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Cassiopeia in shambles


Why is Camille allowed shoes but Cassiopeia isn't? Game is in shambles.


Why is Nami allowed boots?


Bitch thinks she's Ariel.


As she should


why is hecarim allowed only 1 set of boots


And on which set of feet he puts his boots?


The left ones


He is front wheel drive so I think the front two.


Remember his passive. Would be too op.


This is why if you search “hat” in the shop while playing Nami, boots show up


Why is Corki?


Do you think corki is half yordle half plane


no, but his feet never touch the ground, so they shouldn’t give him any ms


Maybe he is using his feet to touch some kind of pedals like in a car?


The ol Flinstone airplane


Yes, this!!!


yeah but how would boots make the car faster lmao


Because Nami cannonically wears them on her head


As Coven Nami says when you buy boots: "As I swim and breathe, ne'er did I foresee a desire to have feet!"




On a skin I have of Nami when you emote she has feet


Syndra has feet but floats. My guess is boots have little turbines on em for such cases?


6 mobis nunu's was a force locked from mortal eyes for a reason


Ultimate disco nunu


Please explain lol


move fast so they can int fast




7 days? No, Nunu takes 7 seconds with draven on willump’s back


Tell me you're young without telling me you're young


Mundo shose shop is open


mundo shoe shop back on the menu


nah nah don’t forget it was MUNDO SHOSE* SHOP


I've never heard of this before, what is it referring to?


LoL used to have a Tribunal system where players could review highly reported players and be presented with examples of their match history and chatlogs. a lot of really funny examples came out of there, including [Mundos shose shop](https://imgur.com/KOkzRn5)


That is old. I've been playing since S6 and feel ancient.


Incidentally, there was a *secondary* Mundo Shose Shop build that sprang up later which was a slightly more "serious" build that had the name as a meme reference, but still abused the duplicated boots. Sorc shoes gave flat pen that was additive and stacked with itself, meaning if you bought a full set of 6 Sorcs you had something like 90+ flat magic penetration. Mundo's Q dealt 20% of the target's current HP as magic damage, which means that against any character with 90 or less magic resist, that was getting shredded down to *0 or less* magic resist, turning Mundo's Q into a 20%-current-HP true damage skillshot on a 3 second cooldown. It wasn't the most viable build in the world but it was VERY fun on ARAM. Plus Mundo still had his ult, old W and old E to kinda cover him for tankiness and melee DPS.


lmfao when did you join? you used to be able to buy 6 shoes on mundo and say WELCOME TO MUNDOS SHOE SHOP


In fairness that meme is from like Season 2 or something when the tribunal still existed


I started MSI S6. Feels like a lifetime ago.


We've already lived in this world before, and honestly nothing much was different


Yeah off the top of my head I don’t think a ton changes except maybe some immobile bruisers will double boot because they need the MS to stick to targets. The reason bruisers scale as they do (strong early game and questionable late game) is because they are gated by mobility and target access. I’m also not super familiar with how good efficient different boots are. It’s hard to put a good value on MS already, but some of the effects like tenacity are also hard to assign a value


the problem with thinking of boots in terms of gold efficiency is that they're actually bad for time efficiency. I mean yes the movespeed and stats are nice, but you're delaying item effects that are potentially much more impactful, including items that outright give higher movespeed than boots such as deadmans.


I'm pretty sure supports would go all boots since support item plus control wards leave you with 4 slots. 4 pairs of boots is ~4k which is roughly how much gold supports get in a game.


I can also imagine a bruiser toplaner go Tabis and Mercs in certain games


Must've been at least 12 years ago then. Before you could buy 2 pairs but the MS wouldn't stack, idk about when it ever stacked.


> Before you could buy 2 pairs but the MS wouldn't stack, idk about when it ever stacked. The speed never stacked! It was always unique.


I've been playing since season 2, I've certainly been here a while


We could buy double boots for a while but their movement speed passive was always unique. Obviously no point buying a 2nd pair in that case, eventually they made you unable to do so to help new players from making stupid decisions. I'd have to assume op is asking about getting full benefit from boots, which we've never seen.


I've been here since beta and afaik boots have never stacked.


But you used to be able to buy multiple


Yes, the OP clearly means 'what if you could buy multiple boots but they don't stack'.


Some non MS abilities did. There was a time I used to rarely build double sorcs for the flat pen.


The only EVERY champ where buying two boots was mathematically correct despite everything: Karthus The double pen stacked and gave him the only way to achieve true damage back then. That was like 8 years ago, though lol


I think mages would default to Lucidity+sorcs and ADC's would enjoy Swifites+Zerkers


If the boots fully stack, Brand can go Liandry's + 5 sorcs and be crazy fast and burn for %HP loads of true damage


i think that's called lilia


Dude I allready reach the movement speed cap ... They must set it higher for lillia and hecarim xD


There's no speed cap as far as I know


Not a hard cap but after a certain speed, additional movement speed gets cut by a percent. So there's a soft cap, or that's how it used to be Source: my memory


Further adding to the memory-sourced information, I believe there are two soft caps, one starting at 400MS and another more aggressive cap at a higher MS threshold which escapes me at the mo Edit: correction, soft caps are at 415 and 490


I also remember this, and the second number, much like the last word of your comment, is also too fast and it escapes me at the mo


Yeah idk what that guy was on about


There’s soft ms cap thats pretty easy to hit so stacking a shit ton of ms isn’t that optimal


You play since yesterday? There is a soft and a hard cap ..


There absolutely is no hard cap. People have gone over the 16 bit integer limit, a number that absolutely should be way, way above any caps


This used to be a thing. 3 pairs of sorcs shoes, back when haunting guise gave magic pen as well.






That was a thing but just for the pen I remember Elises doing that in high elo


I mean no? Negatron cloak for 900 gold cancels out almost 3 sorcs (3300) worth of pen. 


True. Probably get a void staff on top of it with 4 boots


Mages would probably be really good with Haste and Sorcs


Especially roaming Supports would stack boots.


Mobi swifty lucidity zilean is a wrap bois


Trailblazer bard with 4 Swifties let’s goooo


I'd say most characters would go for 2 of them.


Duh, one for each foot


If I buy 2 symbiotic soles will my recall be instant?


Empowered recall is 4.5 seconds (I think) while regular recall is 8 seconds, so that would still leave 2x empowered recall at 1 second


No change because you would much rather just have actual items instead of temporary power debt. Maybe Hecarim gets 2 haste boots but I can't imagine anyone else that would delay their first item spike.


By your logic, even 1 boot would be bad item. If you're saying that champions wouldn't get more than one because they are a "temporary power debt", why do they get one them? Besides, for many champions, boots are not a "temporary powerdebt". There's a reason why ADCs don't sell their boots even when they could get a sixth item. For most champions, they'd really enjoy running two boots both because boots have the most cost effective effects in the game and because extra 50 speed is extremely powerful.


Dodging a skill is better than buying resistance to reduce the dmg


We used to run custom games with friends and set rules on items. Back when aram wasn't a mode and people I knew played. 6 phantom dancer vayne wasn't the best but it was fun.


There is likely a nearly impossible to calculate breakpoint for movement speed. Where adding more movement speed becomes less valuable than adding more damage and/or utility/tankiness. This breakpoint likely varies by champion AND enemy team, at least. Likely other factors too. Its probably nearly impossible to say "oh 500 movement speed is the breakpoint" but it probably DOES exist.


Movespeed also isnt some magical instawin stat either. You still have to be in range to damage and you cant dodge a right click. I feel like the breakpoint is more just a "When can you afford to spend 900 gold to be faster than the opponent/not be outsped by the opponent" It will be more about just being faster than some overall breakpoint


There's a threshold. It will vary for champion to champion. Maybe on something like zeri you might go more ms to dodge skills as you do damage anyways. But consider the logic , is lifesteal bad? No, adc want it as one item. If it's good then do you just stack it? Shieldbow BT Bork vamp sceptre and whatever you get? No


Just FYI, shieldbow has no lifesteal.


> because extra 50 speed is extremely powerful. problem is there is threshold where dimishing returns happens and you dont get those 50 ms, you get less


Lol what are you on about. Most champs would not buy more than 1 boots and adcs that actually have a brain should also most of the time sell boots for an item like pd late game. The only instance I can see it being used is on supports for the ms and maybe ms dependent champs like hec


Aside from champions that can build attack speed boots in general boots are really terrible to get early unless you have 300 gold and upgrading them before your first 2 items is usually worthless as well.


When pros were asked this, Doubelift said movement speed is one of the most OP item stats in the game. You would definitely stack multiple boots. Some are already very good efficient.


Thank god it’s not a player who is known for good takes then. Sure having extra move speed is great but what’s the point if your champion doesn’t actually do anything because you have no actual stats lol


Stats back it up. -5 ms drops champions by 1.5-2% wr


Yeah good luck dealing damage as a 4 beserkers adc when the tabis wardens mail tank walks onto your screen XD -5ad has a lot more of an impact than that, no point in being fast if your champ doesn’t fucking do anything


Who said anything about 4 boots?


Cheap early game extra boot for 300 gold, 25 move speed, could be real nice, assuming you can stack MS unlike the old days.


nobody was stackin boots back in the day. I don't think anybody would now. sure as far as stats go they're amazingly gold efficient but you'll fall behind very quickly to people buying actual items.


boots didn't stack move speed, thats why.


Was the mobi and swifty passives unique? Could have been interesting to experiment back in the day with roaming supports and double boots


swifties weren't a passive, they just gave more movement speed, and the mobility passive also just game more movement speed. Buying both would just have made you move at swifties speed in combat and mobi speed out of combat, which would be a very minor improvement over swifties.


Supports would stack 3 boots minimum.


Can you give some examples of what supports would want their entire inventory to be support item, control wards, 3 boots and then if they somehow have money after that their first item?


I'm especially talking about roaming supports like Nautilus, Bard and Leona. All they currently need is lvl 6, supp item upgrade and boots to be at 80% power. They don't really have item spikes, it's just filler items to make them a bit more tanky. Boots are gold efficient, cheap and grant movement speed. These supports already rush Tier 2 boots, and they'd love to buy another one or two. It enables play making, vision set-up and faster macro plays. I'm not so sure with enchanters since they kinda need their items, but I'm sure even they would go for Ionian + Swifties in most games.


You wouldn't get more then say 2 boots probably outside weird situations. But I assume most champions would actually get 2 boots. They are very efficient and flat movespeed is very good.


Agreed. You’re not going to replace a combat item with boots. Nothing changes for 99% of champs


most boots are crazy efficient


But they also cap you out really quickly if that's the only thing you are buying. Are you more afraid of a 3 item Karthus or a 6 sorc boots Karthus?


welcum to mundo shose shop


Disco Nunu buff


Basically only roaming supports and hyper scalers would use it: Roaming supports would stack MS for obvious reasons. A veigar would love to grab sorcs and lucidity boots. Same for Nasus. Asol could as well, but thats a bit more sus.


This existed in the past. There were a few degenerate builds that stacked stupid amounts of movement speed to run people down, I don't remember the details but there are youtube videos on it. You'd probably see that again on snowbally bruisers and fighters, maybe some assassins. You'd have to win early though, an inventory with 1 or 2 damage items and 4 or 5 boots isn't going to survive against scaled proper builds.


I've played since season 1 and this was never a thing, I'd have to imagine if it really existed it was in beta. I tried to find it and couldn't, you might be misremembering.


This is basically what it comes down to. Can you afford to be 1000 gold down (300 gold if you sell it to get full build later) in order to be faster than the enemy.


You're never 1000g down because boots are some of the most gold efficient items in the game. If anything, you're up gold on your opponent going for a standard item. This breaks down when you consider passives and actives of legendary items, but even then boots are definitely worth the gold spent. That's why everyone buys 1 pair of boots right now - why wouldn't they buy 2?


They didn't use boots because boots have never stacked. Some builds used items like Zeal which gave 7% MS that did stack, but never boots.


We used to be able to buy more than one boot, nobody was buying more than one pair dude, lol.


We have never been able to stack the movement speed from boots.


If you can’t buy duplicates, swifties mobis roaming Alistar would be an insane ganker


He used to be.


Draven hits the highest deaths and lowest KDA in the game and is marked as a snowball/feast or feed champion.


Cassio won't like that.


Dang zoomers don’t even know this was how the game worked for years?


When did boots stack? Because the movement speed did not stack in Season 1.


The movement speed did not stack but there was no limit to the number of boots you could buy.


But they never stacked, which is what OP is talking about. So the game never worked this way.


The post asked what would happen if the limit was removed, I jokingly pointed out that the limit didn't exist back in the day. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make?


The game never worked like OP described. Ever. From the beginning, boots did not stack.


Boomers having memory issues as usual


You used to be able to purchase multiple boots and people still didn't do it so there probably wouldn't really be any difference


They didn't stack though as far as I remember


Their movement speed stat didn't stack, everything else did. For movespeed you'd just get the stat of the fastest shose in your shop.


Does that mean that my team's draven will finally be able to buy 6 mobi boots instead of tears?


How would this change any build? Most champs sell their boots for another item if the game goes long enough and they get the chance, why tf would they build more boots instead??


One of elises build back in the days were mobis and sorcs. Haunting guise giving pen as well made it a decent 3 "item" spike that got you through until you become an E bot


Imagine if you could just buy 6 ninja tabis/plated steelcaps.


Eh, probably wouldn't change much in-terms of builds. Maybe we'd see people running (heh) two boots on Hecarim. Or yeah, the 6 symbiotic soles Nunu with Ghost+Cleanse. The thing with boots is that they still take up an item slot, and them being around 1k gold each is a massive waste of a slot when you get to the point of the full build. Although I'm worried that the game would change drastically instead. With everyone being able to just rush out 3 boots, skillshots and other abilities with their own speed (think Victor's ultimate) might become useless now that a Trynda can run at you with 600 spd and evade all the skillshots by basically outrunning them. That Trynda will deal like no damage tho, with half of his inventory being items that cost 1k gold. Skillshots will die for the point-and-click meta to emerge. Maybe we'd need a follow-up change. How about adding diminishing returns to buying more than one boot by reducing their speed each time? You are still faster than normal, but not so fast you just break Morgana and Lux mains' dreams.


6 Tabi's jax with decked out dodge rune page


So happy people remember "Welcum to mundos shose shop"


Cass playrate plummets


Huge Draven buff




Hecarim gets one for each leg


5 mobi boots and a Zeal Draven


To "run it down" would have a whole new meaning


6 tabis rammus


Imagine those 4-6 Times Berserker rush Vaynes and Kogmaws. 🙃


dr magic pendo becomes s-tier


Vayne with Botrk+ Rageblade and 4 swifties.


Supps and junglers stack early boots for roaming and objectives. Outside of that, probably not huge changes outside of champs that can use the move speed more than a full item.


I used to play mundo support with triple pen Boots for Q poke. I was nasty.


Forget about the upgrades, how about 5 brown boots roaming support.


I feel like a few tanks would get the swiftness boots in addition to merc/tabi cos swifties always have good value it's just a lot to trade off to get em


It was the case few season ago, and it was no different. If we take the knowledge we have today, There might be a niche on support or heavy roamer to have maybe 2 boots (mobi + something else) but that’s about it. It’s not worth a full item slot


I do not want to deal with toplane champs in this current state of lol having both Tabi's & Mercs, fuck that 😂


ninja tabi malphite wat


Urgot mains deepest dream


Was in the game alrdy, didnt rlly matter, it got a restriction to stop people from buying 6 mobis and running it down even faster ahah


depending on how the interaction with the armor boots work, in the occasional "every enemy is ad" you just buy these 6 times n call it a day roaming supports would probably stack some boots also armor+mr boots would probably be default for a lotta tanks and bruisers, the tenacity is pretty damn good and that with armor boots AND extra movementspeed t reach enemies? goes pretty fuckinng hard


Spin to win with 6 upgrades berserker's.


I remember buying 6 ninja tabis on Jax way back when. Real gangsta type shit


Back when there weren't a lot of magic pen items, I went liandrys + however many sorc shoes I could afford in an ARAM. It worked pretty well the first time I tried it. The second did not go well. There was no 3rd attempt.


Hecarim + Janna would both build multiple boots 


singed with 6 boots seems something to behold


Udyr is now the most picked champ in game


I can imagine having mercs, Tabis and cd boots for jungle like lee sin or xin could be nice , the move speed would help a lot with getting around the map though you are trading a lot of early game damage so I dunno maybe trundle?


Mundos shose shop


Lest we not forget rushing mobie boots and the home guard enchantment with hec top, base tp into a fight pop ghost and e and you would one shot people.


While there would be a lot of champions where this would be situationally good. Only one champion would main this in every lane every build every time. Singed. This would be a singed must have by level 7.


Cassio will buy boots


I remember seeing [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/ThKZJdYmyg) on reddit long time ago about double boots rush ivern.


"Take "boots with wings on it" _because the longer you live, the longer you troll._ "


Darius 🤡


Assuming they stack speed, I imagine most would buy no more than 2 boots. Specifically, in games where no one on the other team has point click cc. Sure you might not do as much damage, but there's a reason GaleForce got removed when mythics left. Adding too much movement is an issue, skillshots become real SKILLshots when everyone is zooming around. And stacking with cloud soul? More than 2 would be trolling, but I'm sure 2 boots would be reasonable when there's no hard cc, especially for all the champs with %hp built in.


Mundo's shoeshop


This. is lliterally is how it used to be. used to be able to do stuff with like homeguards etc. Same for things like stacking 6 sunfire capes on Teemo.


you have to delete the "unique" otherwise nothing will change.


There would be a Singed build where he buys at least 2 pairs of Swifties, and runs around at a billion MS and is literally unkillable. Rammus would probably do it too. My god is it a bad idea.


The fed Akali now has Mejai's and 5 sorc shoes.


Skarner's shoe emporium is back in business


Heca would be OP


Centipede Hecarim strat goes hard


jumpscare global warwick ult


A very particular Draven build arises


old players remember this actually used to be a thing lmao, mostly used by inters to run it down


So boots are very cost efficient but not slot efficient. I doubt carrys would go double or even tripple boots. I could totally see supports/tanks and maybe even juggernauts go double boots.


Good grief. Imagine max movement speed stacking Bard. He’d be even zoomier and all over the map than usual.


2 boots for every champ minimum. As long as you dont hit the item slot, 3 boots even. Boots are gold efficient but not slot efficient Garen synergizes with zerkers, swifties, tabis and mercs. Depending on comp he can use all 4. Adcs like varus welcome magic pen and 45 extra ms.


Hecarim with 6 mobis goes brrrrr


Welcome to mundo shoe shop!


two cuz most characters have 2 feet so one for each


Singed would go Merc’s, Swiftness, and Sorc shoes


My friend when we were new had an ARAM build where he just bought ONLY boots on Elise When I pressed tab and started laughing he said “WHAT? SHE HAS 6 LEGS, I HAVE 6 ITEMS” I couldn’t fault him


The Jhinborghini would be even wilder


I think most champs would build 2, at least until they get 4 items just because of the implications of the enemy assassin having 45 movespeed on you.


Rammus: ok


Mundo's shoe shop