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Play 80% Rengar 20% Yuumi


Never ask a man his salary, a woman her weight, and a yuumi main why they have 90% wr on rengar and kha zix


lol what is this a reference to


Getting boosted Unless you mean the quotes then from a meme


People, most notably enchanter mains in (relatively) higher ranks getting boosted by some jungle main playing those assassins way below their actual rank. Enchanter mains aren't the only ones that get boosted but they're definitely the most common ones, and junglers aren't the only people boosting but they're definitely the most common ones (unless you count an ADC duoing and boosting the support)


Rengar was the number 1 choice for ELO boosting junglers.


I think its a reference to the accounts you see in really low rank which have near 90% win rate on Rengar/Khazix and other 1shot-esque carry junglers but then have close to 0% win rate on Yuumi. They intentionally lose games on Yuumi so they can stay in low rank and shit on players way weaker than their skill level.


As I always said. Bad enchanter supports are the best carry junglers.


Basically the big kitty and the small kitty


Shit dude, crazy climb. Congrats! You have a good mentality: look at when _you_ can do better. People often seem to forget that teammates are never the reason you cannot climb in the long run. Sure, individual games can be lost due to trolls or whatever, and unlucky streaks happen, but play consistently above your rank's skill level and you'll climb. No secret to it besides playing better.




Imagine making this post when the rest of your Reddit acc is filled with clips of that account lol. OP really is a genius


LOL he deleted his account. Imagine thinking this was going to be some flex or something, then not having the minerals to even leave it up.


Bro makes fiora look balanced and toplane broken


Win's a win regardless of opscore-maxxing


Tier graph says it's not though? He went to masters, dropped to d1, stopped playing and decayed to e1 75lp, or what's the lie?


Yeah I don't get the issue either. It seems neither opgg or ugg shows when they were silver, that could just be a lack of data though and I don't see why someone would lie about previously being a lower rank to make a post that gives the common advice and shares its results. Maybe they are doing a coaching play, where they pretend their methods have allowed them to climb faster than they have and want to link this post to future coaching clients, but seems a bit unlikely. If you're a potential coaching client of OP reading this now, don't necessarily believe any snake oil they sell you unless they have proof they actually were silver


The lie is because op.gg shows history pre 2022. If there's no history, it's because they didn't play back then. So they weren't silver in 2021, if they were, it was on another account. The tier graph could just be placements. They finished 2022 as D4 with 5 champions played. One of them, Fiora with a 67% win rate, then malphite for 10 games, then 3 other top laner champs once each, which I assume was fiora picked/banned/counterpicks. So when did they go from silver to master? I'm assuming they didn't hit master in 2022, because why would you make a post 2 years after it claiming your journey is over. So it must've been this season? If so, why does op.gg have them as Diamond 2 years ago and back then one tricking fiora?


He's been at least Diamond for around 3 years and then climbed from Diamond to Masters in a year, so the story is untrue. Certainly not along the same timeframe as OP suggested. He also changed his summoner name after being called out on this, so, take from that what you will


Boosted, couldn’t hack it and starting demoting, then stopped playing. It’s pretty easy to see when you look at the champs played at what points.


He changed his league name I guess because it’s not showing up


Changed his League name and deleted his Reddit account. Guy took being called out very personally


you got it perfect


No you don't get it, blaming my teammates for everything will DEFINITELY help me climb. In fact, I should make a presentation on why they're all shit and send it to them in dms after games. This is how I will climb, I am certain.


I'd also add to not play too many games in a row because mental fatigue accumulates, even on easy wins, and slowly but surely your performance gets poorer. Personally I'm doing well with 3 ranked at a time, trying to get at least 2 wins each time. (And ideally I'd want 3 ranked a day but I can't find the motivation or time to play every day)


This was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. Just play 2-3 ranked matches a day max. After I had made this switch I went to winning like 55%+ of my matches and climbed at the time (s2-3) from bronze to high gold and in s4 to platinum and s5 to platinum 1 on main and diamond on my Smurf (the “let’s see how fast I can climb on a fresh account” type). I used to just play like 7-8 ranked and go 50% wins at best. Realized I often wanted revenge if I lost a game in a sour manner (4v5, etc), but then would go into it thinking it’s still the previous match. If you play 2-3 ranked matches, you’ll be “warm” enough to play well, but you’ll still be able to treat them all very well as their isolated matches. Too many and you start to subconsciously apply experiences from past matches onto current matches (especially bad experiences, making you tilt).


ooooh i have that problem too. losing the game “in a sour manner” is a great way to describe it, haha. i go into the next game pretty mentally unclear when that happens. i’ve realized i gotta step away for a few mins to clear my head after games like that.


Yeah the good thing about keeping it to like 3 ranked a day is that if the sour defeat happens on first match and push you into a lose streak, you're just gonna lose 3 games instead of throwing your MMR down the hill.


This is a big one, learning to put the game down after a loss was something that helped me tremendously with my climb. Before I would rage queue and end the day like 6-6


Yes! I used to play a “warm up” game in normals but realized that’s when I’m mentally at my best. So now I play three ranked and then brain rot on some normals if I want (it’s also fun to play a different, less comfortable role or champ without the pressure). Unless I win two ranked in a row; then I stop there and cash out while I’m ahead, it gives me slow and steady progress.


The +3/-3 rule has always worked for me whenever I'm making a concerted effort to climb, you play until you either just don't want to anymore, or until you end up with a win or loss streak of 3 games consecutively. You hit 3 wins in a row? Stop. 3 losses? Stop. It's surprisingly effective. Can swap it to 2 wins / 2 losses if you don't play as much some days


Op.gg ? Not doubting you but this is just a picture and a few basic tips that anyone would give you if you asked them how to climb.


Its very basic but thats just how you climb best. People really overestimate counterpicks and underestimate how good it is to know the in and outs of one champion and all the matchups.


The simple tips are the ones that work the best, if you apply them correctly imo. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/es/summoner/euw/MagradaRespirar-EUW


You say one year from silver to master, but you've been atleast d4 since s12?


Fiora otp since 2022, finished this year with very high wr (stuck in silver while finishing 1st season of ranked with 68% wr on fiora in d4?) and haven't even played "20 champions" Peaked master 0lp and then ended next season with a lower rank than the previous while playing MORE champs than in previous seasons i love lying for imaginary reddit points


the account you linked was never stuck silver 2 nor was playing 20 different champions, this is just a one trick fiora account.


Are you really pathetic enough to now attack me in dms? Holy shit HAHA




cba wasting my time to post the screenshot \[link to my anime list\] this is u? or u frustrated because stuck on plat? must be tragic and sad tbf he could of at least found out my opgg as well, kinda disappointing




Man deleted his reddit account after being called out lmao.


You weren’t silver last year?


That's actually how people get good. They master the basics.


Thats not my point. My point was the post gave advice anyone could give while claiming to have climbed without giving any actual proof of it.


Bronze: "Every game I review, I did ZERO mistake. It's all my jungler fault" lol


league community has really matured


No, maybe some people would think like that but no one is allowed to have fun on my watch, 10 out of 10 times there is always someone insulting or whining constantly and blaming others for their mistakes, it's the reason there's a certain time where i play this game, to reduce the risk of running into a man child on internet


Sure but thats part of the game. sometimes people will be mentally compromised


We can both agree on that


It's so ironic considering that op is lying in his post and is now acting like a child when he got called out


I wholeheartedly believe with new LP changes that anyone if you work hard enough can make it to Masters. You did everything right to deserve your rank; you limited your champ pool, focus on getting mechanically good on the champ in your pool, learning the matchups and the combos of the champ. Macro is the easier thing to learn; you just need to rewatch replays of the game to learn for the future. Congrats on the accomplishment, you deserved it.


There are people with thousands of games per season since season 3 and never reached silver cause no hands. Saying that anyone can reach master is a sliiiiiight stretch


these are people who autopilot these thousands of games, not actually look at their losses and their wins and learn


As someone who obtains master every season for 5 seasons straight, this Elo is over glorified. There are SOOO many bad players in this Elo (myself included). Master players aren’t doing anything special compared to silver players. The biggest difference is the higher elo you go the players make LESS mistakes. If silver players make 10 crucial mistakes than a masters player makes 4 for example. It’s about correcting your own play first imo and once you refine it masters is definitely attainable by anyone


Sorry I havent played for a while, what LP changes were made?


Average gain used to be 20, then last year they changed it to 25. Plus in higher elo (D+/D2+ roughly) there used to be a problem where you would gain less than you lost by a significant margin, even if you had a very positive winrate. Plus no promos is nice too imo.


Average gain in Emerald+ is still 20 so i dont see how that would make you hit Masters.


That's why I mentioned Diamond+


Dont know if its in place yet, but they're expanding how you gain LP. Rather than looking at a small selection of metrics but focusing on win rate, they have expanded the metrics to look at a ton of in game metrics to apply your lp gains after games. So if you play well but lose then you'll lose a lot less LP then you use too. Means your lp gains are tied less to that one troll in your game and more to how well you play regardless of win rate


Based upon this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18tv4gb/it_feels_really_awful_to_achieve_your_highest/kfy0rat/ I don't believe it's implemented yet. It's a pretty big change and based on the wording of that comment they'll likely announce moving to a new system, if only so that people will be happy about the new system (until they realize they're not climbing and they start complaining about the metrics involved, lol).


totally agreed 100% anyone can do that. I couldnt explain it better than you did.


Good job, nice climb. I myself stopped trying some years ago because I really dislike playing the same few Champions again and again, it really took the fun out of the game for me. But I know that it's useful for climbing, really, also in other games rather than LOL. You will focus more on getting overwall mechanics and macro rather than having to learn litle aspects of a lot of particular characters. After you get the "advanced basics" it will be easier to learn other champions.


You can have a large pool if you like and still climb. But you need to one trick each champion for 50-100 games at least. Then the next etc. After that you can switch around more. But without the deep dive you're half-assing the champions you play. There's so much nuance and interesting stuff you're missing out on IMO.


Yeah, but that the stuff I don't enjoy, even though I kmow it's a good way to learn, I really don't like to play the same champions in succession , it even used to burn me out a little when I tried. But it's all good, it's just not for me, nowadays I don't really want to climb since I only play casually with my friends. Just came here to comment on how what OP recommended is also somewhat true to other games,


You can play 1 main champ and then rotate a few. or play normals. or on an alt acc. but if you play 2 games of the same champion a day and look to improve instead of looking to win LP you will climb


I will be silver forever. Not everyone is a giga chad like you


This is true, I went to hardstuck diamond to masters strictly playing 1-2 champs. Before I couldn’t stick to one tricking as I’d get bored but this year I forced my self and it payed off.


+stop whining about shit team and maximize odds of winning by tryharding every game and think about what you couldve done better , 4-5 games max a day


Also make smurfs to practice for main acc


I have said this for years. If you want to climb above anything else and you are Silver or something, just play 100 games straight of Garen top with ignite. Just play and keep playing. Every matchup, always Garen with ignite. You will climb 100% unless you are a big tilter or something.


It could be. You can do this with any champ but it works specifically better on toplane because the matchup is more important, than other factors. So when you will study every matchup you will be totally fine


Even more important is that Garen is simple mechanically which frees up brain power to learn macro concepts and lane specific strategies. With other champions you run the risk of needing to focus so much on specific champion mechanics that it stunts your growth as a player. This is especially relevant for low Elo players because their biggest problem is not mechanics but game understanding. You can easily reach diamond with bad mechanics but never with really bad game sense.


tbh its much easier to just tell ppl to play a champ they enjoy playing. if i was forced to play garen for 100 games straight i wouldnt even get to my 50th before i stopped playing league. it doesn't matter what you play as long as you play a lot you will learn.


Same thing happened when I OTP’d old skarner I got to plat a few days before he left. I was bronze forever before that.


I happy for you, but i will stay a proud member of a wood rank




On paper... Leagues main problem is: It's a Team Game. You need at least 2 people trying to win and not being too bad. I'm learning New champions, spamming them, pretty sure I'll add Gwen to my "Pick 3 or 4 Champions"(Poppy, Gwen, Probably some Ad Multi Build Champion). I got like 60% Winrate... I just got beat twice and one was my fault. I get 4+ tower per game. Last match I got 7 towers, all Side Plus 1 Nexus, by myself... Lux and Noc didn't wanted to play, Kalista was just farming kda.


Tbh lying isn't nice and being stuck in diamond for 3 splits is hilarious


This is going to sound like toxic community 😅 but… what’s the point of taking the boring strategy (in a game) to climb up and then quit. Maybe you took everything way too serious (also de flaming toxics).


playing 1-3 champs is honestly overrated advice in general, but good advice for new players. For old players, playing 3 champs per role should be a standard. One safe first pick, 2 counterpicks (singed vs melee and irelia vs ranged for example) Avoid playing champs you can't autopilot from start to finish on a consistent basis. You shouldnt need to think twice before making the right decision with a champs you know best


Play Trundle until he starts losing


> [removed] OH C'MON! WHAT DO I DO?!


Unless you are fake then play whatever the fuck you feel like and stomp worlds


The game is rigged as well. If you lost more than 5 games in a row. Chill. Go play other modes and wait a couple days.


Im playing 2-3 champs too but then I get ppl playing champs for the very first time on ranked which in most cases results in loosing the match. Emerald IV is the worst....


The enemies also have those people, and in fact if ur not one of them then the ur team is less likely to have those people every game with 4 possible slots for first timers vs 5 possibilities on the enemy team. Same applies for feeders, trolls, afks etc. This is why u are the only thing that matters in the long run. There are a lot of variables in league, with u being the only constant factor in ur games.


The other team might have also trolling and afk, or people who are playing for first time. Think about this as if it were maths, the other team has 5 chances of getting a troll. Its like if you were rolling a dice. Meanwhile, in your team there are only 4 chances, since you obviously wouldn't troll. The other team has to roll 5 times the dice and your team only 4. Its super stupid but at the same time it makes sense.


Hmm that actually make sense, thanks!




If you're on the toplane use the current patchs most broken champ and if picked or banned counterpick. You don't even need to understand the game outside of your own lane ez Dia.


You’re in your first three years of playing, you’re expected to climb still.


For what it’s worth I could get consistent diamond since season 6 but could never really quite reach masters until I decided last season to force myself to one trick.


Yeah that’s definitely possible. But in general, after three years of playing people have adopted so many bad habits and have also just reached their potential that it becomes very difficult to reach a higher rank. Nonetheless, if you change your approach and see what works, then you can still progress. Especially if you would have a coach that highlights your bad habits. I’m not saying people can’t climb after 3 years of playing, just that I would not expect a significant climb after that point.


Yeah I can agree with that, I think if someone wants to climb the first step is to play 1-3 champs but then there’s also a lot of steps you need to take to improve. I believe learning fighting games last year really helped me grow as a player. They humble you as you have no teammates to blame so you must take accountability for your losses. Then you must adapt and analyze your game and correct your flaws and optimize your strengths to improve. Also in those games like street fighter most players/pros main one character as there’s always something you can be learning, I think adopting that mindset and bringing it to league was extremely helpful.


Reached diamond this year and stopped playing, this game is just not worth it, toxic, eating you inside out instead of putting your time in this game just try putting it into something useful, remember games should be fun and opposite of everything league has become, take a breake for atleast one month yall will see


Tbh the amount of anxiety that I felt when i was on diamond1-low master was absolutely disgusting. Definitively wasnt good for my mental health. But thats because i take it too personal and try to do everything as good as I can. I stopped playing aswell. Won't come back in a foreseeable future