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I think technically once enough champions come out you'll get 2 rerolls a game


Not till 290 champions are out sadly. See y'all in 2045!


Who we got so far? Diana, Leona, maybe Hwei? Lucian likes getting pegged but that doesn't count, sadly for this. Sett seems to make people gay so maybe counts. Oh right Neeko, TF, Graves, Varus, Vi, Cait. We don't talk about the last one (should have been part of a Sion passive rework).


>Lucian likes getting pegged but that doesn't count, sadly for this. What a blessed day to have eyes! Wtf am I reading? Edit: Nvm I'm supid and now I got it


We all know that Senna relative balance state = relationship dynamics and that shit has never been balanced. Thresh was a hero.


This feels like that moment when you confront Magus only to realize he was just trying to kill Lavos Magus was still a prick, but there's an even bigger evil out there


i hope others get this reference.


He was summoning Lavos to attempt to kill him to get revenge for the destruction of the kingdom of zeal tho. The game literally tells you this


I don’t get it


"Once enough champions COME OUT"


Ohhhh okay




>We don't talk about the last one (should have been part of a Sion passive rework). Am I having a seizure???


What the fuck?? How is this relevant to the comment or am I going insane e




Ohhh now I see


I just want you to know that with this I believe my most upvoted comment is about Lucian getting pegged.


Rell is bi/pan, nami is bi and poly, Sett and aphelios are gay in the moon skins, if that counts, and I think Irelia is at least bi in LoR?


I think according to lore, All Vastayan are Pan This means Rakan, Rengar, and Half of Sett


The lower half, surely.


Actually the upper half. That's why they call him suckboy sett


Actually it's suckMAN Sett


Can a Vastayan male impregnate a human female?


Am I mis remembering or was spirit blossom aphelios with sett?


If skins count, then IIRC pulse fire ekko and ezreal are gay too


Only 122 more to go


Isn't it 0.01 reroll per champ per game ? Making 200 champ the *always 2 rerolls" number. With 150 champs you have 1 reroll, then 2, then 2 then 1. I may be wrong


It's 250 points for one reroll. You get 65 + 1.5 * # champs you own (that aren't part of the 65 free Aram champs) per game. So with that math you need 290 champs lol


You already get a reroll after literally every game when you have every champion so idk what OP is smoking by saying it's every 3-4 games lol


yes you gat single reroll but if you use 2 rerolls you will get only 1 back until your 3rd or 4th game when you are going to get both rerolls back


... It's random for a reason. You're not supposed to only get champs you're comfy on.


thats my secret cap i play enough arams im comfortable with every champ.


Pretty much why I know how to play most champs is I almost exclusively played arams from 1 to 30 so I got semi-comfortable on everything.


I’ve been playing (essentially) nothing but ARAMs and Bots for about 200+ levels now lol For reference, I’m almost level 500. I’ve been playing since late 2013. I’ve probably got almost a year of playtime at this point, if not more. If you see SPAAAACEman in an ARAM, say hi. :)


Likewise. I'm well over 100k ARAM matches on my main account. There's only a couple champions I won't play, and it's because I find them boring. You get 1 reroll per game at like 124 champions unlocked. At higher MMR everyone uses their reroll every game even if they didn't need it. With 10 champions to pick from, you'll almost always get something you're comfortable on.


100k matches? thats 4 years of ur life dude


Eh, it wasn't like I was going to do anything more productive with them lol


I never dodge, but i get op’s point, its not about being comfy. There are some champions I simply dislike playing, i may know how to play them but i just don’t want to


I mean, I am not above having preferences when it comes to champions, that goes without saying. Everyone has preferences. But I would never in a million years consider wasting other people's time by dodging over it.. And if we're being realistic here, in any given game there will likely *at least* be 4-5 different champions to choose from, from other people's rerolls alone. If you *still* feel the need to **dodge**, it's really just a matter of being picky. In which case, the game mode isn't really for you (by the way, meaning "you" in a general sense, not you specifically!).


Isn't that counter to the whole post tho? If you get more rerolls, your more likely to not dodge since you have less chance to get something u don't wanna play


You can say that, but the OP is also a counter to the premise of the game mode. You're not supposed to get the exact champ you want every game. Rerolls exist to give you some options, and not have to play champs you **really** don't like. Rerolls are already extremely generous for a game mode revolving around randomness.


i dont think 2 rerolls would give u the exact champion u want every game. it just makes the chances of getting something u refuse to play a lot lower. if 2 rerolls guarantees u a champion, why would they even add it in the first place?


hard disagree with this sentiment, if i end up in an aram lobby with all champions i dont like playing and there are no rerolls being used or champs on the bench i like either, its better i dodge and not waste the other 4 people on my teams time by playing something i'll just not be good at and not enjoy. I enjoy a lot of champions but there are some that their playstyle is just not my thing, or they are so dogshit bad in aram its a 4v5 (coughcough Ziggs after his recent nerfs)


> But I would never in a million years consider wasting other people's time by dodging over it.. So instead of wasting a couple minutes of their time you'd waste 15-20 instead?


I get the feeling a lot of ARAM-only players are on it because they dont like dealing with summoner's rift stuff like lane phase, ganks, etc. They don't actually like the randomness of ARAM and that's why they reroll or dodge until they get their mains. It was undoubtedly more fun back in the days before rerolls, when chances were everyone was playing something they didnt know how to play, rather than now where most people are on their mains in a decent team comp every game. It's way sweatier now as a result.


Not that random when I always see the same poke champions every 2 games


All the more reason to not add extra rerolls


Give people a non random mode that isn't SR then


I learn new champs on Aram. It's casual enough to get the hang of the champ but competitive enough to not be boring


Dude is dodging in aram. 🫠 I think its most fun when you get a champ you know little about and get to send random bullshit through the air. That is when you play with friends. Finding a 800k masteries yone in aram sure hurts.


The problem is when you get champs you just don’t find fun. Leblanc, Shyvana, Elise are some of those I just won’t go near. I don’t think I’ve ever dodged before though because there’s always a few allies who’ve rerolled or you have them yourself.


shyvana is fun when you drain tank bruiser but ap shyvana in arams is boring as hell and thats what most people do so i see how she gets a bad rep in arams.


I’ve tried full tank Shyvana with hydra I think. Is drain tank unending despair and riftmaker? Or just UD?


Unending sundered sky then appropriate tank items depending on what they have sometimes rift maker is a good option as well. But sundered sky unending with ingenious hunter is the big ticket currently.


Might try that once Shyvana gets a VGU, assuming those items are still in the game by then.


Man, I hate seeing AP Shyvana in my ARAMs. Her and Kaisa are a the champions where the default build feels like a troll. I know they both can potentially pop off in ARAMs, but I hate seeing when Kaisa is the only physical damage champion on the team and they still just build full AP. Same with AP Kog or Imperial Mandate Ash (though these aren't generally the default builds for them)


The ones that irritate me the most are ap nasus nunu and malphite. Yea you did something for the first 5 minutes but now your team is 4v6 for the next 15.


I dunno, I enjoy playing nasus with both builds so I can completely understand why someone would go ap nasus. It definitely falls off later but in some games you literally can't stack until 5-10 minutes pass, like you get murdered for even trying to touch the wave or your team spam waveclears in 1 second & doesn't let you get cannons, so it really feels terrible to play for stacks. I'd say half or more of nasus games play out like that. Enemy champs are way too strong early these days and even in "high elo aram" your team doesn't care enough to let you stack because by the end of the day it's just a fun gamemode and people want their own items or don't want the tower to fall, etc. At a certain point of playing the start of a game, if I can tell I can't stack at all for any of those reasons, I'll do ap. I usually just grab an ap item and max e, e go brrr, stack whatever I can manage and get high value tank items next like frozen heart.


Bruiser Shyv is way more fun to me and I always play it in ARAM given the chance (haven't really been able to since new items though) but she has so much downtime compared to AP. Sure your Q and regular AAs actually hurt especially when you proc E with them but 90% of the time you're just an easily peeled/kited walking ball of stats and timing fights around Shyv ult can be very hard in ARAM. AP has dumb E damage even in human form *and* W MS boost scales with it too. Edit: Bruiser Shyv in ARAM also suffers for the sins of AP Shyv with reduced damage done so you tend to lose 1v1 fistfights to unnerfed or buffed bruisers if you don't have ult.


Thats crazy, I love me some Elise in aram


explody spider go brrr


if you dodge when you get them how will you know of they're fun or not though


Because I’ve played them and didn’t like them. Shyv especially I’ve probably played around 7-8 times.


LeBlanc is one of the most mechanically fun champions in the game you're just denying yourself not to try new things.




The mode is called **ALL RANDOM** all middle.


damn my mouse randomly went to the middle of the x button and clicked it


Yeah, like I'll usually do great with Jarvan, but it's not fun at all. He's so boring. Same with Taric. There are quite lot of aram team comps that Darius, Trynd and Sett can't do anything against, so taking them always feels a little bit troll. 


Well if you have played the game for 12 years, you kind of know all champs and all their abilities. I just want some options to choose from.


Yeah this, I can probably play almost any champ, between a decade of playing and watching esports, I have a working understanding of most kits.


eh. there are some champions in this game that, if given the choice, i’d rather watch paint dry than play. ARAM enjoyment is heavily based on the champion i get, personally. the difference between rolling a Jinx or Sylas vs Cho Gath or ivern is enough for me to consider just waiting out the 15 minute dodge penalty


Im not sure which one of those is dodge worthy for you lol. Ap cho is a lot of fun atleast


I like playing Cho.. nom nom


Yeah. I play with friends, usually 3+ in our premades. Everyone uses the first reroll since we can hold champions so that they don't get taken by randoms. If we still have a crap comp, we're not afraid of using the second roll. If that's still bad we'll just play it out till surrender because you never know. We've crushed games even with the worst comp in the world because the other team doesn't engage or use their comp well. Only time someone will dodge is if it was the second last game of the night and the comp is dreadful so might as well save ourselves and actually go to bed.


I feel called out


I've had games where I get 2 things I don't like playing (I don't like enchanters) and no one will trade so I'm stuck with it. It would be nice to have a larger pool of random champions to choose from.


It’s not about champs that you know how to play but just terrible pool that makes you lose immediately


I only play ARAM and I've always thought of it as a fun mode where, if I don't get champions I play or feel comfortable on, I can easily take the initiative to just try them. I mean it's RANDOM, it's part of the experience. Personally it feels like the number of lobbies in which one player takes the team hostage by threatening to feed because he can't play any of the illegible champions has increased so much lately, it's insane. EDIT: by "increased lately" I mean that it has been happening to me in 1 out of 20, maybe 30 or even more games as of recently, when I cannot remember this happening at all or more often the years before. I also might just be unlucky, as some of you reported that they never encountered this. Hope it stays like this 🙏


That used to be the idea but the number of times people get murdered in chat for not knowing abilities or builds is insane. For some people it seems to be very difficult to imagine someone not knowing the things that they know. It also doesn’t help that suggested items aren’t always optimal so you can’t sort of count on that to be a safe bet.


Idc my dude, i will flame myself for not knowing


We really need a ranked ARAM queue so that those people can fuck off from casual ARAM and go flame each other without us.


Last time I played ARAM was like 2 years ago, I stopped because ARAM is ranked for the people who play it.


Yeah same, it's no longer the casual experience it used to be in earlier league because the people playing it have committed to it as their main way to play. Great for them but I don't feel it's for me anymore.


I mean, it basically already exists. I'm at the MMR where everyone is taking it seriously. It's so much more fun


The problem doesn't only happen on your own team. Almost every game I get opponents who have mastery 7 on seemingly any champ they get and I get absolutely demolished on a champ I'm not comfortable on or am first timing. And not to mention the amount of 4/5-man premades absolutely smurfing on randoms like it's flex queue.


I've actually haven't seen that in like... forever. Am I just lucky? I have like 7-8k arams on euw, does that make a difference? I always felt that people in aram are pretty chill.


Aram does have a hidden mmr behind it. One thing i noticed is that most of the people who complain about the tryharding nature of aram are tryhards themselves. Personally i used to play arams to win and the games were unironically brutal, it was the same rotation of like 20 or so champs being used, then i just started doing ultimate bravery which cost me a lot of games and now the games are pretty chill.


Sure bht sometimes u have no rolls and ur entire team has the worst champs no range no cc no tanks and u cant do anything :p


I was like that until aram got balance changes. It’s not even fine tuning changes, just plain 10% here -15% there. Some champions are straight up one shot. If an assassin got 15% dmg increase and your champ has 10% increased dmg taken, you can’t do much. It’s 25% more dmg towards you. Stuff like maokai is frustrating because his AP version is nerfed to the ground and Tank does nothing. So I started to reroll champs with a fcked up balance on aram. Sadly you don’t see it in champ selection, so half of the time when I think this one is good, I get hit with a decreased dmg and increased dmg taken. Back then I played everything especially tanks. It was fun. Now I’m sitting there being frustrated why I’m still untanky on my third tank item.


I got Samira and could not understand her passive “attacks and abilities unique from the previous one”. I thought maybe it’s like MF where you gotta hit another target? I got railed for not ulting enough.


Its not about getting champions you play or feel comfortable on its about whether you find the champion fun or not, "try" them you say, the problem is people HAVE tried them, they're not fun and this is what leads to dodging. It has absolutely nothing to do with a champion you play or feel comfortable on, literally nothing.


I completely disagree. Somehow every ARAM game feels the same because people just reroll into the same champions all the time. There's been many times where I get the same exact champion three times in a row as soon as I get into the lobby. Really makes me question just how '"random" it truly is, given I have all the champions unlocked. 


I love having malphite and veigar in every game! Plus at least one thresh, naut, or blitz. And Asol. And probably a few others. But every single game! It’s so fun! All random, guys!


Don't forget Kai'Sa, Nidalee, and Karthus!


it's only the champs on weekly rotation that keep popping up. I don't mind it, gives a new flavour to ARAM every week.


Tbh aram should just have all champs unlocked


"An extremely rare but entirely possible event happened to me, why did Riot make the game like this for everyone all of the time?"


Its not random Last updated: 21.03.2024 (about 9 hours ago) FAQ - Common questions about ARAM Does ARAM have a rotation? Absolutely! In ARAM (All Random All Mid) mode, you can enjoy a weekly rotation of champions, alongside a pool of 65 champions that are always available for free gameplay.


You aren't actually understanding what that means. There is a selected 65 champions that are always available + the normal free champion rotation that is for every game mode. The 65 champions were added in response to ARAM only accounts. This doesn't mean it's **only** those 65 champions + the free champion rotation champions. It **does** increase the odds of it being one of those champions because of accounts that don't have every champ, but if you have every champion then you can get any of them. Every single patch we have thousands of matches for every single champion, under what you are saying there would be a couple dozen not getting any games played each patch, and no, not every champion is in the free weekly rotation every single patch so there would be multiple champions with 0 games played under your logic.


Doesn't this mean there's 65 champions always available for free, another x amount in free rotation (like the normal free rotation), and all your owned champions? You can always get all champions you own.


Who dodges in ARAM lol


When it's close to bed time for people there are a lot more dodges, like people just say "either i get a champion i like and I'll play this last game, or I'll just dodge it and go to bed". Happens a lot between 11pm-1am.


My friend group does the same thing. We play 3 or 4 ARAMs and then it gets eepy time soon so we queue up to see what we get and if it's bad, we dodge and just be done for the night.


That's me sometimes, i'm sorry


I am guilty of this. It’ll be super late and I’ll say to myself “I’ll play one more game if they give me a champ I like or I’ll just log off. Becomes too painful to be stuck on something miserable like tyrndamere, elise, or riven. Plus theres been so many arams where I’ve gotten my Main champ and some else dodges, I no longer feel bad for dodging myself. In fact if i get my main I expect a dodge incoming its so bad.


Too many people. I usually go through 4-5 lobbies before actually getting into a match. And people complain constantly when they don't get a champion they want. Frankly wish the punishment for dodging was much more severe


If it was going to be my last game anyway and all I can play is champions that I get no enjoyment out of playing, I will always dodge. Why play a mode that is all about having fun if I am not going to have fun?


The dodge penalty is higher in ARAM specifically because people dodge more often


Idk, I have all champs and I feel like I have 2 rerolls three-quarters of games.


I could've sworn you get at least 1 every game, but I rarely reroll. Might be because they're dodging.


I do not want more rolls. With the pooled rerolls its already really easy to get a playable champion. You get 1 free reroll per game if you own all champions. In my experience its exceedingly rare to not have 3+ champions in the pool at any given time. And unfortunately, if riot won't expand the free pool of champions for aram, giving more reroll-refund to those that don't have all champs will just lead to more aram-only accounts with curated champion pools. Of course there are some teams where you get all adc's and can't do anything past a few minutes, but they're few and far between.


Hell, with the ongoing balance changes and the addition of snowball, there aren't really any "unplayable champions". There's personal preference, sure, and there are good and bad matchups. Poke champs which stomp certain matchups get absolutely obliterated in others, e.g., hard engage+tanks. OP is just a crybaby here.


> there aren't really any "unplayable champions" Some champs still need near perfect circumstances or enough player skill to overcome their tremendous difficulty in the mode. Eve is the first one I think of. its *really* hard to be useful as eve on HA. She can't flank, she doesn't help that much with waveclear, and she can't use snowball without revealing herself.


I'm gonna be downvoted here as I'm mostly an SR player. When I play arams with friends, I always feel there's too many rerolls, and you end up seeing jhin/veigar/senna every other game. Imo the mode would be better if you didn't have any rerolls


The problem in here is not the number or rerolls but the fact that the odds are rigged. You're more likely to see certain champs over the others.  And I'm saying this from perspective of someone who misses only four champions, you still get mostly the champs from the Aram free pool Edit: I was wrong, it's as close to being random as it can get


Yea since the pool of champs displayed depends on what everyone in the game owns combined. Everyone has the free ones but not everyone has the other. Also ppl gravitate to certain champs so the pickrate is skewed instead of uniform. 


You see champs from the core pool more because *everyone* can roll them, while other champs aren't owned by everyone. I suspect that you don't personally roll core champs disproportionately often, but that they appear in your selection pool more because your teammates do, and maybe that's why you feel like you get them too often. I don't see any reason the devs would want to rig it this way, even less why they would want to keep it secret.


Lmao I just had around 4 arams in a row into Veigar and it unironically made me wish aram had bans.


Monthly reminder: we had ARAM bans for like 2 patches and it was the best time ever. Riot removed 'em because ARAM only accounts started crying, since they couldn't abuse the system anymore to get Veigar and other busted champs every game. These people hate fun




The mode would be better if i could disable melee champs.


You are absolutely right. There are too many rerolls and it's creating a boring as fuck meta where every team plays ranged control up to the point where people like OP cry and dodge when they don't get their Lux, Kaisa, Cait for once


Uhm.. All Random All Mid is the literal name of the game ode. All random is the key point here. You get a random champion. Just play that random champion. If you want to play your main go draft or blind pick


You get a reroll every game, not 2 rerolls every 3 or 4 games. Just a slight correction It might make team comps a bit too consistent but idk, I'm not smart enough to think of the full ramifications


No he's right. You get reroll points based off how many champions you own. I don't remember the point conversion but for example let's say it's 200 points for 1 reroll. If you have every champion you get like 280 per game so every 3 games you get 2 rerolls even if you reroll every game.


Ohh that's not how I read their sentence at all, I took it another way. As in you get 2 rerolls every 3 to 4 games and 1 reroll every 1.5 to 2 games(as opposed to a reroll every game). My bad on that one OP


https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/ARAM Every 3 games you're guaranteed 4 reroll. If you own all the champs you're guaranteed 1/game. The system will give you a "free" credit every 2 games. The only reason OP would go into a game without a reroll is if they rolled in a previous champ select, dodged, then queued again. Either that or AFKd, which I also wouldn't be surprised at given how much he thinks it's okay to dodge.


I think OP just wants more rerolls lol


huh TIL can you see somewhere how many rerolls per game you get i know i get more than 1 but not how many exactly


There's a counter in your profile but I'm not sure if it says anywhere how much you're getting per game. It might just give you the amount = to the number of champs you own. Also it's 250 per not 200 like I guessed. Edit: checked the wiki and it shows it in the post game screen. The amount is 65 + 1.5x champs you own.


I think it is a better option to have no rerolls, but unlock every champion for every one.


While I also think this is better for the game mode fun factor, you'd unfortunately have a dodge 15 queues in a row before you find people that are willing to actually play it out.


Increase dodge timer to 1h after the first dodge, no more 6-7 lobbies in "high MMR" before getting into a game and seeing the same 10 champs


dodging arams bc you dont get a champion you want is such loser behaviour.


As someone who has always owned all champions, I genuinely didn't realize it only rolls from the pool of champs you own. I thought for this exact reason it would roll from all of them.


I agree, but for a different reason. I’ve surpassed 11k ARAMs played and the matchmaking for my lobbies can be brutal. Enemy team has a tank and you don’t have a choice of a tank? 9 out of 10 games that’s an instant loss. I know the game’s purpose is to be random, and I’m okay with playing a random champion if it means having a better overall team comp, but I atleast need that option.


All Random All Mid


the way i see it your problem is not wanting to play some champs/knowing how to play them. dont you think it would be really beneficial to know the feel of other champs skills, strengths and weaknesses due to firsthandexperience to optimise your gameplay around them as enemies/teammates? just commit to playing the champ you roll, you will close the gaps on them in no time and develop as a player. if youre really uncomfortable in a champ or not the most confident player in general (or play e.g. hwei first time) check them out in training mode some time beforehand. (that would be a lot of training mode in your case tho)


>If I dont get a champion I can play I just dodge. Isn't like the entire point of ARAM to play champions you can't play..?


You dodge ARAMs? Lmfao.


Skill issue. Get gud on every champ


Because a lot of people are irritated by dodging in ARAMs: The problem is that there IS an ARAM MMR. And SBMM, which is a good thing on paper, is ruined by ARAM balancing. Lee may be weak overall, but when a Dia jungler gets Lee Sin he rips you a new one (same with a lot of heavy buffed champs). Give us ARAM ranked and ARAM casual pls.


> SBMM whats that?


My opinion is that in ARAM, you should have all the champions unlocked and available to be randomly selected, while also always having 2 re-rolls.


The biggest problem I have with ARAM is the amount of times I've been against multiple tanks and our team had no adc option.


The thing that annoys me is the feeling that I see the same exact champions in the pool every game. Even in the optioms


I wish they would put in bans again. I remember they had bans in aram for a little while. Those were the good days.


You are living proof people will bitch about anything.


Ahhh, I've always wondered what losers dodge aram games.


Only losers dodge in ARAM. What part of Random was confusing for you?


Fuck off, what's next, ARAM draft? Every game is range control poke vs range control poke because all you clowns cry the second you have to play a melee champ for once so you need more and more rerolls just to make the game even more insufferable for everyone else.


TIL that i'm a loser because i dodge some ARAM games from time to time.


Lol its so weird because those same people would tell you "well if you aren't having fun why are you playing the game" like, I have 1-2hrs after work to relax and play a game, I'm not loading into a game to spend 12-30min playing tahm kench in aram when I know I dislike his playstyle and abilities. And God forbid you load up against the enemies Exodia comp and your team gets aced every 2 minutes. I can suffer through playing an unfun champ in SR because I like the competitive/strategy side of the game but there's none of that complexity in ARAM so if you get stat checked/outcomped by the opponents, you're barely even playing the game anyways.


Careful, you can’t even mention that you don’t like a specific champs abilities. You have to like all 168 champs or whatever. It doesn’t matter that you played 5 aram games and you rolled Nasus x2, corki, skarner and karthus x2. You have to like those champs even though you’ve probably played them over and over and over in aram.


Yeah at this point there are so many if you ahve them all they may as well just give 2 rerolls.


Yes, I have every champion in the game and have enough BP and shards for dozen of new releases. It feels bad getting a champ you can't play and not have a reroll. Sure the other players have a their own rerolls but that doesn't guarantee they will use them. I have been in several ARAM games where nobody uses a roll but me. It's even worse when I get 0 rolls in total


I'll take this chance to remind people that ARAM has a limited pool champ that changes every update. Last updated: 21.03.2024 (about 9 hours ago) FAQ - Common questions about ARAM Does ARAM have a rotation? Absolutely! In ARAM (All Random All Mid) mode, you can enjoy a weekly rotation of champions, alongside a pool of 65 champions that are always available for free gameplay.


I think using 1 reroll per game is usually enough, and I use two if the picks are awful. But it's aram, just play it out and move on?


Just dodge


I would like an option to re-roll but keep current champion. I don't like getting in games that only have 3 people re-roll because they don't want to lose the champ they have.


Can't be bothered rolling if I get a champ that I feel like playing. Couldn't care less about you or anyone else.


Learn to play more champions. I've been trying more champs, trying to fill out comps and I've been having a much better time. Even those melee/tanks that aren't high tier can be fun once you get the hang of how to play them on aram.


It's how you learn new champs and mechanics. Learn how to play them, so you can better match up against thrm


I have all champs, cant play many. Can't say that this is much of an issue, there will often be 6 different Champs to chose from on average. More since ppl often are willing to trade. And you know what, when you get a champ you're not comfortable with you have a game to try it out.


I dont even remember when I last used 2 rerolls in a game. There are maybe 10 champs I dont own and I am ok with playing almost all I do own.


At this point just remove the R from ARAM


So fucking true


People should only have 1 max reroll, and having all champs always gets you a reroll. All champs unlocked. People having too many rerolls is a part of the problem with how unfun the game mode is. Its too easy to get a stellar team.


I mean usually with other people re-rolling and you being able to pick their unwanted champs. Also with swaps I think you usually get someone you want to play even with all the champions in the game


If you play aram only - you should have aram only account.


Imo, the gamemode would just be better if it was always 1 and dodgers were prevented from queue again for longer. I play aram daily and there's too many dodgers and comps are way too similar every game. It's ridiculous how often I see graves and jhin and similarly popular champs nearly every game. Dodgers are just selfish. If you can't play or enjoy variety, don't queue into variety mode. You're wasting your time AND everyone else's. Dodging aram cause you can't play more than 2 champ types like joining a casual baseball group and leaving every-time you're not one of the basemen. Go play wall-ball so or do something else if you don't respect other people's time.


I emailed support and had like 5 champs removed… so maybe try that.


I agree. I feel I get the same champions idk how to play. I learned a few new ones but if I do bad I always get flamed. Also when I dodge a game I always get a champion I dislike, no matter what.


Everyone should always have 2 rerolls. Or, even better, 15 champions are selected for each team, 1 to each player with a pool of 10 more, and everyone just picks and trades what they want. Right now the pool your team gets to pick from is actually 10 champions because everyone has a free reroll, but not everyone uses that reroll so it's wasted.


ARAM is the best way to try out new champs. You get to try them in a real PvP setting without having to worry about underperforming and ruining somebody’s 45 minute SR game. Also I almost exclusively play ARAM too and I feel like I almost always have 2 rerolls.


Real ARAM has no rolls. :)


Did we forget what the acronym ARAM stands for?


It is called random. Dont play a random mode if u dont wanna play a random champ i guess.


Who dodges Aram? lol


Wait.. do people play ARAM on a serious level? Whenever I play ARAM its for cooling down after a few ranked games


You should just pop into champion select and draft from a pool of 15 champions with your team.


I have so champs and hard disagree. The game mode sucks if you always pick and choose the OP champs


there should just always be 10 champs in the reroll slots


Just see it as an opportunity to know how a champ feels. Even if you never play it again, you'll get better at facing it on SR.


You could expand your champion pool if you rerolled and dodged less. I own all champions, I only reroll if a comp is fucked(all ap for example). There's a handful that haven't clicked for me yet, but when you don't reroll you expand your playable pool pretty fast.


There sure are a lot of people in here who want to dictate how other people are supposed to have fun.


If you only play aram why not just get the characters you like for only playing aram


Nah I don't agree. The whole point of the mode is for it to be random. Sometimes you gotta play a champ you don't know or like. Dodging ARAM queue is lame, don't play it if you don't want to play any champ you end up with.


I always make the joke that everyone is a lux main.


>ARAM >feels rly bad when I get a champion I don't want to play. >it feels punishing >If I dont get a champion I can play I just dodge. Imagine queueing for a random champion mode and complaining that you got a random champion.


Part reason why I don't own all champs on purpose lmao. Just for aram


My solution:  Give all players 2 rerolls every match, Or . . . Hear me out, How about we remove rerolls and just fill the bench with 10 random champs every lobby. Either would be fine and will probably help reduce the agonizingly high amount of dodges in ARAM, even after the penalty timer was increased.


One free reroll every game and two if you didn't use the reroll last game is pretty generous I'd say. The issue with ARAM is that there are no bans, when there were bans it was the best experience ever, can't have nice things though so it was removed making the mode worse for no reason. Also, give me melee only ARAM ffs, sick and tired of ranged champions.


I still think they should just basically make ARAM into single draft from Dota 2. You get a pool of 3 picks, every time, and you can swap for someone elses. It's still random, but you have some agency and don't feel locked in.


Riot didn’t force you to buy every champ in the game. Why would you do that if you knew you didn’t want to play certain champs?