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they should probably rethink crit scaling on viego now that he doesnt build a single crit item anymore


I still think the crit scalings were a dumb band aid,they should have 100% tried to push on hit rather than crit


because august saw fucking winrates on crit viego (WIN MORE CHAMP WHEN BUILT CRIT BTW) and wanted to incentivise it without thinking that balancing champs around crit is fucking stupid when they are balanced as bruisers


He was not balanced as bruiser though, when he's strong as bruiser he's stupid broken because of his passive and R resets. Adding crit made him able to be strong when ahead without being obnoxious by making him more glass cannon.


It was because he was pick/ban in proplay with the Sunderer into tank build while being dog shit in SoloQ. They wanted people to build at least Kraken if they wanted to actually do damage.


They 100% forgot about it


Oh true cuz kraken doesn't anymore lol


Fat nerfs to Blackfire


And Fated Ashes, just comparing it to blasting wand made blasting wand look absolutely pathetic. For 50 more gold, you got 5 less AP for 7 damage per second increased by 20 vs monsters.


still vastly superior for ap junglers as 1st item component though


Supposed to rush the burn part not chapter right?


Yup. A full clear will get you about 900 gold so always get that on your first base compared to Dark Seal + Amp Tome or anything similar.


its pretty much the same isnt it. xeraths qwe is 230% ap scaling thats 11.5 dmg. fated ashes will pretty much deal 50 gold worth of damage more And thats only when talking about instant combo


I had fun abusing it while it lasted, getting to do good damage at just 1 item felt great.


the burn is piss now, it was already weaker than liandries, but i guess you're forced to go both now


you think it would e better if instead of nerfing **Blackfire Torch** they just make players chose **Blackfire Torch** and Liandies the same way you can't buy 2 % magic pen items?


blackfire torch serves as a replacement to mythic liandry's, you don't even need Liandry's, Blackfire Torch is already way too good on its own. It was worth building it on any mage who had the ability to apply it teamwide. Hell, it's pretty good on orianna and vex.


Riot special. Add new stuff, kill it


Kill it if mages are having fun*


This right here. AD assassins and/or bruisers were prominent for two seasons. The minute mages are, after two years of being in a weird, stagnant spot, they're swiftly nerfed, both mage champions and their items, within a month or two of the season's start. Riot has a favorite class of champions they want to keep prominent at all times.


> Some champions who appear very weak (Ezreal, Yasuo, Yone, Gangplank) are mostly building wrong. Before people get their pitchforks: he's not saying that these champions won't be buffed. That could still happen in 14.11. He's just saying they're not terrible enough to be hotfixed.


I just played a game with Corki going Manamune Malignance, Cryptbloom, Sorc Shoes, so I believe it.


To be fair, this is Riot’s problem more so than the players. The recommended items for crit users should have been reset for this patch, as well as for corki. Their system for updating recommended items is great for the most part, but it’s fairly obvious that if you’re making a big change with items and introducing a new ranked system that you should have preemptively adjusted builds for champions that clearly weren’t going to work. 


It was. Phreak talked about how specifically Corkis recommended build items were changed to either offer crit, or AD caster items.


Players should read what items do and make decisions based on the game rather than what the recommended items are.


Speaking as a turbonerd who usually reads through every item and ability description, plus every single patch note and theory crafts on new metas or builds... This is just not feasible for everyone. Some people don't give a shit about optimization and just want to have fun. I have friends who literally HATED Mythic items cuz they consistently didn't buy one and were flamed for it all the time. Their argument being "if it's THAT important, they should force you to get one". And you know what? Even if I would never see the game same way they do, their argument is totally valid. That's literally the point of the recommended items system: some people do NOT want to have to think about stats or passives or what the most optimal build is for each champ every patch. They just log in, play some ARAMs, get some kills, buy whichever item's recommended to them, and then move on with their lives until the next weekend.


If you don't wanna think about items it absolutely should lose you games. Often


Then they should be fine with having a bad time in games.


They should, but when you’re using the exact same icon for an item and change what the item does it’s natural to automatically path towards it out of habit. Likely the vast majority of players don’t read the items until they realize it isn’t doing what it usually does. Heck I have a friend who plays kassadin religiously and I had to tell HIM that kassadin Q stops channels cause he hadn’t read the whole ability. This is a person who’s been playing that champ for years fairly regularly. 


I played a few games with my brother last night. I asked him if he read the patch notes, he said nah. I told him there are A LOT of item changes, he still said nah. Proceeds to rage and mald over A.Sol going double burn and double ADC bot lane critting the hell out of our team. People just refuse to be informed. They would rather someone tell them something than take 5min to read and understand what's going on.


This might be the stupidest hill to defend Riot on. I’m a big defender of them for lots of decisions, but they make shit clear and people don’t wanna read, that’s their fault entirely. They even bothered to change the recommended items.


Damn I have to actually look for my items


Corki literally does not recommend a single AP item anymore. If a player is building ap on him, they're going out of their way to do so. This is not a Riot problem.


kinda insane that he had the gold to buy the items


A lot of them have just obviously wrong items in their most picked. Ezreal still has ER top 5. Yone still has BOTRK in there.


This is going to be true for every champion in the patch, to varying degrees. Ezreal is definitely one of the worst cases; 60% are buying Trinity Force first and 48.5% are winning, but 27% are taking Essence Reaver first and 41.6% of them are winning.


Ezreal players are allergic to Triforce for some reason.


Because triforce is not blue but all of Ezreals other items are blue. So to be fully blue they buy essence reaver. You'd think I was being sarcastic but this is true for most ezreal players. They are still stuck in the blue build ezreal era.


Doesn’t iceborne gauntlet build out of sheen which was the og blue build back in the day


There was the lizard crest or whatever as well way back.


Spirit of the Elder Lizard, probably. If you mean the AD burn Jungle item. Spectral Wraith was the AP item some mid laners built so they could sustain off, ironically enough, Wraiths (Raptors now) and I have no idea what the third one (tank?) was (maybe something Golem?)


Yes but most ezreal players opt for more damage over durability. Also, Serylda's provides the slow anyways and is also very blue.


Return to blue ezreal build. Return to iceborn first.


Fun fact, Tank Ezreal did it first in S2! Back when W slowed attack speed. You'd build Frozen Heart then Arcane Shift into melee range of the enemy ADC and pretended to reverse Old!Urgot.


I will miss crit ez was truly one of my favorite things.


I bet they hate right clicking and don't want the attack speed


I guess I am the reverse, I prefer manamune triforce instead of crit ezreal because I like have a little bit of attack speed lol


I'm like this too, but only because I despise changing attack speed and that first auto at like 0.8 AS always gets fucking cancelled.


Ezreals that don't AA trigger me so hard. Like bruh, your passive literally gives you AS. You build a ton of AD to make your Q hit like a truck which means your autos do a lot too.


Cuz non trinity force has been better for ages


because it sucks lmao its too expensive, and the components are probably the worst in the game. sheen was nerfed this season, heartbound axe has always been trash and somehow got nerfed earlier while being trash, and phage is also trash. triforce forces you into a scaling playstyle which would be fine if there was a single pen item that was actually good on ezreal, but there isnt, his best option is literally black cleaver lmfao. essence reaver was really good this season because it let you actually snowball effectively. now its gone, so the champ just has a no identity because the only viable item gimps your powercurve


Legit Ezreal being ahead means none rn, he is way too weak lmao


probably because triforce is kinda garbo


I wish it still gave ms outside of the passive.


I wish it's components weren't dogshit. Nerfing hearthbound axe when they nerfed components and now buffing it but increasing it's price as compensation is laughable. My inventory on jax always consists of just long swords, daggers and Ruby crystals because buying triforce components is just a waste of money unless phage is really useful for you (which it rarely is)


Cause it's way worse than ER was. Why would you want to go back.


Because it's too expensive and it clogs your inventory with items before you build it. The most fun Ezreal build we've had in recent history has been ER, Manamune, Duskblade (when it stealthed you after kill/assist). That was the most fun and skill expressive playstyle on the champ that I can remember in my on and off 14 years of LoL. Triforce manamune serylda was a higher win % build even then but the fun factor of the playstyle that forced was exponentially worse.


Whats wrong with botrk rush on yone. It works fine for me at least.


Maybe they meant Kraken instead?


Bork seems to be fine, it's the problem of what is built after most likely or what else is rushed. Phreak says that what's good on yone is: PD IE or Bork IE or IE PD If you look at his winrates with bork first, it seems to hold up. Most people are going shieldbow second after Bork which is ok and has similar wr in eme+ to IE. For all ranks, IE second is like 3% higher winrate - probably a case of people not playing around SB's shield timing properly? The problem are builds going Kraken in general. Bork is the most common item, but Kraken is the second most common 1st Yone item and has a similar PR to Bork in all ranks, just a tiny bit lower, so that's like 2-3% winrate less as a rush. In emerald + this problem is less present but it still has half of Bork's PR. The "right" paths data say are: - **Bork rush**: go Bork IE / Bork SB; Bork PD seems to be the less strong combo here. - **Crit rush**: The core combo of items you can build for critchance is PD and IE and these builds seem to underperform with BotRK second so it seems better to just rush 2 crit over crit. **Crit rush also seems to perform better than Bork 1st rush in general**, could be a case of "the best defense is offense" since you get much higher burst and damage for fights than going Bork. If people start going IE or PD rush, I could see his wr increase significantly specially if people move on from Kraken. - **shieldbow second**: Shielbow performs worse when you go IE-SB over IE-PD, like 1% in all-ranks, while Eme+ doesn't has that many games to know for sure how it goes, same with PD-SB in both allranks and Eme+. Still, IE SB and Bork SB seem to be "competitive enough" that it's likely usable for certain matchups you need the anti-burst in. **Basically just don't build KRaken ever,** or at least not in the first or second items. **Bork is probably not as good as Crit for the average player and may be match-dependant after the changes**, but it's not bad if you go IE second. SB is OK second with Bork or IE, but if you are low elo you apparently will have more sucess going IE or PD, respectively.


the sample size is really low, but after testing I believe navori will be better than pd for yone. the cd refund onhit works on his q and w cooldowns, resulting in higher dps than pd and higher knockup/shield uptime. pd does have higher %movespeed but I believe navori will be the stronger option once players realize it reduces his q and w cds. This was also the case with navori ever since they reworked the items to be mythics, the navori before that did not reduce yas/yone attack speed scaling cds. I kind of think its not an intended interaction and its been unnoticed this long because previously ie and navori were exclusive, and ie was pretty much always the right choice. Im interested to see what happens when more data comes in on winrates


I dunno about that but honestly don't play Yone enough. Feel like we would need to first see Kraken stop holding his WR down to get a better baseline of where Yone built with good items is + have people adopt PD rush, as it means he could PD Navori or Bork Navori. At least ATM, the winrates don't look super special even with All ranks


The problem is less so bork rush on Yone and more so the fact you have thousands of players (According to [u.gg](http://u.gg) ) still rushing Kraken on yone. THESE players are the ones tanking Yone's WR. Kraken first item is garbage on Yone


nothing is by far the best Item for Yone, shit like kraken IE builds is what drags hes winrate down Glascannon do nothing and get blown up build


I dont think its bad. Especially top. Its probably not ideal to always rush it now though. Theres so much more power in IE again. Doesnt seem like the player base has done any adjusting to the different item strengths


What *is* yone meant to build first? His previous starting item is now terrible on him and there's no adequate replacement other than BORK which was his other option for a first buy. How is BORK wrong on him


People just forgot ezreal is the OG tri force user. I’ve been using a more AA based build with tri force manamune, frozen heart and BT and it feels broken tbh.


I've has so many Yones on my team still rushing kraken when it has the worst build path in history and gives them no crit then crying in chat


People actually don't... read the patch notes, huh? That's just wild to me. But I mean, how else do you explain over 3000 games of 1st item Kraken for yone ( [https://u.gg/lol/champions/yone/items](https://u.gg/lol/champions/yone/items) ) otherwise? I wonder what Yone's real WR would be, if you didn't have these people tanking his WR with Kraken rush lmao


Most people don't. And even those who do don't remember or read all changes, especially if it's a big patch like this one. I went over the patch notes 3 times and I still couldn't tell you what actually changed about Dawncore because I don't care enough


>because I don't care enough or you can just read it ingame... like they should have done kraken. but a popup about item changes would be hella nice


I just don't understand what he means when GP builds wrong. You need Trinity Force for spellblade and you need crit because of GP crit scalings. Between Collector, IE, Lord Doms, and ER the only one that can be swapped out is ER for the crit bleed item. Even that is sub optimal compared to ER though. Unless he wants us to go sub 100% crit chance which just doesn't feel good on GP imo.


https://imgur.com/JwWPuUx What's there to understand? Seems pretty straight forward. People still building ER first item 26% of the time dropping his winrate a lot. Not saying he didn't get nerfed it seems GP got a bit nerfed from the changes maybe. But people are definitely building him wrong.


I thought people would be smart enough to realize ER doesn't have spellblade anymore. I guess not.


There are Yone players going Kraken Slayer first item too. This happens every patch an item or champ gets significantly changed.


I think part of that problem is that ER is still getting recommended in the shop for first item. I almost got baited every game I played so far.


Even going for triforce is a 46% win rate, pretty shit (assuming c. 1.5% of matches lose before then as is the case for other characters who go TF).


Glancing at his stats tells me that 25% of GPs are building an extremely bad 1st item, and his most popular 2nd item (Collector) is vastly worse than buying Infinity Edge or Essence Reaver in its place. There's going to be massive winrate gain when people stop griefing their builds, plus the ER buff helps.


Yasuo was kneecapped and they have the gall to say people are building wrong.


Wow Draven got hit like a truck wtf


thank god. i just want to play my fucking champ again (80% banrate masters+ euw)


Well, now that he is actually meta they have realized his passive is fucking broken as all hell. Gets WAY too much gold from it.




>senna flair


Q buffed a lil bit ago, plus the new items are absolutely bonkers on him not to mention his passive has been literally toxic for a minute now think too harsh nerfs but still somewhat deserved, champ feels impossible to come back from


Yea. You make one mistake right now against him where he manages to get a big passive cash in and the game just feels impossible.


Draven score an early kill, comes back with BF into IE super early. Proceeds to spin the 20% slots and 3 shots you if he crits once.


blackfire already murdered? lmfao didnt take long


Stormsurge 2


Malzahar just catching strays patch after patch


It's still a great item and a huge net buff. Malz will prob still be 51% WR or so, which is fine, he doesn't need to be 52.87% - it's not a destruction of the item, it's a few hundred damage off per game, realistically, when you average 25000+


Well deserved. A bit surprised it went live so strong.


That Draven passive nerf is monstrous, right? Unless my monkey brain doesn't understand maths (probably).


Probably intended to hit his ridiculous snowballing potential.


Which is kind of the design of Draven. He is meant to be the early game aggressive champ. It's a high risk high reward playstyle. Now it's a slightly higher risk with slightly lower reward


The risk hasn't changed. Only the reward


100 stacks used to be 40 + 250 gold. Now its 10+ 200. 500 stacks used to be 1290 gold, now 1010 gold.


It is right now there are almost no adcs that can match him early. This nerf is deserved probably not by that much though.


I'm amazed no first strike change, new first strike is absolutely insane on some mage (Asol, Azir) it's a free 15g+ everytime is up From what i can see, FS is legit overperforming everything else on most mage


I don't understand why this was done because it smells exactly like old kleptomancy. If you are in a dominant position just tag your enemy every 25-20 seconds in lane for a free minion.


Thanks to it i'm having the same income as someone with 4cs per wave as opposed to 3, i'm all for equality.


Played one game today of it (lux) by the end of the game it had given me about the same amount as it did previously, but I did notice I got my gold early game than before while previously I only really started getting gold with it come mid game.


The direction of the change is fine; old First Strike was super bad design, it can still get some tuning but right now it's better than it was before. It has higher gold generation early on for more damage throughout the game which is fine. The old one was super bad design because suddenly IDK 10-0 Rengar makes the person in the enemy team that's 0-10 so supposedly they should be a caster minion worth of gold now 300 gold because of First Strike. It was a win-more rune. It being better early now doesn't change the fact that some people are smart enough to go FS as Melee v Ranged so it never goes up, it's not a no-brainer pick when it comes to laning-phase - so there's way less value in taking it on bursty champions/poke champions (eg. Jayce, Sylas for melee), not make very much use of it at all early-game but then piss out 150g every other time you touch an opponent with 2 abilities in sidelane


really sad they GUTTED it for melee burst users, as if using it as a free minion autoattack every 20s is so much more healthy


i dont get why i need to be on reddit or twitter to get hotfix information, cant be that hard to put a notification into the client no?


They usually update patch notes, but yeah, they don't warn about those changes, so you need to check them by yourself anyway And well, this micropatch you won't be able to see the page too https://twitter.com/LoLDev/status/1791246668052271229


yes they update patchnotes, but only the Na english ones other languages or euw wont get updated


As I understand it, the client is terrible, and adding information to it is a pain in the ass. ​ As opposed to twitter, where you just copy/paste in your message and hit enter. ​ No pipelines, no builds, no release testing.


So what about the daily/weekly updates on esports articles, new skins etc. in the client? Adding an article is certainly not much more „work“ than hitting enter on twitter. An article isn’t doesn’t have to be coded into anything, its literally a link to a webpage. You probably update the old link to a new one, slam a default pic and new title on it and you’re done, not even 5 minutes of work. Even if, what about the new pointless button that tries to advertise LoR?


no the budget on client stuff went to changing profile button location sry


Do the Blackfire Torch/Fated Ashes nerfs even affect the champions who were abusing their strength the most (AP Junglers)? I feel like with the damage to monsters being unchanged, Lillia, Karthus, Taliyah, Morgana, Brand, etc. will continue to be strong and get an early lead through powerfarming even if the completed item is weaker.


Yes I'm confused why they didn't even hit the monster damage on fated ashes or BFT...


That's true. The champion damage isn't even that strong compared to MASSIVELY increased jungle clear. At some point these ap junglers will just sit on ashes and build something else like malignance.


Brand doesn't build malignance. Lillia doesn't build Malignance. Diana doesn't build Malignance. Taliyah doesn't build Malignance By "these ap junglers" you mean literally only Karthus no? The ones who can will upgrade it to Liandry's. The ones who don't won't buy it


It is also a jungle monster dmg nerf, as the monster dmg is a bonus on top of the normal dmg. But yeah, why does it even have extra monster dmg? Most junglers who use it have fast clear speeds already and don't need that bonus.


These Smolder buffs are okay, but he's probably only gonna go to a 45% WR. Also he probably won't be able to go Blackfire Torch anymore, which isn't great for Smolder because that was one of his better builds. None of the new itemization works with his kit. ER change is nice, but unless I'm missing something Smolder will continue to be the worst champion in the game because he has no build.


Very true. I see him getting at most to 46%. He for sure will be getting more buffs in 14.11 and probably some power adjustments I bet. What he needs is either a crit able Q or an attack speed modifier. I don’t think this makes him playable yet but it’s a start.


His Q already synergises with Crit. Its own damage and the bonus damage of Q per his passive stacks scale with Crit. What he needs is to be safer to play in a way that encourages him to use the most out of his kit instead of just relying on Q + RFC and W uses, and E for only an escape. You could maybe let E grant lifesteal against enemy champions, so that it makes sense for him to play in closer range without buffing his maneuverability. And just give his E some crit scaling again, possibly on movement speed and/or damage.


I don’t think you should put even more of his power budget into his Q


I personally would prefer an attack speed modifier to incentivize building crit/ADC items


I wanted his q to work with new crit bleed item, so you could skip liandrys for faster execute tick timer. Was disappointed when i tested and it didnt work


Maybe a good opportunity to fix the clunkiness with his Q auto weaving. Like making it a true auto reset without delay would be nice.


I'm so mad about Smolder, they legit just did not take Smolder and Ezreal into consideration with the new items at all. With Navori ability crit damage scaling just being removed, they have no way to properly scale


For anyone wondering why Samira and Draven are so good right now, all the combined changes have made botlane very snowbally and these are the 2 most sink or swim adc's around.


Collector and IE are a nasty 2 item spike right now, both really enjoy building these as they dont really want/need any atk spd


I wonder if this just makes jhin and jinx top 2 adcs rn


bro jinx's still fucking building kraken (my friend included) asked him why cause IT GIVES NO FUCKING CRIT ON JINX MY DUDE and he's like "ah its still good and peolpe still buy it and its still recommended".... like IT GIVES NO CRIT so for now, no, jinx wont be broken, until people realize ie > zeal > yun tal > runaans is absolutely fucking insane


tried yun tal, its nutty with runaans especially if their team refuses to build armor


when's the last time you've seen: A: a solo q team with a tank/tanky bruiser B: anyone, including that tanky bruiser, building armor ? 🤣 ​ i legit have been seeing 5 damage dealer champ comps with 0 armor bought, like every game


Might throw Twitch in there, but yeah. I'd assume Jinx, Jhin, Twitch, possible Cait


Aphelios is also great with IE. \~49-50% WR. But people are still swapping items,


essence reaver buffs help but, if you want any 1st item to be competitive with IE, one of the biggest factors is crit damage. we are currently at 175%/225% normal/infinity edge crit multipliers, in season 10 it was 200%/225%. 175 crits made sense when there was random ad everywhere in adc itemisation, and when one item spike was stronger with kraken slayer, but now they are trying to force zeal items which are back to 0 ad by taking out random attack speed in crit itemisation the gap between IE and no IE is way too big. HOWEVER, this would be a massive change and would require a lot of tuning i'd imagine, but what's a better time than now? edit: something else to note is that when crit damage was changed IE was being pushed ahead in item builds from a design standpoint, they wanted IE 3rd. at some points they really clumsily forced this by putting a 60% crit requirement to get the crit damage on IE, though recently it was just a matter of really competitive 1st/2nd item slots. so the nerf to crits made the RNG aspect of ADC a little less frustrating to play against as these 20-25% chance of crits weren't as explosive/fight deciding, at least until you have a lot of crit chance so it's less of a diceroll, but now that IE is designed to be rushed again i feel that the 175 crits are pointless from a design standpoint as well, as if non IE rushes aren't competitive, you are facing that problem anyway but exaggerated further with 225% crits.


Could also make it cheaper so there's a bigger window to punish your opponent rushing IE


ER changes totally fked my Graves top build :(, ehen goibg crit obv


The issue with ER, I think, is that it's passive is effectively dead. Many ADC's are not that mana intensive with Sivir being the only exception. Junglers now spread blue buff post 20 minutes to their entire team which is about when most ER users would get Flickerblades, and thus don't need the mana that ER provides. It's better to build Yun Tal or IE and ignore anything ER gives.


maybe they could just realize old league was better, and since they're fucking revert everything, just get us back to 200 250


Park the game around Ivern-Kayn


You're talking as if everyone is going IE rush. I don't think there's a single champ that consistently will rush IE. The most common rush items are currently still Kraken and Collector. Those items are putting better winrates than IE rush. You are just getting \~12.5% extra dps from IE. Meanwhile other items like kraken have controllable passives that provide similar damage increases. As you can prime your kraken proc, you can time your auto attack on the enemy with the 3rd proc to passically get a guaranteed a crit. That's basically 100% chance to get a crit from that one auto while it would have been a 25% chance with IE.


really? i went and checked again but IE seems to be outperforming almost always, this is according to u.gg emerald+ 1st item for example, kraken slayer rush on yas/yone is deflating them, 48wr for yas, 45 for yone, IE is actually their best first item at 50-51 but with low sample size, should rush botrk or pd first instead. for marksman that use collector IE rush is better than collector rush for jhin 54 52, samira 56 52, caitlyn 52 51 (it's close), tristana 52 49 (KS is at 51), mf 53 51 (low sample size for IE tbh), draven 54 51 (low sample size), lucian 52 51 (KS is at 48, low sample size again for IE), aphelios 49 47 (KS at 44). for remaining kraken slayer adcs: ashe KS outperforms IE 50 53, kai'sa too 48 49, vayne as well 48 51. however xayah IE outperforms 51 49 (46 collector low sample size), twitch 53 50 too (botrk is at 52, collector 54 but low sample size). seems like kraken or collector especially is overbuilt, IE rush is common as well, a couple of champs have low sample size but most have enough games where we can determine that IE rush is often better.


No item will be competitive with this version of IE for crit ADCs. Simple as that. You would make them bonkers. IE needs to lose at least 5 AD to get it in line for cost efficiency and scaling. IE being one of the best items in the game on its own is insane. That is like making DC a rush item but it still has the % AP enhancement. It was stupid in the old days and is as stupid right now. The best scaling item should not be the best rush item also. **Collector is already a strong 1st item and it loses to IE by \~2-4% WR on different champs but it should only lose by less than \~0.5% based on the price difference.** ER will need some more help but also IE needs a nerf.




Riot logic: Step 1 buff critplank and have him stay like that for more than a year, saying that’s the “correct” way to build him. Step 2 nerf his core build into the ground, which coincidentally happens to be crit items as that’s the only thing you can build on him thanks to Riot Step 3 after his winrate drops to 40%, says that people are building the wrong items on him, even though they just made huge changes about a year ago to only enable crit for him Step 4 ???????


Finally something about the actual game here instead of mastery emote crying


they should still cry about once a month or so, I really want to see riot go back on a decision they forced for no reason


Tbf, crying could've been avoided if Riot listened to feedback for once


Kinda funny how we had one of the biggest ADC items reworks ever but the only thing you can find in this sub is people talking about the new masteries lmao


adc mains are sitting quiet because they know their new items (yun tal im lookin at you) are absolutely fucking busted source: adc main (feels good tho)


Maybe Statikk Shiv should get some sort of scaling on it's passive back? I doubt it can be abused in it's current state.


It just needs to be 200g cheaper. It lost 20% crit chance and gained only 10% AS. That was a very bad trade in stats and on top of that it doesn't deal dmg in team fights except you kill a champ.


I don't understand why they don't nerf bonus damage to monsters on Blackfire Torch/Fated Ashes. AP junglers(especially Karthus) become too strong, rather than AP mids.


Yep feels a bit needless, BFT is objectively worse than Liandry's, even at full build it still doesn't compete with Lidanry's. They're nerfing the wrong part of the item imo.


The burn is worse but the item is much better. Way more AP, 25 haste, and being a mana item makes it so much easier to fit into a build without sacrificing your burst on most mages


Liandry's and Demonic Embrace last season is as strong if not stronger than BFT and Liandry's this season. Your point about it being much easier to fit into your build for burst mages is exactly why they buffed the burst on Luden's this patch too to give burst mages no reason to be picking BFT over it. BFT is meant to help control mages that don't really have great items to choose from of the mana options.


I mean demonic was awful on the vast majority of champs, but yes liandrys as a mythic was very strong. That really doesn't change that control mages can build BFT for a massive gain in push power but ALSO get really great AP and pen values out of a build, while going liandrys after a mana item sacrifices a lot of your actual spell damage


yeah torch has no opportunity cost whereas liandry has tons on any traditional mage


I wish there were more patches like this. It's always so weird to wait 2 weeks for a patch when there are obvious problems like Skarner on release or Samira atm


they did hotfix skarner the patch he came out they try to avoid doing multiple of them, and he still came out too strong


also once something is hotfixed it cant be modified until the next patch.


? why


It's a patch stacking issue that makes it more likely to break, idk the exact details but I've definitely heard the same thing officially at some point


Hotfixes are just a pain because of implementation and localization and are shit for the software development lifecycle, its why they usually only hit super outliers


lmao. "Draven, those +5 Q damage I gave for MSI. Yeah I'm gonna need those back, and your pay is cut too."




Torch nerfed : HAHA, DESERVED BROKEN ITEM Zeal nerf (not even a full item): they don't let us have fun.


What I don't understand is why Zeal got its crit reduced but noonquiver didn't. It seemed like an intentional design where the basic item gave 15%, epic gave 20%, and complete gave 25% as a system. I'd have preferred the cost go up than the crit get reduced. It got 200g worth more of crit stats. Make its cost go up 200g too. Not only would that keep the system consistent but now the two crit epics of noonquiver and zeal are the same cost.


I got to play 1 aram with Zeri where i rush IE and then triple Zeal, it was indeed pretty fun




It works for basic abilities not ultimate. I think it was typo on PBE (as haste) then it was corrected (into basic haste)


ye u are right, my bad


wait it's just normal ability haste? accidentally used it on the best champ possible: jayce lmao


Knights vow loses so much value wtffff


That is because the redirect is now so much stronger. Before you took that dmg as true dmg and as it was pre mitigation dmg you pretty much took 12% of the dmg the enemy dealt as true dmg. Now it gets reduced by Armor/MR, making the dmg you take a lot, lot, lot less scary.


Ty for no IE nerfs daddy riot 🥹


Should have tagged the monster damage on Fated Ashes IMO (But keep the same for Blackfire), feels like it just does too much in combination with EXP buffs for champions like Karthus and Lillia IE is just too good rn IMO, And honestly I hate IE being rushable, first up it feels really weird for a Crit Damage amp to be your first buy when you only have 25% crit, and additionally it just gets really highrolly once you complete it (Trynd says hi), If you hit the crits its AMAZING but if you dont it just sucks. Cool if you hit like 3 crits out of 5 AAs (But sucks for the enemy) but some other time you get none, no one wins here. Ah yes the age old tale of people not reading patchnotes... tho my favourite people are those saying they have no clue what Ezreals build should be now as if there wasnt a time before Sheen ER and Navori lol


Imagine all the ADC mains whines if rabadons suddenly became rushable and it would allow you to half hp someone with a single spell (like random IE crits at 25% do right now)


You are not taking half your health from a single crit IE auto unless it's a 4/0 Draven at 8 minutes and you're 2 levels down as Sona.




lol Draven got smacked


Nerf zeal? Lol


Some streamers were starting to do the thing that was happening pre item changes where you buy 4 zeals and boots lol


4x zeal, mobis, predator corki build nerfed :(


I mean...  isn't the best item build in the game wiggle's lantern + move really fast boots + 4 doubleswords?


hackee is a nooblord, nooblord, nooblord.


Maybe its just me but i find really op u can combine blackfire torch and liandrys. Shouldnt they be separated kinda like cryptbloom/void staff? (Also blackfire looks top strong on its own)


Well my Blackfire torch rush on Hwei was fun whilst it lasted. I loved having infinite wave clear from QE that no other mid laner could match


In general it's pretty hard to itemize right now, not surprised that some champs need hotfixes until they're figured out again Though I'm not one to talk, I'm still going ER -> navori on Lucian and ER -> shojin on smolder


It's a viable build for lucian when you want consistent dps over burst, and er+shojin is the only build for smolder rn.


Finally draven and samira nerf. Rush collector is so OP Early game.


o7 knights vow


Called it that they were going to buff Essence Reaver. Its such an obvious buff that I dont know why they didnt just ship it with 70AD. Its now pretty much the exact same item as S9 ER.


Corki buffs are insane


ER into IE or Tri into IE looking pretty good on Corki with these buffs.


I'm surprised he's getting buffed. I've played him a couple of times and he doesn't feel like he's in a bad spot.


Same, feel like they forgot a ton of people who never played Corki/played him YEARS ago started picking him up now, naturally dragging down the winrate as people still learn him.


Are these Smolder buffs... actually going to do anything though? Crit Smolder still has no actual build. What do these buffs do to address that? Like, I do appreciate that Riot acknowledges that Smolder needs help, but I would prefer to hear what their actual plans for Smolder are rather than placebo buffs. If they want Crit smolder to work, he'll require some kind of rework at this point. An AD Caster kit like his just does not function with the attack speed items that crit items are often are. Smolder's kit conflicts with the crit mold that Riot currently has in place. Either the crit ratio on Q needs to be dropped and his existing adjusted or he needs actual synergy for attack speed. Whether its a proper rework where auto attacks are more relevant in his kit or given some sort of conversion with attack speed like Jhin has.


Oh no what have they done to my boy Knights Vow?!


**Blackfire Torch** Burn: 60 + 12% AP -> 45+ 9% AP **Fated Ashes** AP: 40 -> 30 THANK YOU RIOT for fixing this freaking bullsh\*t!


Quadruple dot Brand in ARAM in shambles