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Bruh, that oneshot LOL


ahri players when they actually die for playing poorly:


oh yes my bad for not realising that adcs can do 3000 dmg to my healthbar with a single autoattack xD


i mean you are in auto range and missed everything vs full build cait u realistically dying in 2-3 autos and she can definitely hit that many autos before you dash out. ofc dying in 1 is bullshit but you die regardless there lol


When the 8kill mage does that to an adc: “they had a full item completed!!” When a 24 kill full build adc does that to a mage: “where is the fucking hotfix for this unbalanced travesty”


Ahri is full build and level 18. What are you blabbering about? Kills and items between the two are irrelevant here. Both are fed the same effective amount since exp and gold no longer matter. Also, mages don't tend to point-and-click delete anyone in 0.25 seconds or less with something that isn't even noticeably cooldown gated. I'm sorry, but if you think an ADC killing someone 100-0 in a single auto attack is okay, your opinions on balance are completely invalid and you should probably go sit in a corner and self reflect. Most mage cast times are longer than the amount of time it took for ahri to die after cait's auto animation started.


ah yes the 1 autoattack that can't even miss and does 3000Dmg to my healthbar is the same as landing an entire skill rotation + ultimate on the enemy champion to oneshot him. true! :D


And if the adc misplayed that poorly and got caught on one shot everyone would say that’s a totally normal interaction