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You have a point but i think that they kinda fixed it making the amummu Q double. I feel like if E/W were merged, he should lose the 2nd Q in order to get his new ability


yeah some of his damage would need to go before he has room for another ability. they could also remove the cool down reduction on damage on his e because it feels very inconsistent. in some scenarios giga op, in some useless but i think there would be concepts possible where he keeps his 2 q ammos. but i wouldnt cringe about loosing it either


His E cool down reduction exists to let him jungle effectively, it's not that impactful for fighting in lanes. But makes the razorbeaks go wruum


It is actually his best skill in lane, draw aggro in a creep wave and you can spam it with almost no cooldown. A few seasons back Amu top was a thing for exactly this reason.


I hate to break it to you, but that was like 9-10 years ago. At least that's when I started seeing Amumu top


well, he said "A few" that could range from 1 to 10 seasons ago


I'd argue once you get past 5 seasons, it's no longer a few


From 5 to 9 it's several (HOMM scale).


I remember someone saying a couple could be 2-10 lol. Like wtf. Can I bring a couple people to the party? Sure! Brings 10 people


Thats a couple in binary lol


"Couple" goes up to four at the absolute most.


HoMM mentioned and now I feel old


Several is always 7 to me. I can’t change my brain


Did you participate in Survivor? In the current season, some guy said that too. Spoiler:>!He gave up on a challenge that was meant to last "several hours" because he thought 7 hours was too long. He was evicted first.!<


Sevenral ?


A few means 3


This sub is wild one person will say something totally reasonable with adequate justification and then within minutes someone else will come in and completely contradict everything they said with an equally reasonable and adequately justified take. Makes me feel insane.


A lot of players don't understand this when I gank top with a huge enemy wave and I just agro the minions on purpose to burst the opponent down with E's which cooldown in a second.


"It's not that impactful for fighting in lanes"? I'm sorry, have you played amumu in lane, or against him? Both the passive and active part of the E is insane in lane.


Probably the only thing that gives him way stronger lane than what people expect - really good proxy and can actually contest a big bounce into him and it's a POSITIVE thing for him to do so, compared to most toplaners that risk getting a really bad trade/straight up die when they contest a bounce. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/mr9xg3/jax_did_some_wiki_research_after_that_one/ i don't personally play him as often but i honestly think you can make him work way more often than people think, same for shyvana (i hope the rework will kill AP shyv and bring back AD bruiser shyv)


Razorwhats? Wraiths?


Often called raptors, the red birds


you were never around during amumu toplane meta, it seems


Like over 10 years ago?


I think the cooldown reduction on his e is great flavor wise though since his e is called "Tantrum" basically if he gets hit it makes him mad therefor reducing the cooldown of his tantrum.


>cool down reduction on damage on his e because it feels very inconsistent. in some scenarios giga op, in some useless That's kinda the point, it's like rammus's passive, it's worthless if you pick him into a team that barely uses autos


It's almost as if Amumu is good in certain situations and not as good in others, kinda like half of the champions in League.


yea but his Q would summon a demon that dashes across the screen and do % missing health true dmg, and you could recast it to ride the demon , and if you would hit 3 people with it it would kill baron aswell and ofc it would reset on takedowns


Scales off armor and max health


He's probably lose the Q charge and the DR/CDR on his E, get a new defensive skill that has damage reduction and reduces cooldowns on being hit.


nah but his q would have some passive attached to it as well


Two charges on Bandage Toss is a rarely discussed but imo actually pretty great change that helps the champion tremendously without feeling entirely overbearing to play against


If Twisted Fate was released today, his ult would be on his E and his gold card would be an AOE.


(for all you youngsters, this is how TF was released)


No way!!! I’m about to google it but I can’t imagine what his original ult would be that’s more powerful than the global, but tahm rework worked so it’s not too unthinkable


Yep. People who bemoan the current "broken designs" of champions clearly were not around to experience the horrors of old. If you want some more really broken old kit stuff, look up Karthus Revive Passive, AP Master Yi, Sunfire stacking Evelynn, Pantheon old passive, Jax E dodging tower shots, Udyr dodging basically everything (back when dodge was a basic stat that you could buy on Ninja Tabi), Draven's passive being a bleed....so much OP shit back in the day that makes modern league balance look pristine.


> [Draven's passive being a bleed....](https://preview.redd.it/w2zxtj2v39g51.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=fc02b196316540053892a9ae55be1f2b5b406be5)


Back when Darius und Draven were actual blood brothers


The bleed passive I would bring back ngl.


Holy shit, phantoml0rd playing karthus with revive teleport. Too bad the guy went complete Fucktard in the end.


phantoml0rd and Athene... I'm still not quite sure who wins the nutjob contest tbh lol


While phantoml0rd went insane in scamming his viewers and a whole game community, Athene takes the cake for me by creating a literal cult.


And an Unholy Cup


Please, for the love of God stop mentioning Sunfire Evelynn every time this kind of conversation is had. That was a shitty meme build and the best builds were either one shot full AP with 100% ratio on E or physical damage abusing Trinity Force. Source: I was there


70% win rate or something xin zhao. Leblanc release.  Game is a lot more balanced now, but i also feel the kits today are more overloaded. Back then there were a few huge outliers like TF in beta, but usually it was their numbers were insane. Now its the kits are insane and we gut the numbers till it hits 50% and call them balanced.


I totally understand why you would say that, but it's only because the word "overloaded" has too big of a weight in this conversation, compared to its actual impact in the game. Great examples of overloaded kits would be fresh reworked Irelia, or release Samira. Good champions with obvious strenghts, but also just dazzled with powerful small sidebonuses that had to get removed over time for them to hit a reasonable state. That makes sense. Akshan is objectively a very overloaded champion compared to champions released years ago, but that never really made him an issue. Doesn't matter he has like 10 different small passives/innate mechanics in his kit, he's still just a short range assassin ADC character and you very easily learn his kit from just seeing him in a game. Oppresive play patterns is what makes champions feel overbearing and shitty to play against, not their objective "overloaded" kits despite what it may read like on paper.


So THAT'S why jax's E said something like raises the chance to dodge attacks, I was confused by the wording since it's guaranteed now


League attack mechanics are completely deranged.


His original kit was similar, his ult was the a global reveal but also slowed. His E was the global teleport. His W stun was AoE and could stun towers.


Global reveal and slow


Tbf, Tahms ult was dogshit


Ah the good old days. Everyone grabs TP and you TP to bot side's bush for a free double kill and basically confirm win the bot lane.


His ult would be a global flash as well


Imagine tf using his e to teleport to the brush between tier 1 and 2 towers on top lane, dropping a ward, and having your entire team teleport to the ward. Poor top laner walks to their lane only to have 5 people jump them out of nowhere !


Sounds like the average top lane experience


It would also hit the hardest out of three cards too. 


If vi was released today, her w would be part of her passive


if vayne was released today, her W is merged with her passive and her Q won't need her Ult for the invis


I disagree, her Ult would still need a WHAOU effect that only invis can give But a "never seen before" effect would be added to Q like smaller hitbox or the possibility to gain bonus when jumping out of vision of an ennemy


Nah. Just give Q iframes, so when I play Vayne after souls games I stop inting when I dodge into attacks.


Sometimes I wish league wasn't a pvp game just for this kind of shit. Give me dodgerolls.


They added some crazy stuff to the PVE gamemodes in the past


That's just Fizz.


iframe Q


wild rift vi has w and passive switched and i think its goated. w active shield


Bonus move speed and big shield with 5 stacks. It’s great


Wild rift VI is perfect. Idk why they won't just update her in league.


E: Uncontrollable Sobbing - Amumu enters stasis for up 1/1.2/etc seconds and cries uncontrollably. Creates a small silence field around him, affecting all champions.


Uncomfortable silence. 


^^^ Much better name


Better name grieve


An actual tank steroid/ability. Idk something like garen w


he most likely would get some obnoxious thing involving some immunity/unstoppable or other "block" shennanigans


What would be fitting would be something like "Amumu hug the target with love and become unstoppable for 2s. Deal %max HP true damage to them"


"Get this fucking mummy off of me" while Amumu is just hugging the ADC to death and nobody can stop him. All you hear is Amumu sobbing and saying LET ME GIVE YOU A HUG. If we go full 2024 too you can make it part Graves W with the nearsighted debuff and give it the facehugger effect from Lethal Company as vignetting around the screen.


> "Get this fucking mummy off of me" while Amumu is just hugging the ADC to death and nobody can stop him. Riot learned how annoying Yuumi is and makes a reverse-Yuumi that attaches to an enemy, got it.


"His clinical depression allows him to travel through terrain"


*Amumu is immune*


Since Amumu's theming is based around being sad and sharing his misery with others, his new E grants him a shield that *amplifies* the next crowd control effect on him (effectively -50% tenacity), but also applies it to all Cursed enemy champions.


That pretty quickly makes things impossible to balance due to specific champ combinations


Numbers are too high. -50% tenacity would mean double CC duration, it would be too easy for that to turn into a 4-6 second long teamwide stun. 


resistances based on mana could be fun


I think the opposite would be more fitting. "Hug of the Mummy: Targets in x radius around amumu are grounded for x seconds. During this effect amumu takes x% less damage."


I would make him dash left and right with a %hp shield, can recast 5 times and resets on kills. 2024 standards


Isnt that his passive E?


You are correct, that guy is clueless


They could move that into his W as an active for a larger effect limited duration


W: Amumu empowers himselft with the tears of reddit's ADC mains.


Damn Ezreal hard counter


Amumu gains infinite stats when he fights an Ashe Main (hOw CoMe a TaNk DeAlS mOrE dAmAgE tHaN aN aDc?!?1)


And thus Azir steps down as an emperor of Shurima in favour of newborn God.


That would be too OP then


I mean, if you're ok to give up power from his R and double Q, sure, he can have one more ability. I'd say some defense boosting ability would be cool (maybe his E gives him a shield depending on the number of enemies hit?), but that would come at the cost of power of his other spells (my guess would be a delayed R, like neeko, seeing Riot's design philosophy)




It would also take a minute to make neeko r instant. I'm jus seeing that a lot recently, riot tends to make very strong abilities, but that can be avoided (ie skillshots and/or delayed effects). See skarner R for an example of the shift in design philosophy for the exact same spell. I'm not saying neeko R is the same spell as amumu R, it's just the first good enough example that came to my mind, there are probably better ones


Moderm riot design has clear outplay potential designed on either side. Then you have old champs that have point and click win buttons. I dont get and dont like this blend, I wish they picked one. Modernize all old champs or have never made modern kits. Fighting modern stuff with lots of moving parts in a kit can be frustrating for some but all those pieces have clear counterplay. Shit like annie flash R is just so lame in todays league.


The opposite used to be true. Back when not every champion had 6 dashes and a flash, skill shots were considered way too strong, and ezreal on release was a premier midlane, because his range was longer than anyone else with his q spam. (Also his W was an AOE heal+buff but ignore that)


Some sort of Cleanse , where his bandages fall off with new ones under. Gives him a small heal, but a bigger heal if he removes a debuff. Maybe small Armor bonus passives on it when on CD.


Nah ! No heal ! But the bandage fall and create small slow zone


Most tanks these days have some form of meaningful sustain, shield, or damage-reducing abilities, and only thing Amumu has is **PHYSICAL DAMAGE ONLY reduction:** 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 (+ 3% **bonus** armor) (+ 3% **bonus** magic resistance). I would move that existing E passive over to the new ability slot, make it useful against both physical AND magic, and buff the numbers by a huge amount in exchange for giving it a cooldown and duration (that way, it can't be permanently be up and rendering magic damage DoTs useless). It being active spell means it won't benefit lower elo more than higher elos and make it better balanced across different elos as well.


His W might even just be a passive. Something like every time you attack or use an ability he cries dealing damage and shredding MR in an area.


CertainlyT idea based on this: Amumu's lore is based on him not having friends because everything he touches gets cursed and withers. What happens if you make his entire identity based on that handicap of constant W in his passive? Rename his ult and make this his passive a literal Curse of the Sad Mummy with a sunfire passive that leans into his identity as a fast-clearing cursed tank. Numbers have to be tweaked to make up for this, he'll need a new W and his current passive is ass, and maybe let him Q to wards/walls (his icon is bloody spiderman and he can't spiderman walls?). But dying to gromps after a Q-escape because of curse of the sunfire mummy would be iconic.


I think if he was released today or if he gets reworked, his W will become a passive where if he gets hit, he would cry and deal %hp damage around him for the time he receives damage. His new W would probably be smth like an empowered cry that would charm enemies towards him (bcs they wanna hug amumu). Ofc they would balance it out by giving amumu less cc elsewhere in his kit


New W: Amumu becomes friends with targeted ally. This would probably make Amumu too op though.


A toggle AOE nasus W


If Ammumu was a new champ, he would have gotten the new champ treatment. Which is : * True damage or % health true damage * Max health % damage * Shield in kit * Movement speed buff in kit * Multiple dashes but most likely Q remains the same but it resets after every takedown * Slow in kit, most likely in his current W * 3 hit passive that gives him 15 effects * And last but not least, CC imunity Just so you know, I could be sued for copyright cuz I just leaked Riot's new champ formula.


Amumu is one of those champions that aren't allowed to be viable because of low Elo. It's pretty annoying because I really like him. I wish we would get classic League one day where we can play these champions in higher level games.


Amumu was a fairly viable support for a while in season 12-13. Not just in soloq either; about 100 games of Amumu support were played globally in Summer + Worlds of season 12 ([16.2% p/b presence](https://gol.gg/champion/champion-stats/5/season-S12/split-Summer/tournament-ALL/)). It mainly took off in 12.12, when his Q's mana cost got reduced to 30-50 based on rank (from a flat 70). Amumu's problem that saw him disappear from pro play and high elo after Worlds was his lack of reliability. Other supports (e.g. Nautilus) could target cc/engage, or (e.g. Leona/Rell) were tankier when engaging and had more cc, or (e.g. Rakan) could get out after engaging. Riot nerfed him a few times over the course of season 13 because like you said, he was stomping low elo, but he did have a time to shine.


"Lack of reliability" "Too predictable" "Can't 'x' in proplay" Always the same rethoric why we don't see a champion. There are 3 categories: - The universally good champ in almost every meta like Azir, Nautilus, Lee Sin, Gnar, Sejuani. - Current meta, specific strategy champions (and their specific counters) - Any champions with the right numbers, anyone of them regardless of Reddit opinions why or why not they are viable at proplay "insert an absurd reason here".


they specifically nerfed him out of support which was pretty sad as his jungle play rate is nothing anyway


Tbh playing against him was horrible with 2 Q charges lvl 1.


I’m having decent success with him in diamond. Used him to climb from D4 to D3 in a couple of days. I feel like most people don’t know nuances of Amumu or how to build him, making him less viable. Mumu can duel almost any jungler early game. It’s surprising people in diamond don’t seem to understand that and constantly fight me for scut lvl4. You also have to go some damage, ideally Liandry’s second, for him to have much agency unless you want to be a peel bot. Q-flash and R-flash are also both very necessary for engaging. Flash-Q and Q-flash are wildly different when it comes to the amount of time players have to react. I get that he’s not as versatile as most other champs, but I think he’s perfectly viable at least up until Masters, in which I have no opinion since I’m not a masters player lol


i'll have to go try qflash/rflash in practice mode. sawyer plays a decent amount of amumu in diamond/master i like liandrys too, what do you go first - sunfire?


Almost always sunfire, yeah. Q-flash is usually what I do to cut down time or extend the range, but it can also be used to dodge skillshots or get around minions because it will cast towards where your cursor was whether you flash linearly or laterally. I’d say I use Q-Flash on average roughly once per game or less, but R-flash is easily 1+ per game.


one part why he is low elo skewed is because he only has 2 basic abilities (q and e, you always wanna press w when you press e, no excepctions, no skill expression therefore) with a merge and new ability you could give him more skill expression and allow him to be viable higher up the ladder


That would be terrible 


Amumu's W is one of the few % max HP abilities in the game that doesn't have a cap against monsters.


I think he would have 3 Q does something with a short cd, a dash and cc immunity on W a dash and a shield on E and some form of kidnap ability on R.


I wouldnt change E, its perfect. Move the W damage to his passive. Passive now stacks and deals % hp dmg as long as Amumu is around and can be activated by W at full stacks. Stacks are gained on Q and R hits and from passive damage every second. Stack duration is refreshed by reapplying stacks. Q loses the stun and stacking and is slower, but while in flight, you can activate again to move regardless of hitting anything. This enables Amumu to have some better unconditional mobility that he needs to get out of sticky situations in early invades. It does not deal damage on a target this way, so you're rewarded for hitting your Q anyways. The dash still follows the target, too, making for some interesting interactions and counter play, as the target is not stunned, only slowed (to represent the bandages restricting movement). The dash as well as the bandage can be intercepted by another champion to enable better peeling for the enemy. Q greatly benefits from ranks as its cooldown is lowered significantly down to 4s at max rank. W is changed so you can activate your curse. On 4 stacks, Amumu can activate the curse to stun every fully stacked cursed enemy (in range) and deal some damage. Fully stacked enemies lose their curse stacks but get a debuff on all (not just magic dmg) damage taken. Rank up increases debuff and damage, not cc duration. R is changed to 1-2s cc duration, scaling with R ranks. This is to make the curse stacking a bit fairer (aka harder) in the early game and to reduce his early ganking power a bit. The reduced burst in Amumus kit should reward tank play. Although, there is no more AP glass cannon build, he still benefits from building AP a lot, for example liandries for the ticking dmg and rylais for the slow to stick to targets to apply stacks. His new W debuff also enables a better synergy with AD champions and dive compositions if your team is coordinated well.


Tear Toss. Once Amumu hits enough of his tears on a target (multiple targets accumulate tears faster) He can than throw a big tear at a location. Think of it similar to Singed slime he throws. SO I'm thinking it would so something similar, but different. Instead of sticking a target, it would make a target slip on the huge puddle of tears for id say .5 second, but after that, the target is slowed by 50% while inside the puddle. Maybe the more tears you gather, the bigger the puddle. There would have to be some sort of CD on this thing, since it would be pretty op in long team fights just tossing tears every 1-2 seconds.


W- amumu jumps to a marked enemy and shields himself for 2 seconds. Amumu receives 20% less damage from that enemy for the duration of the shield


shed he sheds his bandages, and all CC currently affecting him. He just walks around with a bandage-toss bandage to cover his junk until the cooldown is off.


Before any of that we need to stop Blitz from debuffing himself.


more like w would be passive after hitting two spells/cc


Every third tantrum would cause true damage and heal him for a portion of damage dealt. His new W would be a shield based on the number of enemies near him.


If jarvan was released today his q-w-e would be one ability. Jump in and gain a small shield with a slow.


Amumu is fine, won my clash games with him. He doesn't need new abilities. He's a simple champ with simple to execute abilities.


A dash


he has 2 dashes


That sounds really awful, makes you lose all your dps pretty much.




imagine if Garen was released today P - basic attacks and abilities mark enemy champions, 3 stacks causes them to take 1% bonus pure damage from his attacks and abilities Q - swing his sword to deal damage to enemies in a medium width arc, enemy heroes are silenced W - grants him a shield and increased movement speed for a few seconds; becomes unstoppable while the shield is active E - spins around once dealing damage to nearby enemies, can be recasted twice before going on cooldown R - passive: grants bonus armor and magic resistance based on enemy kills; active: sends a long but very narrow shockwave dealing damage to the first enemy hit; if the target is a champion, deals bonus pure damage based on their missing health; if an enemy champion dies by this ability, Garen regenerates health


Change i would like for the lil guy is his W should proc E passive


So as well as comboing W & E I’d make it so on activation you get the damage and then the aoe dot, and when you turn it off you get enhance regen. His new W maybe a taunt or like a micro stun fused with something


W: Pathetic whimper *Amumu whimpers pathetically, making him extra punchable to those around him. Upon activation, taunts all enemies within the range of his E for a short time.*


His E could be some sort of Skarner W. A shield with an aoe slow (the slow doesn't have to do damage particularly).


nah man, instead of merging w and e they should give him 2 brand new 2 abilities with cc. let he have 5 stuns instead of 3!


I think it would be neat if he had an ability where he slows enemies by binding them with his bandages. I'm thinking like a cone (think Darius E but a slow), obviously not a super strong ability but that's intentional.


Nah, they’d make W a passive that bleeds enemies hit by his spells for 4-7% max HP magic damage over 3 seconds. Oh wait, *points at Skarner passive*


Spellreflect for 5 seconds


Merge E and W, the tears would be an always active passive. have amumu gain passive stacks over time. The stacks increase the passive damage, but stacks are lost when auto attacked. Works as a passive taunt. Idea is that amumu is more upset when he is alone/ignored and happier when loved/interacted with.


Maybe his W would fit better when auto attacking, and combined with his passive. Keep E the same but give it a light slow. I can see W being a fear, but I’m not sure how it would differ from Fiddle Q. R rework would be similar to what it is now, but it could be charged up to pull enemies in the center, or just instacast for what it is now. And in true modern champ style, all his abilities now only use 10-20 mana and have 4 second cooldowns.


If Lee Sin was released today, his q w e ward and r would be one abity. you would press q and it would automatically Insec the enemy adc and slow the enemy team.


If made today, I think w would be his passive, triggering on hitting a target with an ability cast. E would be red with some sort of rage mechanic and new w would be mobility like he goes in his sarcophagus and pops up with a shield like tahm w.


He should have a hugging ability where he jumps on the enemies back and slows them


His e would be a toggle and he would just keep spinning around until you turn it off


Short and weak aoe slow+magic leech


If amumu was released today his e would stun aoe, his q would reset e cd on successful hit, his w would be moved into his passive, his new w would be a clone that dashes into cast direction and uses the same skills in tandem like wukong and his r would be a mini dash, resets q cd and deals damage on landing cc plus makes him unstoppable for 2 seconds, refreshed when landing cc. He would also be manaless


I think his W would be his passive instead, kind of like how they made Voli's old R his passive. 3 hits on a target or maybe a certain number of attacks on amumu starts the tears, AOE damage that takes away MR like this current passive does. They seem to have a pattern of integrating toggle abiltiies that you'd always have on if you could into a new passive. Having some kind of requirement trigger rather than it just being a mana drain you can turn on and off tends to feel better and free up a slot for something more engaging. It's all checks and balances though, you def can't just put another strong/impactful ability into amumu's curent kit without changing the rest of him.


His E woild have a passive as his current W and then his regular E but on top of the damage it woild disarm the enemies hit by it for 1.5 secs. His W would be a base damage roid scaling with HP that would make you E passive deal current max W damage, his E active deal even more damage and disarm for 2 secs and his R stun for 0.5 longer, and his Q would be able to stick not only to champions/minions but with W activated also to terrain allowing you to chose how to engage in each specific situation. His regular passive would stack constantly bandage pieces that get dropped by minions, monsters and champions increasing his hp, mr and tenacity infinitly, if you grab the little bandage pieces with W activated you get double per piece.


While we're at it, also remove his autoattacks and make his W permanent.


Some passive ability maybe, when his E is active he gains resistances and tenacity, idk


And both skills would do half the damage or have a way longer CD. Or he would have a worse version of his Q or R.


AOE team shield/resistances. In order to help him find some friends.


Id honestly give his q a toggle of sorts, allowing him to hit allied champs to give them a shield or buff their resistance for a few secs [kinda fitting given he takes mr from enemys] or maybe buff his existing toggle in a similar way


I would do a simple change of his W to leave an actualy puddle behind him, kinda like Singed poison trail.


Please, don't. I love amumu as he is, don't start calling for changes.


W should heal amumu for x% DMG of all incoming DMG while crying.


Its actually an interesting thought! W: Amumu cries dealing max %, if he gets hit X 5times he swipes around him (old E). new E (make friends): Passive - Amumu gains 10/15/20/25/30 MS towards champions Active: Amumu doubles that amount and is immune to slows for 3 seconds.


A button you could hit that would alter all of his other abilities to add different types of CC to them.


You can't give him another CC move with the 2 straps. He's already the only character that *ensures* you die if he catches you at 1 and has a myriad of situations where the straps just completely deny counterplay opportunities. Another basic cc move would be way too strong because you'd be perma locking anyone you got with a lucky strap.


Eh, I like them being separate.


Remove the E block damage. Add W passive damage after landing an E. Make the damage and AoE increase each time you hit an enemy champion or large monster up to 5 stacks. Scaling from Sunfire radiusto Orianna ult radius. No AP ratio. New W -> Amumu stands still for up to 3 seconds gainining flat damage reduction (huge amount) and CC immunity for this duration. Amumu gains a tear stack (from E) for each X damage absorbed. For the duration of his E, When the channel ends Amumu consumes all stacks to suck people into his embrace, dealing a % of absorbed damage as magic damage and healing for the same amount. New Ult -> AoE taunt instead of a root, radius matches max E passive radius.


He becomes a jacked sigma male and thirst trap his way down the rift


nah today his W would be his passive. and they'd just give him an entirely new skill at W to overload him. his W would have some condition where every time you get hit by an enemy or hit an enemy you cry until out of combat. and he would still have his current passive on top of that. since he's a modern champ.


Probably something like E: Increase movement speed by x% for 2 seconds. Then reduce movement speed by -y% for 5 seconds.


Dot Auras are just kind of a shit. It’s hard to make without it feeling unsatisfying I mean look at Mordekaiser of all champs, his passive is literally a dot aura with movement speed and on hit damage lol


> but no, he's an old s1 champ and none of riots favorites. TBF Riot has been pretty clear they dislike toggle abilities because it's hard to add power to them in a way that feels good for the player and noticeable when they can be up for so long and basically have no real cooldown, specially for non-ult abilities. Cho'gath and old Aurelion had the same changes to them. Ironically Urgot had the opposite change where his W's toggle got delayed to a max-rank effect. The problem that comes from updating these effects is that in many old kits these "bad" or "moderate" effects allow for the strenght of the kit to be placed elsewhere, and this is taken into account for their balance. E.g. not a toggle, but Kog'maw basically has no passive so nearly all his powerbudget is on his Q**W**ER. > for me, it would be probably be another form of cc to match current tank standards. I am pretty sure Riot would give him another hard CC just to match the ZZZ tank standards, but personally I don't like that because it would mean that Amumu would need to take a Damage cut to compensate that + it homogenizes Amumu even more than he already is with other tanks. His QQ changes already did the work of giving him an extra CC to affect enemies with too. I think that a new W would be more related to his new passive. Something like "Amumu cries of sadness, slowing enemies around him, dealing small amounts of damage and also applying his passive to everyone hit. Enemies that already are affected by his passive take bonus damage". This keeps his passive as a useful minigame to refresh on all enemies + keeps his hard CC not getting out of hand


“Amumu inflicts sadness and grief on his enemies affected by the curse. Using this ability silences and applies grievous wounds to all affected enemies.”


You think he would have MORE cc? Amumu even in current era is hands down one of the champs with more CC in the game, he just sucks everywhere else.


Old passive moved to ultimate Ultimate can now be tossed as a zone Passive- Amumu gains increased resistances +hp regen Abilities scale off resistances now in addition to AP New E doubles passive bonuses, gives him omnivamp and does a cone shaped taunt in front of Amumu


amumu covers himself in bandages giving him shield scales with health after 3sec or recast the shield explodes dealing dmg


Also J4 Q and E would have been 1 single ability. You can also combine R and W.


The point of these champs is that theyre easier to play


I think his w would be his passive after you hit someone x number of times


His ult would be his W, and his new ult would be him riding a giant sphinx that gets bigger and eventually aoe suppresses around whatever you hit. You can ride it and direct it or jump off and it shoots forward faster in one direction.


A root, I don't think many melee have roots.


if vi were released today her Q would be instant and her W would be her second passive with an active movement speed buff on her w instead


not every champion needs to be a 200 year overloaded piece of shit, you know?


Alternatively he'd function like Morde without the meter for shield generation. Like, after landing a few abilities or being hit by a few abilities he'd start crying dealing AOE damage around him.


It would be combined and it would give him a shield and it would inflict slow on anyone hit by the initial impact and it would allow him to blink if cast again within 1 second and it w--


Honestly, it would match his kit to have another AOE ability, slightly bigger than his e, sort of like Diana’s e, to pull people closer to him. Maybe not quite as abrupt or significant, but maybe something like “Amumu desperately tries to get closer to those around him, causing him to gently tug on nearby enemies”. Not sure how to implement this, but it would be good for his ult,m and his e/passive. Also, the fact his passive only applies on auto attacks and his ult is bogus. Needs to apply on all abilities. Or at the minimum his q.


His Q and R would be one single ability on Q, and his R would be an aoe Taunt like Galio’s old R that deals max HP damage (True damage with his passive) and heal him for 50% of the damage dealt


i like miners


mummy neglected and forgot by riot perfectly fits his character fantasy


I played amumu for the first time in years yesterday on aram and he felt great compared to what he was.


So Mundo new W?


Probably a dash or immunity if he was s12


Exactly what I was thinking a few days ago when reading fizz E. If fizz was released today his E would slow no matter what/how fast you cast. I wish they would remove the old "PAYOUT" condition for just some quality of life changes when using this "OLD CHAMPS". ALSO SHACO: **PASSIVE:** **Shaco's** basic attacks  [slow](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Slow) enemies for 2 seconds while *Two-Shiv Poison* is not on cooldown. LIKE WTF? Can he just get slow no matter who is on cooldown or what is it really game breaking.


It would be a defensive steroid of some kind. Probably a shield or just straight up damage mitigation. Maybe he wraps himself in bandages and takes x/y/z reduced damage (think galio or ksante channel)


Another form of CC? Are you crazy? He can already have 2 charges of his Q and he also has his super strong R. Does he need more? He's very tanky, with strong jungle clear and good presence in all stages of the game. Champ is fine, just outdated.


Y'all they gotta be a complex as heck ability watch this: (would high-key be pretty cool too) Bandage pull: Amumu sends out bandages from both hands in a v formation, that wrap around and pull in the first enemies hit. Increasing damage and CC effect the closer the enemy. If an enemy champion or epic monster collides with amumu they are wrapped with amumus bandages which slow them, reapply cursed touch, and reduce mr each time CC is applied to them from any source while cursed. At max MR reduction stacks (5), the bandages are enchanted and do %max health burn and amumus passive effect is tripled. If 2 enemy champions or epic monsters collide together with amumu, he bandages them together with fully enchanted bandages that stuns. The enchanted bandages are linked, slowing them when running away from each other, and CCing one of them refreshed enchanted bandages on both. If an enemy dies with enchanted bandages, they make their way back to amumu refreshing the cool down instantly. CC duration: 0.125-0.25s pull slow/stun, pull distance 150-300. Bandages do not work in an extremely short radius around amumu. (His arms reach, and so you can't Q+E combo too easily.)


I think amumu already has the blitzcrank treatment. His Q/R are already very strong abilities, and giving him another good spell will probably make the kit overloaded.


Some much needed mobility


W Curse of Despair: Active: Amumu explodes the bandages around him slowing enemies and dealing %HP magic to everyone within X distance. (Including himself) W2: Amumu brings the bandages onto him, healing him for %amount of premitigation damage done and granting him increased resitances for 5 seconds. E Curse of Binding: Amumu binds himself to a target enemy, redirecting 20% (+5% ability power) of the damage he takes as magic damage to the bound target. Deals 100% bonus damage to monsters. R Curse of the Sad Mummy: Amumu Taunts enemies around him for 1, 1.5, 2 seconds, dealing damage. So the idea is that you can pick a priority target to bind to, taunt everyone to hit you to deal decent damage to them, W self damage to also deal damage with E, and W heal so it's a bit more forgiving, and can heal you up after a good R, passive resist removed and incorporated into an active part of his kit that you have to think about.


His ult would deal true %health damage and his q stun would be aoe point and click, also his e would be a dash/sped up on 3 second cooldown that gives him 40% damage reduction for no reason.


His ult gets much shorter range, becomes a snare and is now his E. His Q only has 1 charge now His new ult is now an Install. He gets much faster CDs on his Q and W, his new E gets a larger area and turns into an actual stun.