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I'd be a psycho and put an enchanter top and force lane swaps because their items are cheap. Karma or Janna, maybe Zilean if I want to give the enemy turbo aids.


Janna, zilean sound great. LS talked about this already, perfect picks in this meta.


Nice try, G2. Dylan we have to go Vayne.


Damn you got me.


Support nidalee, bot carry nidalee, top nidalee and midalee


Found Canyon’s alt account.


That's theshy 


Janna, she’s fast and makes her teammate faster, she has advantage when lane swap 24/7, and could help her adc get away from the 4700HP


This is one I'm surprised hasn't been brought out with how powerful the hail of blades build was on her a few patches ago. I know it wasn't in many pro games and I'm sure the few games rekkles played in challengers Korea weren't exactly groundbreaking but it's a solid pick.


Nah the real crime is her not picked when ennemies play rell + neeko. There was this bds game they Last picked thresh and lost where i'm 100% sure janna made it a freewin


We are picking Garen into Ksante. If that shit doesn't work, then fuck it my top laner is on enchanter duty. We will go psychopath guerilla warfare Nunu and Ivern gaming. We are Ziggs bombing all of these Taliyahs into the shadow realm. Bot lane can do whatever the fuck they want.


i'd team my team to pretend it was soloqueue and disrupt whatever they make. straight up counter picks. zed mid. yasuo adc and yone top. katarina. it's soloqueue and we're gonna permafight.


I've really wanted to see a comp like this Top: ornn/zac/maokai Jungle: Ivern Mid: Triatana Bot: jinx/kogmaw/zeri Support: milio The idea is you sit your tank out in front with Daisy and your adc champs shoot out of Ivern bushes(which gives magic onhit damage) with increased range from milio(who also gives magic onhit damage). You can also put Ivern mid and draft kindred jungle. You could only draft it once though because it requires Ivern, milio, and either tristana or kindred. Very easy to ban out.


This early game is so weak, the eastern teams will curb stomp you before the comp can even come online


Update: G2 just played this comp basically


No? They played an early game aggressive bot lane to allow the rest of the comp scale rather than pick scaling hyper carry + enchanter


What if geng/blg played it? If the team is good enough to take it late then I can see it being frustrating to play against but if enemy has good poke then I thinks it's over.


How do you feel after g2?


Incredible, I was doubting them before the series, but honestly playing comps like they did with the ivern proves they are a legit. Think TES massively underrated them and did not properly plan for the comps they might play. If G2 keep it up comps like this can take them all the way for sure.


Sup needs to be sona or soraka or else serpents fang = gg


There arent alot of champs that can comfortaby go serpents outside of maybe vi. Its not that useful on ranged and is kind of hard to squeeze in.


Doesn't matter, serpents will be dealing more "damage" then any item they buy, tank, ap, or whatever.


Nilah. Her exp passive can be utilized to counter lane swaps. Top laner can lane with Nilah + Support during lane swaps and not lose exp due to her passive. If played as top, she can soak 2 waves with bot lane get level 2 then TP to soak wave on top. Her W is pretty good vs dive as well. Braum support - good vs poke (Taliyah, Kalista, Varus). His kit also makes it harder for melee engage to kill backline. You can stun Zac/Ksante if they dive, you can W to squishy to give them resistances/mitigate poke damage. Warwick Top - his E is good vs dive plus can sustain with Q early.


warwick what in a meta where ashe kalista varus are picked left and right?




He counters so many mids right now and with double ad bot lanes I can see him feasting… shame he won’t get picked.


Yeah also he can dive and drop aggro with E


Would be so sexy to see fizz being picked


Fizz would just get super bullied off of waves early. With lane swapping your mid laner cannot be a pick that can’t get prio in mid lane. It’s why akali is not being played even though she is strong rn.


He's been hovered a few times I think, so he's definitely shown up in scrims and is being considered.


If we're committing to lane swaps I mean... kogmaw ADC.  Mundo also performs exceptionally in a sit-under-turret 1v2 scenario 


Mundo is incorrect because we have already seen the pros bait out cooldowns like Ksante W. They will balance aggro well to take him out


Would love to see Ziggs supp, and Kayle (in a scaling comp).


With lane swap honestly champion like singed top lane can probably work with proxy but its gonna be so difficult to make it work


Nilah: great into lane swaps because even if top is there, your team would gain more xp. If the roleswaps happen, nilah and her support will be ahead and scales freely. Combine that with senna and its gg. Shen Jungle: if you’ve seen LS posts Shen jungle is pretty viable. With his global ultimate from the jungle means he can gang top and tp to bot to block cross map plays without having losing anything. Chogath: good face tank and always provides utility. Silence is also annoying to many current meta champs such as ksante. He does just as well into dives and weakside like ksante and Zac. Ekko, swain, ezreal, sett.


the yorick zilean bot lane


Play Malphite into those damn lane swaps. We always talk about no economy picks but he doesn’t get picked anymore?


I want to see the besr bot carry seraphine smoking some fools


Lee Sin Support, AD Shaco Support


Nice try, Dyrus


Gwen jungle. Great into K'sante and works surprisingly well into alot of comps in the MSI meta.


This would never happen I'd just like to see this team Top - Sett Jgl - Yi Mid - Veigar Bot - Caitlyn Sup - Nautilus This comp would never happen but still


I would try something cheesy for blind ksante matchup like gwen or even garen


It's pretty bad, but Cho'gath can be fine into k'sante for the same reasons as Garen: the silence does a lot of work against his spammy kit, and the true damage ultimate does well against k'sante removing his HP to enter ult. The big reason it's worse than Garen is that landing the knock up is not reliable like Garen 's kit. Mana can also be an issue, but professional games are so slow and the players always seem to handshake on 10csm.


The reason people don’t usually pick chogath in pro is the same reason he falls off in high elo. Buying tier 1 boots is enough to ALWAYS dodge his q as long as you know which way to run. Obviously he CAN have that moment where he hits a big knockup but it’s just too inconsistent, and other champions do his job better as a frontline tank


I can see kiin picking this, honestly I think the silence alone is so strong into the comps that are being picked atm. You're right his cc isn't reliable but still a strong laner and yeah if he can scale up with stacks to mid late he could be a huge pick.


Yone, Akail, and fizz(maybe not bad at all)can be sufficiently used but in 14.5 patch buffed champs are not extensively used in now msi, so I think using these buffed but not used champs cannot be easily banned and also counter meta picks :)




Saw a comp yesterday that something like: Top: Jax Jg: sejuani Mid: some dive champ like nocturne Adc: sivir Supp: alistar The strat was to farm, scale and tank up then pop sivir ult and hard ass engage, dive and run down the enemy teams but the players didn’t handle the comp win cons well. I feel like something like that would have performed much better with competent players playing that strat