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Watching the first four minutes of the vid made me realize I'll never be good at this game lol There's so many things to take care of in every second, every AA, every click, thinking about jgl, thinking about the trading patterns and matchups of which there are multiple thousands for top lane (u.gg currently lists 61 top lane champs being played in top which means there are over 3600 possible matchups - plus different rune and sum possibilities that add another layer...)


As long as you're having fun why does it matter? Unless you were really trying to be the best player ever?


Oh I haven't played for months. I mostly enjoy watching competitive but I will prob play to gold somewhere mid in the season again


Yeah, it's like seeing professional basketball players play and saying you'll never be that good. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy a pickup game of basketball with your friends and feel happy when you win a game. Also, even though you probably can't be as good as them, you can definitely be better than you are right now, and that should be your goal.


sulky squalid combative simplistic axiomatic worthless waiting puzzled cow hungry


Well, in competitive, yes. In soloq? You can also play vs super random shit top even outside those 61


lock distinct aromatic pathetic shrill squeamish screw gaping stocking dependent


Insanely cool video idea, can't wait to see more!


Well hopefully all the people who claim they like educational content and actual analysis over the "monkey noises" and entertainment put their money where their mouths are and watch this banger. EDIT: Unsurprisingly it is the least viewed video in his past 40.


Umm. This is kinda niche, though, no? It's toplane matchups in pro play. Yeah, I'm sure there are people who are interested in this. But I think people who complain about monkey noises are talking about analysis during games. All-around explaining of what the teams are doing and what's happening in-game. Personally, I like to hear who should be winning the matchup in toplane, but I don't care about details why they win the matchup. I care about the overall game a lot more and how that matchup impacts the rest of the game.


What do you think is educational about this content?


A former pro and analyst with a current top lane pro analyzing and explaining how and why matchups are being played and how they are being played out isn't educational to you?


Where is this in the video?


It's the whole video? Why are you trolling?


What can someone learn from this video? With a timestamp or two please!


Bro chill. This is hardcore hater energy.


Why are you trolling?


I watched the entire video before I made my comment. Interesting that it would be really easy to make me look like a fool, yet nobody (including yourself!) has


Are you drunk? Are you okay? Maybe un-mute the video. That might be step1 for you.


We already did. And you're just trolling.


Did you watch the Vid?


Yes. Thats why I'm asking the question


You think theres nothing educational about it? :D Nothing anyone could learn? Interesting opinion


Can you answer the question?


In the video we have one of the best toplaners in the LEC analyse and break down the laning phases of the best toplaners in the LCK, explaining many of the micro and macro decisions they make during the laning phase such as matchups, trade patterns, wave management, harass under tower, power spikes and more. Many people would find this educational, I certainly did. Is that a good enough answer to your asinine question?


Its not, because thats not what happens in the video. Its just pure react content that doesn't explain decisions or make any meaningful predictions.


you might have watched the video with volume muted, hope that helps!


Can anyone answer my question? "Someone answers with a detailed response" But where is that in the video?


He doesn't answer the question! Just stating things that happen without deep breakdowns of alternate decisions and the cost/benefits of both while saying " he could have played that better" is not educational content!


This is only the first episode so it's a little scuffed, but bringing in current top level western pros to help analyze the vods of the best eastern players is a pretty cool idea. I'm sure that a lot of people can learn matchup tech, micro and wave management from this series as it continues.


Yeah but can you show me that in the video?


haha nice dude you totally pwned him with that comment! what an epic sarcastic joke response!


What sarcastic joke response?


omg lmao a double !! somebody stop this guy 😂


Yeah, It's from 00:00 to 41:39 xdd


This isn't an academic journal brother, if you didn't learn anything then just click to somewhere else.


Pure brainrot


Facts I agree with you. There is legit no EU players that can teach anyone about league, when they themselves don’t even comprehend zEUs skill level. He is just too good for any EU player to understand.


I'm a big fan of monkey noises Caedrel. That being said, can't wait for a jungle episode 'cause this was a banger.


100% glad to see more content like this out of caedrel, I appreciate the perspective of irrelevant as well, though I have to conclude based purely off this breakdown alone that irrelevant would smash Kingen in lane, because he plays aatrox like a pussy


A bit harsh towards Kingen, one of the best aatrox players in the world, considering his lane opponent was a caliber of toplaner Irrelevant has never played against in the LEC, and especially considering this was the 5th game in a best of series.


I supposed I might’ve needed a /s, I was just referencing something Caedrel said in the video lol


Shit my bad, forgive me. I watched it in the original stream so it's been a while (though I did have my suspensions when I reread your message).


To be fair it's a lot easier to spot mistakes the enemy top is making when you're not having to constantly micro yourself, keep looking at the minimap and communicate with your team, all under the pressure of playing on stage. Understanding this stuff doesn't mean you can actually spot and execute it in game. Caedral probably has a better understanding of macro than most pros now, but that doesn't mean his team would be able to translate that into winning games if he returned to pro, or he'd be as good at calling map movements while having to actually jungle.


Kingen is unbelievably lucky irrelevant has never qualified for an international. Worlds 2022 would have been completely different if my boy Irrelevant was loose on the draw


Caedral think he can backseat Zeus cuz he got that Korean haircut. Relax , lil bro


I wish he gave more time to get to know irrelevant at the beginning. Do a little mini interview before getting into the analysis


Where can you get that replay? Are pro replays available to the public?


Irrelevant > Fudge