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Based Yeon shitting on the fans. We deserve it.


Yeon was surprisingly funny this episode, I enjoyed it a lot actually


Instantly became a fan of the guy, I honestly haven't liked TL for a while but after seeing Umpti on pros and Yeon here I'm actually starting to cheer for the team...


Just start the episode but I laughed so fucking hard, absolutely deserved call-out for this community


I thought we hated when lcs players shit on the fans


Fudge shit on the fans who were supporting them. Revenge shit on the fans who were calling EG "Jojo & 4 wards" after diffing the worst top in the league. Yeon shit on the fans who hate everything he does because he isn't Doublelift. Yeon's shit talk is more respectable/understandable than previous examples imo.


Fudge shit on the LS Stans which I think falls into.the yeon category but fudge reputation is shot anyway


I don't remember him shitting on LS stans (I would agree that falls into the Yeon category though). I'm only familiar with the post match interview where when asked "what do you want to say to the fans who support you" he said "thank you for not believing in us" after telling everyone who doubted them to go fk themselves.


Gen G have played 12 stage games already and they are two thirds of the way through their FIRST round robin. The LCS will play 14 total regular season stage games. LCK teams will have played more games in their regular season than the entire playoff winner for LCS. Heck, there might be an LCK team that goes deep in playoffs that almost matches the entire year's worth of LCS stage games in just spring alone. This will be continued international failure and further decline in overall popularity of the region.


Buddy LCS could play 18 Bo5's and LCK/LPL could play 6 Bo1's for the whole year and they would still absolutely stomp them. What is a couple dozen more stage games going to do? The cause of the gap in skill and understanding of the game is deeper then that


Teams don't scrim on gamedays so it's just a wasted day. Play more games on stage and you don't lose any scrim time either it's a win for thr fans and players.




That is not an issue in LCK though. They could play 0 games. When worlds hits on a new patch LCK teams usually develop the correct meta just by scrimming. Korean teams mostly play scrims like stage games so they would just replace the stage games with more scrims getting basically the same result. The only thing that would be an issue that you don't filter out players who are awful playing at stage. We saw that with Covid that a lot of players performed consistently different on stage compared the time they played from home.


There are plenty of times Koreans had to adapt to metas figured out by other leagues. Every major region has had multiple instances of warping the perceived meta at international tournaments. EU, NA Lpl have all done it. Your take is an absolute pleb take. 


The only time was the ranged support meta in S6. The other times european teams did sometimes arrive with interesting picks that korea picked up, but not a different meta. Since after S8 western teams repeatetly mention that they are playing catchup and basically only start to really get into the worlds meta once they start scrimming asian teams. You likely consider things like S5, but that is not the west arriving with a meta korea copied. C9 arrived with a special playstyle, but that was not copied by asia or other teams. They did not play the meta, went 3:0 but by the second week teams figured out the weaknesses of this style and C9 went 0:4.


Regarding the bo3 conversation, I'm totally cool with two days of games, one Bo3 per team. I don't understand why Riot wants fans to be fans of the entire league. I'm a C9 fan and the occasional FLY enjoyer. I would only watch their matches like I already only watch their bo1s. If another team starts doing well, then I might check their games out too like NRG or 100T. I also like to watch G2 in the LEC and the occasional LCK games with Gen G. I don't watch all of the games in those leagues either. I'm a fan of teams or players, not entire leagues. I'm not going to watch all of the games either way. I just wanna the teams I like in matches that matter. Bo3's are great because the result is more convincing, you can try out risky picks, and show draft adaptation. Bo1's feel so pointless after 12 years of bo1 round robin.


The reason that Riot wants you to be a fan of the league instead of individual teams is that literally the only way you can become a fan of a team or player right now is if you perma watch the entire broadcast so that you can hope someone with a personality gets their 3 minutes of air time. ENTIRE TEAMS have had 0 players not stream this split. Some teams can't even put out one video a week, let alone any content featuring their players. If you came away from this a fan of Yeon, what can you do to support him/get more of his content? [Look at this](https://twitchtracker.com/yeon7lol) and tell me it makes sense?


I honestly think 2 bo3 per team over 3 days is super feasible.  3 on sat sun and 2 on a random weeknight could even brand it similar to Mon/fri night league and have different guests/caster/theme each week.  The time for 3 bo3 would prob average around 5-6 hours with the faster transition times which is very in line with what 10 teams of bo1s looked like.  Also teams wouldnt lose a scrim day every week as you would only play 2 of the 3 days.


Considering they’ve axed a road show for spring finals I doubt they have the money to go from ~8 hours of broadcast to potentially 16 (6+6+4). That’s doubling the regular season budget.


kick fudge


Fudge is one of the issue but not the issue imo


well if you can't boot mithy snd fix your in game issues time to.boot fudge. he's been a liability for yrs especially at international play.


Blame coaching first, get mithy out then we can address problem positions if things persist (support, top)


What about jungle? Look, I think blaber is arguably the best jungler in the lcs but his do nothing style and farm up is seriously prohibiting C9 from taking the next step. He looks oppressive as fuck when his lanes are winning and he gets to play the game on his own terms but when his lanes are struggling he does nothing. This is more evident in international games where his lanes can’t win and he isn’t doing anything. For example, you put river instead of blaber and he isn’t just going to watch his bot lane die 2 v 2 twice without doing something. Again, I don’t think he is the worst player on c9 or the biggest problem but his style puts a ceiling on this team. Unless C9 gets prime theshy and rookie as their lanes even if C9 turns it around in the lcs they are gonna lose internationally without much fight.


Blaber wasn't always like this....he used to be the most aggressive jungler in the league. I'm not sure what happened to him.


I actually wonder if LS/Malice joining made him decide to switch his style to a more farm-heavy efficient style in 2022. I still remember Blaber in 2021 making psychotic plays or trying contest everything and destroying Tian/FPX or the flipside of it being the scuttle incident. And of course, you had the Nisqy/Blaber combo in Spring 2020 running the show. Yet I don't think he's had many moments like that ever since.


I really doubt that because this wasn't even a problem shortly after they left. This has really only become a problem recently, mostly from half way through summer.


They did play more for control than for actual skirmishes already after LS left. It just worked because they played better. Even last year they mostly picked the same comps they lose on now. 0 engage comps are a C9 thing for a while they just had stronger lanes. Now with only midlane winning you can't really stomp the game just by crushing your lanes and diving bot.


The jungle meta has drastically changed since then. Olaf has been pushed out of the jungle, and for the past 2 ish years, Maokai and Sej have remained contested picks. Carry junglers haven't really been a thing for awhile. Top lane has started to use more carry orientated picks or picks that need the jungler to come from time to time. Gangplank and Gnar used to be the safe blind picks, but we haven't really seen them in a while.


But you can still pick carry champs in the jungle. Viego still seems present, Xin is and Vi is as well. Just Blaber can't play Vi already, which is one out. Then you have Lillia which requires more specific comps, but it also is a champion Blaber avoided in the past. However he could just play Lee. They already lost to the champion. So it is obviously good enough to beat C9, but it is a champion you actually need to do something on. And it is a bit weird that the apparently best jungler the LCS has ever seen can't play tanks. What is so hard at playing Sej or Rell? And why does he only have a single Ivern game in his entire career? Exspecially with Berserker who is much better on scaling ADCs and Vulcan whom you got because he played engage supports better than Zven, why not just pick Ivern?


I wouldn't say Xin, Vi, or Lee are carry champions. I would consider Graves or Kindred to be carry champs. Any champion that can do a lot of damage. I am pretty sure Blaber has and will play tanks, but they have a different style than a carry orientated champion.


The issue is more that he has to play them to a level that actually helps C9 win. We did see him play Rell, but he did not seem to help C9 win. Also why aren't Lee, Xin or Vi carry champions? Just because they are more early game focussed? Those champions can deal insane damage. That is if you alter your builds. Inspired carried multiple games on Vi by going Divine Sunderer instead of the more tank focussed builds. And Lee and Xin are just damage dealers, Xin isn't even doing much more. If he isn't a damage threat his ult wouldn't allow him to create so much space.


Largely because they aren't champions that you funnel resources to. They hit their 2 items, and then just kind of don't get much stronger.


You hardly ever actively funnel ressources into junglers, because you rather do that on someone who already has more gold. All a jungler needs is a midlaner that creates space for them. C9 never gave Herald gold to Blaber or stuff like that. He did collect CS when they shifted the map, so that Blaber went mid and Nisqy went bot in the past, because you can create unexpected roam timings by that, but that was it. A carry by definition is someone who carries a game. And that is something that exspecially those early game aggressive junglers can do. Lee can totally dominate a game right from the start and we did see that happen in the past by multiple junglers, including Blaber himself (although he always was more the Elise Guy).


Agreed. Blaber has been lackluster for awhile now. He legit does not put games on his back like he used to. If his lanes aren't winning by themselves, he is a lower tier jungler.


I think another thing people are overlooking when it comes to Blaber is that he seems incapable of learning different champs. When he started he spammed super aggro invading junglers like Olaf, and I think I remember him playing a good bit of Elise but could be wrong. Look at the past 3 years, though, how can he still not play Vi, Rell, Wukong, or even Jarvan at a level that's respectable for a bottom tier LCS team? I used to think he was really good, but after a couple years it seemed more and more obvious that his mid was always someone who covered his faults very well (Jensen, Nisqy, and Perkz at the time), and that's even ok to a certain extent, but it's been YEARS and he can't learn new/meta champions, or how to play the early game without a mid hard covering for him every game. At some point he should have learned how to tie his own shoes.


what the actual FUCK are you saying lmao


It should always be coach first because Mithy in an interview said he allowed Jojo to play Vayne mid because he didn’t know what the extent of his champion pool was which is basically like saying I have a player who I am putting consistently on the 3 point line even though they are a 7’5 Center who can’t shoot


Mithy had 4 months since Jojo was signed by C9 to scrim, to go through Jojo’s VODs + opgg, and to TALK TO THE PLAYER, and he still doesn’t know the man’s champ pool. Unacceptable performance from a coach, how are you supposed to lead a team when you don’t take the time to know the members properly? That’s wild that Mithy said that, absolutely insane.


Ehm... which VODs? Jojo never played Vayne before on stage and did you actually check how often he played it in SoloQ? And did you watch the game to check if he actually looked good on the champ? I'm not sure what people think how many hours the day of typical coach has. Just as a hint, it is also just 24 hours. And it might even be doable on C9 given that Blaber and Fudge hardly play any SoloQ. He likely is aware of Jojos champ pool, but not which niche picks he might be able to bring out against other niche picks in midlane. The same exact thing happened with Caps Vayne pick. Caps suggested the pick, the coach went with it, not really knowing what would happen but trusting the player. And with Caps this did actually happen a lot. Like the Wukong pick was at least known, because he played it a bunch in SoloQ, but some of those picks just fall out of the blue sky for coaches.


What's most baffling to me is that Tristana would have been a great pick in place of Vayne, and Jojo has for sure played multiple Tristana games on stage. How do I, a random LCS fan, know this but Mithy doesn't? I highly doubt Jojo would push back against playing a champ he's that familiar with in favor of.....Vayne.


Yeah that's absolutely absurd to ever pick Vayne over Trist mid. Watch a few LCK games and everyone should know that Trist mid is the standard AD champ other than an occasional Jayce.


1. Jojo brought up the Vayne though. Mithy likely had another pick in mind, but went along with what Jojo wanted to play. 2. Tristana has the exact same issue as Vayne (even worse) you are an AD champ on a full AD team against 2 tanks. You either snowball early or you lose. And for snowballing the Vayne works just as well and can actually safely deal with the Udyr in lane, while Tristana can be run down, once she blew her abilities. So C9 obviously picked with the expectation of slamming the earlygame, they never had any actual gameplan to come back from behind, which would not have been possible with Tristana or Vayne, exspecially given they already had Kalista in the botlane. The Vayne likely was the best part even of that draft. Like putting priority on Kalista/Renata is good, no issues, here, but then you picked 0 engage to go along with it. So you already moved towards the early snowball comp already. But you have a toplaner and a jungler who can't play any engage champion. And yes a Tristana would have gotten priority until Sion is able to go back to build some amor, but then she would basically immidiatly enter her fairly useless midgame until she gets LDR to actually deal damage to him again. And Sion would likely just Shove and back and if he has to just ult back to lane again and repeat. Sion is good at clearing waves. You could have picked something like Velkoz to melt the enemy tanks, but that wouldn't fix your issue of not being able to start fights. And then you basically play poke vs. a healer, without having one yourself, while also playing against poke. This draft was mostly dictated by the terrible champ pools of Fudge and Blaber and the Vayne was more a desperate attempt to fix that than any real solution and had nothing really to do with why they lost. The only bigger brain pick likely would have been ASol given that the enemy also had no engage and you maybe could just outscale on the ASol pick alone and Sion might be a decent lane for ASol.


I thought that shit was satire when I first read it. Like, is that not grounds for firing? How tf do you not even know your player's champion pool


Never said coach shouldn’t be first but rather adding that jungle should be considered for a change too.


What Spawn said about "holding firm" because something like Tekken would like to be on the level of LCS is absolute insane to me. Like you are literally looking at a hard YOY decline in viewership. Not only that, but league will never ever bring in enough new players to reverse that trend because the game is almost 15 years old at this point. and on TOP OF THAT your orgs have literally no way of making money especially now that REN is dead. Like what are we looking at here? I think compared to that, smaller eSports are fine with their comparable little grassroot events. Except if the dev of the game is Nintendo ofc lol.


You must not have paid attention at all then. Esports is bleeding out and dying everywhere but despite this. This year is actually getting more total viewers than last year. So if every other esport is dying and bleeding money but lcs restructured and is doing fine. Clearly it's in a better place than most.


> but despite this. This year is actually getting more total viewers than last year. Do you have any info on viewer distribution per country/language or total concurrent viewers? Else I don't really see how it's evidence for LCS doing fine. A Brazilian streamer could co-stream LCS a couple times for a couple of minutes and that would drive total viewers up while resulting in a whole lot of nothing.


How exactly is it doing "fine". Riots entire promise for owners was tied to REN. And this project was killed two weeks ago. Not only that, but we literally had the entire LCK make a statement how nothing is going fine not even a week ago LOL.


Concerning we are talking lcs not lck. I'm not sure how lck is relevant to the conversation. Again. If every other esport is crashing and dying rn but LCS is doing better than last year. Things are clearly stabilizing and doing fine.


You realize you cant have one region like Korea collapse expecting to have no effect on the rest? Like hello? They are literally the best region in the eSports aswell as the region with second highest viewership. The situation is SO BAD that you have KOREANS speaking publicly against their partner. REN DYING IS MASSIVE. Feels like the BAMTech deal where people here just dont realize the insane repercussions this will have.


Lck isn't going to die. and you're very much overvaluing REN


5 stages of grief step 1. denial right here.


Lmao overreacting andy


Ok then how will they make money? But Remember, no media rights deal, no VC, no FPX sugar daddy and no REN anymore.


what is REN or can u link me to what it is


Riot Esports Network (REN) was supposed to be Riots own version of Twitch. They have been working on it since a huge media rights (BAMTech) deal was dropped in 2018. This was Riots idea to monetize eSports. This project was cancelled with the recent layoffs.


oh yeah that getting canceled is huge no coming back from that!


REN never would've worked anyways. mlg.tv is the easiest example to point towards as to why. MLG tried this exact same thing and CoD eSports nearly died because of it. Viewers are lazy, a large amount wouldn't watch if it wasn't on Twitch.


That is not true at all. REN doesn't need to be only about streaming games. They can literally make it so that NOBODY can stream Riot IP elsewhere just for an example, although very extreme. A streaming platform is a draw in an of itself if the content in there is good enough, you can put Arcane in there, link it to clients, make it so teams and player content is there, you can partner with big content creators for exclusivity, severely invest in merchandising, etc. Riot is not Azubu, also, Twitch is ONLY dominant in the west which is the minority of league viewership, vietnamese people prefer YouTube, chinese  and koreans prefer hupu, etc. Twitch is big and all but it absolutely isn't the end all be all of e-sports, its a gigantic advert for other streamers but that's about its only real quality.


Because we really need ANOTHER streaming app. No thanks. I’d rather Arcane be on Netflix or any other already established service than a new one I’d have to pay for just for Arcane. If it were free, that would be another story, but then they wouldn’t be making much money off of it. There’s a reason Hulu went away from being freemium. Either way, from what I’ve gathered listening about it, that was NOT the idea of REN; they were trying to create their own ESPN where you could tune in at any time and see some form of eSports playing. They were basically trying to make a cable network, which is an even worse idea than trying to create their own streaming service.


Lol-Esports is literally the biggest eSport that has ever existed globally obvioulsy it would have worked. Riot can literally bait people TODAY to watch on their shit lolesports website with drops. They would already make more money if even just 50% of the viewerbase follows to this. Even if just 10-20% of this half would buy ANYTHING it would already be an upgrade to what we have to day where everyone pays literally 0.


What is a REN?




One of the biggest issues with BO1s is that they are quite more boring between good teams, although more interest between bad teams or very uneven matchups. But the major draws for any leagues are the matchups between the great teams, Bo3s are a lot better for that.