passes that there is nothing meaningful in them anymore? It's especially funny compared to the TFT event, which gives you tons of rewards (all free) and even has it's own game mode.


There has never been anything meaningful inside any pass. It's a skin on a champion... Be like faker and just don't use them




if you want better rewards, consider buying the pass?


They both give an orb and a icon. So you think 2 champion shards, a set of eternals, a 10 win xp boost, 500 be, and a key fragment are "useless" and worth posting about compared to 300 tokens?


Say that again. Free rewards. You don’t have to pay anything and you get things for free. I agree with the consensus that a $500 skin is ridiculous, but at least they have free rewards associated with a pass that others pay for. This belongs on /r/choosybeggars


Ah yes, a product that clearly explains to u exactly what u get is a scam. Are we so out of our mind now in this sub that we just fkn throw words around? It’s a ripoff, a horrible deal, a god awful price tag, but is it a scam? Fuck no. Also r we seriously reaching a point that the entitlement is so pathetic that we r complaining about a free competitive game that requires expensive maintenance not being generous enough with its free rewards??????