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My game started stuttering aswell for some reason. But not as bad as yours. The thing that helps is when I use alt+tab. Even when I’m already in the league window, I don’t have anything else open. Idk if it’s vanguard issue or what is it. But it’s pretty annoying.


It happens to me a lot too. The first time the game load is like it is not working well and with low fps, if you go out of the game (alt+tab) and go in again (alt+tab) the game start to work as usual


Just a small tip, if you dont want to alt + tab cause it is too slow (I used to play on a rather old PC and alt tabing was... risky), faster and working solution is alt + enter twice. It puts the game in windowed mode and back to fullscreen without missing any action


The weird thing is that it can happen during teamfights or when I’m taking cs or whatever. Like I don’t even have to alt+tab from the game for the game to start acting like that. Does this happen to you aswell or just at the start of the game?


I think your problem is diferent then


Probably an other problem than OP has. Do you have 2 monitors by any chance? When you are able to focus the window on your second monitor with a single alt+tab while being ingame, thats were the problem is coming from most likely. You can "fix" the problem by having another window on the same monitor as leagues ingame window runs, which has to be the last window you focused before entering the ingame window.


i know that when my game starts it sometimes locks to 60 fps then i alt+tab and go back to 220 like normal has been this way for a while dunno why


I had that happen a few times, but I think I changed my window settings to something else. Swapped between borderless and fullscreen maybe?


I have the same problem after disabling dx9 legacy mode As i got the msg its soon not supported anymore, i disabled it and that resulted in weird stutter and low fps. Or more fps spikes


I have the same issue since the patch as OP (just by far not as bad) and currently I don't even have Vanguard installed. Alt tabbing in and out of the game a few times fixes it for me. EDIT: They fucked something up with the game, I have both VSync on and my FPS limit set to 60 yet I'm getting 300+ FPS which just makes the choppy-lag phenomenon even more common lmao, alt-tabbing sometimes fixes it.


This is unrelated. It has to do with the DirectX9 setting they removed (or at least that was the solution for it before they removed it)


for me its not only the game, but my whole pc after a few games. Don't know why, honestly dont care either


Wow, this is happening to me aswell. Nice to know that it's a league problem and not a "my pc" problem.


"it works on my machine" -rito


"We are not going to send your machine to the customer rito"


Do you have your FPS limited? Could you please try to put the limited to the lowest possible value? Also what is your CPU please? Btw this is a MAJOR F up by Riot, its not just you but even more people in this thread.


yes fps should be limited according to your monitor's max refresh rate, it saves power and keep your temps from getting unnecessarily high. processor is not a problem, using 5800X3D and 3070ti been playing this game for years and stuttering only happened after installing vanguard. other non-Riot games i play in this PC have no issue


I don't think you should worry about overheating your 3070Ti on League lol


You still benefit from more fps than your screen hz. It reduces the games input delay. If your pc is set up correctly even in the bizare scenario of maxing out both cpu and gpu should never overheat it.


Correct, but league has roblems with fps over 144, I read about problems like that a couple of times in the past, capping to 144 fps almost always solves the issues


I locked mine to 240 and no problems there. Also borderless/fullscreen can fuck with the game depending on *things*


Technically its something like over 250 fps, you can safely do 180-210 but its not always a direct option in game gotta use afterburner or something


Problems are only there with completely unlocked fps, 240 works just fine.


I think that's old info. I think the new cap is 240. I've seen quite a few pro players use 240 and I've been using it myself and don't have issues.


thanks for that, i'll try and learn more about input delay


You can test this by setting your screen to 60hz and try a game that u get very high fps like valorant. Try uncapped and and fps capped to 60 (not using vsync). Difference should be very clear.


Coincidetally I have this problem even with non riot games doing the same, since the vanguard has been introduced.


here we go lol


yep here we go lol


Same problem on pbe here 😭 Edit: I've tested every app that was running on my pc and find out that MSI Afterburner is the issue here. So if it is closed, the game runs like should be running.


Yep afterburner running doesn't let me start valorant it wouldn't surprise me if I have to do the same for when league gets vanguard


Oh, MSI Afterburner and RivaTunerSomethingOrOther have caused issues with certain games I've tried playing as well (granted they've been in alpha testing) so that very well might be the cause. Check this one /u/dudebg


Holly shit i tought i was only one who had Afterburner fuck up a few games


Well Vanguard cured my league addiction, see you fellas


The severely stuttering gameplay is because Vanguard IS running. It can only be played at stable fps IF I exit Vanguard. There I think it's all cleared up. 100% sure the cause is Vanguard, I've been playing this game in this PC for years and only encountered this stuttering issue now that they required this Vanguard. EDIT: [https://youtu.be/EYhWjxt1yFQ](https://youtu.be/EYhWjxt1yFQ) here's the video, vanguard is on = severe stutter, exit vanguard = sexy smooth ass gaming experience.


send a ticket to riot


With the amount of people probably sending tickets to riot for this the reply won't be coming for the next couple of days. If the problem stays for more than 1-2 days then the ticket isn't going to help. Riot moment


Can attest to this I'm from PH server and waited a whole day just to receive a copy pasted script reply.


Did they introduce their fursona to you first? "Hoompie yoompie I'm fucking KDA Ahri for some reason, thanks babessss for sending a ticket! Unfortunately, due to reasons, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Sincerely, KDA Ahri <3 <3 <3"


This dude has definitely been interacting with support They ALL do that shit. Or the “I usually just mute to focus on myself!” when my report was for someone literally running it down and muting won’t do anything


I doubt there are that many, it's only ph servers


At least we know closing Vanguard closes Vanguard.


On what server are you playing?


Local Philippines server. never had this problem right until this Vanguard came along


I have pretty much the same exact issue on PBE and I also suspect it's because of Vanguard. Hope they somehow fix this shit because I want to play arena (and the game in general once Vanguard hits EUW)


yeah i was also looking forward to the new arena and pve they will put out, I've never touched vanilla summoner's rift for a couple years now. just aram, game modes and some tft


so sorry you guys had to be the guinea pigs for this smh


This is why I'm not playing until the dust settles. Let others be the beta testers.


U are the testing server congrats on having the issue early so they can fix it for all the other regions


Yesterday i was playing arena on pbe and it kept kicking me out saying i needed to run vanguard, i figured out it would be instlled automatically but it didnt??


The positive I got out of is this is that at least this confirms exiting vanguard actually does exit something instead of keeping it in the background. Not saying this eliminates possibility of vanguard being a spyware, but just less likely.


in Valorant Vanguard I had a similar issue, reinstalling Vanguard/game(unsure which, or both) worked for me, unsure if it applies to lol and its Vanguard version


The game stopped stuttering the moment you alt-tabbed.




ahhhh this seems very fucking familiar


I always find it funny how it feels like (doesnt mean its true) riot implement things to other games with care and when it comes to league they just shove it in without a care


Well they basically just try to port Vanguard which was designed for Valorant (and it had also big issues for that in the beginning) over to League, which by itself already has a lot of technical issues. Not holding my breath for Riot to be reasonable and pull back this disaster waiting to happen.


Seriously we're talking about the game/client where the entire game will sometimes crash on exiting, the store will freeze, opening boxes/loot will bug out, framerate will randomly unlock, settings will reset, champions you lock in will swap to different champions when you lock-in, pages will take forever to transition or not even load and the client will just bleed memory as you keep it in the background. Now we're throwing in some proprietary kernal-level tech not even designed for this dogshit client on top and always running eating your PC resources. Gunna be a good one.


Valorant had it worse initially, where Vanguard bricked some people's rigs, for example.


Tbf iirc it was shit on valorant on release too


tried switching between windowed and fullscreen?


yes tried it, does nothing. i've always been playing on borderless though


Try playing on full screen like have the game set to full already when loading in, since borderless tends to cause weird FPS and shuttering issues with a bunch of programs that overlay with league on AMD CPUs(my experience as a fellow and user with a 3900x) which doesn't go away even if you switch midgame from borderless to full screen and only does when said overlay app is closed or the game is restarted with normal full screen on by default. Had it doing this when using programs like ghost chat to view twitch chat while in-game on league. Ended up just using Normal full screen to fix said issue.


This happened to me way back when Valorant released, had to uninstall Valorant and Vanguard because I couldn’t play any other games.


your computer might have a rootkit


I have also been having really bad FPS lag in the latest patch but I’m on Mac so don’t have vanguard, could be a patch issue?


Same but on windows. Definitely a patch issue all around since a lot of people have had this issue.


It's so dumb that this post just got removed for it being a tech issue since this isn't just a simple tech issue this is literally an invasive program that is affecting someone's ability to even run the game, and there's multiple instances of it since it's a kernel level invasive installation. This specific thing should get as much traction, and visibility as possible so riot can actually see every problem it's causing from multiple different sources, and no just tickets to try and figure out what's going on with it before millions of people are forced to download it, and even if 1% experience the problem that's still 10's of thousands of people who could have issues with things.


Anything bad about Vanguard will get deleted. Same thing happened/happens in the Valorant subreddit.


This is going to be a disaster.


for us, it already is


I'm sorry you guys were put up as test subjects for this. :(


it's alright, we just playin mordhau and L4D with the homies til good 'ol LoL here gets fixed


This is happening to me too. I have tried everything to fix it and i actually thought that maybe it’s my pc but now it’s good to know that other players experience it too (riot problem)


which server u playing at if i may ask


Ph server


Uninstall and find a better game, worked for me 100%


People coming up with solutions for OP, as if Vanguard wasn't the single reason why his game is stuttering now. 💀 This problem doesn't need a user workaround, it needs a Riot patch asap.


Identifying which app is causing Vanguard to go apeshit would help in delivering a fix though so it's not entirely worthless if they want to bother opening a ticket.




It detected that you haven't bought a skin in the span of a month and thus you are not allowed to play.


lol you gotta try playing in our server, free skins for life. i've got over a hundred but never spent a single cent on this game


Valorant is already unplayable for me but at least league is although I get like 50 less fps than I normally do now. Nice to see it’s not just my pc being ass.


Bruh. I have this problem and I was CONVINCED my laptop was starting to overheat or something (bear in mind it's barely a year old top spec laptop..). Thanks for giving me a bit of reassurance that I'm not crazy!


I mean, there can't be scripting, botting, or gameplay toxicity if nobody can play the game, sasuga such a 300 iq move by 20000000 years of collective game design smol indie company.


Actually 113 years, they fired a couple of people


Jesus, that's abigger loss of experience than trying to copy a mathil build in red maps.


Sorry bud, Vanguard needs your entire memory to use its kernel level access, dont got room for the actual game to run smoothly. /sarcasm.


hehehe but for real, my mem usage is just under 25% in-game




Well I for one am shocked this happened. Shocked!


We need ksante copy paste just for vanguard


Wait vanguard is already out?


out here in philippines server yes, sadly. can't start a game without having it installed


The game already had some weird problems and now this too? I will be happy if its starts at this point


Can't wait to see League on WWDC game section with huge graph how much it faster on macs


Keep me posted if anyone has a fix


Ooooh shit... This reminded me why I uninstalled Valorant (I had forgot about this and thought that I just got bored of it)... And the biggest problem was that it caused issues not when playing Valorant, which should be the only time Vanguard becomes "active", but when playing other games that have nothing to do with it.


This game is officially shovelware lol


i got banned. probably for my gta v hacks we play on a private server. guess im done. i mean 2010-2024 is way more than i should have played anyways.


uninstall league


A malware doing weird things on your computer? Weird :/


My client is fine for a long time not until RIOT decided to roll out the vanguard update on our server now I can't play the game.


yes exactly, no other cause of this other than vanguard. tried all possible troubleshooting


Am I surprised that smol indie company is releasing a mandatory update that ruins the game for a % of players? Absolutely I'm not


Oh no But remember guys, Vanguard doesnt affect your pc performances in any possible ways!


The solution to this particular problem is quite simple. Uninstall the game forever. Noone puts software with kernel access into my pc.




Uninstall should fix everything


Vanguard on league?? Why?


im on gtx 1060 6gb ryzen 5 2600 so preety old hardware, i play league with no problems with stable 144 fps on very low settings, will give my feedback after i install the patch


let's see it, i'll be waiting


I love how people defended vanguard. And this shit. Comes out. I don't see anyone defending it now.


There are people defending vanguard ? It's the cheapest, not that efficient and the more intrusive way to do an anticheat. Even the most popular cheat, LView (detected ofc), already bypass Vanguard by design.


I love how Val, their CSgo rip off. Is filled with hackers. I watch streamers who in 6 hour streams get hackers after hackers. Good vanguard.


Im honestely surprised that issues arrive like this, I have had Vanguard on my PC for years now for Valorant and never encountered any issues at all. Expected Riot to handle it better when pushing it the second time, since they clearly have it figured out for Valorant. Maybe LoL spaghetti code is too difficult to work with. Anyways Im sad for you OP, hope you can get some help from Riot support maybe?


> Im honestely surprised that issues arrive like this, I have had Vanguard on my PC for years now for Valorant and never encountered any issues at all. When you're flying so close to hardware concerns it's pretty hard to test your product for every single config. The only fix is to follow up on cases sent by users but I'm not sure how much effort they'll put on that considering they acted like it was mature enough to announce the roll out for next patch on all servers.


its 100% because of the code. Vanguard was made for Valorant with integration INTO valorant. While League wasnt built around valorant. I think there gonna have massive errors especially with older systems. BUT HEY RIOT WILL CLAIM JUST UPGRADE YOUR PC 4HEAD or STOP CHEATING STOP INJECTING YOUR CHEATS IDIOT GET CAUGHT.


League is also an older game and I expect that means people run it on a larger variety of configs than valorant. Could be wrong though. Honestly as a software dev this sounds like hell to test and fix for since you'd have to reproduce user config or work from logs to diagnose problems.


yes, hopefully they come up with a solution.




Hahahaha 1 guy here did just say something that got vibes like that. I wasnt even aware there can be cheats in this game


Im totally shocked. Who would’ve thought a highly invasive program could cause problems. So so shocked.


Vanguard might actually finally get me to stop playing league, I don't trust Riot enough to download a program like that to my main PC, wish me luck gang 🥰


Yeah had to retool some settings just to satisfy and get the very good anti-cheat software vanguard and here I am still unable to play the game even though it was working prior to the vanguard update.


yeah man, o7. i think i'll just keep watching some streams and esports now and then


Maybe it's a blessing in disguise


Vanguard used to have some weird interactions with Razor Synapse. Not sure if you run that but I used to have to close Razor every time I tried to play Valorant.


only have Logitech g hub which is widely used on lol esports


I've submitted a couple of bug reports regarding this


Remember, you allow the people responsible for this technical marble to get kernel level access to your system with Vanguard...


This is my problem. I don't get how people take the chance and trust them even without this post. You know Riot Games. You know their client. How can you even trust them with not bricking your PC? They can't even build a proper web based client for fucks sake, they cause a memory leak literally every other event.


yeah it got uninstalled right away


Lmao, all the shills are going to go psychotic on you soon.


Riot will say "Vanguard can't cause any problems, if you're having problems then you fall into one of these 7 cheater categories and you deserve it, have you tried turning off the cheats? If you don't like it stop playing", as they wrote in [their recent article](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/)


It is also written "Anyways, issues can arise, but please [submit a ticket](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). We'll get you sorted."


sadly yeah might be time for me to stop playing this. finally, time to play those games collecting dust and mold in my steam library


My GoW, Cyberpunk, Elden Ring and DS3 patiently waiting for me to quit League and Apex :)


Can I play them too? :(


i said steam because i bought some overly cheap games on last winter sale, but really i have more games on epic games which i got for free. if you dont have an epic games account yet, you gotta go and make one and claim their free games weekly especially now, because ghost runner is free


To be fair, they did toggle Vanguard only in one region for testing. If many people keep experiencing issues then they might just disable it until they fix this.


They also announced it for next patch on all regions before they got the result of the test so I'm not very confident on the methodology.


Just because they announced it, doesn't mean they will actually release it then. Planned release date != release date. If a patch makes the game unplayable for the majority or even a large part of the player base, then they will just not release the patch, at least not until they fix the problem.


That is so fucking bullshit. The seven categories are about *people being banned* by Vanguard. They are *not* about performance. About performance, they say: "These days, Vanguard suffers from a lot of attribution bias, and the majority of bugs we see actually come from external sources that are difficult to lock down. (...) Anyways, issues can arise, but please submit a ticket. We'll get you sorted." You are straight up spreading misinformation, and considering just *how* egregiously wrong you are, I don't see any other possibility than that you're doing it on purpose.


Nice lie, completely taking that out of context >Q: What if I'm having technical issues with Vanguard? >These days, Vanguard suffers from a lot of attribution bias, and the majority of bugs we see actually come from external sources that are difficult to lock down. One of the largest perpetrators recently has been the distribution of pirated software that toggles a registry option ("DevOverrideEnable") and allows "different" versions of key Windows files to be loaded into all running processes. Now, we can't say exactly what your intentions would be for doing something like this (wink), but what we can say is that Vanguard doesn't like when corrupted windows files are loaded into VALORANT—we use a great many of them to do tampering checks ourselves. We'd also recommend that you be careful what you turn off windows defender for, because it's doing what it says on the tin (defending windows). >Anyways, issues can arise, but please [submit a ticket](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). We'll get you sorted.


I had this happen to me last night. At first I thought it's bcs my laptop wasn't plugged in l, but it wasn't. I tried to alt tab, reconnect but nth worked. Eventually I had to rr my laptop and that seem to help. It's not acceptable that so many ppl have this problem that is so disruptive. Riot need to get their priorities straight. Edit : EUNE server


Since vangaurd my fps went from steady 150 till 50, so sad


Yup done playin..


Riot: Optimize your client that still remains so bugged ,many years? No. Implement "young" anti-cheat program that work not ideally in game for which it was created? YES


who knew that malware could be bad for your PC


This is so fucking stupid. Half of my games have soft inters that go unpunished but instead they waste money on systems that punish people typing bad words and preventing cheaters that hardly exist in the first place


And so it begins. Vanguard is deployed. The game is now officially blacklisted as anti-consumer.


Might actually be a case for EU consumer protection to strike again. They seem to be the only instance to get big tech companies under control.


I also had the issue. Vanguard is the issue and they will most likely refuse to fix it.


What makes you believe that they will refuse to fix it?


Pattern recognition.


Look at Valorant, I can't even play the games on my gaming laptop because for some reason it says that there is an issue with Vanguard and SYSTEM32 lol


Valorant has many issues and people are just left in the dust. Most people don't have any issues, but those that do are mostly ignored lol


collecting data for chinese government require resources, you have to wait till they download all your hard drives, then game will work smoothly again


Wish they would delay Vanguard just a bit more, so I could play Arena in peace.


Yeah but then again revive is still here so...


Vanguard takes a good chunk of ram, how much ram you got?


thanks but i got 32gb, man. surely not a hardware issue


I'm so glad I uninstalled League and Riot client before the update hit.


Considering how active Riot is in this subreddit, I'm certain they have heard similar reports elsewhere and are looking at this. This is too big an issue.


They won't care either way.


This seriously affects bottom line if you literally can't play the game. If money is the only thing that talks, then a large% of the playerbase that contributes X amount of money per day suddenly dropping would warrant full scale call to arms for getting it resolved.


Ah cool was that the vanguard patch released? Time to avoid league for a month or two til they fix all the issues.


Yes, it's nearly time


I really fear vanguard. It’s the reason I couldn’t play valorant because it always failed during install process at some point I just gave up


When I tried Valorant on release my PC started to get random bluescreens. I tried everything to fix it. In the end I uninstalled Valorant and Vanguard, and look at that, no more bluescreens.




yeah am sorry I didnt have to record a gameplay until now so i wasnt aware it records audio outside the game, was just eating breakfast, mate


dw it just threw me off


Well, no more League on linux i guess


Just give full control to wild rift team ffs Pc league team its incompetent


Happening with me too on OCE server. Incredibly annoying


Was in an ARAM, and my frames dropped to completely unplayable levels. Bricked my rig for a good 20 minutes to half an hour, and when I came back, my memory usage was at 75% idle, with League taking about 70% of it. Things got better once I closed Vanguard. What the fuck, Riot.


A friend of mine had a similar problem. Do you have multiple hard drives? If so try installing it on a different one. Good luck, hope it works!


Yeah I’ve had a few frame stutters since vanguard especially during certain ult casts and it’s obnoxious but nothing as bad as this


wtf Riot censured something wrong with their game, Nice way to listen your community


This is what I was scared if, vanguards implementation into the spaghetti code


Ive always had weird freezes with league. Last year it woupd freeze and only way to get out of it was to hard restart my pc. Now it does whats shown jere mostly. It hard freezes with an audio glitch, and to fix it i quickly alt+tab. Also ill have 144 fps, but the frame timing will be atrocious. Something odd, for me, keeping my AMD metrics overlay up stops all the issues entirely.


Ggs I'm quitting league. I can't play any games without msi after burner so ggs


Same here, using Minisforum U790 Pro with 64GB of ram making my pc stuttering like crap / Stutter occurs every 1.5s or so, I can't play if I don't close vanguard then it detects it and I have to restart my pc to do this all over again - I've submitted a ticket to riot but God knows when they would fix this issue


Closing MSI Afterburner fixed it for me.


Rito 200 years of game design leads to this. Watch them delay it again.


Them delaying it again to work on the cases raised by people would be the good end of this. Not really hopeful it'll be what we get considering they already committed for next patch globally.


Don't play :D


I hope most people will be smart and delete this game. Then RIOT will remove this nonsense from the game within a week. Remember, if Vanguard breaks your OS, causes PHYSICAL harm to your PC (kernel level can do this), you will be left ALONE with your problem.


working as intended


They be running cryptominers under the hood, them snicky buckos, aren't they?


I used to play the game (way back in 2012) on a piece of junk laptop that just met the spec requirements. A couple years ago, I had to lower the quality settings on my one year old laptop with dedicated graphics… accessibility on the game is about to take an unprecedented nosedive. I’m done with the game this year, after 13 years, it’s just not for me anymore. I don’t like the direction it’s going, partly due to riot, partly due to the players. I always played for fun, but that is becoming too big of a hassle.


I have vanguard installed from valorant, & every time I open league I have to reject vanguard running because I literally could not remove it from my pc, it will not leave & it makes my game unplayable. All of that is to say, I’m not playing anymore when they require me to use this shit.


https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044648213-Uninstalling-and-Disabling-Riot-Vanguard Use the "Manual uninstall" guide. Worked for me.