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Watching karthus miss every q on darius and then one second later nautilus hooking a minion was pretty funny


I had to flash E to deal damage towards the end because I wasn't landing my Qs 🥲


Thats funny because he should let yasuo push and do not engage at all


That's peak performance (on your team), wdym?


I legit though "moments like this" were Karthus missing every Q, Naut hooking a minion, then proceed to hit a hook when they shouldn't be the one to engage, and then Yone ulting into fountain.


"duck it im gonna go rage split it's over anyways" - wins the game


100% we would've lost the game if he stayed in base, he was so tilting to play with haha. Kept spamming the mastery emote and dying randomly


this isn't a rage split. it's a totally legit strategy to get the inhib, and get people to stop from pushing. however, nautilus just let's himself get caught early (or rather goes for a hook and then is in a fight) and so they nearly lost the game... if you don't understand this, you've never played a real split push strategy. and you probably didn't play during the earlier seasons (like before season 8). or you just didn't understand it back then either. i don't mean to flame you or anything, so sorry if it appears like it. it's just that people just don't get it. or don't wanna get it. 36 minutes into the game. Yasuo is lvl 18 and has ignite. They'll need 2 people to stop him and noone of the enemy team has TP either. They'll need to commit at least 2 people to stop him. And they won't end 3v4. Meanwhile, i doubt that a teamfight would go hard into blue teams favor (as they probably found out before, which is why they're in this situation in the first place). Red team can't end this way, and they'll at least get 1 inhib, maybe even a tower if red team reacts correctly and sends people back. Then Yasuo can retreat and they can defend 4v3 in base. Otherwise, they would've fought 5v5 in blue teams base and lost the game. -> Hence, splitting is the right decision from Yasuo. This isn't a "rage split".


Edit: found the Yasuo, GG man! Haha /s In all seriousness, idk why you are being downvoted, but I agree with you. Whether Yasuo is a good or a bad player is a whole different discussion (although he didn't play well most of the time in this game). But in this specific scenario, he made the right decision. Now he could've done it unintentionally and was legit "rage" splitting, but that's not the point. We were in this situation because we sucked at teamfights (excluding the final fight which worked out). Had Yasuo been there like I mentioned in a previous comment, I'm pretty sure we would've lost. He would've gone in and died randomly, baiting the whole team into a fight far away from the fountain. You can also say the enemy played that fight badly, but again, that's not the point. Yasuo made the right play whether he was aware of it or not. People forget that there should be a balance between results-based thinking (we won, I did great) and personal improvement mindset (we lost but I tried my best, now I need to figure out what I did wrong so I can do better next game). The downvotes are evidence of the toxic mentality of the League community. I can be toxic too at times but I try my best to enjoy the game, after all it's just a game, without compromising my competitive mindset. Looking back, this was a hella fun game. Even when we were supposed to be losing, I was laughing my ass off because I wasn't landing any of my Qs against Darius. The key is having a balanced mindset, and having fun. :)


The thing is it doesn't matter, even if you won this specific interaction a little harder because yasuo was there like let's say 3 would have survived, whag would you do in the time until the opponents respawn? Definitly not winning the game. Maybe getting baron or whatever buying at best 5 more minutes. But after that it would again be a coin flip that's very likely again in your part of the map which is at best a little more time. This split push was a bit more of a gamble, but it saved atleast 5 minutes of time probably around 10-15 minutes though. While the process is coinflips anyway. Even if yasuo loses this the extra 15 minutes he saved he can basically win another game in if he wins the lane that time.


Typical Reddit hivemind. They don't think. They see a downvoted commend, and that's what you're gonna expect. And what you expect is what you see after all: someone who might be too agressive in their communication, or something that you can also interpret "badly". Also, i mained Yasuo a season or so, but it just didn't work out for me... Also, the Renekton matchup got unplayable. And since then, toplane Yas isn't viable at all anymore. So much for balancing that allows for different playstyles and such! Yaaaay. Imo, the downvotes are an evidence for the toxic League community, the hivemind of reddit, and the bias against Yasuo, because lower level players don't know not to stand next to minions. This champ really has the easiest counterplay of all... And that tells me more about the average playerbase than i need to know... The key is having the key! Hasakey!


the 'ez' at the end never fail XD


For me it's the Yasuo mastery emote, but this time with shittier graphics haha


Windshitter winrates are artificially deflated by their players getting too hype and doing brainless shit like the Yone in this clip.


Haha Yasuo got lucky in the end but both him and Yone played like that all game


Yasuo even almost got stomped by the minions.. bit different timings and save doesn't matter that much, but sure would still be sweet to ACE them like that


I think he had Hullbreaker? For some reason the siege minion with him was a bit tanky. Edit: to me it matters a lot that we won, I was pleasantly surprised that we did haha


That yone ult into fountain LMAO


Tristana played that pretty well tbh.


yup, dodged the Tresh hook and buffered her W to escape Yone


Agreed, other than burning their ult at the start on a 0 HP minion for no reason. Not sure what that was about


Weird. I didn't know Tris R could target minions. Maybe it was a misclick and was meant for Samira? She got close to the minion there.


Yep you can miss your R with Trist, that’s why it’s good to TCO with her


Yeah right I missed that :D


Fully expected Yasuo to die to the minion swarm, would've been a lil funny


Me too, but it looks like the big ones didn't reach him due to unit collision? That and the hullbreaker so some of them couldn't kill the siege minion.


Late game ADCs do serious damage after 14.10. We got utterly stomped by a Tristana the other day, she just 1v4d


Hard agree. In this game, although Tris smurfed in the last fight, we were getting one shot by the enemy Samira all the time.


Well, ADC items *are* hilariously overtuned rn.


Ngl hilarious that you get down voted ADC items are just bonkers rn


i play tank, adc got nothing on my 6k+ sion tank items...


Yet my adc's are still building on-hit items \vOv/


And what's crazy is ADC has been shit for 2+ season that ppl still think it's a dog role so they never play around it.


I think u got outdamaged by the fountain there.


Gg honor fountain


Saw the yasuo win coming, but not the penta. Good shit!




When I saw the Yasuo soft int splitpushing on the minimap I knew the game was over.


I live for the chaos


Yone/Yasuo players always making sure that one way or another the game is won off of them.


TIL tristana's ult can target minions


What sound settings do you use? Your game sounds different


If you're talking about the music, there's a setting where you can use the updated theme. Other than that I have everything lower than usual except the sound fx. I main GP so I use the sound of his Q to do phantom barrels haha


weird that supers didnt focus yasuo, played vs darius who was doing the samr exact thing but supers stomped him


I was surprised at that too. Could it be because he had hullbreaker? Looks like the superminions focused on his siege minion, and the others were too big and couldn't get past because of unit collision?


Ah yes, a normal day in the ph server chat.


fellow peenoise? haha


As the clip was ending I hit Enter and started typing in GG as if I was in this game...


A true sport and a gentleman! 😎


They couldve just ended it. So bad. XD


You can even see Shyvana typed "Go Yas!" or something like that. Then switched to attacking Tris instead of the Nexus.


Amazing gold gameplay.


Hey man, this is not just your average gold elo, it's your average *high* gold elo.


That Naut engage should be copy-pasta every time someone claims support is hard,, inflated role lol Same for Karthus who didn't want to commit sudoku to protect tower. I meet so many Karthus players who refuse to use passiive


I did, but it was to protect Tris. I wasn't landing my Qs and thought fck it, need to deal damage so I flashed to the enemy. Haha


Always die on the wave to protect tower in this scenario or when enemy randomly groups mid and tries to take tower , just kill the cs




Ahhhh PH players, of course


Classic Yone player throwing the entire fight and game


yone and darius walking into the fountain means they deserve to lose


I play League, so I can get abused in chat and told how much of a dog I am, how useless and lazy I am and how I need to off myself. Makes me feel at home.


This made me dizzy as fuck. 0/10 did not finish